Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

The defense rested its case on Monday morning in the murder trial of Amber Guyger, and the prosecution chose not to call any rebuttal witnesses.

Prior to each side delivering their closing arguments, Judge Tammy Kemp read the jury’s “charge,” or set of legal instructions Judge Tammy Kemp read to panelists before final arguments began.

Here’s the actual language from the jury charge on each of these terms:

"A person commits the offense of murder if the person 1) intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual or 2) intends to cause serious bodily injury and commits and act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual.

The above is grounds for a new trial....the judge does not correctly define the legal term of 'murder'.

The legal definition of murder: What is MURDER? definition of MURDER (Black's Law Dictionary)
So this judge would charge abortion doctors with murder. Good to know.
The defense rested its case on Monday morning in the murder trial of Amber Guyger, and the prosecution chose not to call any rebuttal witnesses.

Prior to each side delivering their closing arguments, Judge Tammy Kemp read the jury’s “charge,” or set of legal instructions Judge Tammy Kemp read to panelists before final arguments began.

Here’s the actual language from the jury charge on each of these terms:

"A person commits the offense of murder if the person 1) intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual or 2) intends to cause serious bodily injury and commits and act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual.

The above is grounds for a new trial....the judge does not correctly define the legal term of 'murder'.

The legal definition of murder: What is MURDER? definition of MURDER (Black's Law Dictionary)
So this judge would charge abortion doctors with murder. Good to know.
Ooh, no, sorry, you lost that argument 45 years ago.
The defense rested its case on Monday morning in the murder trial of Amber Guyger, and the prosecution chose not to call any rebuttal witnesses.

Prior to each side delivering their closing arguments, Judge Tammy Kemp read the jury’s “charge,” or set of legal instructions Judge Tammy Kemp read to panelists before final arguments began.

Here’s the actual language from the jury charge on each of these terms:

"A person commits the offense of murder if the person 1) intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual or 2) intends to cause serious bodily injury and commits and act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual.

The above is grounds for a new trial....the judge does not correctly define the legal term of 'murder'.

The legal definition of murder: What is MURDER? definition of MURDER (Black's Law Dictionary)
So this judge would charge abortion doctors with murder. Good to know.
Ooh, no, sorry, you lost that argument 45 years ago.
Yeah, I forgot the Tard Double Standard Rule
The defense rested its case on Monday morning in the murder trial of Amber Guyger, and the prosecution chose not to call any rebuttal witnesses.

Prior to each side delivering their closing arguments, Judge Tammy Kemp read the jury’s “charge,” or set of legal instructions Judge Tammy Kemp read to panelists before final arguments began.

Here’s the actual language from the jury charge on each of these terms:

"A person commits the offense of murder if the person 1) intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual or 2) intends to cause serious bodily injury and commits and act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual.

The above is grounds for a new trial....the judge does not correctly define the legal term of 'murder'.

The legal definition of murder: What is MURDER? definition of MURDER (Black's Law Dictionary)
So this judge would charge abortion doctors with murder. Good to know.
Ooh, no, sorry, you lost that argument 45 years ago.
Yeah, I forgot the Tard Double Standard Rule
I guess you did! 45 years is a long time,after all. Put on the Pat Boone records, soothe yourself for a bit.
So you believe she intended to break in and shoot him?
Hmm, no, but I think the moment she saw a black man, she decided to shoot, despite no immediate threat to her. And I think that sealed her fate. She had already made a lot of stupid, avoidable mistakes, but that one did her in.

Always easy to Monday Morning quarterback....if your life is not on the line that is.

Hide there safely behind your computer screen and blithely claim the lady cop had no reason to be in fear of her life.

Despite 4 yrs of experience knowing full well of course that blacks though a minority committ the majority of violent crime in America.

Despite the fact that she thought she was in her own apartment which was occupied by an intruder or a burglar or some doped up niggah who might do anything.

Not to mention all this took place in like 2 or 3 seconds....I think a good case could be made she would have been negligent not to use lethal force in such circumstances....and btw she only shot once...though some on here erroneously claim she shot twice.

She followed police procedure issue a warning or command....show me your hands. She was also in uniform though some on here deny it.

The black guy made two mistakes....he did not lock his front door and he did not follow the lawful order of a police officer...he had to see she was in uniform.

Though one can hardly blame him...undoubtedly he was taken completely by surprise and cannot be blamed for not being rational.

This is a tragic case all the way around........what are the odds that a police officer will go into the wrong apartment? What are the odds that the front door of that Apartment would be unlocked?

I know a lot of homeowners leave their front door unlocked during the day...but anyone living in an apartment complex should know to keep all your doors locked all the time...too much riffraff running around in apartment complexes.
Always easy to Monday Morning quarterback....if your life is not on the line that is.
Or if you have a miataken delusion that your life is on the line, fomented by a series of avoidable, negligent errors and an irrationaL fear of black men.

To be clear.

By the way, you forgot to retract and apologize for your incorrect russian propaganda in your last post. Do you plan to do so?
Always easy to Monday Morning quarterback....if your life is not on the line that is.
Or if you have a miataken delusion that your life is on the line, fomented by a series of avoidable, negligent errors and an irrationaL fear of black men.

To be clear.

By the way, you forgot to retract and apologize for your incorrect russian propaganda in your last post. Do you plan to do so?
Always easy to Monday Morning quarterback....if your life is not on the line that is.
Or if you have a miataken delusion that your life is on the line, fomented by a series of avoidable, negligent errors and an irrationaL fear of black men.

To be clear.

By the way, you forgot to retract and apologize for your incorrect russian propaganda in your last post. Do you plan to do so?

What russian propaganda?

Anyhow....the Lady cop did not have the benefit of hindsight....that is what enables monday morning quarterbacking numbskull.

Even Jesse Jackson had a fear of black men...do you remember his famous quote about black men? Nothing irrational about it...in fact perfectly rational.

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” jesse jackson

Her only mistake was to go to the wrong apartment thinking it was hers....but wait............that was not uncommon in that complex due to the fact all the apartments looked alike...and there were inadequate signs to prevent this confusion.
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One it was a cop! And an aggressive black men .. sucks should have been man slaughter,, 6 months lose her job

Was he really *aggressive* or you're just thinking he was aggressive automatically because he's black? Because no
Yes .. put your self in her shoes. It was dark, she thought it was he apartment, his voice and movement was aggressive.. she did the right thing.. man slaughter
It's a lot easier to put yourself in her shoes because she is not dead...

Funny how folks like you don't give a fuck about putting yourself in the shoes of the person who didn't do anything wrong....but since it is a black guy, that concept is just something you refuse to grasp....he had to be wrong somehow, fuck it -- lets just say he tried to rape her...

Trumpers are pathetic...

I voted for Trump, will vote for him again, and I think the death of the man was a tragedy and really don't understand why or how the woman was THAT confused. Is it possible? Yes. Does she deserve Murder One? I'm not sure. But she is not innocent that's for sure. He didn't break into HER apt....
Then you think she did This on purpose .. that’s nuts and I disagree.. it was a tragic mistake.

I didn't say I thought she did it "on purpose". But nor was she completely innocent. He did not break into HER apt, she broke into HIS, whether she was confused or not.
If you fail to lock your doors and most especially in an apartment complex that is being negligent. Police as mentioned before constantly are telling people to lock their doors and cars. Now of course as also previously posted you are not legally negligent...just negligent in common sense.

She was in uniform and the black guy must have noticed that....she gave him a legal order to show his hands he refused to do that and advanced on her.

Actually, the forensic evidence shows he barely got up off his couch before she shot him twice.

A arrest affidavit further reveals that Jean’s door was unlocked, and it was dark inside when Guyger entered his apartment. She allegedly thought he was a burglar when she saw a person in the dark, shooting Jean a single time in the chest after she told authorities he ignored verbal commands. The Dallas Morning News reported that she had just worked a 15-hour shift.

What kind of burglar sits down on your couch, has dinner and watches TV? Come on, the excuse that "she thought this was a burglar" doesn't pass the laugh test.

Having said that I am not blaming the black guy....he was no doubt suprised, shocked or whatever that a police woman was in his apartment all of a sudden and may not have reacted in a very rational manner because he was surprised and had no idea of what was going on.

Bottom Line: a tragic mistake made worse by a miscarriage of justice.....can anyone say karma?

Not at all. She was on her phone, not paying attention to where she was. Just like when someone is texting while driving and runs someone over, their NEGLIGENCE was the proximate cause of the problem.
So...does anyone want to break ot to the OP that is was the jury who decided the verdict?
After certain evidence and testimony was not admitted?

Opinion is not evidence.
So...does anyone want to break ot to the OP that is was the jury who decided the verdict?
After certain evidence and testimony was not admitted?

Opinion is not evidence.
Testimony is evidence.
If you fail to lock your doors and most especially in an apartment complex that is being negligent. Police as mentioned before constantly are telling people to lock their doors and cars. Now of course as also previously posted you are not legally negligent...just negligent in common sense.

She was in uniform and the black guy must have noticed that....she gave him a legal order to show his hands he refused to do that and advanced on her.

Actually, the forensic evidence shows he barely got up off his couch before she shot him twice.

A arrest affidavit further reveals that Jean’s door was unlocked, and it was dark inside when Guyger entered his apartment. She allegedly thought he was a burglar when she saw a person in the dark, shooting Jean a single time in the chest after she told authorities he ignored verbal commands. The Dallas Morning News reported that she had just worked a 15-hour shift.

What kind of burglar sits down on your couch, has dinner and watches TV? Come on, the excuse that "she thought this was a burglar" doesn't pass the laugh test.

Having said that I am not blaming the black guy....he was no doubt suprised, shocked or whatever that a police woman was in his apartment all of a sudden and may not have reacted in a very rational manner because he was surprised and had no idea of what was going on.

Bottom Line: a tragic mistake made worse by a miscarriage of justice.....can anyone say karma?

Not at all. She was on her phone, not paying attention to where she was. Just like when someone is texting while driving and runs someone over, their NEGLIGENCE was the proximate cause of the problem.
Even if he was a dangerous criminal you would still want to hang the police officer just because she was white and he was black. It’s the Democratic Party line.
Even if he was a dangerous criminal you would still want to hang the police officer just because she was white and he was black. It’s the Democratic Party line.

Not at all. The police shoot 900 people every year. Don't like it, but most of them are ruled justified because the standards are so low.

The guys we want to hang are people like Guyger (Breaks into a man's home in a drunken stupor and shoots him on his couch), Van Dyke (shoots a kid lying on the ground 16 times) or Wilson (Shoots a kid with his hands up 8 times).
If you fail to lock your doors and most especially in an apartment complex that is being negligent. Police as mentioned before constantly are telling people to lock their doors and cars. Now of course as also previously posted you are not legally negligent...just negligent in common sense.

She was in uniform and the black guy must have noticed that....she gave him a legal order to show his hands he refused to do that and advanced on her.

Actually, the forensic evidence shows he barely got up off his couch before she shot him twice.

A arrest affidavit further reveals that Jean’s door was unlocked, and it was dark inside when Guyger entered his apartment. She allegedly thought he was a burglar when she saw a person in the dark, shooting Jean a single time in the chest after she told authorities he ignored verbal commands. The Dallas Morning News reported that she had just worked a 15-hour shift.

What kind of burglar sits down on your couch, has dinner and watches TV? Come on, the excuse that "she thought this was a burglar" doesn't pass the laugh test.

Having said that I am not blaming the black guy....he was no doubt suprised, shocked or whatever that a police woman was in his apartment all of a sudden and may not have reacted in a very rational manner because he was surprised and had no idea of what was going on.

Bottom Line: a tragic mistake made worse by a miscarriage of justice.....can anyone say karma?

Not at all. She was on her phone, not paying attention to where she was. Just like when someone is texting while driving and runs someone over, their NEGLIGENCE was the proximate cause of the problem.
Even if he was a dangerous criminal you would still want to hang the police officer just because she was white and he was black. It’s the Democratic Party line.
Jim Crow is gone and it`s not coming back. Sorry. The Texas that you`re grandfather knew isn`t coming back.
Wonder if she is enjoying her jailhouse breakfast this morning? Also, wonder if she has been chosen as someone's girlfriend and got her teardrop tattoo.
Jean, an accountant, was having a quiet night at home, and had just prepared himself a bowl of ice cream.
Ah, well, there ya go.. How dare he attempt to eat ice cream while black?
What Constitutes a “Lawful Order?”
The controversial Sandra Bland case in Waller County, Texas, has fueled debate as to what, exactly, constitutes a lawful order from a police officer. Bland was pulled over for failure to signal. The police officer asked her to extinguish her cigarette—contrary to her legal entitlement to smoke inside her own vehicle. When she declined, she was ordered out of the vehicle. Bland refused, and an altercation between she and the officer ensued. The officer repeated “I’m giving you a lawful order,” several times throughout the encounter, however, there is some question as to whether his orders were, in fact “lawful.” Courts in general are rather silent as to what constitutes a “lawful order” within the confines of a traffic stop.

In the 1973 decision of People v. Jennings, the court held that accepting the prosecution’s contention that “lawful” means any order which would not require the operator to break the law was far too broad, and would subject citizens to any “whim” of law enforcement. In that particular case, the court ended up adopting an extremely ambiguous rule that held an order by law enforcement is “lawful” when it is “reasonably designed to achieve its goal. Unfortunately, there is still little agreement, understanding, or clear guidelines regarding what constitutes a lawful order from a police officer, and, in fact, this is one of the primary defenses to charges of failure to obey the lawful order of a police officer (the burden of demonstrating that the order was lawful will fall on the State in these cases), as well as:

  • The status of the officer is unknown (i.e., the citizen was unsure whether the person was actually a police officer), and
  • Protected Speech—in general, a person’s words will never rise to the level of failure to obey the lawful order of a police officer, rather the words must be accompanied by “obstructively physical conduct.”
Penalties for Failure to Obey the Lawful Order of a Police Officer
If you are charged with Failure to Obey the Lawful Order of a police officer, you will face a second-degree misdemeanor. If convicted, you could be subject to:

  • Up to sixty days in Florida County jail;
  • A fine as large as $500, and/or
  • Six months’ probation.
  • Get shot twice. Blam. Blam.
Disgraceful. Appeal.

When you kill someone in the commission of a crime, it's automatically murder.
That makes no sense

She entered the apartment illegally. Then she shot the guy. She killed him during the illegal entry, which automatically ups this to 2nd degree murder.
So she meant to do it? Lol you don’t know the law

You need to learn the definition of second degree murder:

Second degree murder is a criminal law term that describes the killing of another human being without premeditation, but with intent. Second degree murder may also refer to a death caused by an individual’s negligent or reckless conduct.

Second Degree Murder

Second degree murder doesn't require premeditation. It does include negligence or reckless conduct which pretty much is what that woman did.
She wasn’t reckless, she got confused like many people do, went to the wrong floor by mistake, thought it was her door entered, thought someone was in her house. Reckless is saying she was shooting the gun in the air and it hit someone.
When you kill someone in the commission of a crime, it's automatically murder.
That makes no sense

She entered the apartment illegally. Then she shot the guy. She killed him during the illegal entry, which automatically ups this to 2nd degree murder.
So she meant to do it? Lol you don’t know the law

You need to learn the definition of second degree murder:

Second degree murder is a criminal law term that describes the killing of another human being without premeditation, but with intent. Second degree murder may also refer to a death caused by an individual’s negligent or reckless conduct.

Second Degree Murder

Second degree murder doesn't require premeditation. It does include negligence or reckless conduct which pretty much is what that woman did.

You are correct that 2nd degree murder does not require premeditation.
But she fired a second shot, so I think there was premeditation.
I think it was a hate crime?
Lol you think she did This to kill a black man? Lol

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