Rachel Maddow has "questions" for Barr

Rachel Maddow still not satisfied.

Maddow Has 15 Questions for 'The Barr Report' --- 'We Do Not Have the Mueller Report' | Breitbart

... and still no Russian connection
Since barr only released a summary and it says that Trump wasn’t exonerated I’d kind a like to know what the rest of it said. Wouldn’t you?

Why? If there was any Russian Collusion, Mueller would have leaked to to CNN months ago. There is no good reason to release the report
Did you ever stop to think that some of it can't be released??

No. Of course you didn't. Dumbass.
Sure it can't Trumps asskissing AG won't let it because it would show what a scum trump truly is

Ever hear of classified or legal things that can't be released??

No. Of course you didn't. Dumbass.
Sure I have That's the same FN excuse repubs always make when their asses are in trouble
Since barr only released a summary and it says that Trump wasn’t exonerated I’d kind a like to know what the rest of it said. Wouldn’t you?

Do you care about the FISA warrant application being released?
Why is it every time I read something written by the left I feel that everyone in the world just lost IQ points?

They keep kicking their heels and crying it isn't fair like some upset two year old. They want the full report as if they are smarter and have more knowledge of the law then Muller and his team.
What they are really hoping for is they can find an unsubstantiated hint of an unpaid parking ticket or someone told a story about him cutting the tags off mattresses. Then they will feel exohonerated for their belief in Mueller.
I am sick of them both left & right, maybe its true we are to dumb or closed minded to handle the truth, but I want it anyway. sick of the constant manipulation of the truth.
Madcow ought to more concerned with the FACT that she lost 500,000 viewers on Monday night.
Muller killed the MSNBC 'cash-cow'.
Since barr only released a summary and it says that Trump wasn’t exonerated I’d kind a like to know what the rest of it said. Wouldn’t you?
why? there were no indictments to act on within the report. therefore, there are no crimes. why can't you accept that? I give two shits they release the rest of the report obviously, but you don't have any crime. and that = exoneration.

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