Rachel Corrie and ISM

Don't be so sure about that, because you were a US marine driving a dozer does not make you an expert of motion.
True enough. But it does make me a relative expert on this subject -- which isn't going to influence your willingness to argue from a position of complete and absolute ignorance. So have at it.

So 25 years driving all manner of heavy plant is not the same as your 4 years military service. Even crawler cranes need time to stop and they are slower than any dozer. Otherwise the cost of repairs would negate the usefulness of the plant. Mass x speed has to be dissipated in some way it is a law of nature, that is why brakes get hot and tyres wear out from the transfer of energy generated by angular momentum ( mass x speed = momentum and has to be transferred to another body )
In April 2011, during the trial of the civil suit brought by Corrie's parents, an IDF officer testified that Corrie and other activists had spent "hours" trying to block the bulldozers under his command. He went on to say that it was "a war zone where Palestinian militants used abandoned homes as firing positions" and exploited foreign activists for cover. He shouted over a megaphone for the activists to leave, tried to use tear gas to disperse them and moved his troops several times. "To my regret, after the eighth time, (Corrie) hid behind an earth embankment. The D9 operator didn't see her. She thought he saw her," he said.[42]
Is that what the IDF officer said? Then it must be true. Right?

The way to deal with Corrie was arrest and deportation. If that approach had included a kick in the ass I would have no objection because I am not familiar with the circumstances. But those Israeli bastards chose to crush that girl to death -- just like they chose to attack the USS Liberty and murder 130 defenseless American sailors.

And the problem with both incidents is how many disloyal American Jews jump right in to defend the actions of their Jew tribal brethren in Israel.

Did you bother to read what the ISM activists said about the situation, how she had earlier that day been trapped and the dozer managed to stop it time. How they looked on any injuries or deaths as propaganda to heighten their cause. Those are the ones that murdered corrie not the Israeli driver.

But nice of you to show that you are just another NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATER
Mike-----how long does it take for a driver---having perceived a reason to slam
his foot on THE BRAKE-----to actually do so? no time at all? zero nanoseconds?

When you are operating a 'dozer your feet are always on the brake pedals (two of them) and your hands are holding the steering clutches. That is how the machine is operated.

And please take my word that, regardless of the size of the 'dozer, when you engage those brakes the machine stops -- fully and instantly -- on a dime!


Here is a photo shot moments before Corrie was plowed down. Can you believe she was not visible to the operator?


This photo was shot just a few seconds later. Can you honestly believe it was an accident?

The girl was casually, brutally and cold-bloodedly murdered.
In the second photo, she was not visible to the operator.

Perhaps he assumed she was not stupid enough to just stand there.

Two completely different locations if you open your eyes and look, in the first one the camera is positioned behind the fence yet there is no fence. Now look at the one taken as she lay on the ground and see that the soil as far as the eye can see is barren and sandy. A very poor attempt at fooling the gullible, guess you are gullible.

When you are operating a 'dozer your feet are always on the brake pedals (two of them) and your hands are holding the steering clutches. That is how the machine is operated.

And please take my word that, regardless of the size of the 'dozer, when you engage those brakes the machine stops -- fully and instantly -- on a dime!


Here is a photo shot moments before Corrie was plowed down. Can you believe she was not visible to the operator?


This photo was shot just a few seconds later. Can you honestly believe it was an accident?

The girl was casually, brutally and cold-bloodedly murdered.
In the second photo, she was not visible to the operator.

Perhaps he assumed she was not stupid enough to just stand there.

Two completely different locations if you open your eyes and look, in the first one the camera is positioned behind the fence yet there is no fence. Now look at the one taken as she lay on the ground and see that the soil as far as the eye can see is barren and sandy. A very poor attempt at fooling the gullible, guess you are gullible.

from mike
And please take my word that, regardless of the size of the 'dozer, when you engage those brakes the machine stops -- fully and instantly -- on a dime! \

Please take my word your grasp of both physics and human physiology is
about as good as your colleague's grasp of genetics. NOTHING happens
instantly one of most quick response in human physiology is the two
synapse spinal reflex----the KNEE JERK-----and even that does not "happen"
Rachel was slightly to the side of the bulldozer and must have stepped forward or slipped forward.
Window of the dozer is small and high up, the shovel is very large and can block some of the limited view, especially if the shovel was up to pull back and moving down as the driver started to move forward.
Most people when something that big come near them will step away not forward, if they are smart.
Man in the white shirt moved away. He was not in any of the aftermath photos so he did not try to see how the girl was.

The bulldozer moving to the building itself shows Rachel to the right. If the intent was to save the building, she must have moved forward and crossed the path of the dozer

JMHO but it appears that she might have been clipped by the left side of the shovel as the dozer had the shovel up and was backing up. The driver would be unable to see the outside left with the shovel up enough to back up a bit.That is when she fell, possibly tangled in the roots being moved and then was down too low when the dozer began moving forward again, as the dozer move a fraction to the left to begin a more direct angle to bring the building down. A building used by tunnel terrorists and that the owner had been dually notified by the courts that the building was being condemned.

She was sadly foolish to play chicken with something that big, and it is a reasonable accident
In the second photo, she was not visible to the operator.

Perhaps he assumed she was not stupid enough to just stand there.

Two completely different locations if you open your eyes and look, in the first one the camera is positioned behind the fence yet there is no fence. Now look at the one taken as she lay on the ground and see that the soil as far as the eye can see is barren and sandy. A very poor attempt at fooling the gullible, guess you are gullible.

from mike
And please take my word that, regardless of the size of the 'dozer, when you engage those brakes the machine stops -- fully and instantly -- on a dime! \

Please take my word your grasp of both physics and human physiology is
about as good as your colleague's grasp of genetics. NOTHING happens
instantly one of most quick response in human physiology is the two
synapse spinal reflex----the KNEE JERK-----and even that does not "happen"

From the manufactures own web site we see that the d9 can attain a speed of 7.4 MPH, at this speed stopping dead would cause a 3G acceleration forwards of the driver. Enough force to cause the driver to impact the wind screen and lose control of the dozer. Remember it is the angular momentum ( mass x speed ) that comes into play and this needs to be dissipated slowly or injury will occur. Not everyone is capable of taking 3G acceleration and living to tell the tale, a dodgy heart would explode under that amount of strain. So unless our friend has repealed one of the fundamental laws of nature then he is talking out of his rear orifice.
did you HAVE to bring up "angular momentum"-------that's when simple basic physics---
so easy----like a little game-----STARTS TO GET........nasty

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