Rachel Corrie and ISM

I have seen other films, and of course there was controversy regarding the films you friends made, such as them taken at different times of day. Naturally, Amity doesn't want to admit that her beloved terrorist who hid out in the office of the ISM blew himself up among innocent people. By the way, remember when it wass said she was alive and they killed her in a Palestinian hospital for propaganda purposes. We do not know if this is true or not. Let Amity and friends mourn Rachel Corrie, that misguided young woman, and let the rest of us mourn those who died because of the terrorist blowing himself up at Mike's Place.

What ????

Look at the Israeli film made by a mounted camera inside the bulldozer and tell me if you see her.

Correction: it PURPORTS to be the actual film from within the 'dozer. However, because the prejudicial and inflammatory word 'murder' is used in the title - I'm not willing to trust the source to be unaltered.
I found this footage from the incident itself. Never saw this before. Is Israeli bulldozer driver's denial plausible?

And if they truly can't tell who they're running over, should they discontinue the use of bulldozers?
The far more important question is:

Shouldn't idiots not stand in front of bulldozers?

That would take all the fun out of reducing the global number of idiots.
Looks like Darwin was right, huh?
Come on, guys, give Amity some credit.
This site BORING without her "history" lessons.
I'm getting groggy and I'm not sure if it's the Ambien or Amity.

Amity, like other sedative-hypnotic drugs, has central nervous system (CNS) depressant effects. Co-administration with other CNS depressants (e.g., benzodiazepines, opioids, tricyclic antidepressants, alcohol) increases the risk of CNS depression. Dosage adjustments of Amity and of other concomitant CNS depressants may be necessary when Amity is administered with such agents because of the potentially additive effects. The use of Amity with other sedative-hypnotics (including other zolpidem products) at bedtime or the middle of the night is not recommended.

Abnormal thinking and behavior changes have been reported in patients treated with sedative/hypnotics, including Amity. Some of these changes included decreased inhibition (e.g., aggressiveness and extroversion that seemed out of character), bizarre behavior, agitation and depersonalization. Visual and auditory hallucinations have been reported.
I'm getting groggy and I'm not sure if it's the Ambien or Amity.

Amity, like other sedative-hypnotic drugs, has central nervous system (CNS) depressant effects. Co-administration with other CNS depressants (e.g., benzodiazepines, opioids, tricyclic antidepressants, alcohol) increases the risk of CNS depression. Dosage adjustments of Amity and of other concomitant CNS depressants may be necessary when Amity is administered with such agents because of the potentially additive effects. The use of Amity with other sedative-hypnotics (including other zolpidem products) at bedtime or the middle of the night is not recommended.

Abnormal thinking and behavior changes have been reported in patients treated with sedative/hypnotics, including Amity. Some of these changes included decreased inhibition (e.g., aggressiveness and extroversion that seemed out of character), bizarre behavior, agitation and depersonalization. Visual and auditory hallucinations have been reported.
If the stuff is that bad, I'd flush it down the commode before I'd take it!
I'm getting groggy and I'm not sure if it's the Ambien or Amity.

Amity, like other sedative-hypnotic drugs, has central nervous system (CNS) depressant effects. Co-administration with other CNS depressants (e.g., benzodiazepines, opioids, tricyclic antidepressants, alcohol) increases the risk of CNS depression. Dosage adjustments of Amity and of other concomitant CNS depressants may be necessary when Amity is administered with such agents because of the potentially additive effects. The use of Amity with other sedative-hypnotics (including other zolpidem products) at bedtime or the middle of the night is not recommended.

Abnormal thinking and behavior changes have been reported in patients treated with sedative/hypnotics, including Amity. Some of these changes included decreased inhibition (e.g., aggressiveness and extroversion that seemed out of character), bizarre behavior, agitation and depersonalization. Visual and auditory hallucinations have been reported.
If the stuff is that bad, I'd flush it down the commode before I'd take it!
She'd probably get mad.
I found this footage from the incident itself. Never saw this before. Is Israeli bulldozer driver's denial plausible?

And if they truly can't tell who they're running over, should they discontinue the use of bulldozers?





And besides, it takes a high level of asshole to bulldoze people's homes whether anyone is killed or not.
I found this footage from the incident itself. Never saw this before. Is Israeli bulldozer driver's denial plausible?

And if they truly can't tell who they're running over, should they discontinue the use of bulldozers?





And besides, it takes a high level of asshole to bulldoze people's homes whether anyone is killed or not.
Tinny, if a bee stings you, destroy the nest. Same goes for terrorists and tunnel diggers nests. Don't you agree?
I found this footage from the incident itself. Never saw this before. Is Israeli bulldozer driver's denial plausible?

And if they truly can't tell who they're running over, should they discontinue the use of bulldozers?





And besides, it takes a high level of asshole to bulldoze people's homes whether anyone is killed or not.
Tinny, if a bee stings you, destroy the nest. Same goes for terrorists and tunnel diggers nests. Don't you agree?

Is that why the Fourth Geneva Convention does not consider Israelis to be "civilians?"
I found this footage from the incident itself. Never saw this before. Is Israeli bulldozer driver's denial plausible?

And if they truly can't tell who they're running over, should they discontinue the use of bulldozers?





Could it be that the video is just a mish-mash of other videos cobbled together very poorly to take in gullible ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS like yourself. It shows nothing that has not been shown before, and all it does is prove that she was mentally deranged to stand in front of a bulldozer like that.
I found this footage from the incident itself. Never saw this before. Is Israeli bulldozer driver's denial plausible? And if they truly can't tell who they're running over, should they discontinue the use of bulldozers?





How come whenever Rachel Corrie is dragged up for the umpteenth time (as if everyone hasn't already heard about this over and over and over), no mention is made of the armed terrorist from England who hid out in the office of the group to which Rachel Corrie belonged, the ISM. This terrorist subsequently went to Mike's Place in Tel Aviv, where families were enjoying the day out, and blew himself up. There was a poster who had a young cousin who had to have her leg amputated and also undergo several operations, but subsequently died. The documentary film maker who was there that day filming also was injured severely, and people who went to Catholic parochial school with him in The Bronx were asking for donations because he wanted to be rehabilitated back home. No one is happy what happened to Rachel Corrie, but let us give a moment's pause to think about the others who were not trying to play chickie with a bulldozer but were just minding their own business when a terrorist suicide bomber pulled the cord on his bomb vest. May none of us ever be in the vicinity of one of those bombers, including you Amity.

Total non sequitur all the way.

What did you think of the films?

poly sci people consist of people who have trouble passing----calculus,
genetics, organic chemistry and physics they actually believe that a
bulldozer can STOP ON A DIME------ it does not grasp Mendel's sweet pea
experiments-------how can it grasp MOMENTUM

"Momentum" wasn't part of the defense, if I remember correctly. It was "vision."

have you ever been up close to a military bulldozer, with its armour plating and reduced visibility. And you expect the driver to see a person hell bent on getting herself killed for her twisted ideology when they disappear from sight ten foot in front of the bulldozer blade. She was trying to protect child killers from being hurt for which she should have been arrested and deported, and then arrested in the USA for treason when she arrived back.
If you stand in front of a two ton moving bulldozer thinking you're actually going to stop it forgive me for pointing and laughing at your idiotic dead corpse.

A fair bit heavier than two ton, closer to 20 ton looking at the machine.
I have seen other films, and of course there was controversy regarding the films you friends made, such as them taken at different times of day. Naturally, Amity doesn't want to admit that her beloved terrorist who hid out in the office of the ISM blew himself up among innocent people. By the way, remember when it wass said she was alive and they killed her in a Palestinian hospital for propaganda purposes. We do not know if this is true or not. Let Amity and friends mourn Rachel Corrie, that misguided young woman, and let the rest of us mourn those who died because of the terrorist blowing himself up at Mike's Place.

What ????

Look at the Israeli film made by a mounted camera inside the bulldozer and tell me if you see her.

Want to try that again, only this time telling the truth.

By the way here is an Israeli military bulldozer used for collapsing smuggling tunnels


Propaganda? Its Israeli film!

I don't really expect any sympathy for her, because after all she associated with ANIMALS, but can't you at least say "oops?"

I mean she was a co-citizen of most of us.

Like I said, when I came here I was looking for the common ground between us as a foundation for peace.

OOOPS the ISLAMONAZIS got it wrong again and let little ali play with the film editing equipment.

Will that do
poly sci people consist of people who have trouble passing----calculus,
genetics, organic chemistry and physics they actually believe that a
bulldozer can STOP ON A DIME------ it does not grasp Mendel's sweet pea
experiments-------how can it grasp MOMENTUM

"Momentum" wasn't part of the defense, if I remember correctly. It was "vision."

oh gee----poly sci persons-------I will help you-----Momentum is mass times velocity----in order
to avoid hitting something-----a driver must SEE IT IN TIME to overcome the MASS TIMES
VELOCITY of the vehicle he drives--------(you need more help----the issue of TIME comes
up in the VELOCITY ISSUE-----which is distance over time)

The factors in avoiding an ass wiggler dancing in front of a bulldozer includes
the mass of the vehicle----its speed---and TIME------from the moment
the driver sees the ass wiggler----to the time it takes for him to hit
the brake------and the force needed to overcome the MOMENTUM

I found physics 101 and 102---easy all you need to do is know the relationship
of the factors----mass, and distance and time The biggest problem in
stopping a bulldozer is ITS MASS-----it is not a roller skate

The reason that the titanic hit the iceberg was also MASS-----the driver of
the ship could not ALTER the momentum of the ship fast enough to avoid
the iceberg---------get it now? probably not------if you cannot do mendelian
genetics-------you cannot do MOMENTUM

As in a car travelling on a perfect road in perfect weather conditions having perfect brakes and tyres. At 30 mph it take the driver a minimum of 2 seconds to realise that there is something wrong, and the car will have travelled 180 feet. Then it takes at least 20 seconds to slow the car to a stop a further 1,800 feet. The modern car weighs about 1 ton. A military bulldozer weighs about 20 ton and has a top speed of 10 mph so the thinking distance is the same 2 seconds and the stopping distance is the same 20 seconds. This works out at 60 feet and 600 feet for the driver to stop safely. So why was this allegedly well educated American girl playing chicken with a machine that could flatten her and the driver would not even feel it.
I found this footage from the incident itself. Never saw this before. Is Israeli bulldozer driver's denial plausible?

And if they truly can't tell who they're running over, should they discontinue the use of bulldozers?





And besides, it takes a high level of asshole to bulldoze people's homes whether anyone is killed or not.

But this time he wasn't he was collapsing tunnels on bigger assholes who murder babies, or at least target them

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