Racism is the feature of the left wing and the democrat party. Racism is their sword and shield....

The morons in Seattle are segregating their zone by race..........racism is the wholly owned subsidiary of the left wing and democrat party.....

Institutional racism exists in only one place...the democrat party......

Precisely. The epistemology of racist ideology as a political movement for the accumulation of power was devised, post Industrial Revolution, by founders of the democratic party. What happens again and again is the democrats use minorities to attack the majority until a very small number of the majority feel they've no choice left but to counterattack the minorities who've been attacking them. THIS is what the democrats call white supremacist violence, which is not what it is at all. The democrats goad the more gullible among us into fighting back. But at the end of the day, there comes a point in every political struggle where fighting back is the last and only option. Wait for it.
Of course they are, just like they started segregating those in colleges as well. No surprise here. Don’t be surprised when whites claim they are -safe zones- for Blacks.
Next thing is the KKK and the plantation owners were doing black people a favor.

President Donald Trump's administration released a new batch of documents about John F. Kennedy's assassination Friday that included a secret FBI analysis that portrayed civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in a harshly negative light.
The 20-page document attempts to tie the civil rights leader to various communist influences and alleges financial improprieties at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the civil rights organization that he led. The document also contains insinuations and assertions about King's personal life, including extramarital affairs and other sexual improprieties that would have been deeply embarrassing to King at the time.

Et tu Trump?

Repubs believe it was best that black people know the truth about MLK in files maintain about JFK assassination. which begs the question why was it in a secret FBI analysis of JFK assassination.

Gee willikers Batman did they verify that information

I don't know Robin but it probably was best for them to know that he was being watched.
says the original Blackman
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