Racism Or Human Preference?

Racism Or Human Preference?

  • Racism

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Human Preference

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
He is correct 100%. Its called Nature. Natural tendencies make races stick together only liberal aka marxist teachings force feed people to think we need to mix.

Marxism is responsible for civil rights?

Berserkr has mentally collapsed.
He is correct 100%. Its called Nature. Natural tendencies make races stick together only liberal aka marxist teachings force feed people to think we need to mix.

There is a bit of truth there. Human xenophobia is a survival trait. People tend to stick with people most like them. Throw a random group of people together and they will tend to segregate themselves in terms of race, nationality, religion, gender, politics, etc. Obviously, with so many variations, sometimes they will cross lines depending on the things most important to them. For example, the racists will stick only with those of their race regardless of other factors, while a Christian may stick with those of their religion regardless of race.

While Marxists may teach people as Berserkr states, so does the United States Marine Corps. In the Marine Corps, the most important precept is "Mission first". If we can't complete the mission, we are useless. This concept trumps racists, chauvinists and anything else which would subdivide the unit and create a level of intolerance which would endanger mission completion. It's not important to have to like someone. It's just important to tolerate them so that we can get the job done with maximum effectiveness.
He is correct 100%. Its called Nature. Natural tendencies make races stick together only liberal aka marxist teachings force feed people to think we need to mix.

Races have been mixing together since the beginning of time you stupid racist fuck.

Races may have been mixing, but it was not all by personal choice. There were many Romans, and Greeks forcing themseleves upon people of color, who did not want to mix with
Romans or Greeks. So this races have been mixing since the beginning of time, is not
a totally accurate statement.

A poster states that races generally tend to congregate with the same and mate with the same race.

This mixing is based on brainwashed liberal ideas that we are all the same, when in fact we are not all the same. There are many different moral values and nuances that all races have, that makes us different.
He is correct 100%. Its called Nature. Natural tendencies make races stick together only liberal aka marxist teachings force feed people to think we need to mix.

Races have been mixing together since the beginning of time you stupid racist fuck.

Races may have been mixing, but it was not all by personal choice. There were many Romans, and Greeks forcing themseleves upon people of color, who did not want to mix with
Romans or Greeks. So this races have been mixing since the beginning of time, is not
a totally accurate statement.

A poster states that races generally tend to congregate with the same and mate with the same race.

This mixing is based on brainwashed liberal ideas that we are all the same, when in fact we are not all the same. There are many different moral values and nuances that all races have, that makes us different.

He is correct 100%. Its called Nature. Natural tendencies make races stick together only liberal aka marxist teachings force feed people to think we need to mix.

Races have been mixing together since the beginning of time you stupid racist fuck.

Races may have been mixing, but it was not all by personal choice. .

By choice, by force, of necessity; HUMAN BEINGS have always and everywhere mixed wherever it has been physically possible THROUGHOUT HUMAN HISTORY.
Races have been mixing together since the beginning of time you stupid racist fuck.

Races may have been mixing, but it was not all by personal choice. There were many Romans, and Greeks forcing themseleves upon people of color, who did not want to mix with
Romans or Greeks. So this races have been mixing since the beginning of time, is not
a totally accurate statement.

A poster states that races generally tend to congregate with the same and mate with the same race.

This mixing is based on brainwashed liberal ideas that we are all the same, when in fact we are not all the same. There are many different moral values and nuances that all races have, that makes us different.


Whats B.S., your liberal marxist pro homo ideals ? you fail to realize that people respect and value their own races. What Afrocentric black in this racist country would want to mix with a white person?. Only you Mr. brainwashed.!! Have some self respect, stop hating
your own race.!!
Be Black and proud
Races may have been mixing, but it was not all by personal choice. There were many Romans, and Greeks forcing themseleves upon people of color, who did not want to mix with
Romans or Greeks. So this races have been mixing since the beginning of time, is not
a totally accurate statement.

A poster states that races generally tend to congregate with the same and mate with the same race.

This mixing is based on brainwashed liberal ideas that we are all the same, when in fact we are not all the same. There are many different moral values and nuances that all races have, that makes us different.


Whats B.S., your liberal marxist pro homo ideals ? you fail to realize that people respect and value their own races. What Afrocentric black in this racist country would want to mix with a white person?. Only you Mr. brainwashed.!! Have some self respect, stop hating
your own race.!!
Be Black and proud

This mixing is based on brainwashed liberal ideas that we are all the same, when in fact we are not all the same. There are many different moral values and nuances that all races have, that makes us different.

We are, in fact, the same. Superficial physical differences are all but meaningless, and there is NO logical relation between the highly dubious notion of 'race' and moral values. To suggest that there is reveals only the kind of weakness and ignorance upon which ill-considered actions have too often been based.

This mixing is based on brainwashed liberal ideas that we are all the same, when in fact we are not all the same. There are many different moral values and nuances that all races have, that makes us different.

We are, in fact, the same. Superficial physical differences are all but meaningless, and there is NO logical relation between the highly dubious notion of 'race' and moral values. To suggest that there is reveals only the kind of weakness and ignorance upon which ill-considered actions have too often been based.


Whats B.S., your liberal marxist pro homo ideals ?

How the hell did homosexuality come into this discussion? Wouldn't that make your cowardly little fears sort of beside the point regarding this topic?
He said the races shouldn't interbreed and that people who do inerbreed hate their own race.

He did indeed. But why do I suspect that if the same sentiments were expressed by a white man, they'd be verbally assaulted with accusations of racism?

Because it is racist.

Ali wasn't verbally assulted, but he was pitied (paraphrasing the host: I think your opinion is sad).

Interestingly, after 40 years, mixed race couples and their offspring (Obama, Tiger Woods, etc.) are anything but the social parriahs Ali thought they'd be in 1971.

However, I still believe he had a valid point then, and now: The closer related couples are CULTURALLY, the better chance they have to succeed.

I really wish Ali could have been asked to address the possibility that culturally similar Gay Birds would fly together.
How the hell did homosexuality come into this discussion? Wouldn't that make your cowardly little fears sort of beside the point regarding this topic?

52nd Street is infatuated with homosexuality, he brings it into every discussion.

Maybe he's got something he needs to come to terms with.

He just needs to come out of the closet and accept his homosexuality, maybe than he will calm down and stop making bullshit posts.

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