Race matters: BLM, KKK, TPM, Alt Right Bolsheviks, etc.

Jake-in-the-box was unhinged before, but this is a whole new level. I think we broke him.
Facing the truth hurts, you snowflakes. :lol:

There can be no constructive dialogue on race that begins with name-calling. We're a long way from even being able to talk about it, still. Those who engage only to taunt and disrupt need to be marginalized first..
That's Foxfyre nonsense, that accurate names are somehow ad hom attacks.

A 'Bannonite' is not name calling: it's accurate definition.

'Racism' and 'Racist' are not name calling: they are accurate definitions.

The far right and alt right racists in every way on every day with every say have earned being shamed.

That will never stop.
White racial apologist are the worst racist on earth. They manufacture racisim to belittle themselves. As always liberals would be funny if it weren't so sad to see them look in the mirror, and see themselves as racist, but because their ego and indoctrination gives them a false visage they see greatness where there is only mediocrity. white liberals, and their PET black activist are the most divisive, racist people anywhere on this earth They live in an eggshell of self adoration, and closed minded vanity..
^^^ The classic rant of a fascist defender of white racism.

The far right and alt right racists in every way on every day with every say have earned being shamed. That will never stop.
Illustrating my point perfectly.

The ultimate conversation, if it ever takes place, will require humility, sincerity, mutual respect, and most importantly, open hearts and minds.

There is none of that here.
The far right and alt right racists in every way on every day with every say have earned being shamed. That will never stop.
Illustrating my point perfectly. The ultimate conversation, if it ever takes place, will require humility, sincerity, mutual respect, and most importantly, open hearts and minds. There is none of that here.
You have no valid point, Mac.

The ultimate conversation begins like, "My name is S. J., and I am a racist."

This is never going to stop, Alt Righters.
Last edited:
With Trump's election, we have the opportunity to continue our dialogue on Race in America.

Share your thoughts.



Explain why BLM demanded apologies from anyone who said "all lives matter". You're just another regressive hack fakey, admit it.
Your statement is not fact, OKTexas. The sign above clearly explains you are merely crying.

You're such a liar and pathetic little man, run along snowflake.
You alt right conservatives just can't get over that everyone knows just what you are: losers.


Keep up the good work fakey, the world needs more laughs.
The far right and alt right racists in every way on every day with every say have earned being shamed. That will never stop.
Illustrating my point perfectly. The ultimate conversation, if it ever takes place, will require humility, sincerity, mutual respect, and most importantly, open hearts and minds. There is none of that here.
You have no valid point, Mac.

The ultimate conversation begins like, "My name is S. J., and I a racist."

This is never going to stop, Alt Righters.
Yes, that would be the perspective from the hardcore Left, and - just as with the hardcore Right - that attitude won't any value in the ultimate discussion.

Not at all I met hundreds of stupid officers and enlisted in the military, that dipshit is nothing exceptional. BTW deflection noted.
You can post until youre blue in the face. Whites as a group get threatened if Black people say anything positive about Black people. I think its insecurity. They feel they must be involved. If I say Black women are the most beautiful creation god ever made someone is sure to claim I hate white women.

Wtf are you talking about?
I have never attacked ben carson, herman cain, Thomas so well, Archie griffin, ect

But i have ripped the shit out of bill clinton, John kerry, jimmy carter, ect.

I wish blacks had more pride and less politics, maybe they would fix the cities.
With Trump's election, we have the opportunity to continue our dialogue on Race in America.

Share your thoughts.


Think about the kinds of people who say they want to go back to the 50's. Do black people want to go back to the 50's? Was America great then? Not if you were black.
There was a whole lot wrong with the 50s according to black people. What happened between 1950 and today that destroyed black communities. What made black men abandon their families and disown their children? What made blacks the murderers of blacks? What destroyed their churches and burned down their homes? What made black men so disrespect black women?

I remember black people in the 50s. As bad as they had it, they still possessed joy in the way they lived their lives. They had integrity and a nobility of spirit.

What happened?

That's a great question. Back then blacks had respect/fear for the law. After the riots in the 60's that all changed. But before the hip hop revolution/era of the 80's where divorce became popular, they still had fathers in the home. It became cool to have a baby daddy or baby momma. We no longer shamed single pregnant women.

And this isn't just in the black community. This same bullshit ruined our white culture too. Even we have too many fatherless kids. But if you add fatherlessness to all the other problems that occur in the ghettos, it's a recipe for disaster.

Imagine growing up in a neighborhood where you don't feel safe, where you can’t sleep and where you worry all the time that something might happen to you.

Imagine shootings and stabbings and robberies that aren't just on TV, but happen down your street.

Imagine overwhelming distress that keeps your brain from being able to focus on learning. No third-grade reading program such as the one the state Legislature just approved is going to break through all that without help.

This is what life is like for many children in Michigan’s largest city.

Rochelle Riley: Children are not problems; they need solutions

I appreciate your honesty.

There is a disconnect between the way (some people on the) Left and most people on the Right frame this problem.

I see it as a series of institutional failures that prevented wealth accumulation and assimilation/socialization (which lead to hopelessness and increased crime). I'm guessing you see it as a character flaw, e.g., blacks are statistically over-represented in the lower class and in prison because of bad choices stemming from flawed character. Racists tend to ascribe this to genetic inferiority. In the 18 and early 1900s this was wrongly tied to benign physical features (thick skulls).

[FYI: many people think blacks face higher incarceration rates because of institutional racism, which is why they are more likely to go to prison than whites for the same behavior]

Anyway, here are what I see as the institutional failures that prevented wealth accumulation. (Both sides of the political spectrum are guilty.)

Jim Crow

(Welfare was in many ways an almost necessary response to the fact that many blacks in the 40s, 50s, 60s were denied jobs because of persistent institutional racism, but also because Slavery > Jim Crow prevented them from developing skills. When Reagan began to unwind welfare, and when we began to de-industrialize our inner cities, we created a large superfluous, ghetto'ized population with no hope. Prison became an answer.

I'm not saying this problem can be fixed by government, and I think it's dangerous to make excuses for bad behavior. But I do think that if whites were brought here as slaves and denied a chance to accumulate wealth + assimilate for over 1/2 a century, they would be in exactly the same position.
Last edited:
With Trump's election, we have the opportunity to continue our dialogue on Race in America.

Share your thoughts.


Think about the kinds of people who say they want to go back to the 50's. Do black people want to go back to the 50's? Was America great then? Not if you were black.
There was a whole lot wrong with the 50s according to black people. What happened between 1950 and today that destroyed black communities. What made black men abandon their families and disown their children? What made blacks the murderers of blacks? What destroyed their churches and burned down their homes? What made black men so disrespect black women?

I remember black people in the 50s. As bad as they had it, they still possessed joy in the way they lived their lives. They had integrity and a nobility of spirit.

What happened?

That's a great question. Back then blacks had respect/fear for the law. After the riots in the 60's that all changed. But before the hip hop revolution/era of the 80's where divorce became popular, they still had fathers in the home. It became cool to have a baby daddy or baby momma. We no longer shamed single pregnant women.

And this isn't just in the black community. This same bullshit ruined our white culture too. Even we have too many fatherless kids. But if you add fatherlessness to all the other problems that occur in the ghettos, it's a recipe for disaster.

Imagine growing up in a neighborhood where you don't feel safe, where you can’t sleep and where you worry all the time that something might happen to you.

Imagine shootings and stabbings and robberies that aren't just on TV, but happen down your street.

Imagine overwhelming distress that keeps your brain from being able to focus on learning. No third-grade reading program such as the one the state Legislature just approved is going to break through all that without help.

This is what life is like for many children in Michigan’s largest city.

Rochelle Riley: Children are not problems; they need solutions

I appreciate your honesty.

There is a disconnect between the way (some people on the) Left and most people on the Right frame this problem.

I see it as a series of institutional failures that prevented wealth accumulation and assimilation/socialization (which lead to hopelessness and increased crime). I'm guessing you see it as a character flaw, e.g., blacks are statistically over-represented in the lower class and in prison because of bad choices stemming from flawed character. Racists tend to ascribe this to genetic inferiority. In the 18 and early 1900s this was wrongly tied to benign physical features (thick skulls).

[FYI: many people think blacks face higher incarceration rates because of institutional racism, which is why they are more likely to go to prison than whites for the same behavior]

Anyway, here are what I see as the institutional failures that prevented wealth accumulation, which itself increased the likelihood of crime. (Both sides of the political spectrum are guilty.)

Jim Crow

(Welfare was in many ways an almost necessary response to the fact that many blacks in the 40s, 50s, 60s were denied jobs because of persistent institutional racism, but also because Slavery > Jim Crow prevented them from developing skills. When Reagan began to unwind welfare, prison became an unintentional solution to move jobless/unskilled blacks from deindustrialized inner cities into prison cells)

I'm not saying this problem can be fixed by government, and I think it's dangerous to make excuses for bad behavior. But I do think that if whites were brought here as slaves and denied a chance to accumulate wealth + assimilate for over 1/2 a century, they would be in exactly the same position.
Slavery, welfare and Jim crow....Halmarks of the democrat party.....

Trump is going to massively build prisons.....perhaps you will find one....
With Trump's election, we have the opportunity to continue our dialogue on Race in America.

Share your thoughts.


Think about the kinds of people who say they want to go back to the 50's. Do black people want to go back to the 50's? Was America great then? Not if you were black.
There was a whole lot wrong with the 50s according to black people. What happened between 1950 and today that destroyed black communities. What made black men abandon their families and disown their children? What made blacks the murderers of blacks? What destroyed their churches and burned down their homes? What made black men so disrespect black women?

I remember black people in the 50s. As bad as they had it, they still possessed joy in the way they lived their lives. They had integrity and a nobility of spirit.

What happened?

That's a great question. Back then blacks had respect/fear for the law. After the riots in the 60's that all changed. But before the hip hop revolution/era of the 80's where divorce became popular, they still had fathers in the home. It became cool to have a baby daddy or baby momma. We no longer shamed single pregnant women.

And this isn't just in the black community. This same bullshit ruined our white culture too. Even we have too many fatherless kids. But if you add fatherlessness to all the other problems that occur in the ghettos, it's a recipe for disaster.

Imagine growing up in a neighborhood where you don't feel safe, where you can’t sleep and where you worry all the time that something might happen to you.

Imagine shootings and stabbings and robberies that aren't just on TV, but happen down your street.

Imagine overwhelming distress that keeps your brain from being able to focus on learning. No third-grade reading program such as the one the state Legislature just approved is going to break through all that without help.

This is what life is like for many children in Michigan’s largest city.

Rochelle Riley: Children are not problems; they need solutions

I appreciate your honesty.

There is a disconnect between the way (some people on the) Left and most people on the Right frame this problem.

I see it as a series of institutional failures that prevented wealth accumulation and assimilation/socialization (which lead to hopelessness and increased crime). I'm guessing you see it as a character flaw, e.g., blacks are statistically over-represented in the lower class and in prison because of bad choices stemming from flawed character. Racists tend to ascribe this to genetic inferiority. In the 18 and early 1900s this was wrongly tied to benign physical features (thick skulls).

[FYI: many people think blacks face higher incarceration rates because of institutional racism, which is why they are more likely to go to prison than whites for the same behavior]

Anyway, here are what I see as the institutional failures that prevented wealth accumulation, which itself increased the likelihood of crime. (Both sides of the political spectrum are guilty.)

Jim Crow

(Welfare was in many ways an almost necessary response to the fact that many blacks in the 40s, 50s, 60s were denied jobs because of persistent institutional racism, but also because Slavery > Jim Crow prevented them from developing skills. When Reagan began to unwind welfare, prison became an unintentional solution to move jobless/unskilled blacks from deindustrialized inner cities into prison cells)

I'm not saying this problem can be fixed by government, and I think it's dangerous to make excuses for bad behavior. But I do think that if whites were brought here as slaves and denied a chance to accumulate wealth + assimilate for over 1/2 a century, they would be in exactly the same position.
Slavery, welfare and Jim crow....Halmarks of the democrat party.....

Trump is going to massively build prisons.....perhaps you will find one....

You are correct, but in 1964 the parties flipped on race. The Democrats attempted (however poorly) to destroy the legal infrastructure of the Jim Crow south. This is why Goldwater, Wallace, Nixon and eventually Reagan were able to steal the South back, by appealing to Southerners who felt the Fed went too far with desegregation.

For instance, do you think Obama's Federal henchman should tell Southern businesses that they have to serve blacks and make wedding cakes for gays? Or do you want the market (free suppliers and consumers) to make those choices?
Last edited:
With Trump's election, we have the opportunity to continue our dialogue on Race in America.

Share your thoughts.


Think about the kinds of people who say they want to go back to the 50's. Do black people want to go back to the 50's? Was America great then? Not if you were black.
There was a whole lot wrong with the 50s according to black people. What happened between 1950 and today that destroyed black communities. What made black men abandon their families and disown their children? What made blacks the murderers of blacks? What destroyed their churches and burned down their homes? What made black men so disrespect black women?

I remember black people in the 50s. As bad as they had it, they still possessed joy in the way they lived their lives. They had integrity and a nobility of spirit.

What happened?

That's a great question. Back then blacks had respect/fear for the law. After the riots in the 60's that all changed. But before the hip hop revolution/era of the 80's where divorce became popular, they still had fathers in the home. It became cool to have a baby daddy or baby momma. We no longer shamed single pregnant women.

And this isn't just in the black community. This same bullshit ruined our white culture too. Even we have too many fatherless kids. But if you add fatherlessness to all the other problems that occur in the ghettos, it's a recipe for disaster.

Imagine growing up in a neighborhood where you don't feel safe, where you can’t sleep and where you worry all the time that something might happen to you.

Imagine shootings and stabbings and robberies that aren't just on TV, but happen down your street.

Imagine overwhelming distress that keeps your brain from being able to focus on learning. No third-grade reading program such as the one the state Legislature just approved is going to break through all that without help.

This is what life is like for many children in Michigan’s largest city.

Rochelle Riley: Children are not problems; they need solutions

I appreciate your honesty.

There is a disconnect between the way (some people on the) Left and most people on the Right frame this problem.

I see it as a series of institutional failures that prevented wealth accumulation and assimilation/socialization (which lead to hopelessness and increased crime). I'm guessing you see it as a character flaw, e.g., blacks are statistically over-represented in the lower class and in prison because of bad choices stemming from flawed character. Racists tend to ascribe this to genetic inferiority. In the 18 and early 1900s this was wrongly tied to benign physical features (thick skulls).

[FYI: many people think blacks face higher incarceration rates because of institutional racism, which is why they are more likely to go to prison than whites for the same behavior]

Anyway, here are what I see as the institutional failures that prevented wealth accumulation. (Both sides of the political spectrum are guilty.)

Jim Crow

(Welfare was in many ways an almost necessary response to the fact that many blacks in the 40s, 50s, 60s were denied jobs because of persistent institutional racism, but also because Slavery > Jim Crow prevented them from developing skills. When Reagan began to unwind welfare, and when we began to de-industrialize our inner cities, we created a large superfluous, ghetto'ized population with no hope. Prison became an answer.

I'm not saying this problem can be fixed by government, and I think it's dangerous to make excuses for bad behavior. But I do think that if whites were brought here as slaves and denied a chance to accumulate wealth + assimilate for over 1/2 a century, they would be in exactly the same position.

If Blacks vote in an 88% block for a democrat, it's democracy in action. If Whites vote 58% for Trump, it's racism. Explain that.
What do you need explained? Drumpf is white and supports white nationalism. When did Democrat become a race?

The SAME people that propelled Trump to victory in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania voted for Obama twice.

Obama lost Missouri in 2008 by .06%, Clinton lost Missouri by 19%!!!

It wasn't Racism that propelled this victory, it was a repudiation of Liberalism...but Liberals like Fake Jake can't stomach the truth, so they invent this fantasy, and do their very best to perpetuate it.

When the message of liberals is anti-white, White Privilege, uneducated white voters is the reason Trump is winning. Everyone and everything is racist/sexist/bigoted if they don't vote for Clinton.

And you're surprised whites didn't come out and vote for that?

And Jake thinks it upsets me that he makes this a race/white guilt issue...that Whitey is bad and mean. To the contrary...Jake is pushing MORE whites to feel unwelcome at the Democrat table. Push PA/MI/WI/MN permanently into the red column.

Which brings me back to my original comment.

Why is it socially acceptable for 88% of Blacks to vote Democrat, but racist for 58% of whites to vote Republican?
Of course it was. The majority of non-racist whites voted on the economy. The racist whites voted because of the Alt Right fascist and racism nonsense.

You do realize that you are showing the real Democrat party ?
You can post until youre blue in the face. Whites as a group get threatened if Black people say anything positive about Black people. I think its insecurity. They feel they must be involved. If I say Black women are the most beautiful creation god ever made someone is sure to claim I hate white women.

Wtf are you talking about?
I have never attacked ben carson, herman cain, Thomas so well, Archie griffin, ect

But i have ripped the shit out of bill clinton, John kerry, jimmy carter, ect.

I wish blacks had more pride and less politics, maybe they would fix the cities.
WTF are you talking about? None of those guys you mentioned were women.
Think about the kinds of people who say they want to go back to the 50's. Do black people want to go back to the 50's? Was America great then? Not if you were black.
There was a whole lot wrong with the 50s according to black people. What happened between 1950 and today that destroyed black communities. What made black men abandon their families and disown their children? What made blacks the murderers of blacks? What destroyed their churches and burned down their homes? What made black men so disrespect black women?

I remember black people in the 50s. As bad as they had it, they still possessed joy in the way they lived their lives. They had integrity and a nobility of spirit.

What happened?

That's a great question. Back then blacks had respect/fear for the law. After the riots in the 60's that all changed. But before the hip hop revolution/era of the 80's where divorce became popular, they still had fathers in the home. It became cool to have a baby daddy or baby momma. We no longer shamed single pregnant women.

And this isn't just in the black community. This same bullshit ruined our white culture too. Even we have too many fatherless kids. But if you add fatherlessness to all the other problems that occur in the ghettos, it's a recipe for disaster.

Imagine growing up in a neighborhood where you don't feel safe, where you can’t sleep and where you worry all the time that something might happen to you.

Imagine shootings and stabbings and robberies that aren't just on TV, but happen down your street.

Imagine overwhelming distress that keeps your brain from being able to focus on learning. No third-grade reading program such as the one the state Legislature just approved is going to break through all that without help.

This is what life is like for many children in Michigan’s largest city.

Rochelle Riley: Children are not problems; they need solutions

I appreciate your honesty.

There is a disconnect between the way (some people on the) Left and most people on the Right frame this problem.

I see it as a series of institutional failures that prevented wealth accumulation and assimilation/socialization (which lead to hopelessness and increased crime). I'm guessing you see it as a character flaw, e.g., blacks are statistically over-represented in the lower class and in prison because of bad choices stemming from flawed character. Racists tend to ascribe this to genetic inferiority. In the 18 and early 1900s this was wrongly tied to benign physical features (thick skulls).

[FYI: many people think blacks face higher incarceration rates because of institutional racism, which is why they are more likely to go to prison than whites for the same behavior]

Anyway, here are what I see as the institutional failures that prevented wealth accumulation, which itself increased the likelihood of crime. (Both sides of the political spectrum are guilty.)

Jim Crow

(Welfare was in many ways an almost necessary response to the fact that many blacks in the 40s, 50s, 60s were denied jobs because of persistent institutional racism, but also because Slavery > Jim Crow prevented them from developing skills. When Reagan began to unwind welfare, prison became an unintentional solution to move jobless/unskilled blacks from deindustrialized inner cities into prison cells)

I'm not saying this problem can be fixed by government, and I think it's dangerous to make excuses for bad behavior. But I do think that if whites were brought here as slaves and denied a chance to accumulate wealth + assimilate for over 1/2 a century, they would be in exactly the same position.
Slavery, welfare and Jim crow....Halmarks of the democrat party.....

Trump is going to massively build prisons.....perhaps you will find one....

You are correct, but in 1964 the parties flipped on race. The Democrats attempted (however poorly) to destroy the legal infrastructure of the Jim Crow south. This is why Goldwater, Wallace, Nixon and eventually Reagan were able to steal the South back, by appealing to Southerners who felt the Fed went too far with desegregation.

For instance, do you think Obama's Federal henchman should tell Southern businesses that they have to serve blacks and make wedding cakes for gays? Or do you want the market (free suppliers and consumers) to make those choices?

In today's current climate, I think that you should be able to do whatever you want with your business and let the community and free market decide whether it stays solvent or not.

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With Trump's election, we have the opportunity to continue our dialogue on Race in America.

Share your thoughts.


Think about the kinds of people who say they want to go back to the 50's. Do black people want to go back to the 50's? Was America great then? Not if you were black.
There was a whole lot wrong with the 50s according to black people. What happened between 1950 and today that destroyed black communities. What made black men abandon their families and disown their children? What made blacks the murderers of blacks? What destroyed their churches and burned down their homes? What made black men so disrespect black women?

I remember black people in the 50s. As bad as they had it, they still possessed joy in the way they lived their lives. They had integrity and a nobility of spirit.

What happened?
That is certainly not the way I remember the 50's. In the 1950's, black communities in most of the country were Black, with very few if any whites. Today most of those communities are multi-racial, multi-ethnic communities sharing only one attribute, poverty.

To say blacks in the 50's possessed some great joy in the way they led their lives is far more fantasy than fact. Such illusions were created in novels and movies in the early and mid 20th century by whites to insure whites that black people didn't mind being treated like shit because they were such a happy go lucky people.
To that I say, BULLSHIT.

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