Rachel Corrie and ISM

In April 2011, during the trial of the civil suit brought by Corrie's parents, an IDF officer testified that Corrie and other activists had spent "hours" trying to block the bulldozers under his command. He went on to say that it was "a war zone where Palestinian militants used abandoned homes as firing positions" and exploited foreign activists for cover. He shouted over a megaphone for the activists to leave, tried to use tear gas to disperse them and moved his troops several times. "To my regret, after the eighth time, (Corrie) hid behind an earth embankment. The D9 operator didn't see her. She thought he saw her," he said.[42]
In April 2011, during the trial of the civil suit brought by Corrie's parents, an IDF officer testified that Corrie and other activists had spent "hours" trying to block the bulldozers under his command. He went on to say that it was "a war zone where Palestinian militants used abandoned homes as firing positions" and exploited foreign activists for cover. He shouted over a megaphone for the activists to leave, tried to use tear gas to disperse them and moved his troops several times. "To my regret, after the eighth time, (Corrie) hid behind an earth embankment. The D9 operator didn't see her. She thought he saw her," he said.[42]
Is that what the IDF officer said? Then it must be true. Right?

The way to deal with Corrie was arrest and deportation. If that approach had included a kick in the ass I would have no objection because I am not familiar with the circumstances. But those Israeli bastards chose to crush that girl to death -- just like they chose to attack the USS Liberty and murder 130 defenseless American sailors.

And the problem with both incidents is how many disloyal American Jews jump right in to defend the actions of their Jew tribal brethren in Israel.
To show how totally KNEE JERK and pointless the Zionist contingent on this website can be .... dismissing even an Israeli film as "Islamonazi propaganda," (guys, can't you even think??)
I was going to say "heck, I really CAN'T see her either!"

As far as I am concerned, that individual bulldozer operator is off the hook until somebody shows me otherwise.

But my next question is about operating such b-dozers in close quarters in civilian areas and the inherent disregard for human life entailed in so doing.
When you support people who blow themselves up in crowds of civilians with bomb vests studded with nails, your concern for human life rings hollow.
have you ever been up close to a military bulldozer, with its armour plating and reduced visibility.
Yes. I have. Almost every day for four years. International Harvester TD18-A (Armored).
I can find plenty of pictures of TD18s in military service...but I can't find a single picture or mention of an armored version.

Let's see what they look like. Post a picture so we can judge its operator's visibility for ourselves.
And I hasten to remind those American Jews who eagerly condemn her that Corrie was a fellow American.
I'm not a Jew, but I condemn her actions.

Is "Jew" the worst insult imaginable to you?
I found this footage from the incident itself. Never saw this before. Is Israeli bulldozer driver's denial plausible?

And if they truly can't tell who they're running over, should they discontinue the use of bulldozers?





And besides, it takes a high level of asshole to bulldoze people's homes whether anyone is killed or not.
That's nothing compared to the level of asshole it took to make the above 'pithy comment'...... I think you might actually be able to challenge BilloTurd soon : ))
Don't be so sure about that, because you were a US marine driving a dozer does not make you an expert of motion.
True enough. But it does make me a relative expert on this subject -- which isn't going to influence your willingness to argue from a position of complete and absolute ignorance. So have at it.

It doesn't matter, because you've left the other 2 K's off your ID, MikeKKK........
Mike-----how long does it take for a driver---having perceived a reason to slam
his foot on THE BRAKE-----to actually do so? no time at all? zero nanoseconds?

When you are operating a 'dozer your feet are always on the brake pedals (two of them) and your hands are holding the steering clutches. That is how the machine is operated.

And please take my word that, regardless of the size of the 'dozer, when you engage those brakes the machine stops -- fully and instantly -- on a dime!


Here is a photo shot moments before Corrie was plowed down. Can you believe she was not visible to the operator?


This photo was shot just a few seconds later. Can you honestly believe it was an accident?

The girl was casually, brutally and cold-bloodedly murdered.
In the second photo, she was not visible to the operator.

Perhaps he assumed she was not stupid enough to just stand there.
have you ever been up close to a military bulldozer, with its armour plating and reduced visibility.
Yes. I have. Almost every day for four years. International Harvester TD18-A (Armored).
I can find plenty of pictures of TD18s in military service...but I can't find a single picture or mention of an armored version.

Let's see what they look like. Post a picture so we can judge its operator's visibility for ourselves.
And I hasten to remind those American Jews who eagerly condemn her that Corrie was a fellow American.

I'm not a Jew

In April 2011, during the trial of the civil suit brought by Corrie's parents, an IDF officer testified that Corrie and other activists had spent "hours" trying to block the bulldozers under his command. He went on to say that it was "a war zone where Palestinian militants used abandoned homes as firing positions" and exploited foreign activists for cover. He shouted over a megaphone for the activists to leave, tried to use tear gas to disperse them and moved his troops several times. "To my regret, after the eighth time, (Corrie) hid behind an earth embankment. The D9 operator didn't see her. She thought he saw her," he said.[42]
Is that what the IDF officer said? Then it must be true. Right?
Normal people leave when tear gas is fired at them.

Stupid terrorist supporters stay.
The way to deal with Corrie was arrest and deportation. If that approach had included a kick in the ass I would have no objection because I am not familiar with the circumstances. But those Israeli bastards chose to crush that girl to death -- just like they chose to attack the USS Liberty and murder 130 defenseless American sailors.

And the problem with both incidents is how many disloyal American Jews jump right in to defend the actions of their Jew tribal brethren in Israel.
Toodle on back to Stormfront, Skippy. No Holocaust for you!
Yes. I have. Almost every day for four years. International Harvester TD18-A (Armored).
I can find plenty of pictures of TD18s in military service...but I can't find a single picture or mention of an armored version.

Let's see what they look like. Post a picture so we can judge its operator's visibility for ourselves.
And I hasten to remind those American Jews who eagerly condemn her that Corrie was a fellow American.

I'm not a Jew

To show how totally KNEE JERK and pointless the Zionist contingent on this website can be .... dismissing even an Israeli film as "Islamonazi propaganda," (guys, can't you even think??)
I was going to say "heck, I really CAN'T see her either!"

As far as I am concerned, that individual bulldozer operator is off the hook until somebody shows me otherwise.

But my next question is about operating such b-dozers in close quarters in civilian areas and the inherent disregard for human life entailed in so doing.

You sure like to play those games, don't you "I was going to say......" "I came here looking for common ground......" That's an intellectually dishonest gambit: it's just another form of lying.

Why 'ask the question'? That isn't what was going on: there were warning signs, barricades and military personnel informing the "protesters" that they were in an unsafe area.

There was no such 'inherent disregard for human life' as you vindictively assume - except of course on the part of the ISM individuals, who CHOSE to disregard all the warnings.
Last edited:
yes---a good book----I read a good book long ago-----I was very young---about 10---
I found the book on a shelf in the back of my classroom (the shelf of books is why
I sat in the back of the room) -----it was about a man who sat under an apple tree and
an apple fell on his head. -----I was attracted to the book because of a sentence on
the title page "If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the
shoulders of giants" sir Isaac Newton ----since that time I HAVE "BELIEVED IN"
SIR ISAAC NEWTON until I found out that the same guy INFLICTED
calculus on the world

PS when I took "driver's ed"----they told me ------"you can't stop on a dime and
there are always blind spots"-------at that time I drove a car called
'simca'----a French tin can that weighed about 3 ounces. well--
SIR ISAAC-----even that can did not stop on a dime......even a tin can
has MASS
And you compare a one or two ton automobile that runs on tires at speeds typically in excess of 40mph to a 20 to 40 ton earth-moving machine that runs on tracks at a typical speed of 1 - 2 mph.

All you are doing here is demonstrating your ignorance and offering up evidence of it.

try again, marine (and call me ma'am---marines always called me "ma'am"---when I
was active duty)------- now pay attention, marine........(MASS) (VELOCITY) I never drove
more than 35 mph usually 20----my dad told me that FOURTH GEAR did not apply to me
and I should ---stay in second gear----the dozer at 40 tons had a mass 40 times my little simca
----at 2 mph----it had a greater MV---than my little simca at 20 mph which got squished--
when I ran into an idiot who ran a red light-----with my foot on the brake the whole
front end folded-----MV !!!! it was a big heavy car in my way-----not a human----
so everyone survived

Are you trying to equate a car with small brakes and (relatively) efficient tires on a road with a bulldozer with huge brakes, inefficient tracks on mud?

Bulldozers stop on a dime and can even switch to reverse quickly.

Watch this video for proof. (32 seconds in).


That said, Rachel Corrie was a complete idiot and it's a damn shame. Tragically, she earned her Darwin Award.
I found this footage from the incident itself. Never saw this before. Is Israeli bulldozer driver's denial plausible?

And if they truly can't tell who they're running over, should they discontinue the use of bulldozers?





And besides, it takes a high level of asshole to bulldoze people's homes whether anyone is killed or not.

It takes an even bigger level of asshole to go to a market, a store, a bar, a nightclub, a whatever business you wish to name, and blow yourself, and a whole host of children and families up.

indeed, that is why the Palestinians gave up suicide bombing years ago.

What violence did Israel give up to reciprocate?
indeed, that is why the Palestinians gave up suicide bombing years ago.

What violence did Israel give up to reciprocate?

No, Tinny: they gave it up because they got too much negative publicity from it, and because the Israelis got very good at preventing such attacks.

Those among the Palestinians who advocated 'suicide' bombings (by others, of course!), with their depraved indifference to human life, deserve nothing 'to reciprocate' when they stopped being quite so bloodthirsty and murderous.

Now if they swore off their dedication to destroying the State of Israel - that might qualify for 'reciprocation'.
And besides, it takes a high level of asshole to bulldoze people's homes whether anyone is killed or not.

It takes an even bigger level of asshole to go to a market, a store, a bar, a nightclub, a whatever business you wish to name, and blow yourself, and a whole host of children and families up.

indeed, that is why the Palestinians gave up suicide bombing years ago.

What violence did Israel give up to reciprocate?

If you want Israel to stop attacking , stop attacking Israel and renounce violence against the State of Israel.


Keep launching rockets, throwing rocks/firebombs at soldiers, kidnapping Israelis. But don't complain when Israel hits back 20x harder..
There are few things as annoying as listening to or reading the bloviations of someone who speaks with scholarly authority on a subject he knows absolutely nothing about.

Don't be so sure about that, because you were a US marine driving a dozer does not make you an expert of motion. Try reading some books on the subject, I would recommend starting with the explanation of a moving body exerting a force on another body and what the result is. Try and understand that every action has an opposite reaction. So applying the brakes on a moving bulldozer should not cause it to stop dead or the driver would suffer a broken neck from the momentum of his body suddenly stopping. In even minor fender benders people get whiplash injuries as they are hurled forwards and the backwards as the vehicle stops suddenly. I did drive dozers, and fork lifts, and 200 ton Kress carriers so I do know what I am talking about.


This takes about 40 feet to stop when fully loaded, which is why it travels on purpose made roads that are fenced so no one can enter them

yes---a good book----I read a good book long ago-----I was very young---about 10---
I found the book on a shelf in the back of my classroom (the shelf of books is why
I sat in the back of the room) -----it was about a man who sat under an apple tree and
an apple fell on his head. -----I was attracted to the book because of a sentence on
the title page "If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the
shoulders of giants" sir Isaac Newton ----since that time I HAVE "BELIEVED IN"
SIR ISAAC NEWTON until I found out that the same guy INFLICTED
calculus on the world

PS when I took "driver's ed"----they told me ------"you can't stop on a dime and
there are always blind spots"-------at that time I drove a car called
'simca'----a French tin can that weighed about 3 ounces. well--
SIR ISAAC-----even that can did not stop on a dime......even a tin can
has MASS

Its angular momentum ( mass x speed ) is what causes it to keep moving even with the brakes applied. A good example if a steam driven vehicle that has no brakes other than the steam pressure. To stop you put the engine in reverse and feather the regulator causing the engine to try and run backwards. To much steam and the wheels dig in due to the momentum carrying the weight forwards and the engine driving backwards. Something will give and that will no doubt be the con rod or some teeth on the gear wheels.
And besides, it takes a high level of asshole to bulldoze people's homes whether anyone is killed or not.

It takes an even bigger level of asshole to go to a market, a store, a bar, a nightclub, a whatever business you wish to name, and blow yourself, and a whole host of children and families up.

indeed, that is why the Palestinians gave up suicide bombing years ago.

What violence did Israel give up to reciprocate?


Deadly suicide bomb in Israel - Video on NBCNews.com

Israeli troops stop Palestinian suicide bomber
Don't be so sure about that, because you were a US marine driving a dozer does not make you an expert of motion. Try reading some books on the subject, I would recommend starting with the explanation of a moving body exerting a force on another body and what the result is. Try and understand that every action has an opposite reaction. So applying the brakes on a moving bulldozer should not cause it to stop dead or the driver would suffer a broken neck from the momentum of his body suddenly stopping. In even minor fender benders people get whiplash injuries as they are hurled forwards and the backwards as the vehicle stops suddenly. I did drive dozers, and fork lifts, and 200 ton Kress carriers so I do know what I am talking about.


This takes about 40 feet to stop when fully loaded, which is why it travels on purpose made roads that are fenced so no one can enter them

yes---a good book----I read a good book long ago-----I was very young---about 10---
I found the book on a shelf in the back of my classroom (the shelf of books is why
I sat in the back of the room) -----it was about a man who sat under an apple tree and
an apple fell on his head. -----I was attracted to the book because of a sentence on
the title page "If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the
shoulders of giants" sir Isaac Newton ----since that time I HAVE "BELIEVED IN"
SIR ISAAC NEWTON until I found out that the same guy INFLICTED
calculus on the world

PS when I took "driver's ed"----they told me ------"you can't stop on a dime and
there are always blind spots"-------at that time I drove a car called
'simca'----a French tin can that weighed about 3 ounces. well--
SIR ISAAC-----even that can did not stop on a dime......even a tin can
has MASS
And you compare a one or two ton automobile that runs on tires at speeds typically in excess of 40mph to a 20 to 40 ton earth-moving machine that runs on tracks at a typical speed of 1 - 2 mph.

All you are doing here is demonstrating your ignorance and offering up evidence of it.

How about the machine pictured above, the front tyres are as tall as a man. Fully loaded it weighs in excess of 200 tons has air operated disk brakes all round and still will not stop on a dime. semi automatic pre select gearbox with 18 forward speeds and 6 reverse. Saw one hit a car parked where it should not have been and crushed it as if it was tin foil. The wheels are filled with a mixture of water and nitrogen gas and if you get a blow out it can cut through steel a half inch thick. makes most dozers look like kids toys when placed side by side and can tow a dozer backwards with ease. Even at 1 mph the driver still needs his 2 yard thinking distance and then his 2 yard stopping distance, it might seem like you are sopping on a dime but in actual fact from your brain registering that you have a corrie down under the blade to stopping you will have travelled at least the length of the dozer. In a test situation you are fully alert and aware of the need to stop so your thinking distance is negated, in the real world you are not waiting for this to happen.

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