Race relations better under Trump than Obama

If you are not worried, than just agree or not, that the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
Whatever makes your enabling easier.

I won't stop asking until you answer.

Agree or not, the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
I don't care about the Southern Strategy. I care about the racism and the enabling of racism, right now, today.

Yes, you have completely and comprehensively refuted Southern Strategy. You have convinced me that it is a mythical myth of mythic proportions.

I haven't actually read anything you've said about it, since I don't care, but hopefully this will end the leg humping deflection.

i was trying to get you to give me some hope about your post.

BUt you refused.
I don't know what that means.

I read your post. I was hoping you could help me give it a positive spin. YOu refused. So, I can't.
1. Terri the trump post is nothing but crap but I will deal with him later.

2. You only gave one lousy example. Which means nothing.

3 and 4. No you are a loser. You are a racist and you’ve proven that to me many times.

1. Your position was that "Race" was the only possible reason for Birtherism. Terri posted 3 other possible reasons. Right there, you lose and if you were not a lying asshole, you would admit it. Now insisting that any reasons be ones you agree with is just you moving the goal posts.

2. I gave one limited but serious example so that we could actually have a real discussion on it. That you find that incomprehensible is because you libs today, have gotten used to the idea that the only way you can win debates, is by AVOIDING serious and honest discussion.

2b My example was a fine example of Obama being racist. YOu said he apologized as though that meant it did not happen. Except he did not apologize and you know it. You lose on so many levels.

3 &4 You are a standard liberal, who by definition, sees racism, I should say, "racism" in anyone that doesn't toe your Party Line. That is just you being a race baiting asshole.

I already challenged your friend terri4trump. I’m waiting.

Spare me your cow dung. You are a racist dog. Plain and simple.

We have these discussions several times. Nothing change you are still racist no matter how much you twist it.

1. The reasons Terri listed were completely real. That you do not agree with them, is not relevant. THey were possible reasons for people to be Birther that was not "Race" so your race baiting claim is refuted, right there. Your desire to move the discussion to whether you agree with the reasons, is you "moving the goal posts". you lose.

2. I am still waiting for you to show me where Obama apologized for his racist attack on the white cop. Hint: YOu will not find it. Because he did not apologize.

3. ONce you admit that Obama did not apologize for his racist attack on the white cop, we can move on to the next example of him being racist.

4. You are just a standard lib who calls people "Racist" because you think it gives you an excuse to ignore their arguments, arguments that crush your stupid beliefs, like the moronic delusions they are. Hint: It doesn't. We can all see though you. YOu know it too.

5. Your failures to do, anything really here, have utterly demolished your opposition to the OP assertion. Race relations are better under Trump. Would you like to discuss why or do you want to spend more time proving to everyone, that you cannot refute it so it must be true?

1. Oh just a bunch of cow dung. Terri is just another liar.

2. You keep mentioning the same scenario of one lousy incident of Obama. Then you make it like a very big deal. Compared to this racist piece of shit Trump. Come on Dude.
I know you are just an old dumb ignorant. Do you have anymore about Obama?

3. I never said Obama did not apologize. You said that. Obama invited them for a beer drink. That is more than an apology to me.

4. Oh I know for a long time. You are a racist 100% sure. We discussed this same issue several times. No matter how many times you twist it you are a racist.
How can I be a racist? I have black, Hispanic, Muslims and Asians friends and associates.
I know you are scared of minorities.

5. Of course you are a racist dog. You are either lying or in denial. I gave you several links to prove Trump is a racist and here’s another one for you.

Trump is very BAD for this country. We deserve better.

Kids Are Using Trump Talking Points To Bully Classmates

Kids, especially those who aren’t white, are being bullied and harassed by classmates who use Trump’s racist rhetoric

In an absolutely heartbreaking report, the Washington Post found that today’s students — especially nonwhite kids — face brutal bullying and harassment from classmates who use the same racist words as President Donald Trump.

Ever since he was on the campaign trail prior to the 2016 election, Trump has used bigoted, racist, and inflammatory language when talking about Muslims, immigrants, and minorities in the U.S. The Post‘s analysis of 28,000 news stories
Tell me why in the hell is the President of the United States getting involved in such a small incident?

What small incident? Explain.
Whatever makes your enabling easier.

I won't stop asking until you answer.

Agree or not, the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
I don't care about the Southern Strategy. I care about the racism and the enabling of racism, right now, today.

Yes, you have completely and comprehensively refuted Southern Strategy. You have convinced me that it is a mythical myth of mythic proportions.

I haven't actually read anything you've said about it, since I don't care, but hopefully this will end the leg humping deflection.

i was trying to get you to give me some hope about your post.

BUt you refused.
I don't know what that means.

I read your post. I was hoping you could help me give it a positive spin. YOu refused. So, I can't.
I still don't understand what you're trying to say. Which post? Why would a post need positive spin?

Maybe just make a clear and coherent point -- although I already know where you stand on this stuff.
1. Your position was that "Race" was the only possible reason for Birtherism. Terri posted 3 other possible reasons. Right there, you lose and if you were not a lying asshole, you would admit it. Now insisting that any reasons be ones you agree with is just you moving the goal posts.

2. I gave one limited but serious example so that we could actually have a real discussion on it. That you find that incomprehensible is because you libs today, have gotten used to the idea that the only way you can win debates, is by AVOIDING serious and honest discussion.

2b My example was a fine example of Obama being racist. YOu said he apologized as though that meant it did not happen. Except he did not apologize and you know it. You lose on so many levels.

3 &4 You are a standard liberal, who by definition, sees racism, I should say, "racism" in anyone that doesn't toe your Party Line. That is just you being a race baiting asshole.

I already challenged your friend terri4trump. I’m waiting.

Spare me your cow dung. You are a racist dog. Plain and simple.

We have these discussions several times. Nothing change you are still racist no matter how much you twist it.

1. The reasons Terri listed were completely real. That you do not agree with them, is not relevant. THey were possible reasons for people to be Birther that was not "Race" so your race baiting claim is refuted, right there. Your desire to move the discussion to whether you agree with the reasons, is you "moving the goal posts". you lose.

2. I am still waiting for you to show me where Obama apologized for his racist attack on the white cop. Hint: YOu will not find it. Because he did not apologize.

3. ONce you admit that Obama did not apologize for his racist attack on the white cop, we can move on to the next example of him being racist.

4. You are just a standard lib who calls people "Racist" because you think it gives you an excuse to ignore their arguments, arguments that crush your stupid beliefs, like the moronic delusions they are. Hint: It doesn't. We can all see though you. YOu know it too.

5. Your failures to do, anything really here, have utterly demolished your opposition to the OP assertion. Race relations are better under Trump. Would you like to discuss why or do you want to spend more time proving to everyone, that you cannot refute it so it must be true?

1. Oh just a bunch of cow dung. Terri is just another liar.

2. You keep mentioning the same scenario of one lousy incident of Obama. Then you make it like a very big deal. Compared to this racist piece of shit Trump. Come on Dude.
I know you are just an old dumb ignorant. Do you have anymore about Obama?

3. I never said Obama did not apologize. You said that. Obama invited them for a beer drink. That is more than an apology to me.

4. Oh I know for a long time. You are a racist 100% sure. We discussed this same issue several times. No matter how many times you twist it you are a racist.
How can I be a racist? I have black, Hispanic, Muslims and Asians friends and associates.
I know you are scared of minorities.

5. Of course you are a racist dog. You are either lying or in denial. I gave you several links to prove Trump is a racist and here’s another one for you.

Trump is very BAD for this country. We deserve better.

Kids Are Using Trump Talking Points To Bully Classmates

Kids, especially those who aren’t white, are being bullied and harassed by classmates who use Trump’s racist rhetoric

In an absolutely heartbreaking report, the Washington Post found that today’s students — especially nonwhite kids — face brutal bullying and harassment from classmates who use the same racist words as President Donald Trump.

Ever since he was on the campaign trail prior to the 2016 election, Trump has used bigoted, racist, and inflammatory language when talking about Muslims, immigrants, and minorities in the U.S. The Post‘s analysis of 28,000 news stories
Tell me why in the hell is the President of the United States getting involved in such a small incident?

What small incident? Explain.
The professor and the cop that was blown up by Obama and his sycophants in the media into a "Summit".
1. Your position was that "Race" was the only possible reason for Birtherism. Terri posted 3 other possible reasons. Right there, you lose and if you were not a lying asshole, you would admit it. Now insisting that any reasons be ones you agree with is just you moving the goal posts.

2. I gave one limited but serious example so that we could actually have a real discussion on it. That you find that incomprehensible is because you libs today, have gotten used to the idea that the only way you can win debates, is by AVOIDING serious and honest discussion.

2b My example was a fine example of Obama being racist. YOu said he apologized as though that meant it did not happen. Except he did not apologize and you know it. You lose on so many levels.

3 &4 You are a standard liberal, who by definition, sees racism, I should say, "racism" in anyone that doesn't toe your Party Line. That is just you being a race baiting asshole.

I already challenged your friend terri4trump. I’m waiting.

Spare me your cow dung. You are a racist dog. Plain and simple.

We have these discussions several times. Nothing change you are still racist no matter how much you twist it.

1. The reasons Terri listed were completely real. That you do not agree with them, is not relevant. THey were possible reasons for people to be Birther that was not "Race" so your race baiting claim is refuted, right there. Your desire to move the discussion to whether you agree with the reasons, is you "moving the goal posts". you lose.

2. I am still waiting for you to show me where Obama apologized for his racist attack on the white cop. Hint: YOu will not find it. Because he did not apologize.

3. ONce you admit that Obama did not apologize for his racist attack on the white cop, we can move on to the next example of him being racist.

4. You are just a standard lib who calls people "Racist" because you think it gives you an excuse to ignore their arguments, arguments that crush your stupid beliefs, like the moronic delusions they are. Hint: It doesn't. We can all see though you. YOu know it too.

5. Your failures to do, anything really here, have utterly demolished your opposition to the OP assertion. Race relations are better under Trump. Would you like to discuss why or do you want to spend more time proving to everyone, that you cannot refute it so it must be true?

1. Oh just a bunch of cow dung. Terri is just another liar.

2. You keep mentioning the same scenario of one lousy incident of Obama. Then you make it like a very big deal. Compared to this racist piece of shit Trump. Come on Dude.
I know you are just an old dumb ignorant. Do you have anymore about Obama?

3. I never said Obama did not apologize. You said that. Obama invited them for a beer drink. That is more than an apology to me.

4. Oh I know for a long time. You are a racist 100% sure. We discussed this same issue several times. No matter how many times you twist it you are a racist.
How can I be a racist? I have black, Hispanic, Muslims and Asians friends and associates.
I know you are scared of minorities.

5. Of course you are a racist dog. You are either lying or in denial. I gave you several links to prove Trump is a racist and here’s another one for you.

Trump is very BAD for this country. We deserve better.


1. Terri's additional reasons proved your claim that there was only one reason, it proved your claim to be false. That you refuse to admit that, is just you demonstrating that you are insanely dishonest.

2. I have plenty more. But if you won't admit that you cannot show me an apology here, we cannot move on.

3. When you admit that Obama did not apologize, we can move on.

4. YOu are a fucking race baiting asshole coward. Fuck you.

5. Your links are just an attempt for you to distract from your inability to back up your claim ie that Obama apologized. He did not. He is a racist. And you are an asshole.

1. Terri cannot even prove himself. Teri is a good example of a LIAR.
You are a loser.

2. You have more? If you have more you could have posted them. Idiot.
You are a loser.

3. Why? I am not going to move on. You should because you have not proven anything. You are a loser.

4. Coward? Dude you are a good example of that. You keep going round and round. You are still a racist piece of shit. You are loser.

5. My link has nothing to do with Obama. It’s about Trump a racist piece of garbage. You keep repeating the same fucking scenario. You are a good example of a retarded and an asshole.
You should be embarrass.
You are a loser.

You claimed that Obama apologized, and never backed it up, nor admitted that you were wrong.

AT BEST, you went looking and realized that you are wrong, but are too much of a pussy to admit it.

Obama is a racist. He attacked the white cop, because he is racist against whites.

When he saw that that was hurting him in the polls, he did the beer summit, and his whores in the media, managed to use that to spin it as though it was somehow not that bad any more.

BUt, he never said he was wrong, or sorry for what he did.

Admit that, and I will move to the next example. After three examples that you have to admit were racist of Obama, I plan to declare victory, just letting you know.
I won't stop asking until you answer.

Agree or not, the Myth of the Southern Strategy has been refuted.
I don't care about the Southern Strategy. I care about the racism and the enabling of racism, right now, today.

Yes, you have completely and comprehensively refuted Southern Strategy. You have convinced me that it is a mythical myth of mythic proportions.

I haven't actually read anything you've said about it, since I don't care, but hopefully this will end the leg humping deflection.

i was trying to get you to give me some hope about your post.

BUt you refused.
I don't know what that means.

I read your post. I was hoping you could help me give it a positive spin. YOu refused. So, I can't.
I still don't understand what you're trying to say. Which post? Why would a post need positive spin?

Maybe just make a clear and coherent point -- although I already know where you stand on this stuff.

Your op. If you had given me any reason to hope, I would have given it another more serious read.

But, you refused. So, you win. I'm done.
I already challenged your friend terri4trump. I’m waiting.

Spare me your cow dung. You are a racist dog. Plain and simple.

We have these discussions several times. Nothing change you are still racist no matter how much you twist it.

1. The reasons Terri listed were completely real. That you do not agree with them, is not relevant. THey were possible reasons for people to be Birther that was not "Race" so your race baiting claim is refuted, right there. Your desire to move the discussion to whether you agree with the reasons, is you "moving the goal posts". you lose.

2. I am still waiting for you to show me where Obama apologized for his racist attack on the white cop. Hint: YOu will not find it. Because he did not apologize.

3. ONce you admit that Obama did not apologize for his racist attack on the white cop, we can move on to the next example of him being racist.

4. You are just a standard lib who calls people "Racist" because you think it gives you an excuse to ignore their arguments, arguments that crush your stupid beliefs, like the moronic delusions they are. Hint: It doesn't. We can all see though you. YOu know it too.

5. Your failures to do, anything really here, have utterly demolished your opposition to the OP assertion. Race relations are better under Trump. Would you like to discuss why or do you want to spend more time proving to everyone, that you cannot refute it so it must be true?

1. Oh just a bunch of cow dung. Terri is just another liar.

2. You keep mentioning the same scenario of one lousy incident of Obama. Then you make it like a very big deal. Compared to this racist piece of shit Trump. Come on Dude.
I know you are just an old dumb ignorant. Do you have anymore about Obama?

3. I never said Obama did not apologize. You said that. Obama invited them for a beer drink. That is more than an apology to me.

4. Oh I know for a long time. You are a racist 100% sure. We discussed this same issue several times. No matter how many times you twist it you are a racist.
How can I be a racist? I have black, Hispanic, Muslims and Asians friends and associates.
I know you are scared of minorities.

5. Of course you are a racist dog. You are either lying or in denial. I gave you several links to prove Trump is a racist and here’s another one for you.

Trump is very BAD for this country. We deserve better.


1. Terri's additional reasons proved your claim that there was only one reason, it proved your claim to be false. That you refuse to admit that, is just you demonstrating that you are insanely dishonest.

2. I have plenty more. But if you won't admit that you cannot show me an apology here, we cannot move on.

3. When you admit that Obama did not apologize, we can move on.

4. YOu are a fucking race baiting asshole coward. Fuck you.

5. Your links are just an attempt for you to distract from your inability to back up your claim ie that Obama apologized. He did not. He is a racist. And you are an asshole.

1. Terri cannot even prove himself. Teri is a good example of a LIAR.
You are a loser.

2. You have more? If you have more you could have posted them. Idiot.
You are a loser.

3. Why? I am not going to move on. You should because you have not proven anything. You are a loser.

4. Coward? Dude you are a good example of that. You keep going round and round. You are still a racist piece of shit. You are loser.

5. My link has nothing to do with Obama. It’s about Trump a racist piece of garbage. You keep repeating the same fucking scenario. You are a good example of a retarded and an asshole.
You should be embarrass.
You are a loser.

You claimed that Obama apologized, and never backed it up, nor admitted that you were wrong.

AT BEST, you went looking and realized that you are wrong, but are too much of a pussy to admit it.

Obama is a racist. He attacked the white cop, because he is racist against whites.

When he saw that that was hurting him in the polls, he did the beer summit, and his whores in the media, managed to use that to spin it as though it was somehow not that bad any more.

BUt, he never said he was wrong, or sorry for what he did.

Admit that, and I will move to the next example. After three examples that you have to admit were racist of Obama, I plan to declare victory, just letting you know.

You keep repeating the same retarded post.
I gave you several links Trump is a racist garbage like you.
You keep repeating the same insanity. Do you have anything else ?
1. The reasons Terri listed were completely real. That you do not agree with them, is not relevant. THey were possible reasons for people to be Birther that was not "Race" so your race baiting claim is refuted, right there. Your desire to move the discussion to whether you agree with the reasons, is you "moving the goal posts". you lose.

2. I am still waiting for you to show me where Obama apologized for his racist attack on the white cop. Hint: YOu will not find it. Because he did not apologize.

3. ONce you admit that Obama did not apologize for his racist attack on the white cop, we can move on to the next example of him being racist.

4. You are just a standard lib who calls people "Racist" because you think it gives you an excuse to ignore their arguments, arguments that crush your stupid beliefs, like the moronic delusions they are. Hint: It doesn't. We can all see though you. YOu know it too.

5. Your failures to do, anything really here, have utterly demolished your opposition to the OP assertion. Race relations are better under Trump. Would you like to discuss why or do you want to spend more time proving to everyone, that you cannot refute it so it must be true?

1. Oh just a bunch of cow dung. Terri is just another liar.

2. You keep mentioning the same scenario of one lousy incident of Obama. Then you make it like a very big deal. Compared to this racist piece of shit Trump. Come on Dude.
I know you are just an old dumb ignorant. Do you have anymore about Obama?

3. I never said Obama did not apologize. You said that. Obama invited them for a beer drink. That is more than an apology to me.

4. Oh I know for a long time. You are a racist 100% sure. We discussed this same issue several times. No matter how many times you twist it you are a racist.
How can I be a racist? I have black, Hispanic, Muslims and Asians friends and associates.
I know you are scared of minorities.

5. Of course you are a racist dog. You are either lying or in denial. I gave you several links to prove Trump is a racist and here’s another one for you.

Trump is very BAD for this country. We deserve better.


1. Terri's additional reasons proved your claim that there was only one reason, it proved your claim to be false. That you refuse to admit that, is just you demonstrating that you are insanely dishonest.

2. I have plenty more. But if you won't admit that you cannot show me an apology here, we cannot move on.

3. When you admit that Obama did not apologize, we can move on.

4. YOu are a fucking race baiting asshole coward. Fuck you.

5. Your links are just an attempt for you to distract from your inability to back up your claim ie that Obama apologized. He did not. He is a racist. And you are an asshole.

1. Terri cannot even prove himself. Teri is a good example of a LIAR.
You are a loser.

2. You have more? If you have more you could have posted them. Idiot.
You are a loser.

3. Why? I am not going to move on. You should because you have not proven anything. You are a loser.

4. Coward? Dude you are a good example of that. You keep going round and round. You are still a racist piece of shit. You are loser.

5. My link has nothing to do with Obama. It’s about Trump a racist piece of garbage. You keep repeating the same fucking scenario. You are a good example of a retarded and an asshole.
You should be embarrass.
You are a loser.

You claimed that Obama apologized, and never backed it up, nor admitted that you were wrong.

AT BEST, you went looking and realized that you are wrong, but are too much of a pussy to admit it.

Obama is a racist. He attacked the white cop, because he is racist against whites.

When he saw that that was hurting him in the polls, he did the beer summit, and his whores in the media, managed to use that to spin it as though it was somehow not that bad any more.

BUt, he never said he was wrong, or sorry for what he did.

Admit that, and I will move to the next example. After three examples that you have to admit were racist of Obama, I plan to declare victory, just letting you know.

You keep repeating the same retarded post.
I gave you several links Trump is a racist garbage like you.
You keep repeating the same insanity. Do you have anything else ?
President Obama was the most racist President since Lyndon Johnson.
[QUOTE="Grampa Murked U, post: 23968732, member:

Well now, this is awkward....

Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat Plantation and actually vote in their best interest for once?[/QUOTE]
"Black people are too dumb to vote for me"

"Name one country run by a black person that isnt a shithole"

"I love the blacks"

"My African-American."

"Hispanics? Hispanics, are there any Hispanics here?"
Race relations and ‘position’ of minorities better under Trump than Obama

Well now, this is awkward....

Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat Plantation and actually vote in their best interest for once?
The poll isn't broken down by race. White Trump supporters thinking race relations are better doesn't mean diddly.

Why not?
Only black Democrats can opine on race relations apparently
Hmmm...why would you think so (with no one else making that assertion)?
Wrong. You racist republicans couldn’t accept a black president.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He would never have been president without white voter support so your statement is asinine, as well as false.
He would never have been President without that fake birth certificate

Thanks for proving my point.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There is nothing in that statement that proves your point. Your read it, and make assumptions about the person reading it.

Which by itself is bad enough.

But then you take the additional and insane step of imagining that the words you read, are an actual admission of the assumptions you made, and holding the person saying them,

accountable for the shit you just made up in your head.

That is you being a liberal. And by "liberal" I mean, "insane".
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.
The birth certificate was an issue because Hillary Clinton brought it up during the 2008 primary season.
Looking at the poll, the responses don't appear to be broken down by race.

If that's the case, so much for that.

Yes, I pointed that out. And then I found it broken down by race. As I suspected, the number for whites rose while it dropped for blacks. White people think race relations are better under Trump. Black people don't.
And we know why.
He would never have been president without white voter support so your statement is asinine, as well as false.
He would never have been President without that fake birth certificate

Thanks for proving my point.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There is nothing in that statement that proves your point. Your read it, and make assumptions about the person reading it.

Which by itself is bad enough.

But then you take the additional and insane step of imagining that the words you read, are an actual admission of the assumptions you made, and holding the person saying them,

accountable for the shit you just made up in your head.

That is you being a liberal. And by "liberal" I mean, "insane".
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.
The birth certificate was an issue because Hillary Clinton brought it up during the 2008 primary season.

Fake news.
Racist asshole checking in... Racists assholes tend to be in touch, aware of statistics and real world data...these racist assholes are courageous enough to say “FUCK PC” and smart enough to pay attention and create stereotypes that allow them to accurately forecast. The burden to shake these accurate stereotypes lies with the dark filth among us...they must change their behavior. I’d suggest you spend your time wisely, take to the streets of barrios and ghettos, lecture our pet humans, get the filthy fucks to act right and TA-DA!
Problem solved.
Here ya go, Correll, the stuff that doesn't exist any more.

Looking forward to you holding him accountable. Or not.

I'm looking forward to when you only call self admitted racists, racist.

Because with Big LIes like the Charlottesville Lie tearing this nation apart, the few actual racists, well the few actual WHITE racist, at this point in time, are not very relevant.
the Charlottesville lie?
They are the only ones that do count...in their own minds, hence the uptick in numbers under Trump. For blacks they've gone down, which completely destroys the OPs premise don't you agree?

No, I do not agree. There are many other possible explanations for the trends shown.

That you can only see one, that paints whites in a bad light, is simply racism on your part.

Oh, well then by all means please give us these possible explanations. Why do white people think race relations are better under Trump and black people don't?

Some possible explanations off the top of my head.

1. Obama was racist and whites are happy to not see racism coming at them from the Oval Office.

2. Obama's supporters constantly and falsely smeared normal partisan and ideological opposition to the President as "Racism". This is now stopped.

3. Trump is putting the focus on the nation on trade and the economy, which are unifying themes.

4. Relations are better, but the main stream media, is a hissy fit, is lying to blacks, misleading them.

5. The media is spending more time attacking Trump rather than white America. This leads whites to think race relations are better.

Any and all of these are valid possible explanations, that you could not even conceive of, because it did not serve your partisan agenda.

That is my point there. YOu are unable to think of something, if it does not serve your partisan agenda.

Not, "you don't agree with it". You can't even imagine something, that does not serve your lib agenda.

That is not good. That is you being the one with closed mind. That is you being the one drinking the kool-aid.

Oh PLEASE. How many times I blasted you for being a racist? How many times I blasted you of your fantasy of white employees only? You are a racist and a liar.

1. Give me an example why you think Obama is a racist.
An I’ll it prove to you that this unfit POTUS is a racist.

2. Prove it.

3. Crap like what? What is he doing with the economy?
Trade? Like farmers being hit the hardest 20% files 2019 bankruptcies? Farmers loss farms that they had for generations. Made them welfare recipients. We are paying for the tariffs but Trump is lying.

4. No. That is not true. Relations is the worst we’ve seen under this administration.

5. Trump deserves to be attacked for being a hypocrite pathological liar. He lied ALL the time but die hard supporters like you don’t know the differences.

Facts matters. Truth matters.

For Trump supporters like you. Fuck the facts. Truth? what is that?

Trump made us a racist, bully, liars, incompetent and laughing stock around the world. If not for the good economy he inherited from Obama. Trump is nothing but a corrupted disgusting dishonest piece of shit president. That’s a fact.

The question I was answering, what about the possible perceptions and intentions of Whites.

The fact that you disagree with these perceived reasons, does not mean that other people might not sincerely hold them.


INdeed, that you need that explained, makes you look to be a fucking moron.

Also, the fact that you have often accused me of racism, is not a slur against me, but just you being a race baiting asshole.
More name-calling
Racist asshole checking in... Racists assholes tend to be in touch, aware of statistics and real world data...these racist assholes are courageous enough to say “FUCK PC” and smart enough to pay attention and create stereotypes that allow them to accurately forecast. The burden to shake these accurate stereotypes lies with the dark filth among us...they must change their behavior. I’d suggest you spend your time wisely, take to the streets of barrios and ghettos, lecture our pet humans, get the filthy fucks to act right and TA-DA!
Problem solved.
Here ya go, Correll, the stuff that doesn't exist any more.

Looking forward to you holding him accountable. Or not.

I'm looking forward to when you only call self admitted racists, racist.

Because with Big LIes like the Charlottesville Lie tearing this nation apart, the few actual racists, well the few actual WHITE racist, at this point in time, are not very relevant.
the Charlottesville lie? View attachment 307864 View attachment 307865 View attachment 307866

Typical bodie silliness. We have hundreds and hundreds and HUNDREDS of videos of leftists attacking trump supporters and here you are trotting out the Charlottesville stupidity as justification for the left winger violence.

It's a shame your brain isn't as large as your butt.
1. Oh just a bunch of cow dung. Terri is just another liar.

2. You keep mentioning the same scenario of one lousy incident of Obama. Then you make it like a very big deal. Compared to this racist piece of shit Trump. Come on Dude.
I know you are just an old dumb ignorant. Do you have anymore about Obama?

3. I never said Obama did not apologize. You said that. Obama invited them for a beer drink. That is more than an apology to me.

4. Oh I know for a long time. You are a racist 100% sure. We discussed this same issue several times. No matter how many times you twist it you are a racist.
How can I be a racist? I have black, Hispanic, Muslims and Asians friends and associates.
I know you are scared of minorities.

5. Of course you are a racist dog. You are either lying or in denial. I gave you several links to prove Trump is a racist and here’s another one for you.

Trump is very BAD for this country. We deserve better.


1. Terri's additional reasons proved your claim that there was only one reason, it proved your claim to be false. That you refuse to admit that, is just you demonstrating that you are insanely dishonest.

2. I have plenty more. But if you won't admit that you cannot show me an apology here, we cannot move on.

3. When you admit that Obama did not apologize, we can move on.

4. YOu are a fucking race baiting asshole coward. Fuck you.

5. Your links are just an attempt for you to distract from your inability to back up your claim ie that Obama apologized. He did not. He is a racist. And you are an asshole.

1. Terri cannot even prove himself. Teri is a good example of a LIAR.
You are a loser.

2. You have more? If you have more you could have posted them. Idiot.
You are a loser.

3. Why? I am not going to move on. You should because you have not proven anything. You are a loser.

4. Coward? Dude you are a good example of that. You keep going round and round. You are still a racist piece of shit. You are loser.

5. My link has nothing to do with Obama. It’s about Trump a racist piece of garbage. You keep repeating the same fucking scenario. You are a good example of a retarded and an asshole.
You should be embarrass.
You are a loser.

You claimed that Obama apologized, and never backed it up, nor admitted that you were wrong.

AT BEST, you went looking and realized that you are wrong, but are too much of a pussy to admit it.

Obama is a racist. He attacked the white cop, because he is racist against whites.

When he saw that that was hurting him in the polls, he did the beer summit, and his whores in the media, managed to use that to spin it as though it was somehow not that bad any more.

BUt, he never said he was wrong, or sorry for what he did.

Admit that, and I will move to the next example. After three examples that you have to admit were racist of Obama, I plan to declare victory, just letting you know.

You keep repeating the same retarded post.
I gave you several links Trump is a racist garbage like you.
You keep repeating the same insanity. Do you have anything else ?
President Obama was the most racist President since Lyndon Johnson.

Then prove it. Give me an example why and where you think Obama is a racist. I’ll wait.
1. Terri's additional reasons proved your claim that there was only one reason, it proved your claim to be false. That you refuse to admit that, is just you demonstrating that you are insanely dishonest.

2. I have plenty more. But if you won't admit that you cannot show me an apology here, we cannot move on.

3. When you admit that Obama did not apologize, we can move on.

4. YOu are a fucking race baiting asshole coward. Fuck you.

5. Your links are just an attempt for you to distract from your inability to back up your claim ie that Obama apologized. He did not. He is a racist. And you are an asshole.

1. Terri cannot even prove himself. Teri is a good example of a LIAR.
You are a loser.

2. You have more? If you have more you could have posted them. Idiot.
You are a loser.

3. Why? I am not going to move on. You should because you have not proven anything. You are a loser.

4. Coward? Dude you are a good example of that. You keep going round and round. You are still a racist piece of shit. You are loser.

5. My link has nothing to do with Obama. It’s about Trump a racist piece of garbage. You keep repeating the same fucking scenario. You are a good example of a retarded and an asshole.
You should be embarrass.
You are a loser.

You claimed that Obama apologized, and never backed it up, nor admitted that you were wrong.

AT BEST, you went looking and realized that you are wrong, but are too much of a pussy to admit it.

Obama is a racist. He attacked the white cop, because he is racist against whites.

When he saw that that was hurting him in the polls, he did the beer summit, and his whores in the media, managed to use that to spin it as though it was somehow not that bad any more.

BUt, he never said he was wrong, or sorry for what he did.

Admit that, and I will move to the next example. After three examples that you have to admit were racist of Obama, I plan to declare victory, just letting you know.

You keep repeating the same retarded post.
I gave you several links Trump is a racist garbage like you.
You keep repeating the same insanity. Do you have anything else ?
President Obama was the most racist President since Lyndon Johnson.

Then prove it. Give me an example why and where you think Obama is a racist. I’ll wait.
The beer summit. Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown.
Race relations and ‘position’ of minorities better under Trump than Obama

Well now, this is awkward....

Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat Plantation and actually vote in their best interest for once?

It was the prosecution who recommended the 7-9 year sentence to the judge. The other of your OP stated that the 7-9 year sentence was the”Supermax”.
Do you just copy and paste without reading what you are posting?
Oh I read, snowflake...as I pointed out, you obviously don't.

And you keep distracting away from the point of the thread, the obvious criminal double-standard...

Why is that? Trying to distract from it or just attempting to avoid the main subject of the topic altogether?

And that explains the sharp increase in hate crimes, how?

The Effect of President Trump's Election on Hate Crimes by Griffin Sims Edwards, Stephen Rushin :: SSRN
1. Terri cannot even prove himself. Teri is a good example of a LIAR.
You are a loser.

2. You have more? If you have more you could have posted them. Idiot.
You are a loser.

3. Why? I am not going to move on. You should because you have not proven anything. You are a loser.

4. Coward? Dude you are a good example of that. You keep going round and round. You are still a racist piece of shit. You are loser.

5. My link has nothing to do with Obama. It’s about Trump a racist piece of garbage. You keep repeating the same fucking scenario. You are a good example of a retarded and an asshole.
You should be embarrass.
You are a loser.

You claimed that Obama apologized, and never backed it up, nor admitted that you were wrong.

AT BEST, you went looking and realized that you are wrong, but are too much of a pussy to admit it.

Obama is a racist. He attacked the white cop, because he is racist against whites.

When he saw that that was hurting him in the polls, he did the beer summit, and his whores in the media, managed to use that to spin it as though it was somehow not that bad any more.

BUt, he never said he was wrong, or sorry for what he did.

Admit that, and I will move to the next example. After three examples that you have to admit were racist of Obama, I plan to declare victory, just letting you know.

You keep repeating the same retarded post.
I gave you several links Trump is a racist garbage like you.
You keep repeating the same insanity. Do you have anything else ?
President Obama was the most racist President since Lyndon Johnson.

Then prove it. Give me an example why and where you think Obama is a racist. I’ll wait.
The beer summit. Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown.

What about Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown?

What do you want me to say?

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