Race relations better under Trump than Obama

1. You can’t prove anything what terri is as saying. You are as fake as terri. Yes you can’t accept that Obama was black.
You loss.
2. Nope. You didn’t not prove anything that Obama was racist. If you have anything else you could have posted more. You loss.

3. I never said Obama was a racist. You did. You loss.

4. Dude. I know you are a racist a long time ago. So anything you post about race are totally hog wash and garbage of credibility. I blasted you several times of your ignorance opinions about race.

Respect? Civility? do you even have any of that? You loss.

1. Your position is that the only possible reason to be a Birther was Obama's race. When Terri posted three other reasons, you lost that argument. When you demand to have those reasons proved, you are moving the goal posts, instead of admitting that you are just a race baiting asshole. you lose.

2. I posted one limited example of Obama being racist for discussion purposes. You claimed he apologized, (he didn't) as though that means it did not happen. Once you admit that, I will give you my NEXT example to discuss. Until then, we are stuck at you lying. And losing.

3. Wow. No, I did not say that you said that. I said when you say that, we can move on to the next example. Christ, you are a fucking moron. You lose again.

4. You are a standard lefty race baiting asshole. That you think that means that you know anything about me, or have proven anything about me, is just you being fucking stupid.

1. Terri the trump post is nothing but crap but I will deal with him later.

2. You only gave one lousy example. Which means nothing.

3 and 4. No you are a loser. You are a racist and you’ve proven that to me many times.

1. Your position was that "Race" was the only possible reason for Birtherism. Terri posted 3 other possible reasons. Right there, you lose and if you were not a lying asshole, you would admit it. Now insisting that any reasons be ones you agree with is just you moving the goal posts.

2. I gave one limited but serious example so that we could actually have a real discussion on it. That you find that incomprehensible is because you libs today, have gotten used to the idea that the only way you can win debates, is by AVOIDING serious and honest discussion.

2b My example was a fine example of Obama being racist. YOu said he apologized as though that meant it did not happen. Except he did not apologize and you know it. You lose on so many levels.

3 &4 You are a standard liberal, who by definition, sees racism, I should say, "racism" in anyone that doesn't toe your Party Line. That is just you being a race baiting asshole.

I already challenged your friend terri4trump. I’m waiting.

Spare me your cow dung. You are a racist dog. Plain and simple.

We have these discussions several times. Nothing change you are still racist no matter how much you twist it.

1. The reasons Terri listed were completely real. That you do not agree with them, is not relevant. THey were possible reasons for people to be Birther that was not "Race" so your race baiting claim is refuted, right there. Your desire to move the discussion to whether you agree with the reasons, is you "moving the goal posts". you lose.

2. I am still waiting for you to show me where Obama apologized for his racist attack on the white cop. Hint: YOu will not find it. Because he did not apologize.

3. ONce you admit that Obama did not apologize for his racist attack on the white cop, we can move on to the next example of him being racist.

4. You are just a standard lib who calls people "Racist" because you think it gives you an excuse to ignore their arguments, arguments that crush your stupid beliefs, like the moronic delusions they are. Hint: It doesn't. We can all see though you. YOu know it too.

5. Your failures to do, anything really here, have utterly demolished your opposition to the OP assertion. Race relations are better under Trump. Would you like to discuss why or do you want to spend more time proving to everyone, that you cannot refute it so it must be true?

1. Oh just a bunch of cow dung. Terri is just another liar.

2. You keep mentioning the same scenario of one lousy incident of Obama. Then you make it like a very big deal. Compared to this racist piece of shit Trump. Come on Dude.
I know you are just an old dumb ignorant. Do you have anymore about Obama?

3. I never said Obama did not apologize. You said that. Obama invited them for a beer drink. That is more than an apology to me.

4. Oh I know for a long time. You are a racist 100% sure. We discussed this same issue several times. No matter how many times you twist it you are a racist.
How can I be a racist? I have black, Hispanic, Muslims and Asians friends and associates.
I know you are scared of minorities.

5. Of course you are a racist dog. You are either lying or in denial. I gave you several links to prove Trump is a racist and here’s another one for you.

Trump is very BAD for this country. We deserve better.

Kids Are Using Trump Talking Points To Bully Classmates

Kids, especially those who aren’t white, are being bullied and harassed by classmates who use Trump’s racist rhetoric

In an absolutely heartbreaking report, the Washington Post found that today’s students — especially nonwhite kids — face brutal bullying and harassment from classmates who use the same racist words as President Donald Trump.

Ever since he was on the campaign trail prior to the 2016 election, Trump has used bigoted, racist, and inflammatory language when talking about Muslims, immigrants, and minorities in the U.S. The Post‘s analysis of 28,000 news stories
1. You can’t prove anything what terri is as saying. You are as fake as terri. Yes you can’t accept that Obama was black.
You loss.
2. Nope. You didn’t not prove anything that Obama was racist. If you have anything else you could have posted more. You loss.

3. I never said Obama was a racist. You did. You loss.

4. Dude. I know you are a racist a long time ago. So anything you post about race are totally hog wash and garbage of credibility. I blasted you several times of your ignorance opinions about race.

Respect? Civility? do you even have any of that? You loss.

1. Your position is that the only possible reason to be a Birther was Obama's race. When Terri posted three other reasons, you lost that argument. When you demand to have those reasons proved, you are moving the goal posts, instead of admitting that you are just a race baiting asshole. you lose.

2. I posted one limited example of Obama being racist for discussion purposes. You claimed he apologized, (he didn't) as though that means it did not happen. Once you admit that, I will give you my NEXT example to discuss. Until then, we are stuck at you lying. And losing.

3. Wow. No, I did not say that you said that. I said when you say that, we can move on to the next example. Christ, you are a fucking moron. You lose again.

4. You are a standard lefty race baiting asshole. That you think that means that you know anything about me, or have proven anything about me, is just you being fucking stupid.

1. Terri the trump post is nothing but crap but I will deal with him later.

2. You only gave one lousy example. Which means nothing.

3 and 4. No you are a loser. You are a racist and you’ve proven that to me many times.

1. Your position was that "Race" was the only possible reason for Birtherism. Terri posted 3 other possible reasons. Right there, you lose and if you were not a lying asshole, you would admit it. Now insisting that any reasons be ones you agree with is just you moving the goal posts.

2. I gave one limited but serious example so that we could actually have a real discussion on it. That you find that incomprehensible is because you libs today, have gotten used to the idea that the only way you can win debates, is by AVOIDING serious and honest discussion.

2b My example was a fine example of Obama being racist. YOu said he apologized as though that meant it did not happen. Except he did not apologize and you know it. You lose on so many levels.

3 &4 You are a standard liberal, who by definition, sees racism, I should say, "racism" in anyone that doesn't toe your Party Line. That is just you being a race baiting asshole.

I already told you. your example of Obama being a racist is not acceptable.
He invited them for a beer drink. What do you call that? That is more then an apology.
But you make it a whole wide world in one occasion that Obama is a racist.

You have not provided me any link that Obama is a racist. Except from your opinion coming from a racist asshole that don’t have kind of crap of credibility. NONE.


Seriously, what is wrong with you?

Obama called it a "teaching moment". He was pretending that he was going to be "teaching" the nation about race.

IF it was a form of apology, like you claim, he would have called it, a "LEARNING MOMENT", letting people know that he was planning on LEARNING from the white cop he attacked.

Learning to overcome his own racism.

Further more, note how I made a statement, and then explained my reasoning, and made the case for my opinion on it.

You did not do that, when you "told me" that my example was not acceptable.

You just asserted it, with the claim, that you could not back up, that Obama had apologized.

Did you go looking for that apology and not be able to find it, because it was not there?

Dude you keep repeating your self.

You have not given any of your bullshit that Obama is a racist except one scenario.
You are ignorant and retarded than I thought.
What are you trying to say about Trayvon Martin, Rev. Wright, Jews/Israel and Michele that you accused of Obama as a racist?

See, a long list, does not help discussion, it hinders it.

Learn anything yet?

That was a rhetorical question by the way.

Dude your buddy justaguy gave me a list of names. So I asked him.......... What is that list supposed to mean without any back up?

Are you stupid or retarded or something?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Anyone with any awareness saw everything occur with the examples I gave You're just a troll who'll answer "Nuh-Uh"

Sorry. You just listed names. It’s your dumb job to tell me what you are trying to say.

Not me trying to figure out what you want to say.

Sorry, ANYONE who even pays a little attention to politics knows excatly what thod names mean to Bambi. I really don't care what you think you know. Bambi and his "wife" are both racist

Dude. You cannot even back up what you are saying. Meaning you are just another bullshitter.

So tell what are you trying to say? Are you scared to tell me something?
Who is Bambi as racist?

You need to care what I think because you started it. Now you are scared of backing up what the hell you were saying.

Like Trayvon Martin you mentioned. What do you want to say? Do I need to research what the hell you are talking about?
What the hell is wrong with you Dude?
1. Your position is that the only possible reason to be a Birther was Obama's race. When Terri posted three other reasons, you lost that argument. When you demand to have those reasons proved, you are moving the goal posts, instead of admitting that you are just a race baiting asshole. you lose.

2. I posted one limited example of Obama being racist for discussion purposes. You claimed he apologized, (he didn't) as though that means it did not happen. Once you admit that, I will give you my NEXT example to discuss. Until then, we are stuck at you lying. And losing.

3. Wow. No, I did not say that you said that. I said when you say that, we can move on to the next example. Christ, you are a fucking moron. You lose again.

4. You are a standard lefty race baiting asshole. That you think that means that you know anything about me, or have proven anything about me, is just you being fucking stupid.

1. Terri the trump post is nothing but crap but I will deal with him later.

2. You only gave one lousy example. Which means nothing.

3 and 4. No you are a loser. You are a racist and you’ve proven that to me many times.

1. Your position was that "Race" was the only possible reason for Birtherism. Terri posted 3 other possible reasons. Right there, you lose and if you were not a lying asshole, you would admit it. Now insisting that any reasons be ones you agree with is just you moving the goal posts.

2. I gave one limited but serious example so that we could actually have a real discussion on it. That you find that incomprehensible is because you libs today, have gotten used to the idea that the only way you can win debates, is by AVOIDING serious and honest discussion.

2b My example was a fine example of Obama being racist. YOu said he apologized as though that meant it did not happen. Except he did not apologize and you know it. You lose on so many levels.

3 &4 You are a standard liberal, who by definition, sees racism, I should say, "racism" in anyone that doesn't toe your Party Line. That is just you being a race baiting asshole.

I already challenged your friend terri4trump. I’m waiting.

Spare me your cow dung. You are a racist dog. Plain and simple.

We have these discussions several times. Nothing change you are still racist no matter how much you twist it.

1. The reasons Terri listed were completely real. That you do not agree with them, is not relevant. THey were possible reasons for people to be Birther that was not "Race" so your race baiting claim is refuted, right there. Your desire to move the discussion to whether you agree with the reasons, is you "moving the goal posts". you lose.

2. I am still waiting for you to show me where Obama apologized for his racist attack on the white cop. Hint: YOu will not find it. Because he did not apologize.

3. ONce you admit that Obama did not apologize for his racist attack on the white cop, we can move on to the next example of him being racist.

4. You are just a standard lib who calls people "Racist" because you think it gives you an excuse to ignore their arguments, arguments that crush your stupid beliefs, like the moronic delusions they are. Hint: It doesn't. We can all see though you. YOu know it too.

5. Your failures to do, anything really here, have utterly demolished your opposition to the OP assertion. Race relations are better under Trump. Would you like to discuss why or do you want to spend more time proving to everyone, that you cannot refute it so it must be true?

1. Oh just a bunch of cow dung. Terri is just another liar.

2. You keep mentioning the same scenario of one lousy incident of Obama. Then you make it like a very big deal. Compared to this racist piece of shit Trump. Come on Dude.
I know you are just an old dumb ignorant. Do you have anymore about Obama?

3. I never said Obama did not apologize. You said that. Obama invited them for a beer drink. That is more than an apology to me.

4. Oh I know for a long time. You are a racist 100% sure. We discussed this same issue several times. No matter how many times you twist it you are a racist.
How can I be a racist? I have black, Hispanic, Muslims and Asians friends and associates.
I know you are scared of minorities.

5. Of course you are a racist dog. You are either lying or in denial. I gave you several links to prove Trump is a racist and here’s another one for you.

Trump is very BAD for this country. We deserve better.


1. Terri's additional reasons proved your claim that there was only one reason, it proved your claim to be false. That you refuse to admit that, is just you demonstrating that you are insanely dishonest.

2. I have plenty more. But if you won't admit that you cannot show me an apology here, we cannot move on.

3. When you admit that Obama did not apologize, we can move on.

4. YOu are a fucking race baiting asshole coward. Fuck you.

5. Your links are just an attempt for you to distract from your inability to back up your claim ie that Obama apologized. He did not. He is a racist. And you are an asshole.
1. Your position is that the only possible reason to be a Birther was Obama's race. When Terri posted three other reasons, you lost that argument. When you demand to have those reasons proved, you are moving the goal posts, instead of admitting that you are just a race baiting asshole. you lose.

2. I posted one limited example of Obama being racist for discussion purposes. You claimed he apologized, (he didn't) as though that means it did not happen. Once you admit that, I will give you my NEXT example to discuss. Until then, we are stuck at you lying. And losing.

3. Wow. No, I did not say that you said that. I said when you say that, we can move on to the next example. Christ, you are a fucking moron. You lose again.

4. You are a standard lefty race baiting asshole. That you think that means that you know anything about me, or have proven anything about me, is just you being fucking stupid.

1. Terri the trump post is nothing but crap but I will deal with him later.

2. You only gave one lousy example. Which means nothing.

3 and 4. No you are a loser. You are a racist and you’ve proven that to me many times.

1. Your position was that "Race" was the only possible reason for Birtherism. Terri posted 3 other possible reasons. Right there, you lose and if you were not a lying asshole, you would admit it. Now insisting that any reasons be ones you agree with is just you moving the goal posts.

2. I gave one limited but serious example so that we could actually have a real discussion on it. That you find that incomprehensible is because you libs today, have gotten used to the idea that the only way you can win debates, is by AVOIDING serious and honest discussion.

2b My example was a fine example of Obama being racist. YOu said he apologized as though that meant it did not happen. Except he did not apologize and you know it. You lose on so many levels.

3 &4 You are a standard liberal, who by definition, sees racism, I should say, "racism" in anyone that doesn't toe your Party Line. That is just you being a race baiting asshole.

I already told you. your example of Obama being a racist is not acceptable.
He invited them for a beer drink. What do you call that? That is more then an apology.
But you make it a whole wide world in one occasion that Obama is a racist.

You have not provided me any link that Obama is a racist. Except from your opinion coming from a racist asshole that don’t have kind of crap of credibility. NONE.


Seriously, what is wrong with you?

Obama called it a "teaching moment". He was pretending that he was going to be "teaching" the nation about race.

IF it was a form of apology, like you claim, he would have called it, a "LEARNING MOMENT", letting people know that he was planning on LEARNING from the white cop he attacked.

Learning to overcome his own racism.

Further more, note how I made a statement, and then explained my reasoning, and made the case for my opinion on it.

You did not do that, when you "told me" that my example was not acceptable.

You just asserted it, with the claim, that you could not back up, that Obama had apologized.

Did you go looking for that apology and not be able to find it, because it was not there?

Dude you keep repeating your self.

You have not given any of your bullshit that Obama is a racist except one scenario.
You are ignorant and retarded than I thought.

I presented a clear cut and easy to see example of Obama being racist.

He insulted a white cop that arrested a black man who had a fit, when he was questioned about breaking into a house.

When the fact came out, and the polls showed it was being a problem for him, instead of apologizing, which would have shown some character,

he handled the situation with his bullshit "teaching moment" beer.

He never admitted to wrong doing and never said he was sorry.

He sided with the professor and against the cop, based on race. He was pretty clear in that, in his initial statement, as I cut and pasted for you, which you ignored.
See, a long list, does not help discussion, it hinders it.

Learn anything yet?

That was a rhetorical question by the way.

Dude your buddy justaguy gave me a list of names. So I asked him.......... What is that list supposed to mean without any back up?

Are you stupid or retarded or something?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Anyone with any awareness saw everything occur with the examples I gave You're just a troll who'll answer "Nuh-Uh"

Sorry. You just listed names. It’s your dumb job to tell me what you are trying to say.

Not me trying to figure out what you want to say.

Sorry, ANYONE who even pays a little attention to politics knows excatly what thod names mean to Bambi. I really don't care what you think you know. Bambi and his "wife" are both racist

Dude. You cannot even back up what you are saying. Meaning you are just another bullshitter.

So tell what are you trying to say? Are you scared to tell me something?
Who is Bambi as racist?

You need to care what I think because you started it. Now you are scared of backing up what the hell you were saying.

Like Trayvon Martin you mentioned. What do you want to say? Do I need to research what the hell you are talking about?
What the hell is wrong with you Dude?

Your pretense of ignorance is not credible.

YOu are just talking shit. LIke libs do.
Which is worse?

A: The old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racists that still infect the GOP
B: Those on the Right who enable them by refusing to clearly identify them and hold them accountable

I might go with B.

Yes, the Regressive Left has cynically weaponized PC & Identity Politics to intimidate, punish and control. AND both A & B still exist on the Right.

The two can occupy the same universe simultaneously. And they are. Unfortunately.
Which is worse?

A: The old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racists that still infect the GOP
B: Those on the Right who enable them by refusing to clearly identify them and hold them accountable

I might go with B.

Yes, the Regressive Left has cynically weaponized PC & Identity Politics to intimidate, punish and control. AND both A & B still exist on the Right.

The two can occupy the same universe simultaneously. And they are. Unfortunately.

Except that you leave out the massive issue of false accusations of racism.

YOu do know that the Southern Strategy claim has been refuted, right? Yet we still see it claimed, all the time.

For one limited example.
Which is worse?

A: The old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racists that still infect the GOP
B: Those on the Right who enable them by refusing to clearly identify them and hold them accountable

I might go with B.

Yes, the Regressive Left has cynically weaponized PC & Identity Politics to intimidate, punish and control. AND both A & B still exist on the Right.

The two can occupy the same universe simultaneously. And they are. Unfortunately.

Except that you leave out the massive issue of false accusations of racism.

YOu do know that the Southern Strategy claim has been refuted, right? Yet we still see it claimed, all the time.

For one limited example.
Perhaps you somehow didn't see the sentence that starts with "Yes, the Regressive Left..."

Before you ignored the first part. Which is a pretty good example of my point.
Which is worse?

A: The old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racists that still infect the GOP
B: Those on the Right who enable them by refusing to clearly identify them and hold them accountable

I might go with B.

Yes, the Regressive Left has cynically weaponized PC & Identity Politics to intimidate, punish and control. AND both A & B still exist on the Right.

The two can occupy the same universe simultaneously. And they are. Unfortunately.

Except that you leave out the massive issue of false accusations of racism.

YOu do know that the Southern Strategy claim has been refuted, right? Yet we still see it claimed, all the time.

For one limited example.
Perhaps you somehow didn't see the sentence that starts with "Yes, the Regressive Left..."

Before you ignored the first part. Which is a pretty good example of my point.

So, you ignored the second part of my post. Do you agree that the Southern Strategy has been refuted?

if you can do that, it will greatly increase your street cred with me.
Which is worse?

A: The old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racists that still infect the GOP
B: Those on the Right who enable them by refusing to clearly identify them and hold them accountable

I might go with B.

Yes, the Regressive Left has cynically weaponized PC & Identity Politics to intimidate, punish and control. AND both A & B still exist on the Right.

The two can occupy the same universe simultaneously. And they are. Unfortunately.

Except that you leave out the massive issue of false accusations of racism.

YOu do know that the Southern Strategy claim has been refuted, right? Yet we still see it claimed, all the time.

For one limited example.
Perhaps you somehow didn't see the sentence that starts with "Yes, the Regressive Left..."

Before you ignored the first part. Which is a pretty good example of my point.

So, you ignored the second part of my post. Do you agree that the Southern Strategy has been refuted?

if you can do that, it will greatly increase your street cred with me.
I don't know why I would worry about my cred with you.

I made my point, and I certainly wouldn't expect someone like you to like it.
1. Your position is that the only possible reason to be a Birther was Obama's race. When Terri posted three other reasons, you lost that argument. When you demand to have those reasons proved, you are moving the goal posts, instead of admitting that you are just a race baiting asshole. you lose.

2. I posted one limited example of Obama being racist for discussion purposes. You claimed he apologized, (he didn't) as though that means it did not happen. Once you admit that, I will give you my NEXT example to discuss. Until then, we are stuck at you lying. And losing.

3. Wow. No, I did not say that you said that. I said when you say that, we can move on to the next example. Christ, you are a fucking moron. You lose again.

4. You are a standard lefty race baiting asshole. That you think that means that you know anything about me, or have proven anything about me, is just you being fucking stupid.

1. Terri the trump post is nothing but crap but I will deal with him later.

2. You only gave one lousy example. Which means nothing.

3 and 4. No you are a loser. You are a racist and you’ve proven that to me many times.

1. Your position was that "Race" was the only possible reason for Birtherism. Terri posted 3 other possible reasons. Right there, you lose and if you were not a lying asshole, you would admit it. Now insisting that any reasons be ones you agree with is just you moving the goal posts.

2. I gave one limited but serious example so that we could actually have a real discussion on it. That you find that incomprehensible is because you libs today, have gotten used to the idea that the only way you can win debates, is by AVOIDING serious and honest discussion.

2b My example was a fine example of Obama being racist. YOu said he apologized as though that meant it did not happen. Except he did not apologize and you know it. You lose on so many levels.

3 &4 You are a standard liberal, who by definition, sees racism, I should say, "racism" in anyone that doesn't toe your Party Line. That is just you being a race baiting asshole.

I already challenged your friend terri4trump. I’m waiting.

Spare me your cow dung. You are a racist dog. Plain and simple.

We have these discussions several times. Nothing change you are still racist no matter how much you twist it.

1. The reasons Terri listed were completely real. That you do not agree with them, is not relevant. THey were possible reasons for people to be Birther that was not "Race" so your race baiting claim is refuted, right there. Your desire to move the discussion to whether you agree with the reasons, is you "moving the goal posts". you lose.

2. I am still waiting for you to show me where Obama apologized for his racist attack on the white cop. Hint: YOu will not find it. Because he did not apologize.

3. ONce you admit that Obama did not apologize for his racist attack on the white cop, we can move on to the next example of him being racist.

4. You are just a standard lib who calls people "Racist" because you think it gives you an excuse to ignore their arguments, arguments that crush your stupid beliefs, like the moronic delusions they are. Hint: It doesn't. We can all see though you. YOu know it too.

5. Your failures to do, anything really here, have utterly demolished your opposition to the OP assertion. Race relations are better under Trump. Would you like to discuss why or do you want to spend more time proving to everyone, that you cannot refute it so it must be true?

1. Oh just a bunch of cow dung. Terri is just another liar.

2. You keep mentioning the same scenario of one lousy incident of Obama. Then you make it like a very big deal. Compared to this racist piece of shit Trump. Come on Dude.
I know you are just an old dumb ignorant. Do you have anymore about Obama?

3. I never said Obama did not apologize. You said that. Obama invited them for a beer drink. That is more than an apology to me.

4. Oh I know for a long time. You are a racist 100% sure. We discussed this same issue several times. No matter how many times you twist it you are a racist.
How can I be a racist? I have black, Hispanic, Muslims and Asians friends and associates.
I know you are scared of minorities.

5. Of course you are a racist dog. You are either lying or in denial. I gave you several links to prove Trump is a racist and here’s another one for you.

Trump is very BAD for this country. We deserve better.

Kids Are Using Trump Talking Points To Bully Classmates

Kids, especially those who aren’t white, are being bullied and harassed by classmates who use Trump’s racist rhetoric

In an absolutely heartbreaking report, the Washington Post found that today’s students — especially nonwhite kids — face brutal bullying and harassment from classmates who use the same racist words as President Donald Trump.

Ever since he was on the campaign trail prior to the 2016 election, Trump has used bigoted, racist, and inflammatory language when talking about Muslims, immigrants, and minorities in the U.S. The Post‘s analysis of 28,000 news stories
Tell me why in the hell is the President of the United States getting involved in such a small incident?
Which is worse?

A: The old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racists that still infect the GOP
B: Those on the Right who enable them by refusing to clearly identify them and hold them accountable

I might go with B.

Yes, the Regressive Left has cynically weaponized PC & Identity Politics to intimidate, punish and control. AND both A & B still exist on the Right.

The two can occupy the same universe simultaneously. And they are. Unfortunately.

Except that you leave out the massive issue of false accusations of racism.

YOu do know that the Southern Strategy claim has been refuted, right? Yet we still see it claimed, all the time.

For one limited example.
Perhaps you somehow didn't see the sentence that starts with "Yes, the Regressive Left..."

Before you ignored the first part. Which is a pretty good example of my point.

So, you ignored the second part of my post. Do you agree that the Southern Strategy has been refuted?

if you can do that, it will greatly increase your street cred with me.
I don't know why I would worry about my cred with you.

I made my point, and I certainly wouldn't expect someone like you to like it.

If you are not worried, than just agree or not, that the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
Which is worse?

A: The old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racists that still infect the GOP
B: Those on the Right who enable them by refusing to clearly identify them and hold them accountable

I might go with B.

Yes, the Regressive Left has cynically weaponized PC & Identity Politics to intimidate, punish and control. AND both A & B still exist on the Right.

The two can occupy the same universe simultaneously. And they are. Unfortunately.

Except that you leave out the massive issue of false accusations of racism.

YOu do know that the Southern Strategy claim has been refuted, right? Yet we still see it claimed, all the time.

For one limited example.
Perhaps you somehow didn't see the sentence that starts with "Yes, the Regressive Left..."

Before you ignored the first part. Which is a pretty good example of my point.

So, you ignored the second part of my post. Do you agree that the Southern Strategy has been refuted?

if you can do that, it will greatly increase your street cred with me.
I don't know why I would worry about my cred with you.

I made my point, and I certainly wouldn't expect someone like you to like it.

If you are not worried, than just agree or not, that the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
Whatever makes your enabling easier.
Except that you leave out the massive issue of false accusations of racism.

YOu do know that the Southern Strategy claim has been refuted, right? Yet we still see it claimed, all the time.

For one limited example.
Perhaps you somehow didn't see the sentence that starts with "Yes, the Regressive Left..."

Before you ignored the first part. Which is a pretty good example of my point.

So, you ignored the second part of my post. Do you agree that the Southern Strategy has been refuted?

if you can do that, it will greatly increase your street cred with me.
I don't know why I would worry about my cred with you.

I made my point, and I certainly wouldn't expect someone like you to like it.

If you are not worried, than just agree or not, that the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
Whatever makes your enabling easier.

I won't stop asking until you answer.

Agree or not, the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
Perhaps you somehow didn't see the sentence that starts with "Yes, the Regressive Left..."

Before you ignored the first part. Which is a pretty good example of my point.

So, you ignored the second part of my post. Do you agree that the Southern Strategy has been refuted?

if you can do that, it will greatly increase your street cred with me.
I don't know why I would worry about my cred with you.

I made my point, and I certainly wouldn't expect someone like you to like it.

If you are not worried, than just agree or not, that the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
Whatever makes your enabling easier.

I won't stop asking until you answer.

Agree or not, the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
I don't care about the Southern Strategy. I care about the racism and the enabling of racism, right now, today.

Yes, you have completely and comprehensively refuted Southern Strategy. You have convinced me that it is a mythical myth of mythic proportions.

I haven't actually read anything you've said about it, since I don't care, but hopefully this will end the leg humping deflection.
So, you ignored the second part of my post. Do you agree that the Southern Strategy has been refuted?

if you can do that, it will greatly increase your street cred with me.
I don't know why I would worry about my cred with you.

I made my point, and I certainly wouldn't expect someone like you to like it.

If you are not worried, than just agree or not, that the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
Whatever makes your enabling easier.

I won't stop asking until you answer.

Agree or not, the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
I don't care about the Southern Strategy. I care about the racism and the enabling of racism, right now, today.

Yes, you have completely and comprehensively refuted Southern Strategy. You have convinced me that it is a mythical myth of mythic proportions.

I haven't actually read anything you've said about it, since I don't care, but hopefully this will end the leg humping deflection.

i was trying to get you to give me some hope about your post.

BUt you refused.
I don't know why I would worry about my cred with you.

I made my point, and I certainly wouldn't expect someone like you to like it.

If you are not worried, than just agree or not, that the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
Whatever makes your enabling easier.

I won't stop asking until you answer.

Agree or not, the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
I don't care about the Southern Strategy. I care about the racism and the enabling of racism, right now, today.

Yes, you have completely and comprehensively refuted Southern Strategy. You have convinced me that it is a mythical myth of mythic proportions.

I haven't actually read anything you've said about it, since I don't care, but hopefully this will end the leg humping deflection.

i was trying to get you to give me some hope about your post.

BUt you refused.
I don't know what that means.
1. Terri the trump post is nothing but crap but I will deal with him later.

2. You only gave one lousy example. Which means nothing.

3 and 4. No you are a loser. You are a racist and you’ve proven that to me many times.

1. Your position was that "Race" was the only possible reason for Birtherism. Terri posted 3 other possible reasons. Right there, you lose and if you were not a lying asshole, you would admit it. Now insisting that any reasons be ones you agree with is just you moving the goal posts.

2. I gave one limited but serious example so that we could actually have a real discussion on it. That you find that incomprehensible is because you libs today, have gotten used to the idea that the only way you can win debates, is by AVOIDING serious and honest discussion.

2b My example was a fine example of Obama being racist. YOu said he apologized as though that meant it did not happen. Except he did not apologize and you know it. You lose on so many levels.

3 &4 You are a standard liberal, who by definition, sees racism, I should say, "racism" in anyone that doesn't toe your Party Line. That is just you being a race baiting asshole.

I already challenged your friend terri4trump. I’m waiting.

Spare me your cow dung. You are a racist dog. Plain and simple.

We have these discussions several times. Nothing change you are still racist no matter how much you twist it.

1. The reasons Terri listed were completely real. That you do not agree with them, is not relevant. THey were possible reasons for people to be Birther that was not "Race" so your race baiting claim is refuted, right there. Your desire to move the discussion to whether you agree with the reasons, is you "moving the goal posts". you lose.

2. I am still waiting for you to show me where Obama apologized for his racist attack on the white cop. Hint: YOu will not find it. Because he did not apologize.

3. ONce you admit that Obama did not apologize for his racist attack on the white cop, we can move on to the next example of him being racist.

4. You are just a standard lib who calls people "Racist" because you think it gives you an excuse to ignore their arguments, arguments that crush your stupid beliefs, like the moronic delusions they are. Hint: It doesn't. We can all see though you. YOu know it too.

5. Your failures to do, anything really here, have utterly demolished your opposition to the OP assertion. Race relations are better under Trump. Would you like to discuss why or do you want to spend more time proving to everyone, that you cannot refute it so it must be true?

1. Oh just a bunch of cow dung. Terri is just another liar.

2. You keep mentioning the same scenario of one lousy incident of Obama. Then you make it like a very big deal. Compared to this racist piece of shit Trump. Come on Dude.
I know you are just an old dumb ignorant. Do you have anymore about Obama?

3. I never said Obama did not apologize. You said that. Obama invited them for a beer drink. That is more than an apology to me.

4. Oh I know for a long time. You are a racist 100% sure. We discussed this same issue several times. No matter how many times you twist it you are a racist.
How can I be a racist? I have black, Hispanic, Muslims and Asians friends and associates.
I know you are scared of minorities.

5. Of course you are a racist dog. You are either lying or in denial. I gave you several links to prove Trump is a racist and here’s another one for you.

Trump is very BAD for this country. We deserve better.


1. Terri's additional reasons proved your claim that there was only one reason, it proved your claim to be false. That you refuse to admit that, is just you demonstrating that you are insanely dishonest.

2. I have plenty more. But if you won't admit that you cannot show me an apology here, we cannot move on.

3. When you admit that Obama did not apologize, we can move on.

4. YOu are a fucking race baiting asshole coward. Fuck you.

5. Your links are just an attempt for you to distract from your inability to back up your claim ie that Obama apologized. He did not. He is a racist. And you are an asshole.

1. Terri cannot even prove himself. Teri is a good example of a LIAR.
You are a loser.

2. You have more? If you have more you could have posted them. Idiot.
You are a loser.

3. Why? I am not going to move on. You should because you have not proven anything. You are a loser.

4. Coward? Dude you are a good example of that. You keep going round and round. You are still a racist piece of shit. You are loser.

5. My link has nothing to do with Obama. It’s about Trump a racist piece of garbage. You keep repeating the same fucking scenario. You are a good example of a retarded and an asshole.
You should be embarrass.
You are a loser.

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