Rachael Madcow is Slanderous Bitch

Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A graduate of Castro Valley High School[19] in Castro Valley, California, she attended Stanford University. While a freshman, she was outed by the college newspaper when an interview with her was published by the student newspaper before she could tell her parents.[20] Maddow earned a degree in public policy at Stanford in 1994.[21] At graduation she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship.[22] She was also the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. This made her the first openly gay or lesbian American to win an international Rhodes Scholarship.[23] In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in politics at Oxford University.[24] Her thesis is titled HIV/AIDS and Health Care Reform in British and American Prisons and her supervisor was Dr. Lucia Zedner.

...and a slanderous bitch

dear fucking idiot,

you need proof or its just slander
Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A graduate of Castro Valley High School[19] in Castro Valley, California, she attended Stanford University. While a freshman, she was outed by the college newspaper when an interview with her was published by the student newspaper before she could tell her parents.[20] Maddow earned a degree in public policy at Stanford in 1994.[21] At graduation she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship.[22] She was also the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. This made her the first openly gay or lesbian American to win an international Rhodes Scholarship.[23] In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in politics at Oxford University.[24] Her thesis is titled HIV/AIDS and Health Care Reform in British and American Prisons and her supervisor was Dr. Lucia Zedner.

...and a slanderous bitch

dear fucking idiot,

you need proof or its just slander

and to think you kiss people with that vulgar mouth
if you force as woman to have SPECIAL cavots in her insurance to cover rape abortion you are requiring them have rape insurance.

tell us are you going to BLAME her for Olileys team promising you robmoney would won by 5?
BTW Bobby Jindal is a rowades scholor too.

How did that work out for him?

he had to stand on national TV and say volcanos don't need to be monitored to watch the VERY volcanoe he was making fun of erupt days later.

You RUIN your roades scoholors
omg, her claim to fame, being a homosexual

how shallow

so she got a lot nonsense awards...sheesh
Obama got a peace prize before he did anything resembling peace...lol

Only in your universe are "awards" and "scholarship", "nonsense".

What's even more funny is the support the right wing gives to a drug addled obsese letch like Limbaugh, who's had a gaggle of trophy wives and went to the Dominican Republic on a sex vacation.

Oh..and everything that guy says is complete bullshit.
If a woman is raped and gets pregnant and (obviously) does not want to keep her rapist's baby, paying extra for abortion insurance is de facto rape insurance.

Why should a woman have to pay more to cover abortion?

Why is the state mandating this?

Estimates of people wishing to adopt are as high as 2 million in the U.S. alone.

Why be a flushing parent when you can provide for a gushing parent. :thup:

I love babies. Especially the pre-born kind. :thup:
There are more children currently available for adoption than there are people willing to adopt.

If Right-Wingers are so concerned about children why don't they adopt the ones who have already been born?

And why should any woman have to spend 9 months growing and nurturing a rapist's fetus?

We had three and adopted two so we have done our share. I may be in trouble with some right to lifers, but I can't imagine that a woman who gets raped would not get an abortion as soon as she discovered that she was pregnant.

My position has always been that if you can hear two heartbeats coming from a woman, one of them is hers and one of them is a baby, so a raped woman should not wait for a heartbeat unless she wants to have a baby.
Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A graduate of Castro Valley High School[19] in Castro Valley, California, she attended Stanford University. While a freshman, she was outed by the college newspaper when an interview with her was published by the student newspaper before she could tell her parents.[20] Maddow earned a degree in public policy at Stanford in 1994.[21] At graduation she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship.[22] She was also the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. This made her the first openly gay or lesbian American to win an international Rhodes Scholarship.[23] In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in politics at Oxford University.[24] Her thesis is titled HIV/AIDS and Health Care Reform in British and American Prisons and her supervisor was Dr. Lucia Zedner.

"....the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship...."

"This is widely considered the most prestigious international scholarship. Recipients of this award receive a full ride to the University of Oxford in London, England, with a monthly stipend that covers accommodations and living expenses."
Prestigious College Scholarships: The Fulbright, Truman, Marshall, and Rhodes Scholarships


Famous Rhodes Scholars:

Bill Clinton: former president, 1968
Bill Bradley: Hall of Fame NBA star and senator, 1968
Susan Rice: U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, 1990
George Stephanopoulos: ABC television personality and former White House communications director, 1984
Rachel Maddow: television personality, 2001

As is true of so very many of these 'prestigious' awards......being a Liberal is really the only criterion.

"Bill Bradley.

"Here is a guy who graduated Magna Cum Laude in history, the greatest basketball player in the Ivy Colleges, Rhodes Scholar, probably a governor of Missouri someday—and all with a 485 verbal SAT!"
Bill Bradley's SAT Scores

BTW....I believe Maddow is an excellent spokesperson for her side....but I needed to educate you on the validity of these "prizes" and "awards."

....the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama???

....Paul Krugman the Nobel ("Bank of Sweden Prize")???

Be serious.
you fuckers cant dreg up ONE lie of hers or mine

You're so ugly, TDM.

Her lies are too many to list and not really worth a discussion. She holds your leash, no way you could see past your rabid shallow bull dog mentality that follows the lead of your masters.
when there is flesh inside your body that if removed would do nothing but die that flesh is the womens flesh.

You will NEVER again FORCE YOUR religion on another female
you fuckers cant dreg up ONE lie of hers or mine

You're so ugly, TDM.

Her lies are too many to list and not really worth a discussion. She holds your leash, no way you could see past your rabid shallow bull dog mentality that follows the lead of your masters.

Then it should be easy huh?


all these years you shit heads have called me a lair you have NEVER produced one lie of mine
YOU people just SLANDER for political reasons.

Your dishonest and full of fucking lies
Like the OPS about Rachel Madow

You see truth matters

You guys eat a steady diet of lies.

Its why voters have to be cheated for you to win elections
You have NEVER produced a lie from Rachel Madow either

Of course I can.


Maddow did a show on the Florida law mandating drug testing of welfare recipients....and hammered away on the funds that the Koch Brothers put up to finance the attempt.

1. They "were a bit nonplussed, since Koch had nothing to do with the Florida welfare legislation in question, and had never supported–or, as far as I know, ever heard of–the Florida Foundation for Government Accountability.

2. Rachel Maddow, naturally, didn’t wait to learn the facts. Her segment on the Florida law, which required drug testing of all welfare applicants and had just been struck down by a federal judge, was all about Koch–bizarrely so, since Koch had nothing to do with the law in question

3. Ms. Maddow moved on to a discussion of a 2011 Florida welfare law and a Florida federal court ruling concerning that law, falsely stating that the “Koch brothers . . . have been promoting forced drug tests for people on welfare.”....

4. .... a knowingly false and malicious statement by Ms. Maddow – Koch is not involved in promoting any such issue....

5. Nevertheless, Ms. Maddow repeatedly and falsely referred to FFGA as a “Koch brothers affiliated group,” a “Koch brothers connected Florida group,” a “Koch brothers related group,” and “this group (FFGA) affiliated with them (Koch) in Florida.”
6. She made the whole thing up to fool the low-IQ viewers who form MSNBC’s base." Rachel Maddow Is Crazy, Too | Power Line

7. "In an email dated January 3–follow the link above–Koch asked MSNBC to retract, and apologize for, Maddow’s fabrications. Instead of correcting her misrepresentations, Maddow, in her show on Friday, triumphantly refused, saying “I don’t play requests.” Or, in other words, “I lie with impunity, and MSNBC gives me cover.”

8. The left-wing echo chamber swooned. Daily Kos–remember them?–headlined, “Rachel Maddow Speaks Truth to Powerful Koch Brothers.” Raw Story’s sycophantic take was, “Maddow scorches Koch brothers on ‘correction’ demand: ‘I don’t play requests.’”

So if you are a left-winger, blatant lies about conservatives make you a hero." Rachel Maddow Is Crazy, Too | Power Line

So.....are you ready to apologize?
Posted on January 6, 2014 by John Hinderaker in Media Bias, The War on the Koch Brothers

Rachel Maddow Is Crazy, Too

MSNBC has had a hard time lately. The network fired Martin Bashir and Alec Baldwin for craziness, on-air and off-air respectively. Melissa Harris-Perry was forced to apologize, first on Twitter and then, tearfully, on the air, for making political hay out of Mitt Romney’s adopted grandson. The network put Ed Schulz out to pasture, and most people wrote Chris Matthews off as a hysteric long ago, so that pretty much leaves Rachel Maddow–amazingly enough–as MSNBC’s supposed voice of sanity. Eliana Johnson has reported on Maddow’s status as the “queen” of MSNBC, who wields more control than anyone else over the network’s often-crazed content.

this is how your link starts

full of HATE and venom and lies.

YOU used to pretend you were all christiany?

now you don't even bother with that lie huh
Rachel Maddow is awful. I can't believe she's made a career out of what she does. Thank goodness her ratings are terrible.

Maddow is very good at what she does

Pissing off conservatives makes good TV

Too and honest reporting on issues isn't one of them. If you OK with her misleading the public because she pisses off conservatives, then that says a ton about you!

She usually has her facts together and they are devastating. When she does get the story wrong, she is upfront about it and apologizes immediately at the start of her next show

She is like a lawyer picking apart the idiocy of rightwing propaganda

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