Rachael Madcow is Slanderous Bitch

you wasted your time political chic on TM

see blew right over what you posted, which we knew she would
Posted on January 6, 2014 by John Hinderaker in Media Bias, The War on the Koch Brothers

Rachel Maddow Is Crazy, Too

MSNBC has had a hard time lately. The network fired Martin Bashir and Alec Baldwin for craziness, on-air and off-air respectively. Melissa Harris-Perry was forced to apologize, first on Twitter and then, tearfully, on the air, for making political hay out of Mitt Romney’s adopted grandson. The network put Ed Schulz out to pasture, and most people wrote Chris Matthews off as a hysteric long ago, so that pretty much leaves Rachel Maddow–amazingly enough–as MSNBC’s supposed voice of sanity. Eliana Johnson has reported on Maddow’s status as the “queen” of MSNBC, who wields more control than anyone else over the network’s often-crazed content.

this is how your link starts

full of HATE and venom and lies.

YOU used to pretend you were all christiany?

now you don't even bother with that lie huh

She lied, didn't she.
I just proved it.

And that means, by extension, you did, too.

C'mon....confession is good for the soul......admit it.

And stop gnashing your teeth.
you wasted your time political chic on TM

see blew right over what you posted, which we knew she would

You and I know it's not wasted.....it's like lighting one candle.

Or having Ms. Truthie take another dose of Maalox®.

My guilty pleasure.
you wasted your time political chic on TM

see blew right over what you posted, which we knew she would

You and I know it's not wasted.....it's like lighting one candle.

Or having Ms. Truthie take another dose of Maalox®.

My guilty pleasure.

your piece gave no links to the claims did they

4. .... a knowingly false and malicious statement by Ms. Maddow – Koch is not involved in promoting any such issue....

5. Nevertheless, Ms. Maddow repeatedly and falsely referred to FFGA as a “Koch brothers affiliated group,” a “Koch brothers connected Florida group,” a “Koch brothers related group,” and “this group (FFGA) affiliated with them (Koch) in Florida.”

6. She made the whole thing up to fool the low-IQ viewers who form MSNBC’s base." Rachel Maddow Is Crazy, Too | Power Line

You're sweatin'.....
Thsat group would be standing on the curb screaming at people without Koch money
I don't understand. I'm not a woman so I'm not affected by the trauma of rape and abortion. From what I gleam from the OP, under This law a woman must pay out of pocket for an abortion if she is raped?

Why shouldn't the rapists policy cover it?

Because, as all Republicans know, she was asking for it. :cuckoo:

Rachel Maddow busted lying about the Koch brothers! (via Instapundit)

Maddow doesn’t support laws mandating drug testing for welfare recipients and she recently ran a segment attacking the Koch brothers for supporting such laws in Florida.

Only problem for Maddow and her progressive followers is that the Kochs are not involved with this law in Florida. They don’t support the group Maddow insists they support. Her entire vicious report is based on a demonstratively false premise.

Predictably instead of being a responsible woman of integrity, Rachel Maddow is refusing to correct her story.

Unfortunately for Rachel Maddow, her claims against the Kochs are so blatantly false even the Washington Post is calling Rachel Maddow out:

The Kochs’ extensive reach notwithstanding, they cannot be connected to everything.Tarren Bragdon, the chief executive officer of the FGA, tells the Erik Wemple Blog that his organization “did not work with the Kochs on the Florida drug-testing issue. To the best of my knowledge, they were not involved at all.” The Kochs’ general counsel, Holden, is a bit more definitive: “Right hand to God, we were not involved.”

BUSTED! Rachel Maddow & MSNBC Caught In Embarrassing Lie ? Refuse To Correct | The Gateway Pundit

She lied.

You lied.

THAT is what Rachel claimed

that the kcok brothers gave the group money to function.


Rachel Maddow busted lying about the Koch brothers! (via Instapundit)

Maddow doesn’t support laws mandating drug testing for welfare recipients and she recently ran a segment attacking the Koch brothers for supporting such laws in Florida.

Only problem for Maddow and her progressive followers is that the Kochs are not involved with this law in Florida. They don’t support the group Maddow insists they support. Her entire vicious report is based on a demonstratively false premise.

Predictably instead of being a responsible woman of integrity, Rachel Maddow is refusing to correct her story.

Unfortunately for Rachel Maddow, her claims against the Kochs are so blatantly false even the Washington Post is calling Rachel Maddow out:

The Kochs’ extensive reach notwithstanding, they cannot be connected to everything.Tarren Bragdon, the chief executive officer of the FGA, tells the Erik Wemple Blog that his organization “did not work with the Kochs on the Florida drug-testing issue. To the best of my knowledge, they were not involved at all.” The Kochs’ general counsel, Holden, is a bit more definitive: “Right hand to God, we were not involved.”

BUSTED! Rachel Maddow & MSNBC Caught In Embarrassing Lie ? Refuse To Correct | The Gateway Pundit

She lied.

You lied.


where is the PROOF they gave no funds to this group you idiot

The WaPo finds it to be true....

even the Washington Post is calling Rachel Maddow out:

The Kochs’ extensive reach notwithstanding, they cannot be connected to everything.Tarren Bragdon, the chief executive officer of the FGA, tells the Erik Wemple Blog that his organization “did not work with the Kochs on the Florida drug-testing issue. To the best of my knowledge, they were not involved at all.” The Kochs’ general counsel, Holden, is a bit more definitive: “Right hand to God, we were not involved.”
THAT is what Rachel claimed

that the kcok brothers gave the group money to function.


On the contrary....I don't want to disprove that she said it: she certainly did.

But it has been found to be untrue.

And, as per the original source that I posted, she was advised that it wasn't true.....that makes her allegation a lie.

And, unless you admit it.....it makes you a liar.

Her lie was geared toward influencing the MSNBC low information voter.

Are you a low information voter? Are you willing to accept what has been shown to be a lie, even by the ultra Liberal Washington Post?

Your move.
She is claiming that Michigan is about to sign into a "rape" insurance requirement! What a lying SOB.

The bill that law makers are signing into law is an abortion premium RELIEF bill. If you want your insurance to cover abortion, then you pay an extra premium. Look not everyone believes in abortion, so why should they be forced to pay higher premiums to keep it in their insurance policy? If you want it covered in your insurance policy, then don't complain if you have to pay more for it! It used to be the same for child birth. Not everyone is going to need or want it, but the extra coverage is extremely expensive. With Obamacare every policy must include it, so everyone premiums increase a ton.

But I digress. This is obviously about not having people who don't believe in abortion having to pay higher premiums to include it in their insurance policy. But the sick lying bitch Madcow calls it rape insurance. Here is her thinking. Women who are raped might get pregnant from the assault, since the Michigan law will require an extra charge to cover abortion, women now pay for rape insurance! It a fallacy in logic from one of the most dishonest people in media!

If a woman is raped and gets pregnant and (obviously) does not want to keep her rapist's baby, paying extra for abortion insurance is de facto rape insurance.

Why should a woman have to pay more to cover abortion?

Why is the state mandating this?


You guys wanted the government in health insurance. This is what happens
Maine Heritage Policy Center[edit]

The Foundation's CEO and Director, Tarren Bragdon, is the former head of the Maine Heritage Policy Center, a right-wing think tank described as very influential within the Maine Republican Party establishment.[14]

The Lewiston-Auburn Sun Journal of Maine, in a profile of Bragdon, noted that his Maine group faced "allegations that its increased involvement in this year's gubernatorial election pushes, if not violates, the political lobbying limits allowed by its tax-exempt status."[15]

Cato Institute[edit]

Robert Levy of the Cato Institute is on FGA's board. He has long been active with the Cato Institute.[7]

State Policy Network[edit]


The Foundation is a state affiliate of the State Policy Network, an association of conservative state think tanks. Mother Jones writes of the State Policy Network: "Its mission is simple: to back a constellation of state-level think tanks loosely modeled after Heritage that promote free-market principles and rail against unions, regulation, and tax increases. By blasting out policy recommendations and shaping lawmakers' positions through briefings and private meetings, these think tanks cultivate cozy relationships with GOP politicians. And there's a long tradition of revolving door relationships between SPN staffers and state governments. While they bill themselves as independent think tanks, SPN's members frequently gather to swap ideas."[16]
Cato Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shareholder dispute[edit]

According to an agreement signed in 1977, there were to be four shareholders of the Cato Institute. They were Charles and David H. Koch, Ed Crane,[104] and William A. Niskanen. Niskanen died in October 2011.[105] In March 2012, a dispute broke out over the ownership of Niskanen's shares.[104][105] Charles and David Koch filed suit in Kansas, seeking to void his shareholder seat. The Kochs argued that Niskanen’s shares should first be offered to the board of the Institute, and then to the remaining shareholders.[106] Crane contended that Niskanen's share belonged to his widow, Kathryn Washburn, and that the move by the Kochs was an attempt to turn Cato into "some sort of auxiliary for the G.O.P.... It's detrimental to Cato, it's detrimental to Koch Industries, it's detrimental to the libertarian movement."[58]

In June 2012, Cato announced an agreement in principle to settle the dispute by changing the institute's governing structure. Under the agreement, a board replaced the shareholders and Crane retired. Former BB&T bank CEO John A. Allison IV became the Chief Executive Officer.[107][108] The Koch brothers agreed to drop two lawsuits.[109]
Robert A. Levy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert A. Levy (born 1941 in Washington, DC) is the chairman of the libertarian Cato Institute and the organizer and financier behind District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court Case that established the Second Amendment as affirming an individual right to gun ownership. He is a Cato senior fellow and an author and pundit. Before becoming a lawyer, he was the founder and CEO of CDA Investment Technologies.
Lawrence ODonnell catches Maddow lying

Says Ohio budget item later signed into law by Gov. John Kasich requires women seeking an abortion to undergo a "mandatory vaginal probe." - Maddow lie

"Despite what you may have heard about Wisconsin’s finances, Wisconsin is on track to have a budget surplus this year." - Maddow lie

GOP Consent decree is punishment for cheating - sorry TDM, thats a lie
She is claiming that Michigan is about to sign into a "rape" insurance requirement! What a lying SOB.

The bill that law makers are signing into law is an abortion premium RELIEF bill. If you want your insurance to cover abortion, then you pay an extra premium. Look not everyone believes in abortion, so why should they be forced to pay higher premiums to keep it in their insurance policy? If you want it covered in your insurance policy, then don't complain if you have to pay more for it! It used to be the same for child birth. Not everyone is going to need or want it, but the extra coverage is extremely expensive. With Obamacare every policy must include it, so everyone premiums increase a ton.

But I digress. This is obviously about not having people who don't believe in abortion having to pay higher premiums to include it in their insurance policy. But the sick lying bitch Madcow calls it rape insurance. Here is her thinking. Women who are raped might get pregnant from the assault, since the Michigan law will require an extra charge to cover abortion, women now pay for rape insurance! It a fallacy in logic from one of the most dishonest people in media!

If it's true, it isn't legally slander or libelous. Summarizing a bill's impact as with Arizona's religious freedom thing is protected speech and opinion if it's true. In this case, if you have to pay extra for abortions, since rape is often a reason to get an abortion, it is fairly called 'rape insurance.'
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