Racism??? No...Limbaugh is just presenting the right wing point of view

I really cannot stand Limbaugh.

Its decidedly tough when you are confronted with the truth s0n...................

I understand..................:eusa_whistle:
I has more to do with style. I prefer to get my information from those who present it rationally rather than laced with emotional rhetoric. Too many do the latter, not just Limbaugh; and I would rather think for myself than get torqued up.
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Great. First it was Glenn Beck. Now I've got to start listening to Rush Limbaugh!

I'm sorry, X. I feel your pain.

When people were talking about Olbermann and Maddow, I started watching them for a time. Now there is so much talk about Beck and Limbaugh, I just have to listen to them. I'm sure they're just doing it to boost ratings.
When you find yourself starting to feel bad for Rush it might be a good time to take a day off from the Internet and perhaps get a CAT scan.

The one thing in this country that I prize more than anything is freedom of speech, applied equally. Anytime I hear of someone's freedom being oppressed just because someone else doesn't like what's being said I can't help but feel sorry for the one being oppressed. Stop Rush from saying what he says then what's next, stop people from saying anything bad about the government? Stop people from pointing out flaws in each other? Force people to be polite even when it's lying? Etc., etc., etc.. When does it stop?

You have no concept of what freedom of speech means.
The first amendment merely says "Congress shall pass no laws infringing the freedom of speech" Namely, they can't come and arrest you for what you say.

That does not mean that you can say anything you want without consequences. It does not stop you from being criticized for what you say.
If you go to your boss and tell him his wife looks like a slut, you can't claim freedom of speech when he fires you

Great point!
Freedom of speech does mean freedom from prosecution, NOT freedom from consequence. I get so tired of people claiming that their freedom of speech is being limited because others (exercising their own freedom of expression) don't want to be associated with people who they disagree with.

It's a TWO-WAY street or it is a worthless street.
Limbaugh can say virtually anything he wants - and if folks disassociate with him because of what he says - they have that freedom too.

btw - same goes for Susan Sarrandon, Natalie Mains, Glen Beck or ANYONE.
That does not mean that you can say anything you want without consequences. It does not stop you from being criticized for what you say.
If you go to your boss and tell him his wife looks like a slut, you can't claim freedom of speech when he fires you

I wish more people understood that. You can be 100% correct, but if you announce your "wisdom" by calling everyone that disagress with you an idiot, a marxist, a socialist, a feminazi, an Anti-America hater, etc, you just get to pound sand.

There's a reason that Rush and crew couldn't stop McCain in their own party from winning the Nod, or stop Obama in the General. Most folks tune out as soon as that dialogue gets started. Until they figure out how to reach out to the moderates, the independents, and other folks that disagree with them, those same folks they call idiots will keep sending home their candidates.
BTW...for those who are up in arms about this whole "segregation" comment...you going to try to get that "gay high school" in NYC closed down?

a kid doesnt have to be gay to go to that school, it was set up because so many gay kids were getting violently assaulted in other schools, its a safe haven.
Clinton's politics of personal destruction? There's an irony to that after the right spent 70 million dollars investigating a failed land deal... just to get a blue dress.

Who Appointed Ken Starr?...


"The Right" didn't Appoint Ken Starr, and Ken Starr didn't make Clinton do the things he did...

Like Sexually Abusing a Subordinate Unpaid Intern in the White House while Discussing Troop Deployment and then "Willfully" Lying Under Oath for it in a Federal Court, for which he was NOT only Impeached, but Disbarred from his State of Liscense and by the Supreme Court.


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So how much money of our money did the radical right spend to ferret out a BJ?

But healthcare ........ noooooooo toooooo expensive........
So how much money of our money did the radical right spend to ferret out a BJ?

But healthcare ........ noooooooo toooooo expensive........

So integrity of the office means nothing to you? Didn't think so.
I think what Clinton did was clearly sexually harassment and fell far short of the judgement I expect from the leader of the free world.

oops, sorry. I didn't realize you had already answered for me.
I think what Clinton did was clearly sexually harassment and fell far short of the judgement I expect from the leader of the free world.

oops, sorry. I didn't realize you had already answered for me.

I think your previous post had already answered it, sounds like damage control on your part now.
Posted my disapproval over this incident months ago - I didn't see your post back then - had you ALREADY answered for me?
So how much money of our money did the radical right spend to ferret out a BJ?

But healthcare ........ noooooooo toooooo expensive........


Clinton's politics of personal destruction? There's an irony to that after the right spent 70 million dollars investigating a failed land deal... just to get a blue dress.

Who Appointed Ken Starr?...


"The Right" didn't Appoint Ken Starr, and Ken Starr didn't make Clinton do the things he did...

Like Sexually Abusing a Subordinate Unpaid Intern in the White House while Discussing Troop Deployment and then "Willfully" Lying Under Oath for it in a Federal Court, for which he was NOT only Impeached, but Disbarred from his State of Liscense and by the Supreme Court.




Try to read in what you will - the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of folks only squeal about how much money is being spent if they don't approve of WHAT it is being spent on .... and they are silent on "spending" as long as they money is being spent in a way that they personally approve of.

The money wasted by the right to "get something .... ANYTHING" was a taxpayer-funded political vendetta. A poor use of public resources imho.
Try to read in what you will - the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of folks only squeal about how much money is being spent if they don't approve of WHAT it is being spent on .... and they are silent on "spending" as long as they money is being spent in a way that they personally approve of.

The money wasted by the right to "get something .... ANYTHING" was a taxpayer-funded political vendetta. A poor use of public resources imho.

Yes....but spending money investigating TORTURE is a waste of money
Try to read in what you will - the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of folks only squeal about how much money is being spent if they don't approve of WHAT it is being spent on .... and they are silent on "spending" as long as they money is being spent in a way that they personally approve of.

The money wasted by the right to "get something .... ANYTHING" was a taxpayer-funded political vendetta. A poor use of public resources imho.

The key here is..."imho."

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