Rachel Corrie and ISM

poly sci people consist of people who have trouble passing----calculus,
genetics, organic chemistry and physics they actually believe that a
bulldozer can STOP ON A DIME------ it does not grasp Mendel's sweet pea
experiments-------how can it grasp MOMENTUM
You have no idea what you are talking about. The fact is a bulldozer, any bulldozer, can "stop on a dime" and the only momentum effect will be a slight forward tilt of the blade.

My MOS in the Marine Corps was 1345 (Engineer). I operated an International Harvester TD18-A (A for Armored) bulldozer for four years. I do know what I'm talking about and I'm telling you that unless the operator of that machine was asleep or blind Rachel Corrie was deliberately crushed. There is no way he could not have seen her.

Just look at the photos that were shot moments before Corrie was plowed under and understand that a bulldozer moves at a crawl and will stop instantly when its brakes are applied.

ROFLMAO-----look at the pictures again------they are frauds-----tricked up by ISM people-----the
account I provided regarding the event is 1000% accurate ----in fact confirmed by the ISM eye-
witnesses ---------nothing can stop on a dime--------ask SIR ISAAC NEWTON. Of course the massive
BULLDOZER was moving at a crawl-----which is precisely why the driver had no reason to imagine
that the slut would decide to PLAY CHICKEN with it com'on---why not parrot the islamo
Nazi claim that the driver was CHASING the slut with the bulldozer------a kinda 'murder by
bulldozer chase" policy developed by Zionists (did you pass highschool geometry?)
If you stand in front of a bulldozer and think you can stop it -- you can't. But the operator can, which is the point in this controversy. If you know an experienced bulldozer operator, show him the photos of Corrie taken immediately before she was plowed down and ask him two questions:
1) Is it possible the operator could not see her?
2) Could he have stopped that machine in plenty of time to avoid contact with her?
The dumb fem took a dozer on and became Saint Pancake, the patron saint of all "viva palistan" cretinos and garbage recycling individuals, of course.
Not true. You need to read up.

I did and that is why the bulldozer was there, at the request of the Egyptian military because they had pin pointed the tunnel exit in the landscaped area.


Do you know were the death took place, have you heard of Rafah on the Egyptian/gaza border. Here is what an ISLAMONAZI wrote in wiki

Rachel Corrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Military investigation

The Israeli army's report [seen by The Guardian], said:

The army was searching for explosives in the border zone when Corrie was "struck as she stood behind a mound of earth that was created by an engineering vehicle operating in the area and she was hidden from the view of the vehicle's operator who continued with his work. Corrie was struck by dirt and a slab of concrete resulting in her death.... The finding of the operational investigations shows that Rachel Corrie was not run over by an engineering vehicle but rather was struck by a hard object, most probably a slab of concrete which was moved or slid down while the mound of earth which she was standing behind was moved.

Criticism of the International Solidarity Movement's role

Joseph Smith (aka Joseph Carr)[citation needed] said in an interview that the International Solidarity Movement knowingly put its activists' lives at risk. Smith was quoted in "Making of a Martyr" by Sandra Jordan as saying that "'We knew there was a risk ... but we also knew it never happened in the two years that we (the ISM) have been working here. I knew we take lots of precautions so that it doesn't happen, that if it did happen it would have to be an intentional act by a soldier, in which case it would bring a lot of publicity and significance to the cause.'"
have you ever been up close to a military bulldozer, with its armour plating and reduced visibility.
Yes. I have. Almost every day for four years. International Harvester TD18-A (Armored).

And you expect the driver to see a person hell bent on getting herself killed for her twisted ideology when they disappear from sight ten foot in front of the bulldozer blade.

For your information there is no question as to whether the operator of that machine could see an object the size and configuration of Rachel Corrie at any time in front of his blade. So unless you are an experienced bulldozer operator you have no business offering such opinions as if they are facts. Because you have no idea what you're talking about.

The notion that Corrie was "hell bent on getting herself killed" is your subjective opinion. Others who knew her and who were there insist neither Corrie nor any of her group believed the operator of that machine would do what he did in front of so many witnesses. Corrie was emulating the Chinese fellow who stood down a tank at the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstration. Her mistake was failing to fully comprehend the Israeli mentality.

She was trying to protect child killers from being hurt for which she should have been arrested and deported, and then arrested in the USA for treason when she arrived back.
I really don't know the political circumstances involved in that incident. But I do know Corrie was an idealistic teen-age girl. As such she deserved nothing more severe than a boot in the ass and deportation. She did not deserve to be crushed to death.

And I hasten to remind those American Jews who eagerly condemn her that Corrie was a fellow American.
If you stand in front of a bulldozer and think you can stop it -- you can't. But the operator can, which is the point in this controversy. If you know an experienced bulldozer operator, show him the photos of Corrie taken immediately before she was plowed down and ask him two questions:
1) Is it possible the operator could not see her?
2) Could he have stopped that machine in plenty of time to avoid contact with her?
The dumb fem took a dozer on and became Saint Pancake, the patron saint of all "viva palistan" cretinos and garbage recycling individuals, of course.

for the record-----there are no actual pictures "just before she was run over"----there are snap
shots of Rachel ------near a bull dozer------taken on different days-------they were fraudulently
presented as if they were taken in sequence on the same day------and placed in justaposition
with Rachel injured on a hospital bed--------in fact she was not in the actual path of the bull-dozer--
she FELL in front of it because the soil gave way under her feet-------she was standing TOO CLOSE
and waited TOO LONG --------she essentially committed suicide by sidling up to a slowly
moving bulldozer There was absolutely no reason
for her to die other than her own SELF INDULGENT
DESIRE TO BE A SHOW. What she did would be
something like playing with the feet of a slowly a
ambling elephant. Teenagers have managed to die
by playing piggy back on trucks----hooking themselves
and their bikes to the back of a moving truck----similar
kind of thing -----dare devil 'show off' slut
At the same time it is understood by all muslims that they are soldiers in the Islamic armed forces acting on the commands of allah. So does this not mean that they are also not covered by the Geneva conventions. That is every man, woman and child.

Very similar rules in the UK, USA, EU and Asia it is called conscription, so what is your point in singling out Israel in a racist manner.

I take it you oppose Jews defending themselves from ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS, MAKING YOU A TWO FACED RACIST

I'm tired of the idiocy. Everyone, please DITCH this crapola thinking for long enough to go right out and find a video made by Palestinian Muslims and judge for yourselves if this slander (above) rings true or not.

Tinmore got me interested in Sleepless in Gaza ... and Jerusalem, so I'll post a couple of them them; they've got 86 of them out so far. One of their correspondents is Christian, the others are all purported IslamoNazi terrorists:

have you read your Koran today, and seen in it were Mohamed declared all muslims soldiers of god. So this makes them all valid targets. You cant pick and choose your definitions based on personal points of view. So decide now if you want to apply the same rules to both sides or be a RACIST and only apply them to the Jews
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As in a car travelling on a perfect road in perfect weather conditions having perfect brakes and tyres. At 30 mph it take the driver a minimum of 2 seconds to realise that there is something wrong, and the car will have travelled 180 feet. Then it takes at least 20 seconds to slow the car to a stop a further 1,800 feet. The modern car weighs about 1 ton. A military bulldozer weighs about 20 ton and has a top speed of 10 mph so the thinking distance is the same 2 seconds and the stopping distance is the same 20 seconds. This works out at 60 feet and 600 feet for the driver to stop safely. So why was this allegedly well educated American girl playing chicken with a machine that could flatten her and the driver would not even feel it.
There are few things as annoying as listening to or reading the bloviations of someone who speaks with scholarly authority on a subject he knows absolutely nothing about.
Mike-----how long does it take for a driver---having perceived a reason to slam
his foot on THE BRAKE-----to actually do so? no time at all? zero nanoseconds?
If you stand in front of a two ton moving bulldozer thinking you're actually going to stop it forgive me for pointing and laughing at your idiotic dead corpse.
If you stand in front of a bulldozer and think you can stop it -- you can't. But the operator can, which is the point in this controversy. If you know an experienced bulldozer operator, show him the photos of Corrie taken immediately before she was plowed down and ask him two questions:

1) Is it possible the operator could not see her?

2) Could he have stopped that machine in plenty of time to avoid contact with her?

Don't forget to apply the two second thinking time, in the UK we have to know the distance a car will travel at any speed from the driver first seeing the object to applying the brakes. It has been calculated as the two second rule, and it applies to what distance you should keep from the vehicle in front. The way to judge it is to watch the vehicle in front and when it passes a marker of your choosing recite " only a fool breaks the two second rule " which takes 2 seconds to say. If your vehicle passes the same marker before you finish then you are a death waiting to happen.

In the case of a dozer travelling at 5 MPH it would carry on for at least 7 feet before the driver could apply the brakes. No vehicle can stop instantly it is against Newtons law of motion so it would travel a further distance due to its mass of say another 7 feet. That is 14 feet from seeing Rachel and being able to stop the dozer. She was stood no further than 6 feet from the blade for the ground wave to have hit her as it did.
have you ever been up close to a military bulldozer, with its armour plating and reduced visibility.
Yes. I have. Almost every day for four years. International Harvester TD18-A (Armored).

And you expect the driver to see a person hell bent on getting herself killed for her twisted ideology when they disappear from sight ten foot in front of the bulldozer blade.

For your information there is no question as to whether the operator of that machine could see an object the size and configuration of Rachel Corrie at any time in front of his blade. So unless you are an experienced bulldozer operator you have no business offering such opinions as if they are facts. Because you have no idea what you're talking about.

The notion that Corrie was "hell bent on getting herself killed" is your subjective opinion. Others who knew her and who were there insist neither Corrie nor any of her group believed the operator of that machine would do what he did in front of so many witnesses. Corrie was emulating the Chinese fellow who stood down a tank at the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstration. Her mistake was failing to fully comprehend the Israeli mentality.

She was trying to protect child killers from being hurt for which she should have been arrested and deported, and then arrested in the USA for treason when she arrived back.
I really don't know the political circumstances involved in that incident. But I do know Corrie was an idealistic teen-age girl. As such she deserved nothing more severe than a boot in the ass and deportation. She did not deserve to be crushed to death.

And I hasten to remind those American Jews who eagerly condemn her that Corrie was a fellow American.

I offer this evidence to show that she was indeed hell bent on getting herself killed

Criticism of the International Solidarity Movement's role

Joseph Smith (aka Joseph Carr)[citation needed] said in an interview that the International Solidarity Movement knowingly put its activists' lives at risk. Smith was quoted in "Making of a Martyr" by Sandra Jordan as saying that "'We knew there was a risk ... but we also knew it never happened in the two years that we (the ISM) have been working here. I knew we take lots of precautions so that it doesn't happen, that if it did happen it would have to be an intentional act by a soldier, in which case it would bring a lot of publicity and significance to the cause.'"
The Electronic Intifada reported that the activists continued to defy the bulldozers despite at least one close call earlier in the day: "In the instance pictured, the bulldozer did not stop and Rachel was pinned between the scooped earth and the fence behind her.

Now that says to me that she had a death wish and was not afraid to die for her beliefs

Rachel Corrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you stand in front of a two ton moving bulldozer thinking you're actually going to stop it forgive me for pointing and laughing at your idiotic dead corpse.
If you stand in front of a bulldozer and think you can stop it -- you can't. But the operator can, which is the point in this controversy. If you know an experienced bulldozer operator, show him the photos of Corrie taken immediately before she was plowed down and ask him two questions:

1) Is it possible the operator could not see her?

2) Could he have stopped that machine in plenty of time to avoid contact with her?

Don't forget to apply the two second thinking time, in the UK we have to know the distance a car will travel at any speed from the driver first seeing the object to applying the brakes. It has been calculated as the two second rule, and it applies to what distance you should keep from the vehicle in front. The way to judge it is to watch the vehicle in front and when it passes a marker of your choosing recite " only a fool breaks the two second rule " which takes 2 seconds to say. If your vehicle passes the same marker before you finish then you are a death waiting to happen.

In the case of a dozer travelling at 5 MPH it would carry on for at least 7 feet before the driver could apply the brakes. No vehicle can stop instantly it is against Newtons law of motion so it would travel a further distance due to its mass of say another 7 feet. That is 14 feet from seeing Rachel and being able to stop the dozer. She was stood no further than 6 feet from the blade for the ground wave to have hit her as it did.

Rachel was a young agile girl------she played a game and it did not work out for her. In
order to make a charge against the driver you would have to assume that HE PREDICTED
that Rachel ------having more than ample time and space and ablity to render
herself safe--------would decide not to. In fact----it was a bit more tragic----
she played and miscalculated
Yes, you posted that. Only problem is, your arrogance and condescension know no limits AND your view is completely one-sided.

gee, thanks, I guess.
The final straw, I think, was the slighting way you posted that we're just a practice run for you.
I appreciate the opportunity to debate and hear your defenses, and learn what the current arguments are.
Even before you got to your allegations of conspiracy and claims that posters here are members of some 'Zionist terrorist organization', most were 'disenchanted' with your purported "good will". Oh, and the description of half a million Israelis as 'legitimate targets' for HAMAS murders.....
No, I ASKED. And the reason I asked is that that is what I was told. And it turns out that whoever told me that appears to have been correct?

And I merely pointed out, as so many others have done, that part of the reason why "innocent Israeli civilians" keep getting hurt is because they are in fact armed illegal settlers whose purpose is military.
And you STILL fantasize that you can succeed in peddling such bold BS to everyone here! Amazing, the strength of your delusions.

guys, dis is da film. Hunks of it were broadcast on Israeli TV, other hunks were filmed on location. Respond or not, your choice.

If you simply wish to make fools of yourselves talking about RC "wiggling her ass," which is not a capital crime anywhere, but which you seem to think bears on the issues somehow, fine by me.
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Mike-----how long does it take for a driver---having perceived a reason to slam
his foot on THE BRAKE-----to actually do so? no time at all? zero nanoseconds?

When you are operating a 'dozer your feet are always on the brake pedals (two of them) and your hands are holding the steering clutches. That is how the machine is operated.

And please take my word that, regardless of the size of the 'dozer, when you engage those brakes the machine stops -- fully and instantly -- on a dime!


Here is a photo shot moments before Corrie was plowed down. Can you believe she was not visible to the operator?


This photo was shot just a few seconds later. Can you honestly believe it was an accident?

The girl was casually, brutally and cold-bloodedly murdered.
As in a car travelling on a perfect road in perfect weather conditions having perfect brakes and tyres. At 30 mph it take the driver a minimum of 2 seconds to realise that there is something wrong, and the car will have travelled 180 feet. Then it takes at least 20 seconds to slow the car to a stop a further 1,800 feet. The modern car weighs about 1 ton. A military bulldozer weighs about 20 ton and has a top speed of 10 mph so the thinking distance is the same 2 seconds and the stopping distance is the same 20 seconds. This works out at 60 feet and 600 feet for the driver to stop safely. So why was this allegedly well educated American girl playing chicken with a machine that could flatten her and the driver would not even feel it.
There are few things as annoying as listening to or reading the bloviations of someone who speaks with scholarly authority on a subject he knows absolutely nothing about.

Don't be so sure about that, because you were a US marine driving a dozer does not make you an expert of motion. Try reading some books on the subject, I would recommend starting with the explanation of a moving body exerting a force on another body and what the result is. Try and understand that every action has an opposite reaction. So applying the brakes on a moving bulldozer should not cause it to stop dead or the driver would suffer a broken neck from the momentum of his body suddenly stopping. In even minor fender benders people get whiplash injuries as they are hurled forwards and the backwards as the vehicle stops suddenly. I did drive dozers, and fork lifts, and 200 ton Kress carriers so I do know what I am talking about.


This takes about 40 feet to stop when fully loaded, which is why it travels on purpose made roads that are fenced so no one can enter them
As in a car travelling on a perfect road in perfect weather conditions having perfect brakes and tyres. At 30 mph it take the driver a minimum of 2 seconds to realise that there is something wrong, and the car will have travelled 180 feet. Then it takes at least 20 seconds to slow the car to a stop a further 1,800 feet. The modern car weighs about 1 ton. A military bulldozer weighs about 20 ton and has a top speed of 10 mph so the thinking distance is the same 2 seconds and the stopping distance is the same 20 seconds. This works out at 60 feet and 600 feet for the driver to stop safely. So why was this allegedly well educated American girl playing chicken with a machine that could flatten her and the driver would not even feel it.
There are few things as annoying as listening to or reading the bloviations of someone who speaks with scholarly authority on a subject he knows absolutely nothing about.

Don't be so sure about that, because you were a US marine driving a dozer does not make you an expert of motion. Try reading some books on the subject, I would recommend starting with the explanation of a moving body exerting a force on another body and what the result is. Try and understand that every action has an opposite reaction. So applying the brakes on a moving bulldozer should not cause it to stop dead or the driver would suffer a broken neck from the momentum of his body suddenly stopping. In even minor fender benders people get whiplash injuries as they are hurled forwards and the backwards as the vehicle stops suddenly. I did drive dozers, and fork lifts, and 200 ton Kress carriers so I do know what I am talking about.


This takes about 40 feet to stop when fully loaded, which is why it travels on purpose made roads that are fenced so no one can enter them

yes---a good book----I read a good book long ago-----I was very young---about 10---
I found the book on a shelf in the back of my classroom (the shelf of books is why
I sat in the back of the room) -----it was about a man who sat under an apple tree and
an apple fell on his head. -----I was attracted to the book because of a sentence on
the title page "If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the
shoulders of giants" sir Isaac Newton ----since that time I HAVE "BELIEVED IN"
SIR ISAAC NEWTON until I found out that the same guy INFLICTED
calculus on the world

PS when I took "driver's ed"----they told me ------"you can't stop on a dime and
there are always blind spots"-------at that time I drove a car called
'simca'----a French tin can that weighed about 3 ounces. well--
SIR ISAAC-----even that can did not stop on a dime......even a tin can
has MASS
There are few things as annoying as listening to or reading the bloviations of someone who speaks with scholarly authority on a subject he knows absolutely nothing about.

Don't be so sure about that, because you were a US marine driving a dozer does not make you an expert of motion. Try reading some books on the subject, I would recommend starting with the explanation of a moving body exerting a force on another body and what the result is. Try and understand that every action has an opposite reaction. So applying the brakes on a moving bulldozer should not cause it to stop dead or the driver would suffer a broken neck from the momentum of his body suddenly stopping. In even minor fender benders people get whiplash injuries as they are hurled forwards and the backwards as the vehicle stops suddenly. I did drive dozers, and fork lifts, and 200 ton Kress carriers so I do know what I am talking about.


This takes about 40 feet to stop when fully loaded, which is why it travels on purpose made roads that are fenced so no one can enter them

yes---a good book----I read a good book long ago-----I was very young---about 10---
I found the book on a shelf in the back of my classroom (the shelf of books is why
I sat in the back of the room) -----it was about a man who sat under an apple tree and
an apple fell on his head. -----I was attracted to the book because of a sentence on
the title page "If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the
shoulders of giants" sir Isaac Newton ----since that time I HAVE "BELIEVED IN"
SIR ISAAC NEWTON until I found out that the same guy INFLICTED
calculus on the world

PS when I took "driver's ed"----they told me ------"you can't stop on a dime and
there are always blind spots"-------at that time I drove a car called
'simca'----a French tin can that weighed about 3 ounces. well--
SIR ISAAC-----even that can did not stop on a dime......even a tin can
has MASS
And you compare a one or two ton automobile that runs on tires at speeds typically in excess of 40mph to a 20 to 40 ton earth-moving machine that runs on tracks at a typical speed of 1 - 2 mph.

All you are doing here is demonstrating your ignorance and offering up evidence of it.
Don't be so sure about that, because you were a US marine driving a dozer does not make you an expert of motion.
True enough. But it does make me a relative expert on this subject -- which isn't going to influence your willingness to argue from a position of complete and absolute ignorance. So have at it.
Don't be so sure about that, because you were a US marine driving a dozer does not make you an expert of motion. Try reading some books on the subject, I would recommend starting with the explanation of a moving body exerting a force on another body and what the result is. Try and understand that every action has an opposite reaction. So applying the brakes on a moving bulldozer should not cause it to stop dead or the driver would suffer a broken neck from the momentum of his body suddenly stopping. In even minor fender benders people get whiplash injuries as they are hurled forwards and the backwards as the vehicle stops suddenly. I did drive dozers, and fork lifts, and 200 ton Kress carriers so I do know what I am talking about.


This takes about 40 feet to stop when fully loaded, which is why it travels on purpose made roads that are fenced so no one can enter them

yes---a good book----I read a good book long ago-----I was very young---about 10---
I found the book on a shelf in the back of my classroom (the shelf of books is why
I sat in the back of the room) -----it was about a man who sat under an apple tree and
an apple fell on his head. -----I was attracted to the book because of a sentence on
the title page "If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the
shoulders of giants" sir Isaac Newton ----since that time I HAVE "BELIEVED IN"
SIR ISAAC NEWTON until I found out that the same guy INFLICTED
calculus on the world

PS when I took "driver's ed"----they told me ------"you can't stop on a dime and
there are always blind spots"-------at that time I drove a car called
'simca'----a French tin can that weighed about 3 ounces. well--
SIR ISAAC-----even that can did not stop on a dime......even a tin can
has MASS
And you compare a one or two ton automobile that runs on tires at speeds typically in excess of 40mph to a 20 to 40 ton earth-moving machine that runs on tracks at a typical speed of 1 - 2 mph.

All you are doing here is demonstrating your ignorance and offering up evidence of it.

try again, marine (and call me ma'am---marines always called me "ma'am"---when I
was active duty)------- now pay attention, marine........(MASS) (VELOCITY) I never drove
more than 35 mph usually 20----my dad told me that FOURTH GEAR did not apply to me
and I should ---stay in second gear----the dozer at 40 tons had a mass 40 times my little simca
----at 2 mph----it had a greater MV---than my little simca at 20 mph which got squished--
when I ran into an idiot who ran a red light-----with my foot on the brake the whole
front end folded-----MV !!!! it was a big heavy car in my way-----not a human----
so everyone survived

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