Racism??? No...Limbaugh is just presenting the right wing point of view

Try to read in what you will - the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of folks only squeal about how much money is being spent if they don't approve of WHAT it is being spent on .... and they are silent on "spending" as long as they money is being spent in a way that they personally approve of.

The money wasted by the right to "get something .... ANYTHING" was a taxpayer-funded political vendetta. A poor use of public resources imho.

The key here is..."imho."

and whether they put those letters in post or not, virtually all posts here are opinions. Some try to play them as "fact" and they only look foolish imho. But an opinion based on a fair and intelligent examination of the evidence is, I believe, far more valuable that rejurgitated talking points and cutesy emoticons.
Try to read in what you will - the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of folks only squeal about how much money is being spent if they don't approve of WHAT it is being spent on .... and they are silent on "spending" as long as they money is being spent in a way that they personally approve of.

The money wasted by the right to "get something .... ANYTHING" was a taxpayer-funded political vendetta. A poor use of public resources imho.

Yes....but spending money investigating TORTURE is a waste of money

I will take that post as sarcasm. :cool:

Here is a little info on the subject: 7 ex CIA chiefs asks Obama to stop the probe

7 ex-CIA chiefs ask Obama to stop attorney general's probe of Bush-era harsh interrogations -- themorningcall.com
Try to read in what you will - the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of folks only squeal about how much money is being spent if they don't approve of WHAT it is being spent on .... and they are silent on "spending" as long as they money is being spent in a way that they personally approve of.

The money wasted by the right to "get something .... ANYTHING" was a taxpayer-funded political vendetta. A poor use of public resources imho.

The key here is..."imho."

and whether they put those letters in post or not, virtually all posts here are opinions. Some try to play them as "fact" and they only look foolish imho. But an opinion based on a fair and intelligent examination of the evidence is, I believe, far more valuable that rejurgitated talking points and cutesy emoticons.

Only the right, huh? Why has Obama's stimulus money been only for paying back the unions so far? This goes on in both parties, yet all I hear is Booooosoooooosh imho :lol::lol::lol:
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you mean like the rhetoric some on the left are using.....if your against this president....you must be a bigot?........like that?......just askin.....

that's kind of an oversimplification. what people are saying is that there is an undercurrent of racism in things like the birfer movement and the garbage about not letting kids see him make a speech telling them to study and stay in school.

the rest is just the same soreloser garbage that led them to spend 70 million to investigate a popular sitting president so they could undo an election.

Jill i understand what your saying ....but there are too many people jumping on this bandwagon trying to label you a racist if you disagree with the guy....take Sen. Wilson for example....that wasnt racist....but yet that was what was talked about for days,instead of focusing on why he yelled out liar...
Gosh... If it was two white kids that beat up a black kid, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton would have been right there to get their mugs on tv and to right this terrible wrong. I wonder where they are because it was two black kids beating up a white kid. Wouldn't it have been nice for them both to have showed up to say how wrong this was? Maybe the white people of this country need a couple of big mouth, tv opportunity grabbing, no acount lead asses like Sharpton and Jackson to go from crisis to crisis to represent us white folks.

they would be called race baiting bigots if they existed....
You know, I do hope they continue making laws to stop what offends someone, then we can all live in secluded little cubes, talking to no one, eating nothing but bread and water, and wearing only skin tight jump suits. Oh, and everyone's skin will have to be dyed purple so there is no difference.
You know, I do hope they continue making laws to stop what offends someone, then we can all live in secluded little cubes, talking to no one, eating nothing but bread and water, and wearing only skin tight jump suits. Oh, and everyone's skin will have to be dyed purple so there is no difference.
If there is soma involved, count me in. ;)
You know, I do hope they continue making laws to stop what offends someone, then we can all live in secluded little cubes, talking to no one, eating nothing but bread and water, and wearing only skin tight jump suits. Oh, and everyone's skin will have to be dyed purple so there is no difference.
If there is soma involved, count me in. ;)

No, full frontal lobotomies for anyone with creative thought. :cool:

Using that logic you might as well shut down all girls schools too.

Then people believe in segregation to some degree.

Those who voted for Prop H8 in California do.

bullshit....when gays have to sit in the rear of the bus,use their own drinking fountains,cant get served in restaurants,then you can say gays have been SEGREGATED....Prop 8 was about changing a "custom" that has been around for centuries.....that wont happen over night....
You know, I do hope they continue making laws to stop what offends someone, then we can all live in secluded little cubes, talking to no one, eating nothing but bread and water, and wearing only skin tight jump suits. Oh, and everyone's skin will have to be dyed purple so there is no difference.
If there is soma involved, count me in. ;)

No, full frontal lobotomies for anyone with creative thought. :cool:
Soylent green is peeeeeeeeoooople!

Train of thought map: Your post started me flashing back to the time when I was reading Orwell and other sciFi stories of totalitarian futures.
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Then people believe in segregation to some degree.

Those who voted for Prop H8 in California do.

bullshit....when gays have to sit in the rear of the bus,use their own drinking fountains,cant get served in restaurants,then you can say gays have been SEGREGATED....Prop 8 was about changing a "custom" that has been around for centuries.....that wont happen over night....

You couldn't be more right on this Harry.
Soylent green is peeeeeeeeoooople!

Train of thought map: Your post started me flashing back to the time when I was reading Orwell and other sciFi stories of totalitarian futures.

Doesn't seem so much like fiction these days, does it? ;)
Not in the least. It's grip has been insidious, but the grip is established.

Lately I have been wondering if those fiction writers didn't happen to know more than they were credited for. Each year Orwell, Lovecraft, and Asimov seem more and more accurate.
Doesn't seem so much like fiction these days, does it? ;)
Not in the least. It's grip has been insidious, but the grip is established.

Lately I have been wondering if those fiction writers didn't happen to know more than they were credited for. Each year Orwell, Lovecraft, and Asimov seem more and more accurate.
I really am thankful to my highschool teachers for having much of this genre of literature as required reading. It helped instill in me at a young age the importance of the fundamental protections of our freedoms here in the USA and the dangers of limiting them.
The Democrat party cannot stand anyone who isn't in lockstep with their "progressive" agenda and will play any card to discredit, smear, besmurch or create prejudice to advance their socialist agenda.

i know a few Republicans who fit this description PP......so it runs both ways.......just sayin.....
Not in the least. It's grip has been insidious, but the grip is established.

Lately I have been wondering if those fiction writers didn't happen to know more than they were credited for. Each year Orwell, Lovecraft, and Asimov seem more and more accurate.
I really am thankful to my highschool teachers for having much of this genre of literature as required reading. It helped instill in me at a young age the importance of the fundamental protections of our freedoms here in the USA and the dangers of limiting them.

My school didn't, our students were more encouraged to join sports and crap like that instead of study anything deep. I read them all on my own, started reading whatever I could when I was in elementary school. Went through all of Lovecraft and Asimov by the time I was in junior high, and then Orwell was an on and off read. Asimov is actually one who should be credited for most of the advances in technology we have seen in the 20th century and even today, it was his "personal communicators" in one of the Opus books that sparked the idea for cell phones, now they look and are used just like what he had discussed there. It's uncanny.
Lately I have been wondering if those fiction writers didn't happen to know more than they were credited for. Each year Orwell, Lovecraft, and Asimov seem more and more accurate.
I really am thankful to my highschool teachers for having much of this genre of literature as required reading. It helped instill in me at a young age the importance of the fundamental protections of our freedoms here in the USA and the dangers of limiting them.

My school didn't, our students were more encouraged to join sports and crap like that instead of study anything deep. I read them all on my own, started reading whatever I could when I was in elementary school. Went through all of Lovecraft and Asimov by the time I was in junior high, and then Orwell was an on and off read. Asimov is actually one who should be credited for most of the advances in technology we have seen in the 20th century and even today, it was his "personal communicators" in one of the Opus books that sparked the idea for cell phones, now they look and are used just like what he had discussed there. It's uncanny.
That's fantastic that you did it on your own! Says a lot about you and your intellectual curiosity.
Limbaugh tried to edit his tirade about schoolbus and change it around completely today, he must think his listeners are truly pathetic

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