Race relations better under Trump than Obama

Race relations for who?
During Obama's Presidency, I can't recall a single black person being attacked by whites simply because they supported Obama. Several whites, even children, have been attacked by blacks simply because they wore a Trump MAGA hat, or supposedly supported Trump.
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The Washington Examiner ? Are you fucking serious??!!

Washington Examiner - RationalWiki

What sources do you ever cite, that come anywhere close to being as credible as The Washington Examiner?

It seems I only ever see you citing sources that are either blatant extreme left wrong-wing lies and propaganda sites, or else blatantly pro-faggot sites; I don't think I ever see you citing any source that any sane person would ever regard as in any way credible.
how about the Improvement Era?
What in the name of Krist on a Kracker are you blathering about? How the hell does this have anything to do with my response to Blaylock? What fucking race do you think that liberals are. You really come up with some stupid shit

You are getting bogged down in minutia.

So, I was just getting back to the topic/point.

And the discussion in this thread, primarily has been you libs dismissing the feelings and concerns of whites as not important, because they are white.
You can keep repeating the same horseshit all you want. It is still horseshit. It was horseshit yesterday, it is horseshit today, and it will still be horseshit tomorrow, You can't maker horseshit into a quiche.

And if someone read that, who was new to this planet, and did not read the thread, they might believe what you said.

Everyone else knows, the discussion in this thread, primarily has been you libs dismissing the feelings and concerns of whites as not important, because they are white.
I have zero regard for your abysmal level of intellect or grasp of reality, not to mention your moral integrity when it comes to race and general bigotry

Once again:

You can keep repeating the same horseshit all you want. It is still horseshit. It was horseshit yesterday, it is horseshit today, and it will still be horseshit tomorrow, You can't maker horseshit into a quiche.

I don't believe you. I think that you know that I can see though your games and call you on what you really are saying, and that that is very intimidating to you.

Everyone else knows, the discussion in this thread, primarily has been you libs dismissing the feelings and concerns of whites as not important, because they are white.
And why exactly do you think that I give a rats hind parts whether you believe me or not :1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:
You are getting bogged down in minutia.

So, I was just getting back to the topic/point.

And the discussion in this thread, primarily has been you libs dismissing the feelings and concerns of whites as not important, because they are white.
You can keep repeating the same horseshit all you want. It is still horseshit. It was horseshit yesterday, it is horseshit today, and it will still be horseshit tomorrow, You can't maker horseshit into a quiche.

And if someone read that, who was new to this planet, and did not read the thread, they might believe what you said.

Everyone else knows, the discussion in this thread, primarily has been you libs dismissing the feelings and concerns of whites as not important, because they are white.
I have zero regard for your abysmal level of intellect or grasp of reality, not to mention your moral integrity when it comes to race and general bigotry

Once again:

You can keep repeating the same horseshit all you want. It is still horseshit. It was horseshit yesterday, it is horseshit today, and it will still be horseshit tomorrow, You can't maker horseshit into a quiche.

I don't believe you. I think that you know that I can see though your games and call you on what you really are saying, and that that is very intimidating to you.

Everyone else knows, the discussion in this thread, primarily has been you libs dismissing the feelings and concerns of whites as not important, because they are white.
And why exactly do you think that I give a rats hind parts whether you believe me or not :1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:

Your drama is noted.

My point stands.

Everyone else knows, the discussion in this thread, primarily has been you libs dismissing the feelings and concerns of whites as not important, because they are white.
Race relations and ‘position’ of minorities better under Trump than Obama

Well now, this is awkward....

Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat Plantation and actually vote in their best interest for once?
The poll isn't broken down by race. White Trump supporters thinking race relations are better doesn't mean diddly.

Seriously, why not?

Try actually reading what the OP posted. "Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat (it's Democratic, douchebags) Party and actually vote in their best interest" and then he posts a poll about how white people feel better about race relations. African Americans don't...

Van Jones is worred….so it's a real concern

Some people are simply BAD at science and properly assessing reality....




1. BULLSHIT Correl.
Give me a proof what terri is talking about. Prove it. You can stand however you want it doesn’t matter if you cannot prove it. Meaning you are 100% liar. Yes the only reason you deny that Obama was not born in Hawaii is you are a racist and that he is black. Period.

I know you are a racist. You proved that to me a long time ago.

2. That is only a one incident but Obama apologized to them. But you make it a whole big fucking big deal compared to Trump never ending lies and attacking other people.

2b. And if you have anything else you could have posted it. Except one lousy example. Like OMG.

Coward me? I’m here blasting your ignorant racist crap. Did you see me run?

3. Meaning you don’t know a diddly squat. I only believe facts. You believe conspiracy bullshit. That’s the difference between ignorant racist like you and me.

So I’ll ask you again. Give a hard facts of proof what terri is talking about.

If you cannot give me. You are NOTHING but a corrupted disgusting dishonest person like terri and Trump.

1. When you fucktards say something like, "the only reason is because he is black" that is the point. I DON'T HAVE TO PROVE ANY OF THEM, I, or terri, just have to show that they existed at all. People could have been MISTAKENLY MOTIVATED by the reasons provided, and that would disprove your claim of racism as the only possible reason.

Are you too fucking stupid to understand this, or just being a dishonest asshole?

2. It was not one incident, it is one limited example for discussion purposes, you fucking moron. He did not apologize, you fucking moron. Do you want to defend or explain his actions or why he is not racist, or are you too fucking stupid to actually do anything but be a fucking asshole?

2b One example so we can discuss it well, instead of jumping all over the place, you fucking moron.

3. We have established that you are a race baiting asshole. We have agreement on this. YOu don't have to keep proving that you are an asshole.

Meaning you can’t prove terri lies. Meaning you are a liar. You don’t have any proof of what terri is talking about. Except pure ignorance and garbage.

Obama invited them for a drink in the WH for a drink. What do you call that? That is not an apology?
Yes that is all you have about Obama being a racist. If you have anything else you could have posted it.

Your dirty language is laughable. Oh I’m so scared........ Go wash your mouth with toilet water and paint thinner.

But I will not lower my class to your low class kind of animal.

1. Your position was that racism was the only possible reason. The existence of the other reasons that terri posted, proves you to just be a race baiting asshole. Not that there was any doubt about that. That you disagree with the reasons, is irrelevant. You lose that one, and your stonewalling just shows you to be a dishonest asshole.

2. I call it managing the scandal created by his racist attack on the white cop. He did not apologize.

2b. Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of a limited example for serious discussion is not credible. YOu are fucking stupid, but you are not literally retarded. YOu are more of an asshole than retarded.

3. ONce you admit that Obama was a racist prick for his racist attack on the white cop and did not apologize, I will give you a second limited example of Obama being a racist asshole. And so on. I can play this game, for a long, long time.

4. You are the one that started the name calling, when you called me racist. All I am doing, is treating your with the same lack of respect and civility that you show me, you fucking asshole.

1. You can’t prove anything what terri is as saying. You are as fake as terri. Yes you can’t accept that Obama was black.
You loss.
2. Nope. You didn’t not prove anything that Obama was racist. If you have anything else you could have posted more. You loss.

3. I never said Obama was a racist. You did. You loss.

4. Dude. I know you are a racist a long time ago. So anything you post about race are totally hog wash and garbage of credibility. I blasted you several times of your ignorance opinions about race.

Respect? Civility? do you even have any of that? You loss.

1. Your position is that the only possible reason to be a Birther was Obama's race. When Terri posted three other reasons, you lost that argument. When you demand to have those reasons proved, you are moving the goal posts, instead of admitting that you are just a race baiting asshole. you lose.

2. I posted one limited example of Obama being racist for discussion purposes. You claimed he apologized, (he didn't) as though that means it did not happen. Once you admit that, I will give you my NEXT example to discuss. Until then, we are stuck at you lying. And losing.

3. Wow. No, I did not say that you said that. I said when you say that, we can move on to the next example. Christ, you are a fucking moron. You lose again.

4. You are a standard lefty race baiting asshole. That you think that means that you know anything about me, or have proven anything about me, is just you being fucking stupid.

1. Terri the trump post is nothing but crap but I will deal with him later.

2. You only gave one lousy example. Which means nothing.

3 and 4. No you are a loser. You are a racist and you’ve proven that to me many times.
1. BULLSHIT Correl.
Give me a proof what terri is talking about. Prove it. You can stand however you want it doesn’t matter if you cannot prove it. Meaning you are 100% liar. Yes the only reason you deny that Obama was not born in Hawaii is you are a racist and that he is black. Period.

I know you are a racist. You proved that to me a long time ago.

2. That is only a one incident but Obama apologized to them. But you make it a whole big fucking big deal compared to Trump never ending lies and attacking other people.

2b. And if you have anything else you could have posted it. Except one lousy example. Like OMG.

Coward me? I’m here blasting your ignorant racist crap. Did you see me run?

3. Meaning you don’t know a diddly squat. I only believe facts. You believe conspiracy bullshit. That’s the difference between ignorant racist like you and me.

So I’ll ask you again. Give a hard facts of proof what terri is talking about.

If you cannot give me. You are NOTHING but a corrupted disgusting dishonest person like terri and Trump.

1. When you fucktards say something like, "the only reason is because he is black" that is the point. I DON'T HAVE TO PROVE ANY OF THEM, I, or terri, just have to show that they existed at all. People could have been MISTAKENLY MOTIVATED by the reasons provided, and that would disprove your claim of racism as the only possible reason.

Are you too fucking stupid to understand this, or just being a dishonest asshole?

2. It was not one incident, it is one limited example for discussion purposes, you fucking moron. He did not apologize, you fucking moron. Do you want to defend or explain his actions or why he is not racist, or are you too fucking stupid to actually do anything but be a fucking asshole?

2b One example so we can discuss it well, instead of jumping all over the place, you fucking moron.

3. We have established that you are a race baiting asshole. We have agreement on this. YOu don't have to keep proving that you are an asshole.

Meaning you can’t prove terri lies. Meaning you are a liar. You don’t have any proof of what terri is talking about. Except pure ignorance and garbage.

Obama invited them for a drink in the WH for a drink. What do you call that? That is not an apology?
Yes that is all you have about Obama being a racist. If you have anything else you could have posted it.

Your dirty language is laughable. Oh I’m so scared........ Go wash your mouth with toilet water and paint thinner.

But I will not lower my class to your low class kind of animal.

1. Your position was that racism was the only possible reason. The existence of the other reasons that terri posted, proves you to just be a race baiting asshole. Not that there was any doubt about that. That you disagree with the reasons, is irrelevant. You lose that one, and your stonewalling just shows you to be a dishonest asshole.

2. I call it managing the scandal created by his racist attack on the white cop. He did not apologize.

2b. Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of a limited example for serious discussion is not credible. YOu are fucking stupid, but you are not literally retarded. YOu are more of an asshole than retarded.

3. ONce you admit that Obama was a racist prick for his racist attack on the white cop and did not apologize, I will give you a second limited example of Obama being a racist asshole. And so on. I can play this game, for a long, long time.

4. You are the one that started the name calling, when you called me racist. All I am doing, is treating your with the same lack of respect and civility that you show me, you fucking asshole.

You tell me if race relations is better in this garbage administration. I deal with African Americans. YOU don’t.

But racist people like you and hate groups are emboldened. They are even invited in the White House.

New poll: 83% of African Americans say Trump is a racist

A new Washington Post-Ipsos poll finds that 83% of African Americans across the country believe President Trump is a racist and he's exacerbated the country's race problems while in office.

LOL!!! Typical liberal. Thinks to fight racism, by only counting the feelings of ONE race as legit, and attacking anyone that thinks to discuss how other people of other races feel.

No! My concentration is you as being a racist. You try to cover up that this administration has a better race relations. That is totally hogwash.
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.

You don't know shit you faggot ass bitch.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's family said he was born in Kenya you ignorant cock gobbler.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's college said he was an exchange student from Kenya.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Kenya said Obama was born in Kenya

How fucking stupid are you!!

As far as I am concerned it STILL has not been proven that he was NOT born in Kenya. His family said he was, Kenya said he was... ....only some copy of a paper pulled out of some deep state bureaucrat's ass says he wasn't.

Okay Terri4trump ( what a name ). I expected supporters like you post this kind of garbage.
Your friend Correl is so fascinated with your 3 items acting like he just discovered Mexico.

Prove to me where what you are talking about. Post me a link no cut and paste of your 3 BULLSHIT items.
1. BULLSHIT Correl.
Give me a proof what terri is talking about. Prove it. You can stand however you want it doesn’t matter if you cannot prove it. Meaning you are 100% liar. Yes the only reason you deny that Obama was not born in Hawaii is you are a racist and that he is black. Period.

I know you are a racist. You proved that to me a long time ago.

2. That is only a one incident but Obama apologized to them. But you make it a whole big fucking big deal compared to Trump never ending lies and attacking other people.

2b. And if you have anything else you could have posted it. Except one lousy example. Like OMG.

Coward me? I’m here blasting your ignorant racist crap. Did you see me run?

3. Meaning you don’t know a diddly squat. I only believe facts. You believe conspiracy bullshit. That’s the difference between ignorant racist like you and me.

So I’ll ask you again. Give a hard facts of proof what terri is talking about.

If you cannot give me. You are NOTHING but a corrupted disgusting dishonest person like terri and Trump.

1. When you fucktards say something like, "the only reason is because he is black" that is the point. I DON'T HAVE TO PROVE ANY OF THEM, I, or terri, just have to show that they existed at all. People could have been MISTAKENLY MOTIVATED by the reasons provided, and that would disprove your claim of racism as the only possible reason.

Are you too fucking stupid to understand this, or just being a dishonest asshole?

2. It was not one incident, it is one limited example for discussion purposes, you fucking moron. He did not apologize, you fucking moron. Do you want to defend or explain his actions or why he is not racist, or are you too fucking stupid to actually do anything but be a fucking asshole?

2b One example so we can discuss it well, instead of jumping all over the place, you fucking moron.

3. We have established that you are a race baiting asshole. We have agreement on this. YOu don't have to keep proving that you are an asshole.

Meaning you can’t prove terri lies. Meaning you are a liar. You don’t have any proof of what terri is talking about. Except pure ignorance and garbage.

Obama invited them for a drink in the WH for a drink. What do you call that? That is not an apology?
Yes that is all you have about Obama being a racist. If you have anything else you could have posted it.

Your dirty language is laughable. Oh I’m so scared........ Go wash your mouth with toilet water and paint thinner.

But I will not lower my class to your low class kind of animal.

1. Your position was that racism was the only possible reason. The existence of the other reasons that terri posted, proves you to just be a race baiting asshole. Not that there was any doubt about that. That you disagree with the reasons, is irrelevant. You lose that one, and your stonewalling just shows you to be a dishonest asshole.

2. I call it managing the scandal created by his racist attack on the white cop. He did not apologize.

2b. Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of a limited example for serious discussion is not credible. YOu are fucking stupid, but you are not literally retarded. YOu are more of an asshole than retarded.

3. ONce you admit that Obama was a racist prick for his racist attack on the white cop and did not apologize, I will give you a second limited example of Obama being a racist asshole. And so on. I can play this game, for a long, long time.

4. You are the one that started the name calling, when you called me racist. All I am doing, is treating your with the same lack of respect and civility that you show me, you fucking asshole.

1. You can’t prove anything what terri is as saying. You are as fake as terri. Yes you can’t accept that Obama was black.
You loss.
2. Nope. You didn’t not prove anything that Obama was racist. If you have anything else you could have posted more. You loss.

3. I never said Obama was a racist. You did. You loss.

4. Dude. I know you are a racist a long time ago. So anything you post about race are totally hog wash and garbage of credibility. I blasted you several times of your ignorance opinions about race.

Respect? Civility? do you even have any of that? You loss.

1. Your position is that the only possible reason to be a Birther was Obama's race. When Terri posted three other reasons, you lost that argument. When you demand to have those reasons proved, you are moving the goal posts, instead of admitting that you are just a race baiting asshole. you lose.

2. I posted one limited example of Obama being racist for discussion purposes. You claimed he apologized, (he didn't) as though that means it did not happen. Once you admit that, I will give you my NEXT example to discuss. Until then, we are stuck at you lying. And losing.

3. Wow. No, I did not say that you said that. I said when you say that, we can move on to the next example. Christ, you are a fucking moron. You lose again.

4. You are a standard lefty race baiting asshole. That you think that means that you know anything about me, or have proven anything about me, is just you being fucking stupid.

2. Again. Obama invited them for a beer drink in WH. You don’t call that an apology?

Again. Your example of one incident doesn’t mean Obama is a racist compared to Trump. I can give you many examples of Trump as a racist piece of shit.
1. When you fucktards say something like, "the only reason is because he is black" that is the point. I DON'T HAVE TO PROVE ANY OF THEM, I, or terri, just have to show that they existed at all. People could have been MISTAKENLY MOTIVATED by the reasons provided, and that would disprove your claim of racism as the only possible reason.

Are you too fucking stupid to understand this, or just being a dishonest asshole?

2. It was not one incident, it is one limited example for discussion purposes, you fucking moron. He did not apologize, you fucking moron. Do you want to defend or explain his actions or why he is not racist, or are you too fucking stupid to actually do anything but be a fucking asshole?

2b One example so we can discuss it well, instead of jumping all over the place, you fucking moron.

3. We have established that you are a race baiting asshole. We have agreement on this. YOu don't have to keep proving that you are an asshole.

Meaning you can’t prove terri lies. Meaning you are a liar. You don’t have any proof of what terri is talking about. Except pure ignorance and garbage.

Obama invited them for a drink in the WH for a drink. What do you call that? That is not an apology?
Yes that is all you have about Obama being a racist. If you have anything else you could have posted it.

Your dirty language is laughable. Oh I’m so scared........ Go wash your mouth with toilet water and paint thinner.

But I will not lower my class to your low class kind of animal.

1. Your position was that racism was the only possible reason. The existence of the other reasons that terri posted, proves you to just be a race baiting asshole. Not that there was any doubt about that. That you disagree with the reasons, is irrelevant. You lose that one, and your stonewalling just shows you to be a dishonest asshole.

2. I call it managing the scandal created by his racist attack on the white cop. He did not apologize.

2b. Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of a limited example for serious discussion is not credible. YOu are fucking stupid, but you are not literally retarded. YOu are more of an asshole than retarded.

3. ONce you admit that Obama was a racist prick for his racist attack on the white cop and did not apologize, I will give you a second limited example of Obama being a racist asshole. And so on. I can play this game, for a long, long time.

4. You are the one that started the name calling, when you called me racist. All I am doing, is treating your with the same lack of respect and civility that you show me, you fucking asshole.

1. You can’t prove anything what terri is as saying. You are as fake as terri. Yes you can’t accept that Obama was black.
You loss.
2. Nope. You didn’t not prove anything that Obama was racist. If you have anything else you could have posted more. You loss.

3. I never said Obama was a racist. You did. You loss.

4. Dude. I know you are a racist a long time ago. So anything you post about race are totally hog wash and garbage of credibility. I blasted you several times of your ignorance opinions about race.

Respect? Civility? do you even have any of that? You loss.

1. Your position is that the only possible reason to be a Birther was Obama's race. When Terri posted three other reasons, you lost that argument. When you demand to have those reasons proved, you are moving the goal posts, instead of admitting that you are just a race baiting asshole. you lose.

2. I posted one limited example of Obama being racist for discussion purposes. You claimed he apologized, (he didn't) as though that means it did not happen. Once you admit that, I will give you my NEXT example to discuss. Until then, we are stuck at you lying. And losing.

3. Wow. No, I did not say that you said that. I said when you say that, we can move on to the next example. Christ, you are a fucking moron. You lose again.

4. You are a standard lefty race baiting asshole. That you think that means that you know anything about me, or have proven anything about me, is just you being fucking stupid.

2. Again. Obama invited them for a beer drink in WH. You don’t call that an apology?

Again. Your example of one incident doesn’t mean Obama is a racist compared to Trump. I can give you many examples of Trump as a racist piece of shit.

It was a dog and pony show. He screwed up and butted in where he didn't belong and used the "show" to deflect.
Meaning you can’t prove terri lies. Meaning you are a liar. You don’t have any proof of what terri is talking about. Except pure ignorance and garbage.

Obama invited them for a drink in the WH for a drink. What do you call that? That is not an apology?
Yes that is all you have about Obama being a racist. If you have anything else you could have posted it.

Your dirty language is laughable. Oh I’m so scared........ Go wash your mouth with toilet water and paint thinner.

But I will not lower my class to your low class kind of animal.

1. Your position was that racism was the only possible reason. The existence of the other reasons that terri posted, proves you to just be a race baiting asshole. Not that there was any doubt about that. That you disagree with the reasons, is irrelevant. You lose that one, and your stonewalling just shows you to be a dishonest asshole.

2. I call it managing the scandal created by his racist attack on the white cop. He did not apologize.

2b. Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of a limited example for serious discussion is not credible. YOu are fucking stupid, but you are not literally retarded. YOu are more of an asshole than retarded.

3. ONce you admit that Obama was a racist prick for his racist attack on the white cop and did not apologize, I will give you a second limited example of Obama being a racist asshole. And so on. I can play this game, for a long, long time.

4. You are the one that started the name calling, when you called me racist. All I am doing, is treating your with the same lack of respect and civility that you show me, you fucking asshole.

1. You can’t prove anything what terri is as saying. You are as fake as terri. Yes you can’t accept that Obama was black.
You loss.
2. Nope. You didn’t not prove anything that Obama was racist. If you have anything else you could have posted more. You loss.

3. I never said Obama was a racist. You did. You loss.

4. Dude. I know you are a racist a long time ago. So anything you post about race are totally hog wash and garbage of credibility. I blasted you several times of your ignorance opinions about race.

Respect? Civility? do you even have any of that? You loss.

1. Your position is that the only possible reason to be a Birther was Obama's race. When Terri posted three other reasons, you lost that argument. When you demand to have those reasons proved, you are moving the goal posts, instead of admitting that you are just a race baiting asshole. you lose.

2. I posted one limited example of Obama being racist for discussion purposes. You claimed he apologized, (he didn't) as though that means it did not happen. Once you admit that, I will give you my NEXT example to discuss. Until then, we are stuck at you lying. And losing.

3. Wow. No, I did not say that you said that. I said when you say that, we can move on to the next example. Christ, you are a fucking moron. You lose again.

4. You are a standard lefty race baiting asshole. That you think that means that you know anything about me, or have proven anything about me, is just you being fucking stupid.

2. Again. Obama invited them for a beer drink in WH. You don’t call that an apology?

Again. Your example of one incident doesn’t mean Obama is a racist compared to Trump. I can give you many examples of Trump as a racist piece of shit.

It was a dog and pony show. He screwed up and butted in where he didn't belong and used the "show" to deflect.

Oh Suuure. Then give me more examples that Obama is a racist.
1. Your position was that racism was the only possible reason. The existence of the other reasons that terri posted, proves you to just be a race baiting asshole. Not that there was any doubt about that. That you disagree with the reasons, is irrelevant. You lose that one, and your stonewalling just shows you to be a dishonest asshole.

2. I call it managing the scandal created by his racist attack on the white cop. He did not apologize.

2b. Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of a limited example for serious discussion is not credible. YOu are fucking stupid, but you are not literally retarded. YOu are more of an asshole than retarded.

3. ONce you admit that Obama was a racist prick for his racist attack on the white cop and did not apologize, I will give you a second limited example of Obama being a racist asshole. And so on. I can play this game, for a long, long time.

4. You are the one that started the name calling, when you called me racist. All I am doing, is treating your with the same lack of respect and civility that you show me, you fucking asshole.

1. You can’t prove anything what terri is as saying. You are as fake as terri. Yes you can’t accept that Obama was black.
You loss.
2. Nope. You didn’t not prove anything that Obama was racist. If you have anything else you could have posted more. You loss.

3. I never said Obama was a racist. You did. You loss.

4. Dude. I know you are a racist a long time ago. So anything you post about race are totally hog wash and garbage of credibility. I blasted you several times of your ignorance opinions about race.

Respect? Civility? do you even have any of that? You loss.

1. Your position is that the only possible reason to be a Birther was Obama's race. When Terri posted three other reasons, you lost that argument. When you demand to have those reasons proved, you are moving the goal posts, instead of admitting that you are just a race baiting asshole. you lose.

2. I posted one limited example of Obama being racist for discussion purposes. You claimed he apologized, (he didn't) as though that means it did not happen. Once you admit that, I will give you my NEXT example to discuss. Until then, we are stuck at you lying. And losing.

3. Wow. No, I did not say that you said that. I said when you say that, we can move on to the next example. Christ, you are a fucking moron. You lose again.

4. You are a standard lefty race baiting asshole. That you think that means that you know anything about me, or have proven anything about me, is just you being fucking stupid.

2. Again. Obama invited them for a beer drink in WH. You don’t call that an apology?

Again. Your example of one incident doesn’t mean Obama is a racist compared to Trump. I can give you many examples of Trump as a racist piece of shit.

It was a dog and pony show. He screwed up and butted in where he didn't belong and used the "show" to deflect.

Oh Suuure. Then give me more examples that Obama is a racist.

Trayvon Martin.
Reverend Wright.
He detests Jews and Israel. Both Wright and Bambi.
NOBODY can deny Michelle's racism.
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.

You don't know shit you faggot ass bitch.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's family said he was born in Kenya you ignorant cock gobbler.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's college said he was an exchange student from Kenya.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Kenya said Obama was born in Kenya

How fucking stupid are you!!

As far as I am concerned it STILL has not been proven that he was NOT born in Kenya. His family said he was, Kenya said he was... ....only some copy of a paper pulled out of some deep state bureaucrat's ass says he wasn't.

Follow up from my post #153.

I know that you are listening to my conversation with your racist friend Correl.
You probably scared and trembling bcoz you are not saying anything or defending your 3 hogwash wonderful items.
1. You can’t prove anything what terri is as saying. You are as fake as terri. Yes you can’t accept that Obama was black.
You loss.
2. Nope. You didn’t not prove anything that Obama was racist. If you have anything else you could have posted more. You loss.

3. I never said Obama was a racist. You did. You loss.

4. Dude. I know you are a racist a long time ago. So anything you post about race are totally hog wash and garbage of credibility. I blasted you several times of your ignorance opinions about race.

Respect? Civility? do you even have any of that? You loss.

1. Your position is that the only possible reason to be a Birther was Obama's race. When Terri posted three other reasons, you lost that argument. When you demand to have those reasons proved, you are moving the goal posts, instead of admitting that you are just a race baiting asshole. you lose.

2. I posted one limited example of Obama being racist for discussion purposes. You claimed he apologized, (he didn't) as though that means it did not happen. Once you admit that, I will give you my NEXT example to discuss. Until then, we are stuck at you lying. And losing.

3. Wow. No, I did not say that you said that. I said when you say that, we can move on to the next example. Christ, you are a fucking moron. You lose again.

4. You are a standard lefty race baiting asshole. That you think that means that you know anything about me, or have proven anything about me, is just you being fucking stupid.

2. Again. Obama invited them for a beer drink in WH. You don’t call that an apology?

Again. Your example of one incident doesn’t mean Obama is a racist compared to Trump. I can give you many examples of Trump as a racist piece of shit.

It was a dog and pony show. He screwed up and butted in where he didn't belong and used the "show" to deflect.

Oh Suuure. Then give me more examples that Obama is a racist.

Trayvon Martin.
Reverend Wright.
He detests Jews and Israel. Both Wright and Bambi.
NOBODY can deny Michelle's racism.

Okay. What is that mean? Obama is a racist? Or you just didn’t like where he stand?
1. You can’t prove anything what terri is as saying. You are as fake as terri. Yes you can’t accept that Obama was black.
You loss.
2. Nope. You didn’t not prove anything that Obama was racist. If you have anything else you could have posted more. You loss.

3. I never said Obama was a racist. You did. You loss.

4. Dude. I know you are a racist a long time ago. So anything you post about race are totally hog wash and garbage of credibility. I blasted you several times of your ignorance opinions about race.

Respect? Civility? do you even have any of that? You loss.

1. Your position is that the only possible reason to be a Birther was Obama's race. When Terri posted three other reasons, you lost that argument. When you demand to have those reasons proved, you are moving the goal posts, instead of admitting that you are just a race baiting asshole. you lose.

2. I posted one limited example of Obama being racist for discussion purposes. You claimed he apologized, (he didn't) as though that means it did not happen. Once you admit that, I will give you my NEXT example to discuss. Until then, we are stuck at you lying. And losing.

3. Wow. No, I did not say that you said that. I said when you say that, we can move on to the next example. Christ, you are a fucking moron. You lose again.

4. You are a standard lefty race baiting asshole. That you think that means that you know anything about me, or have proven anything about me, is just you being fucking stupid.

2. Again. Obama invited them for a beer drink in WH. You don’t call that an apology?

Again. Your example of one incident doesn’t mean Obama is a racist compared to Trump. I can give you many examples of Trump as a racist piece of shit.

It was a dog and pony show. He screwed up and butted in where he didn't belong and used the "show" to deflect.

Oh Suuure. Then give me more examples that Obama is a racist.

1. Trayvon Martin.
2. Reverend Wright.
3. He detests Jews and Israel. Both Wright and Bambi.
4. NOBODY can deny Michelle's racism.

What are you trying to say about Trayvon Martin, Rev. Wright, Jews/Israel and Michele that you accused of Obama as a racist?

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