'Racial Trauma' Isn't Real. The Epidemic of Fatherlessness Is

It means you cited about .0001 percent of blacks to conclude that race is not the only factor.

It's more that 4 zeros, id' say 3 to two zeros.

That also is a small sampling, not counting black professionals.
Largely, that's true. But what does it have to do with the thread? Elder's analysis is .. a logical fallacy. But simply saying "systemic racism" is not a complete answer either.

And we are not going to make the negative effects of the War on Poverty disappear.

Imo, the best America can do AT THIS POINT is to make sure there are avenues for people in poverty to gain skills and have avenues for jobs. And call out employers who don't hire equitably across race lines, when they can find qualified applicants. AND UNFORTUNATELY right now we aren't doing that for any race.
Actually recognizing the existence of systemic racism gives us a shot at developing a strategy to end it.
You can trace this back to Johnson's 'Great Society' programs IMO, which replaced dad with a government paycheck.
It took years, but we have now been seeing the fallout for quite some time now.


Racial trauma is very real – it happens when a rightwing racist is traumatized by seeing a black person on television, or hears an American citizen speaking Spanish, or when an American of color is elected to public office.

Rightwing racists and bigots experience racial trauma the consequence of their ignorance, fear, and hate.
It's more that 4 zeros, id' say 3 to two zeros.

That also is a small sampling, not counting black professionals.
Blacks have 2.7 percent of the wealth, so all those wealthy black professionals don't exist.
Don't know what that is but I'm sure it's a foul disgusting reference.

Look at the source.
If you don't know what it is how do you know it's foul and disgusting?

Wiggers shouldn't be as stupid as their black counterparts, but who the fuck knows?
Actually recognizing the existence of systemic racism gives us a shot at developing a strategy to end it.
That's true, I guess, but I really was around in the 90s for the "super predator" bs, and it was not all white people leading the charge.

jmo, but society as a whole can outlaw racism in hiring and housing, and we can try to make opportunities for people to take advantage of. But it's individual choice that makes a difference.

And I absolutely see a better America than the one I grew up in.
LOL Exactly. No doubt a greater % of blacks are in poverty than whites. But Elder isn't lying about the social/demographic facts. But is Elder saying "we should go back to segregation and no food/shelter govt assistance"? If so, it's an obvious intellectual fallacy.

He offers no positive view of what should change
He is saying things were better back before the policies during the civil rights era were implemented.....even tho, the same racist tropes trotted against black folks "BEFORE" there was a civil rights movement -- are the same racist tropes being pushed now...

What you should ask is......are blacks just genetically disposed to be all of these things? If so, then for the whites who find themselves in single parent homes, out of wedlock, on welfare, engaging in criminal acts -- aren't they just acting black?
He is saying things were better back before the policies during the civil rights era were implemented.....even tho, the same racist tropes trotted against black folks "BEFORE" there was a civil rights movement -- are the same racist tropes being pushed now...

What you should ask is......are blacks just genetically disposed to be all of these things? If so, then for the whites who find themselves in single parent homes, out of wedlock, on welfare, engaging in criminal acts -- aren't they just acting black?
oh I know what he's saying. Pardon me .... is this the Chattanoga cho cho
Blacks who represent 13-ish % of the population -- factually comprise the highest levels of:

  • Violent criminal activities
  • Highest percentage of single-mother households
  • Highest percentage of fatherless homes
  • High percentage of uneducated graduates in math, reading and writing (e.g. Baltimore)

Yep, and if anyone thinks none of this has anything to do with a father not being around, they are living in denial.
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I have not seen you and your
Larry Elder is a moron. Your parents not being married isn't the same thing as you being fatherlessness but this dumb Bingo can't seem to put two and two together. 😄
Hey there! I have not seen you and your rainbow fist in a bit. I hope all is well. Any good gay prostate trauma lately? ✊
That's true, I guess, but I really was around in the 90s for the "super predator" bs, and it was not all white people leading the charge.

jmo, but society as a whole can outlaw racism in hiring and housing, and we can try to make opportunities for people to take advantage of. But it's individual choice that makes a difference.

And I absolutely see a better America than the one I grew up in.
I was around during the 80's and saw the crack go into black communities that had blacks on the super predator kick. But systemic racism goes far beyond law enforcement.

I've been alive since 1961 and I have seen changes in how racism is done. Whether or not this is a better place, I don't know.
It's an opinion piece. Are you mad that Newsweek allowed a black man off the Dim plantation?
That man is a house slave on the conservative plantation. There is no Democrat plantation.

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