Rachel Dolezal is a colored person, so what's the problem?

Like I've said before..................she could have avoided this whole mess by simply stating that she's a white woman who identifies culturally more with blacks than whites.

I mean..................back in '83 there was a dude on my ship who grew up in a predominantly black area. He listened to rap, spoke ebonics and wore clothes like he was a rapper. He always stated that he was a "white gangsta".

And.......................if she had done something like that, this whole mess wouldn't have happened. Matter of fact, she could have possibly done some good in the discussion about race rather than being laughed at.
As one of the few known people in the world afflicted with Reverse Michael Jackson disease, she should be pitied. Between laughs of course.
We already know that in public she identifies herself as a black woman.


What do you think she identifies as when she's pulled over by the cops?

The police probably don't identify her as black or white. They would identify her as thuggish or not, fitting a 911 description or not, resisting arrest or not, or committing a crime or not.

Blacks get pulled over more because the majority of them live in high crime areas.
The NAACP missed an opportunity to show what an inclusive, unifying organization they are. But since they are a petty, divisive useless group of Racists, no surprise what happened.

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