Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

This is just not something I can really defend. I get it that you can't say this is a clear cut case of murder..... but.... I can't really defend this either.

An officer walked in the wrong house, and shot a law abiding citizen in his own house.

Now accident or not, this office caused the whole thing. This isn't a case where some guy runs at an officer, or tries to attack the officer and steal his gun, or refuses to submit to arrest and is choked to death, or has a realistic replica with the orange tip blacked out.

99 times out of a 100, I'll side with the officer, but this.... the officer just went into someone's home and shot someone. I just can't defend that.

You can say that "Well it was confusing, and not well marked" but again... as a person with responsibility, it's on you to make sure you are going in the right house.

And if what I read was true, that the officer in question had accidentally gone to the wrong house in the past.... then I'd think I would make even more effort to verify which apartment was mine, knowing that is a problem.

And additionally, knowing I had accidentally gone to the wrong home in the past, I would have thought twice when I opened the door and found strangers in that home. I would think... oh I must be at the wrong place. Not default to pulling a gun and shooting people.

So I want to give this officer a chance.... but I don't see it here. I don't see any reason to give the benefit of the doubt.

Obviously is there is more evidence than what I've read thus far, then I reserve the right to change my mind. But from what I see at this point... no, this is all on the officer.

First all this officer as far as I know had never gone into the wrong apartment before...but many in that complex had made the same mistake she made.

If she was going to be charged with anything it should have been negligent homicide...certainly not murder...in order to have murder you must have malice.

But the black guy was negligent also...failed to lock his front door. How many folks living in apartment complexes do that? In addition he failed to follow the lawful orders of a police officer....she hollered for him to show his hands...he refused to do so.

It it not "negligence" to not lock your door. I'm looking at my unlocked door right now. Most people I know leave their doors unlocked when they're home and awake.

She was not giving lawful orders as a police officer. She was off-duty, out of uniform, and illegally in this man's house. He had absolutely no reason to know she was a cop, or what she was doing in his apartment.

If you fail to lock your doors and most especially in an apartment complex that is being negligent. Police as mentioned before constantly are telling people to lock their doors and cars. Now of course as also previously posted you are not legally negligent...just negligent in common sense.

She was in uniform and the black guy must have noticed that....she gave him a legal order to show his hands he refused to do that and advanced on her.

A arrest affidavit further reveals that Jean’s door was unlocked, and it was dark inside when Guyger entered his apartment. She allegedly thought he was a burglar when she saw a person in the dark, shooting Jean a single time in the chest after she told authorities he ignored verbal commands. The Dallas Morning News reported that she had just worked a 15-hour shift.

She was off duty but that is irrelevant...she was not trespassing...the definition of trespassing has been posted.

Having said that I am not blaming the black guy....he was no doubt suprised, shocked or whatever that a police woman was in his apartment all of a sudden and may not have reacted in a very rational manner because he was surprised and had no idea of what was going on.

Bottom Line: a tragic mistake made worse by a miscarriage of justice.....can anyone say karma?
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This is just not something I can really defend. I get it that you can't say this is a clear cut case of murder..... but.... I can't really defend this either.

An officer walked in the wrong house, and shot a law abiding citizen in his own house.

Now accident or not, this office caused the whole thing. This isn't a case where some guy runs at an officer, or tries to attack the officer and steal his gun, or refuses to submit to arrest and is choked to death, or has a realistic replica with the orange tip blacked out.

99 times out of a 100, I'll side with the officer, but this.... the officer just went into someone's home and shot someone. I just can't defend that.

You can say that "Well it was confusing, and not well marked" but again... as a person with responsibility, it's on you to make sure you are going in the right house.

And if what I read was true, that the officer in question had accidentally gone to the wrong house in the past.... then I'd think I would make even more effort to verify which apartment was mine, knowing that is a problem.

And additionally, knowing I had accidentally gone to the wrong home in the past, I would have thought twice when I opened the door and found strangers in that home. I would think... oh I must be at the wrong place. Not default to pulling a gun and shooting people.

So I want to give this officer a chance.... but I don't see it here. I don't see any reason to give the benefit of the doubt.

Obviously is there is more evidence than what I've read thus far, then I reserve the right to change my mind. But from what I see at this point... no, this is all on the officer.

First all this officer as far as I know had never gone into the wrong apartment before...but many in that complex had made the same mistake she made.

If she was going to be charged with anything it should have been negligent homicide...certainly not murder...in order to have murder you must have malice.

But the black guy was negligent also...failed to lock his front door. How many folks living in apartment complexes do that? In addition he failed to follow the lawful orders of a police officer....she hollered for him to show his hands...he refused to do so.
Ahh... No. The lawful tenant was not neglectful. He’s under no obligation to lock his door. Secondly she issued no lawful orders as she had no legal authotlrity to issue any orders as she was trespassing. Try harder.

the black guy was not negligent in a legal sense....just negligent in lacking common sense. Police constantly tell folks to lock their doors...especially in an apartment complex where all kinds of folks are coming and going.

You err because you do not know the correct definition of trespassing...........'trespass is defined as the willful entry into or remaining upon property without the express or implied permission of the owner.

The police officer did not willfully enter into someone elses property....there was no intent on her part to trespass....she entered by mistake and under the law would not be charged with trespassing.
Was she forced onto his property? You appear to be trying to create an exception for convenience of narrative. She’s going to prison as she should. Make no mistake about it; if you or I were in her shoes... We’d be going to prison too. Probably for longer.
You are trying to replace 'willful' with 'forced' look at the law on trespassing again if you cannot remember it.

Also...and again as pointed out previously....it is not unheard of for police in their line of duty to go into the wrong house or apartment. Mistakes are made....this is just another one of them though more tragic for everyone involved.

This case is not about murder....this case is about white cop kills innocent black. In other words a political case. A show trial to promote the idea that white cops love to kill blacks.
This is just not something I can really defend. I get it that you can't say this is a clear cut case of murder..... but.... I can't really defend this either.

An officer walked in the wrong house, and shot a law abiding citizen in his own house.

Now accident or not, this office caused the whole thing. This isn't a case where some guy runs at an officer, or tries to attack the officer and steal his gun, or refuses to submit to arrest and is choked to death, or has a realistic replica with the orange tip blacked out.

99 times out of a 100, I'll side with the officer, but this.... the officer just went into someone's home and shot someone. I just can't defend that.

You can say that "Well it was confusing, and not well marked" but again... as a person with responsibility, it's on you to make sure you are going in the right house.

And if what I read was true, that the officer in question had accidentally gone to the wrong house in the past.... then I'd think I would make even more effort to verify which apartment was mine, knowing that is a problem.

And additionally, knowing I had accidentally gone to the wrong home in the past, I would have thought twice when I opened the door and found strangers in that home. I would think... oh I must be at the wrong place. Not default to pulling a gun and shooting people.

So I want to give this officer a chance.... but I don't see it here. I don't see any reason to give the benefit of the doubt.

Obviously is there is more evidence than what I've read thus far, then I reserve the right to change my mind. But from what I see at this point... no, this is all on the officer.

First all this officer as far as I know had never gone into the wrong apartment before...but many in that complex had made the same mistake she made.

If she was going to be charged with anything it should have been negligent homicide...certainly not murder...in order to have murder you must have malice.

But the black guy was negligent also...failed to lock his front door. How many folks living in apartment complexes do that? In addition he failed to follow the lawful orders of a police officer....she hollered for him to show his hands...he refused to do so.

It it not "negligence" to not lock your door. I'm looking at my unlocked door right now. Most people I know leave their doors unlocked when they're home and awake.

She was not giving lawful orders as a police officer. She was off-duty, out of uniform, and illegally in this man's house. He had absolutely no reason to know she was a cop, or what she was doing in his apartment.

If you fail to lock your doors and most especially in an apartment complex that is being negligent. Police as mentioned before constantly are telling people to lock their doors and cars. Now of course as also previously posted you are not legally negligent...just negligent in common sense.

She was in uniform and the black guy must have noticed that....she gave him a legal order to show his hands he refused to do that and advanced on her.

She was off duty but that is irrelevant...she was not trespassing...the definition of trespassing has been posted.

Having said that I am not blaming the black guy....he was no doubt suprised, shocked or whatever that a police woman was in his apartment all of a sudden and may not have reacted in a very rational manner because he was surprised and had no idea of what was going on.

Bottom Line: a tragic mistake made worse by a miscarriage of justice.....can anyone say karma?

You are just totally wrong.
Does not at all matter if trespassing is intentional or not.
You are required by law to exert due diligence in not committing trespass by accident.
The presence of the red door mat should have been enough for her to realize her mistake and avoid opening the door.

It is not a legal order to show one's hands to a cop.
You do it only for pragmatic reasons, not legal ones.

What if the landlords had called someone to do maintenance?
No one can kill someone else who is not an obvious threat, like that they are armed and pointing.

Police have no more authority than anyone.
Would you feel the same way if she was not a cop?
This is just not something I can really defend. I get it that you can't say this is a clear cut case of murder..... but.... I can't really defend this either.

An officer walked in the wrong house, and shot a law abiding citizen in his own house.

Now accident or not, this office caused the whole thing. This isn't a case where some guy runs at an officer, or tries to attack the officer and steal his gun, or refuses to submit to arrest and is choked to death, or has a realistic replica with the orange tip blacked out.

99 times out of a 100, I'll side with the officer, but this.... the officer just went into someone's home and shot someone. I just can't defend that.

You can say that "Well it was confusing, and not well marked" but again... as a person with responsibility, it's on you to make sure you are going in the right house.

And if what I read was true, that the officer in question had accidentally gone to the wrong house in the past.... then I'd think I would make even more effort to verify which apartment was mine, knowing that is a problem.

And additionally, knowing I had accidentally gone to the wrong home in the past, I would have thought twice when I opened the door and found strangers in that home. I would think... oh I must be at the wrong place. Not default to pulling a gun and shooting people.

So I want to give this officer a chance.... but I don't see it here. I don't see any reason to give the benefit of the doubt.

Obviously is there is more evidence than what I've read thus far, then I reserve the right to change my mind. But from what I see at this point... no, this is all on the officer.

First all this officer as far as I know had never gone into the wrong apartment before...but many in that complex had made the same mistake she made.

If she was going to be charged with anything it should have been negligent homicide...certainly not murder...in order to have murder you must have malice.

But the black guy was negligent also...failed to lock his front door. How many folks living in apartment complexes do that? In addition he failed to follow the lawful orders of a police officer....she hollered for him to show his hands...he refused to do so.
Ahh... No. The lawful tenant was not neglectful. He’s under no obligation to lock his door. Secondly she issued no lawful orders as she had no legal authotlrity to issue any orders as she was trespassing. Try harder.

the black guy was not negligent in a legal sense....just negligent in lacking common sense. Police constantly tell folks to lock their doors...especially in an apartment complex where all kinds of folks are coming and going.

You err because you do not know the correct definition of trespassing...........'trespass is defined as the willful entry into or remaining upon property without the express or implied permission of the owner.

The police officer did not willfully enter into someone elses property....there was no intent on her part to trespass....she entered by mistake and under the law would not be charged with trespassing.
Was she forced onto his property? You appear to be trying to create an exception for convenience of narrative. She’s going to prison as she should. Make no mistake about it; if you or I were in her shoes... We’d be going to prison too. Probably for longer.
You are trying to replace 'willful' with 'forced' look at the law on trespassing again if you cannot remember it.

Also...and again as pointed out previously....it is not unheard of for police in their line of duty to go into the wrong house or apartment. Mistakes are made....this is just another one of them though more tragic for everyone involved.

This case is not about murder....this case is about white cop kills innocent black. In other words a political case. A show trial to promote the idea that white cops love to kill blacks.

It is YOUR interpretation of the trespass law that is entirely wrong.
She did willfully enter the premises and commit criminal trespass.
What the law means by intentional is that it is not intentional if someone pushes you through the door against your will, or if the floor had given way and dropped you down one floor.
But she opened the door, no one else, so the illegal entry was intentional.
This is just not something I can really defend. I get it that you can't say this is a clear cut case of murder..... but.... I can't really defend this either.

An officer walked in the wrong house, and shot a law abiding citizen in his own house.

Now accident or not, this office caused the whole thing. This isn't a case where some guy runs at an officer, or tries to attack the officer and steal his gun, or refuses to submit to arrest and is choked to death, or has a realistic replica with the orange tip blacked out.

99 times out of a 100, I'll side with the officer, but this.... the officer just went into someone's home and shot someone. I just can't defend that.

You can say that "Well it was confusing, and not well marked" but again... as a person with responsibility, it's on you to make sure you are going in the right house.

And if what I read was true, that the officer in question had accidentally gone to the wrong house in the past.... then I'd think I would make even more effort to verify which apartment was mine, knowing that is a problem.

And additionally, knowing I had accidentally gone to the wrong home in the past, I would have thought twice when I opened the door and found strangers in that home. I would think... oh I must be at the wrong place. Not default to pulling a gun and shooting people.

So I want to give this officer a chance.... but I don't see it here. I don't see any reason to give the benefit of the doubt.

Obviously is there is more evidence than what I've read thus far, then I reserve the right to change my mind. But from what I see at this point... no, this is all on the officer.

First all this officer as far as I know had never gone into the wrong apartment before...but many in that complex had made the same mistake she made.

If she was going to be charged with anything it should have been negligent homicide...certainly not murder...in order to have murder you must have malice.

But the black guy was negligent also...failed to lock his front door. How many folks living in apartment complexes do that? In addition he failed to follow the lawful orders of a police officer....she hollered for him to show his hands...he refused to do so.
Ahh... No. The lawful tenant was not neglectful. He’s under no obligation to lock his door. Secondly she issued no lawful orders as she had no legal authotlrity to issue any orders as she was trespassing. Try harder.

the black guy was not negligent in a legal sense....just negligent in lacking common sense. Police constantly tell folks to lock their doors...especially in an apartment complex where all kinds of folks are coming and going.

You err because you do not know the correct definition of trespassing...........'trespass is defined as the willful entry into or remaining upon property without the express or implied permission of the owner.

The police officer did not willfully enter into someone elses property....there was no intent on her part to trespass....she entered by mistake and under the law would not be charged with trespassing.
Was she forced onto his property? You appear to be trying to create an exception for convenience of narrative. She’s going to prison as she should. Make no mistake about it; if you or I were in her shoes... We’d be going to prison too. Probably for longer.
You are trying to replace 'willful' with 'forced' look at the law on trespassing again if you cannot remember it.

Also...and again as pointed out previously....it is not unheard of for police in their line of duty to go into the wrong house or apartment. Mistakes are made....this is just another one of them though more tragic for everyone involved.

This case is not about murder....this case is about white cop kills innocent black. In other words a political case. A show trial to promote the idea that white cops love to kill blacks.

Yes, police do sometimes go into the wrong address in raid, and they are then forced to pay for their harm and damages.
It IS still trespassing, even when done by police in uniform, as part of the job.
And if they shoot someone who is innocent, they are supposed to also be charged with murder.

And clearly this cop did want to kill Blacks most likely.
It was not just the fact there was no need and it was criminal, but that it had to be intentional because she fired again a second time, to be sure he died.
She killed a guy in a tragic mistake. It doesn't mean she is racist but it might mean that the Dallas cops don't train women as well as they should.

By training guidelines she acted appropriately....this case cannot be blamed on a lack of training.

It was a major mistake....but a common one in this complex for people to get confused....all the apartments looked alike and there was inadequate posting of signs to prevent the confusion.
Clearly she isn't guilty of premeditated race based murder but a prominent democrat politician once said "never let a tragedy go to waste" so it has become a racial/political issue. . It's possible that antiquated government mandates for preferential hiring of females was an issue in the tragedy. She was obviously confused and disorientated on a normal day and shot an unarmed man in his own apartment. This goes beyond training and into the realm of psychological evaluation that might be skewed in favor of pretty girls who go into police work.
This is just not something I can really defend. I get it that you can't say this is a clear cut case of murder..... but.... I can't really defend this either.

An officer walked in the wrong house, and shot a law abiding citizen in his own house.

Now accident or not, this office caused the whole thing. This isn't a case where some guy runs at an officer, or tries to attack the officer and steal his gun, or refuses to submit to arrest and is choked to death, or has a realistic replica with the orange tip blacked out.

99 times out of a 100, I'll side with the officer, but this.... the officer just went into someone's home and shot someone. I just can't defend that.

You can say that "Well it was confusing, and not well marked" but again... as a person with responsibility, it's on you to make sure you are going in the right house.

And if what I read was true, that the officer in question had accidentally gone to the wrong house in the past.... then I'd think I would make even more effort to verify which apartment was mine, knowing that is a problem.

And additionally, knowing I had accidentally gone to the wrong home in the past, I would have thought twice when I opened the door and found strangers in that home. I would think... oh I must be at the wrong place. Not default to pulling a gun and shooting people.

So I want to give this officer a chance.... but I don't see it here. I don't see any reason to give the benefit of the doubt.

Obviously is there is more evidence than what I've read thus far, then I reserve the right to change my mind. But from what I see at this point... no, this is all on the officer.

First all this officer as far as I know had never gone into the wrong apartment before...but many in that complex had made the same mistake she made.

If she was going to be charged with anything it should have been negligent homicide...certainly not murder...in order to have murder you must have malice.

But the black guy was negligent also...failed to lock his front door. How many folks living in apartment complexes do that? In addition he failed to follow the lawful orders of a police officer....she hollered for him to show his hands...he refused to do so.

It it not "negligence" to not lock your door. I'm looking at my unlocked door right now. Most people I know leave their doors unlocked when they're home and awake.

She was not giving lawful orders as a police officer. She was off-duty, out of uniform, and illegally in this man's house. He had absolutely no reason to know she was a cop, or what she was doing in his apartment.

If you fail to lock your doors and most especially in an apartment complex that is being negligent. Police as mentioned before constantly are telling people to lock their doors and cars. Now of course as also previously posted you are not legally negligent...just negligent in common sense.

She was in uniform and the black guy must have noticed that....she gave him a legal order to show his hands he refused to do that and advanced on her.

She was off duty but that is irrelevant...she was not trespassing...the definition of trespassing has been posted.

Having said that I am not blaming the black guy....he was no doubt suprised, shocked or whatever that a police woman was in his apartment all of a sudden and may not have reacted in a very rational manner because he was surprised and had no idea of what was going on.

Bottom Line: a tragic mistake made worse by a miscarriage of justice.....can anyone say karma?

You are just totally wrong.
Does not at all matter if trespassing is intentional or not.
You are required by law to exert due diligence in not committing trespass by accident.
The presence of the red door mat should have been enough for her to realize her mistake and avoid opening the door.

It is not a legal order to show one's hands to a cop.
You do it only for pragmatic reasons, not legal ones.

What if the landlords had called someone to do maintenance?
No one can kill someone else who is not an obvious threat, like that they are armed and pointing.

Police have no more authority than anyone.
Would you feel the same way if she was not a cop?
First all this officer as far as I know had never gone into the wrong apartment before...but many in that complex had made the same mistake she made.

If she was going to be charged with anything it should have been negligent homicide...certainly not murder...in order to have murder you must have malice.

But the black guy was negligent also...failed to lock his front door. How many folks living in apartment complexes do that? In addition he failed to follow the lawful orders of a police officer....she hollered for him to show his hands...he refused to do so.
Ahh... No. The lawful tenant was not neglectful. He’s under no obligation to lock his door. Secondly she issued no lawful orders as she had no legal authotlrity to issue any orders as she was trespassing. Try harder.

the black guy was not negligent in a legal sense....just negligent in lacking common sense. Police constantly tell folks to lock their doors...especially in an apartment complex where all kinds of folks are coming and going.

You err because you do not know the correct definition of trespassing...........'trespass is defined as the willful entry into or remaining upon property without the express or implied permission of the owner.

The police officer did not willfully enter into someone elses property....there was no intent on her part to trespass....she entered by mistake and under the law would not be charged with trespassing.
Was she forced onto his property? You appear to be trying to create an exception for convenience of narrative. She’s going to prison as she should. Make no mistake about it; if you or I were in her shoes... We’d be going to prison too. Probably for longer.
You are trying to replace 'willful' with 'forced' look at the law on trespassing again if you cannot remember it.

Also...and again as pointed out previously....it is not unheard of for police in their line of duty to go into the wrong house or apartment. Mistakes are made....this is just another one of them though more tragic for everyone involved.

This case is not about murder....this case is about white cop kills innocent black. In other words a political case. A show trial to promote the idea that white cops love to kill blacks.

Yes, police do sometimes go into the wrong address in raid, and they are then forced to pay for their harm and damages.
It IS still trespassing, even when done by police in uniform, as part of the job.
And if they shoot someone who is innocent, they are supposed to also be charged with murder.

And clearly this cop did want to kill Blacks most likely.
It was not just the fact there was no need and it was criminal, but that it had to be intentional because she fired again a second time, to be sure he died.

First of all the city will pay for any damages caused by police in the line of duty going into the wrong house or apartment...but the policemen are not charged with anything.

You simply are ignorant of the law on trespassing.

From Blacks Legal Dictionary..........Innocent Trespass: A trespass committed either unintentionally or in good faith.

The police who are directed to the wrong house or apartment trespass unintentionally...or in good faith got dat?

In this particular case involving the lady cop...it is more than obvious that she did not go into someone elses apartment intentionally.

It amazes me that some on here seem unable to get their heads wrapped around the fact that she did not intentionally trespass. It was a honest mistake...one that apparantly was rather common in this complex where all the apartments looked the same and there was inadequate signs to prevent the confusion.

Then you attempt to deceive by posting your ideas or imagination as in you have some kind of cop hating movie running through your head.

You say and this is hillarious...."The lady clearly wanted to kill blacks...most likely"

Not to clear eh? Most likely eh?
First all this officer as far as I know had never gone into the wrong apartment before...but many in that complex had made the same mistake she made.

If she was going to be charged with anything it should have been negligent homicide...certainly not murder...in order to have murder you must have malice.

But the black guy was negligent also...failed to lock his front door. How many folks living in apartment complexes do that? In addition he failed to follow the lawful orders of a police officer....she hollered for him to show his hands...he refused to do so.
Ahh... No. The lawful tenant was not neglectful. He’s under no obligation to lock his door. Secondly she issued no lawful orders as she had no legal authotlrity to issue any orders as she was trespassing. Try harder.

the black guy was not negligent in a legal sense....just negligent in lacking common sense. Police constantly tell folks to lock their doors...especially in an apartment complex where all kinds of folks are coming and going.

You err because you do not know the correct definition of trespassing...........'trespass is defined as the willful entry into or remaining upon property without the express or implied permission of the owner.

The police officer did not willfully enter into someone elses property....there was no intent on her part to trespass....she entered by mistake and under the law would not be charged with trespassing.
Was she forced onto his property? You appear to be trying to create an exception for convenience of narrative. She’s going to prison as she should. Make no mistake about it; if you or I were in her shoes... We’d be going to prison too. Probably for longer.
You are trying to replace 'willful' with 'forced' look at the law on trespassing again if you cannot remember it.

Also...and again as pointed out previously....it is not unheard of for police in their line of duty to go into the wrong house or apartment. Mistakes are made....this is just another one of them though more tragic for everyone involved.

This case is not about murder....this case is about white cop kills innocent black. In other words a political case. A show trial to promote the idea that white cops love to kill blacks.

It is YOUR interpretation of the trespass law that is entirely wrong.
She did willfully enter the premises and commit criminal trespass.
What the law means by intentional is that it is not intentional if someone pushes you through the door against your will, or if the floor had given way and dropped you down one floor.
But she opened the door, no one else, so the illegal entry was intentional.

Nonsense......you are incredibly stupid. There can be no denial of the fact that she believed she was entering her very own apartment.

Read the law on trespass again and very slowly maybe second time around you will be able to understand it....not that complicated...in fact not complicated at all. You are simply laboring under the delusion of that movie running in your head of 'white racist cop.'

Blacks Law Dictionary..........

Innocent Trespass: A trespass committed either unintentionally or in good faith.
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Ahh... No. The lawful tenant was not neglectful. He’s under no obligation to lock his door. Secondly she issued no lawful orders as she had no legal authotlrity to issue any orders as she was trespassing. Try harder.

the black guy was not negligent in a legal sense....just negligent in lacking common sense. Police constantly tell folks to lock their doors...especially in an apartment complex where all kinds of folks are coming and going.

You err because you do not know the correct definition of trespassing...........'trespass is defined as the willful entry into or remaining upon property without the express or implied permission of the owner.

The police officer did not willfully enter into someone elses property....there was no intent on her part to trespass....she entered by mistake and under the law would not be charged with trespassing.
Was she forced onto his property? You appear to be trying to create an exception for convenience of narrative. She’s going to prison as she should. Make no mistake about it; if you or I were in her shoes... We’d be going to prison too. Probably for longer.
You are trying to replace 'willful' with 'forced' look at the law on trespassing again if you cannot remember it.

Also...and again as pointed out previously....it is not unheard of for police in their line of duty to go into the wrong house or apartment. Mistakes are made....this is just another one of them though more tragic for everyone involved.

This case is not about murder....this case is about white cop kills innocent black. In other words a political case. A show trial to promote the idea that white cops love to kill blacks.

It is YOUR interpretation of the trespass law that is entirely wrong.
She did willfully enter the premises and commit criminal trespass.
What the law means by intentional is that it is not intentional if someone pushes you through the door against your will, or if the floor had given way and dropped you down one floor.
But she opened the door, no one else, so the illegal entry was intentional.

Nonsense......you are incredibly stupid. There can be no denial of the fact that she believed she was entering her very own apartment.

Blacks Law Dictionary..........

Innocent Trespass: A trespass committed either unintentionally or in good faith.
Funny how people fall on this issue based on political leanings. No doubt how the jury leans politically. I guess that needs to be a factor when selecting a jury. No lefties at my trial! Not being a white guy!
When you kill someone in the commission of another crime, it's 2nd degree murder. She illegally entered the apartment so she shot him during the commission of that crime, making the correct charge is 2nd degree murder.

Drangonlady is an attorney at Dewey, Cheatum, & Howe.....she got her degree online...she's also a minister able to perform marriages, and a waxer at Hilga's Garden of Doom.
the black guy was not negligent in a legal sense....just negligent in lacking common sense. Police constantly tell folks to lock their doors...especially in an apartment complex where all kinds of folks are coming and going.

You err because you do not know the correct definition of trespassing...........'trespass is defined as the willful entry into or remaining upon property without the express or implied permission of the owner.

The police officer did not willfully enter into someone elses property....there was no intent on her part to trespass....she entered by mistake and under the law would not be charged with trespassing.
Was she forced onto his property? You appear to be trying to create an exception for convenience of narrative. She’s going to prison as she should. Make no mistake about it; if you or I were in her shoes... We’d be going to prison too. Probably for longer.
You are trying to replace 'willful' with 'forced' look at the law on trespassing again if you cannot remember it.

Also...and again as pointed out previously....it is not unheard of for police in their line of duty to go into the wrong house or apartment. Mistakes are made....this is just another one of them though more tragic for everyone involved.

This case is not about murder....this case is about white cop kills innocent black. In other words a political case. A show trial to promote the idea that white cops love to kill blacks.

It is YOUR interpretation of the trespass law that is entirely wrong.
She did willfully enter the premises and commit criminal trespass.
What the law means by intentional is that it is not intentional if someone pushes you through the door against your will, or if the floor had given way and dropped you down one floor.
But she opened the door, no one else, so the illegal entry was intentional.

Nonsense......you are incredibly stupid. There can be no denial of the fact that she believed she was entering her very own apartment.

Blacks Law Dictionary..........

Innocent Trespass: A trespass committed either unintentionally or in good faith.
Funny how people fall on this issue based on political leanings. No doubt how the jury leans politically. I guess that needs to be a factor when selecting a jury. No lefties at my trial! Not being a white guy!

Well...jury selecting is a science these days....however the better your legal team and the more money they have to spend the better the selection for their client...though mistakes are made and some potential jurors are very adept at disguising their true beliefs.

Anyone that has never watched a jury selection should go sometime...very interesting...often more interesting than the trial.

Anyhow...one thing for sure...juries often get it wrong....but still yet...it is the best legal system ....trial by jury....even despite the dumbing down of America and so many idiots being in the jury pool.

You see the type on here....completely unable to grasp even a simple law.
Disgraceful. Appeal.

When you kill someone in the commission of a crime, it's automatically murder.
That makes no sense

She entered the apartment illegally. Then she shot the guy. She killed him during the illegal entry, which automatically ups this to 2nd degree murder.
So she meant to do it? Lol you don’t know the law

You need to learn the definition of second degree murder:

Second degree murder is a criminal law term that describes the killing of another human being without premeditation, but with intent. Second degree murder may also refer to a death caused by an individual’s negligent or reckless conduct.

Second Degree Murder

Second degree murder doesn't require premeditation. It does include negligence or reckless conduct which pretty much is what that woman did.

from the accounts I have read she was not charged with 2nd degree murder.

Guyger, a four-year veteran of the Dallas Police Department, initially was charged with manslaughter. Two months later, a grand jury indicted her on a murder charge

She faces up to 99 yrs. in prison.

There are 4 kinds of murder in Texas....none of them are classified as 2nd degree murder.
1. Murder

2. Capital Murder

3. Manslaughter

4. Criminally Negligent Homicide

The lady cop was charged with murder.
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When you kill someone in the commission of a crime, it's automatically murder.
That makes no sense

She entered the apartment illegally. Then she shot the guy. She killed him during the illegal entry, which automatically ups this to 2nd degree murder.
So she meant to do it? Lol you don’t know the law

You need to learn the definition of second degree murder:

Second degree murder is a criminal law term that describes the killing of another human being without premeditation, but with intent. Second degree murder may also refer to a death caused by an individual’s negligent or reckless conduct.

Second Degree Murder

Second degree murder doesn't require premeditation. It does include negligence or reckless conduct which pretty much is what that woman did.

from the accounts I have read she was not charged with 2nd degree murder.
The original discussion was whether or not she'd be charged with manslaughter.

Also, the police dept PREPARED for an acquittal? How do you prepare for an acquittal? Assume blacks will RIOT. Yeah, race and making her a sacrifice were fundamental to this unjust verdict
My OP now has over 4,000 views and to think it came about when I found what looked like a functioning 26" flatscreen TV sitting in an also functioning condition bamboo chair beside my dumpster....well it's not really mine but so what? I bring both items inside, sit in my new bamboo chair and plug my new 26" flatscreen into an outlet and my over-air channel box (with volume control) and turn it on. Nothing. So remembering what a cable tech told me once, I unplugged it and plugged it back in...GIT GIT YA! it lit up on the Court TV channel and I started watching this trial. I thought it might be a comedy with this obese black woman playing a judge. She drank her juice, belched, stood up, started swinging her arms around and scratching herself. Then she'd double-pat herself above her heart, sit down and rest her head in her hand, bored to death by the defense witnesses, most of whom she practice-testified with the jury out of the room and then wouldn't let testify in front of them. Tonight there is a young white police officer on her way to prison for the way this buffoon conducted her "trial". A video tape of what I saw should suffice to win an appeal. BTW, my new TV still takes 2 tries to light up but it's still a good deal for the price...free.
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Well surprise, surprise:
Following the verdict, the jury returned to the courtroom Tuesday afternoon.

Despite objections from the defense, the prosecution was allowed to show jurors text messages and social media comments written by Guyger that were racist and violent in nature.

The prosecution showed several text threads and Pinterest post comments made by Guyger.
So you believe she intended to break in and shoot him?
Hmm, no, but I think the moment she saw a black man, she decided to shoot, despite no immediate threat to her. And I think that sealed her fate. She had already made a lot of stupid, avoidable mistakes, but that one did her in.
The defense rested its case on Monday morning in the murder trial of Amber Guyger, and the prosecution chose not to call any rebuttal witnesses.

Prior to each side delivering their closing arguments, Judge Tammy Kemp read the jury’s “charge,” or set of legal instructions Judge Tammy Kemp read to panelists before final arguments began.

Here’s the actual language from the jury charge on each of these terms:

"A person commits the offense of murder if the person 1) intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual or 2) intends to cause serious bodily injury and commits and act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual.

The above is grounds for a new trial....the judge does not correctly define the legal term of 'murder'.

The legal definition of murder: What is MURDER? definition of MURDER (Black's Law Dictionary)
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The above is grounds for a new trial....the judge does not correctly define the legal term of 'murder'.
100% wrong. Russian propaganda meant to get you idiots in a tizzy.

Quoted directly from Texas law:

Sec. 19.02. MURDER. (a) In this section:

(1) "Adequate cause" means cause that would commonly produce a degree of anger, rage, resentment, or terror in a person of ordinary temper, sufficient to render the mind incapable of cool reflection.

(2) "Sudden passion" means passion directly caused by and arising out of provocation by the individual killed or another acting with the person killed which passion arises at the time of the offense and is not solely the result of former provocation.

(b) A person commits an offense if he:

(1) intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual;

(2) intends to cause serious bodily injury and commits an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual; or

Oh look, word for word what the judge said. It's as if she knew ahead of time!

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