'Racial Trauma' Isn't Real. The Epidemic of Fatherlessness Is

Well I can explain that to you since my family is one of those immigrant families. The families who immigrate here tend to be families who are better off financially in their home countries. That's how they have the money to immigrate.

No? Enlisted Black officers are still under represtened at the highest offices as they are still under represented in management and ownership in the private sector.

Then who failed your education because there still seems to be quite a bit you're ignorant about.
Always a winning tactic to insult another. Smoooth, and soooo persuaaasssive
... The families who immigrate here tend to be families who are better off financially in their home countries. T.....
That is most certainly NOT the case for a great, great many of the immigrants we are seeing on the news these days.
No offense, but I don't think that your post explains the fact that we have immigrants every day who come here with no money or even language, but who make financial and personal success with their lives.

There is systemic racism no doubt. But the military is pretty desperate for enlistees who can pass the basics. And the military has been a stepping stone for people for ... going back at least a century. And racism in not a factor there.

I know there are some devoted teachers, but it comes down to parents.
No we don't have immigrants coming here with nothing and make financial and personal sucess. You guys love trying to argue citing the few examples but you exclude the many. Why are 15 year old immigrants working in slaughtering houses? How rich are those immigrants getting while working on the rendering floor at Iowa Beef? How well off are those immigrants working at the chicken nugget processing plant?

You want to make this claim? How about you study the H1B Visa program where a select few immigrants are given high paying jobs by corporations with the help of government.

Your post ignores many things and thats par for the course in discussions like this. White immigrants came over here during Jim Crow and were allowed things that blacks who were born here were excluded from. Today black tax dollars subsidize white businesses while the business gets TIFFS and 40 year tax abatements. Meanwhile a black entrepreneur can't get a business loan.

So how about this discussion is done on complete facts, not feelings and opinions derived from seeing 1-2 people.
Actually the link is about Larry Elder talking about racism... dumbass
There is no such thing as racism unless you are talking about the real racism being experienced by whites everyday since this country existed....but nobody talks about that.......they rather talk about this made up racism the blacks never faced....but keep pretending like they did
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No we don't have immigrants coming here with nothing and make financial and personal sucess. You guys love trying to argue citing the few examples but you exclude the many. Why are 15 year old immigrants working in slaughtering houses? How rich are those immigrants getting while working on the rendering floor at Iowa Beef? How well off are those immigrants working at the chicken nugget processing plant?

You want to make this claim? How about you study the H1B Visa program where a select few immigrants are given high paying jobs by corporations with the help of government.

Your post ignores many things and thats par for the course in discussions like this. White immigrants came over here during Jim Crow and were allowed things that blacks who were born here were excluded from. Today black tax dollars subsidize white businesses while the business gets TIFFS and 40 year tax abatements. Meanwhile a black entrepreneur can't get a business loan.

So how about this discussion is done on complete facts, not feelings and opinions derived from seeing 1-2 people.
how do YOU know from where I formed by factual beliefs?

My post was simply that we have poor people who don't speak English (happy) who have "successful" lives, in that they gain economically and so do their kids. Nor can one explain some blacks never escaping the poverty of their parents ... despite indusputable proof that anyone who can meet the qualifications can join the military ... as have generations passed ... to gain skills.

Saying a great-grandfather was a slave is weak since few have even met a great grandfather, and it's probably a given that a lot of Black guys who died 50 years ago would not be amused at HS dropouts.

I posted systemic racism is REAL. But it cannot explain everything of why some Blacks gain better lives than their parents, and others don't.

In 2019, the poverty rate for the United States was 10.5%, the lowest since estimates were first released for 1959.

Poverty rates declined between 2018 and 2019 for all major race and Hispanic origin groups.

Two of these groups, Blacks and Hispanics, reached historic lows in their poverty rates in 2019. The poverty rate for Blacks was 18.8%; for Hispanics, it was 15.7%.

The pandemic probably hurt.
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And this is why blacks like Larry Elder gets called an Uncle Tom.

“As late as 1950, only 18% of black households were singleparent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1938, black illegitimacy was about 11% instead of today’s 75%. In 1925, 85% of black households in New York City were two-parent. Today, the black family is a mere shadow of its past.”-Walter Williams

In 1939, during this time of great black two-parent families, the povertyrate for employed married black couples was 89 percent.7 In 1959, thepoverty rate for that same couple was 54.9 percent.8 These sky-high ratesof poverty occurred during the time “conservatives” rant about. Today dueto the “ liberal welfare state breaking up the black family by giving themwelfare,” black poverty is half of what it was in 1959 and less than one-thirdof what it was in those imaginary grand old glorious days of the two-parent black family.
And this is why blacks like Larry Elder gets called an Uncle Tom.

“As late as 1950, only 18% of black households were singleparent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1938, black illegitimacy was about 11% instead of today’s 75%. In 1925, 85% of black households in New York City were two-parent. Today, the black family is a mere shadow of its past.”-Walter Williams

In 1939, during this time of great black two-parent families, the povertyrate for employed married black couples was 89 percent.7 In 1959, thepoverty rate for that same couple was 54.9 percent.8 These sky-high ratesof poverty occurred during the time “conservatives” rant about. Today dueto the “ liberal welfare state breaking up the black family by giving themwelfare,” black poverty is half of what it was in 1959 and less than one-thirdof what it was in those imaginary grand old glorious days of the two-parent black family.
LOL Exactly. No doubt a greater % of blacks are in poverty than whites. But Elder isn't lying about the social/demographic facts. But is Elder saying "we should go back to segregation and no food/shelter govt assistance"? If so, it's an obvious intellectual fallacy.

He offers no positive view of what should change
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how do YOU know from where I formed by factual beliefs?

My post was simply that we have poor people who don't speak English (happy) who have "successful" lives, in that they gain economically and so do their kids. Nor can one explain some blacks never escaping the poverty of their parents ... despite indusputable proof that anyone who can meet the qualifications can join the military ... as have generations passed ... to gain skills.

Saying a great-grandfather was a slave is weak since few have even met a great grandfather, and it's probably a given that a lot of Black guys who died 50 years ago would not be amused at HS dropouts.

I posted systemic racism is REAL. But it cannot explain everything of why some Blacks gain better lives than their parents, and others don't.

In 2019, the poverty rate for the United States was 10.5%, the lowest since estimates were first released for 1959.

Poverty rates declined between 2018 and 2019 for all major race and Hispanic origin groups.

Two of these groups, Blacks and Hispanics, reached historic lows in their poverty rates in 2019. The poverty rate for Blacks was 18.8%; for Hispanics, it was 15.7%.

The pandemic probably hurt.
I get tired of reading the dismissal of what blacks face with the immigrants come here with nothing. That's not close to true. And while black poverty reached that historic low, it was still double that of whites. Since 1959, no matter how low poverty has gotten black poverty has always been doubles that of whites. It has not mattered whether America was practicing segregation. It has not mattered that blacks have become better educated. It has not mattered if black households were traditional two parent, two cars, a dog, two children having, good church-going membersof American society, black poverty has stayed double that of whites.
LOL Exactly. No doubt a greater % of blacks are in poverty than whites. But Elder isn't lying about the social/demographic facts. But is Elder saying "we should go back to segregation and no food/shelter govt assistance"? If so, it's an obvious intellectual fallacy.

He offers no positive view of what should change
Elder is an idiot. He offers no solutions, he only helps keep us divided.

"The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than themedian Latino two-parent household.”

“The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”pg.10

If single parenthood was the problem white single parent families would have the same problem.
how do YOU know from where I formed by factual beliefs?

My post was simply that we have poor people who don't speak English (happy) who have "successful" lives, in that they gain economically and so do their kids. Nor can one explain some blacks never escaping the poverty of their parents ... despite indusputable proof that anyone who can meet the qualifications can join the military ... as have generations passed ... to gain skills.

Saying a great-grandfather was a slave is weak since few have even met a great grandfather, and it's probably a given that a lot of Black guys who died 50 years ago would not be amused at HS dropouts.

I posted systemic racism is REAL. But it cannot explain everything of why some Blacks gain better lives than their parents, and others don't.

In 2019, the poverty rate for the United States was 10.5%, the lowest since estimates were first released for 1959.

Poverty rates declined between 2018 and 2019 for all major race and Hispanic origin groups.

Two of these groups, Blacks and Hispanics, reached historic lows in their poverty rates in 2019. The poverty rate for Blacks was 18.8%; for Hispanics, it was 15.7%.

The pandemic probably hurt.
My Apologies to you.
It means that race isn't the only factor in determining wealth, access to wealth, and the ability of your progeny to create more wealth than you had.
It means you cited about .0001 percent of blacks to conclude that race is not the only factor.
I get tired of reading the dismissal of what blacks face with the immigrants come here with nothing. That's not close to true. And while black poverty reached that historic low, it was still double that of whites. Since 1959, no matter how low poverty has gotten black poverty has always been doubles that of whites. It has not mattered whether America was practicing segregation. It has not mattered that blacks have become better educated. It has not mattered if black households were traditional two parent, two cars, a dog, two children having, good church-going membersof American society, black poverty has stayed double that of whites.
Largely, that's true. But what does it have to do with the thread? Elder's analysis is .. a logical fallacy. But simply saying "systemic racism" is not a complete answer either.

And we are not going to make the negative effects of the War on Poverty disappear.

Imo, the best America can do AT THIS POINT is to make sure there are avenues for people in poverty to gain skills and have avenues for jobs. And call out employers who don't hire equitably across race lines, when they can find qualified applicants. AND UNFORTUNATELY right now we aren't doing that for any race.
Sharpton and I presume IM2 are both Black.
The OP is White.
Larry Elder is an Oreo.

Pretty sure actual Black people can speak to "race trauma" more effectively than a White OP or a wanna be White link.
Besides the purity test of voting for Biden what other criteria does one need to be black?

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