Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm
What's that have to do with this case?

The police officer believed she was defending her life from an intruder....a huge mistake but that was her reality....a tragic accident.

No way does it add up to murder....that is just politics. If the victim had been white she would not have been charged....the liberals injected race into this tragedy to further their agenda....willing to send a innocent woman to jail to further their politics of black victimhood.
No dragon lady doesn’t know the law.. she fabricated her story
if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm they are legally entitled to use lethal force.
And that's not reasonable, when you have made the unreasonable choices she had made, including shooting a guy sitting on not her couch.

What are the odds that a police officer will mistake someone else's apartment for her own?....what are the odds that in this same apartment the resident left his front door unlocked? If he had locked his door he would still be alive...negligence on his part......the police constantly tell people to lock their doors....especially in an apartment complex where all kinds of folks wander around.

Bottom line....this is karma....this guy for whatever reason was destined to meet his fate that night.
Blame the victim... How shrewd. We’ve never seen that approach before. My door is unlocked right now come to think of it...
Nobody is blaming the “victim.” Shit just happens and sometimes it happens tragically.
First time for everything. Never heard of a driver falling asleep at the wheel after a long night of work? You have never been armed either? Dominos doesn’t require that from employees.
Falling asleep would mean unconscious. Drawing a weapon, and firing it can only be done when a person is conscious. Bad analogy on your part...
And if they feel threatened in what they perceived to be their residence. So then...why did she shout him? Let’s get your take on this.
It really doesn’t matter what she perceived. All that matters is what really was. And she was in someone else’s house.

The law on self defense is all about perception....if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm they are legally entitled to use lethal force.

This lady made a honest mistake....the same mistake many people in that complex had made.....sending her to prison for making a mistake will not bring back the life of the black.

More people die by accident in this country than any other cause. That is all this case was a tragic accident....yet the state contrived to turn an accident into murder....another reminder of the times we live in.
Shes white and a black man died. Everything else is irrelevant to the left
Only problem with that rant is that many on the right also agree that she’s guilty.
And if they feel threatened in what they perceived to be their residence. So then...why did she shout him? Let’s get your take on this.
It really doesn’t matter what she perceived. All that matters is what really was. And she was in someone else’s house.

The law on self defense is all about perception....if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm they are legally entitled to use lethal force.

This lady made a honest mistake....the same mistake many people in that complex had made.....sending her to prison for making a mistake will not bring back the life of the black.
Youre really stuck on the race thing aren’t you?
Seems you're ignoring the facts and basing your arguments on race alone
Actually race has never been a factor in this case for me. It never even made it that far.

Yet you want to make it a factor in the opinions of others. Why is that?
No dragon lady doesn’t know the law.. she fabricated her story
if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm they are legally entitled to use lethal force.
And that's not reasonable, when you have made the unreasonable choices she had made, including shooting a guy sitting on not her couch.

What are the odds that a police officer will mistake someone else's apartment for her own?....what are the odds that in this same apartment the resident left his front door unlocked? If he had locked his door he would still be alive...negligence on his part......the police constantly tell people to lock their doors....especially in an apartment complex where all kinds of folks wander around.

Bottom line....this is karma....this guy for whatever reason was destined to meet his fate that night.
Blame the victim... How shrewd. We’ve never seen that approach before. My door is unlocked right now come to think of it...
Nobody is blaming the “victim.” Shit just happens and sometimes it happens tragically.
And tragically she’s going to prison. But hey! Shit happens. Amiright?
It really doesn’t matter what she perceived. All that matters is what really was. And she was in someone else’s house.

The law on self defense is all about perception....if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm they are legally entitled to use lethal force.

This lady made a honest mistake....the same mistake many people in that complex had made.....sending her to prison for making a mistake will not bring back the life of the black.
Youre really stuck on the race thing aren’t you?
Seems you're ignoring the facts and basing your arguments on race alone
Actually race has never been a factor in this case for me. It never even made it that far.

Yet you want to make it a factor in the opinions of others. Why is that?
Actually it’s been the central theme for most of the posters outraged about this cops conviction. You can go back and reread it for yourself if you missed it. But we both know you didn’t.
No dragon lady doesn’t know the law.. she fabricated her story
if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm they are legally entitled to use lethal force.
And that's not reasonable, when you have made the unreasonable choices she had made, including shooting a guy sitting on not her couch.

What are the odds that a police officer will mistake someone else's apartment for her own?....what are the odds that in this same apartment the resident left his front door unlocked? If he had locked his door he would still be alive...negligence on his part......the police constantly tell people to lock their doors....especially in an apartment complex where all kinds of folks wander around.

Bottom line....this is karma....this guy for whatever reason was destined to meet his fate that night.
Blame the victim... How shrewd. We’ve never seen that approach before. My door is unlocked right now come to think of it...
Nobody is blaming the “victim.” Shit just happens and sometimes it happens tragically.
And tragically she’s going to prison. But hey! Shit happens. Amiright?
Yep. Court of Appeals will have to look at procedural due process and if she was given a proper chance at defense. Tragic.
No dragon lady doesn’t know the law.. she fabricated her story
if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm they are legally entitled to use lethal force.
And that's not reasonable, when you have made the unreasonable choices she had made, including shooting a guy sitting on not her couch.

What are the odds that a police officer will mistake someone else's apartment for her own?....what are the odds that in this same apartment the resident left his front door unlocked? If he had locked his door he would still be alive...negligence on his part......the police constantly tell people to lock their doors....especially in an apartment complex where all kinds of folks wander around.

Bottom line....this is karma....this guy for whatever reason was destined to meet his fate that night.
Blame the victim... How shrewd. We’ve never seen that approach before. My door is unlocked right now come to think of it...
Nobody is blaming the “victim.” Shit just happens and sometimes it happens tragically.
And tragically she’s going to prison. But hey! Shit happens. Amiright?
May it happen to you. Nobody will care.
if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm
What's that have to do with this case?

The police officer believed she was defending her life from an intruder....a huge mistake but that was her reality....a tragic accident.

No way does it add up to murder....that is just politics. If the victim had been white she would not have been charged....the liberals injected race into this tragedy to further their agenda....willing to send a innocent woman to jail to further their politics of black victimhood.
Who the fuck did they send to jail!? I had it all wrong! I thought they sent the chick who gunned down a guy in his own house to jail! I didn’t know they sent an innocent woman to jail!? Whats up with that?
The law on self defense is all about perception....if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm they are legally entitled to use lethal force.

This lady made a honest mistake....the same mistake many people in that complex had made.....sending her to prison for making a mistake will not bring back the life of the black.
Youre really stuck on the race thing aren’t you?
Seems you're ignoring the facts and basing your arguments on race alone
Actually race has never been a factor in this case for me. It never even made it that far.

Yet you want to make it a factor in the opinions of others. Why is that?
Actually it’s been the central theme for most of the posters outraged about this cops conviction. You can go back and reread it for yourself if you missed it. But we both know you didn’t.
She is white...he was black...judge was black...she will have to pay the price now. Fucked up culture that we have.
And that's not reasonable, when you have made the unreasonable choices she had made, including shooting a guy sitting on not her couch.

What are the odds that a police officer will mistake someone else's apartment for her own?....what are the odds that in this same apartment the resident left his front door unlocked? If he had locked his door he would still be alive...negligence on his part......the police constantly tell people to lock their doors....especially in an apartment complex where all kinds of folks wander around.

Bottom line....this is karma....this guy for whatever reason was destined to meet his fate that night.
Blame the victim... How shrewd. We’ve never seen that approach before. My door is unlocked right now come to think of it...
Nobody is blaming the “victim.” Shit just happens and sometimes it happens tragically.
And tragically she’s going to prison. But hey! Shit happens. Amiright?
May it happen to you. Nobody will care.
You can only hope...
if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm
What's that have to do with this case?

The police officer believed she was defending her life from an intruder....a huge mistake but that was her reality....a tragic accident.

No way does it add up to murder....that is just politics. If the victim had been white she would not have been charged....the liberals injected race into this tragedy to further their agenda....willing to send a innocent woman to jail to further their politics of black victimhood.
Who the fuck did they send to jail!? I had it all wrong! I thought they sent the chick who gunned down a guy in his own house to jail! I didn’t know they sent an innocent woman to jail!? Whats up with that?
Guess your just fucking dumb.
if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm
What's that have to do with this case?

The police officer believed she was defending her life from an intruder....a huge mistake but that was her reality....a tragic accident.

No way does it add up to murder....that is just politics. If the victim had been white she would not have been charged....the liberals injected race into this tragedy to further their agenda....willing to send a innocent woman to jail to further their politics of black victimhood.
Yes way. If, as you say, the law is all about perception, then the fact that an intruder can be legally kicked out the door with lethal force from the standpoint of the actual resident TRUMPS the fucking intruder's so-called right every time. Self-deluded. Mistaken. Whatever. You don't just get to shoot people because they're dark.
Falling asleep would mean unconscious. Drawing a weapon, and firing it can only be done when a person is conscious. Bad analogy on your part...
And if they feel threatened in what they perceived to be their residence. So then...why did she shout him? Let’s get your take on this.
It really doesn’t matter what she perceived. All that matters is what really was. And she was in someone else’s house.

The law on self defense is all about perception....if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm they are legally entitled to use lethal force.

This lady made a honest mistake....the same mistake many people in that complex had made.....sending her to prison for making a mistake will not bring back the life of the black.

More people die by accident in this country than any other cause. That is all this case was a tragic accident....yet the state contrived to turn an accident into murder....another reminder of the times we live in.
Shes white and a black man died. Everything else is irrelevant to the left
Only problem with that rant is that many on the right also agree that she’s guilty.

She is guilty of negligence at best......she mistook another apartment for her own....is that a crime? NO....is she the only one in that complex to have done that? No many others had done the same thing...the complex is liable for allowing folks who live there to get easily confused by lack of signs etc.

What would a reasonable armed person do if they are confronted with an intruder in their apartment when they open the front door? I think any reasonable person would have done the same thing this officer did...if they valued their lives.

A lot of mis-information has been presented in this case and believed by the gullible just like in the trayvon martin case...the facts are simply that she confused another apartment with her own...and this is the biggie...the door was open...what are the odds on that? Then when she enters she sees someone advancing on her ....she hollers for him to show his hands...he refused to do so.

A tragic series of mistakes....negligent homicide at best...but I would not even agree to that. Many people are killed in accidents...accidents that are the result of somone being negligent etc. but most are never sent to jail...certainly not for murder....outrageous to call it murder.

Police have killed people before by mistake...mistaken identity etc. but this is the first one to get convicted of murder for killing someone by mistake.
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Youre really stuck on the race thing aren’t you?
Seems you're ignoring the facts and basing your arguments on race alone
Actually race has never been a factor in this case for me. It never even made it that far.

Yet you want to make it a factor in the opinions of others. Why is that?
Actually it’s been the central theme for most of the posters outraged about this cops conviction. You can go back and reread it for yourself if you missed it. But we both know you didn’t.
She is white...he was black...judge was black...she will have to pay the price now. Fucked up culture that we have.
The racial component in this case? I’m just not seeing it. At least not insofar as the events that transpired which led to the innocent mans death. And those events are the only ones of any concern.
if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm
What's that have to do with this case?

The police officer believed she was defending her life from an intruder....a huge mistake but that was her reality....a tragic accident.

No way does it add up to murder....that is just politics. If the victim had been white she would not have been charged....the liberals injected race into this tragedy to further their agenda....willing to send a innocent woman to jail to further their politics of black victimhood.
Who the fuck did they send to jail!? I had it all wrong! I thought they sent the chick who gunned down a guy in his own house to jail! I didn’t know they sent an innocent woman to jail!? Whats up with that?
Guess your just fucking dumb.
That’s gotta be it...
I hope this gets thrown out on appeal.
it should be. Democrats would love it...more riots and burned out neighborhoods.
Like Charlottesville?
if a person is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm
What's that have to do with this case?

The police officer believed she was defending her life from an intruder....a huge mistake but that was her reality....a tragic accident.

No way does it add up to murder....that is just politics. If the victim had been white she would not have been charged....the liberals injected race into this tragedy to further their agenda....willing to send a innocent woman to jail to further their politics of black victimhood.
Yes way. If, as you say, the law is all about perception, then the fact that an intruder can be legally kicked out the door with lethal force from the standpoint of the actual resident TRUMPS the fucking intruder's so-called right every time. Self-deluded. Mistaken. Whatever. You don't just get to shoot people because they're dark.

Can anyone say incoherent? You should not drink and post.

When you sober up try and re-write that into something of a coherent nature.
Seems you're ignoring the facts and basing your arguments on race alone
Actually race has never been a factor in this case for me. It never even made it that far.


Yet you want to make it a factor in the opinions of others. Why is that?
Actually it’s been the central theme for most of the posters outraged about this cops conviction. You can go back and reread it for yourself if you missed it. But we both know you didn’t.
She is white...he was black...judge was black...she will have to pay the price now. Fucked up culture that we have.
The racial component in this case? I’m just not seeing it. At least not insofar as the events that transpired which led to the innocent mans death. And those events are the only ones of any concern.

The police officer was convicted because the State presented this is a case of racism....aka white police officer kills innocent black...gotta be racist ...well at least they were able to convince the jury of that....not a hard thing to do....the media has convinced so many that anytime a police officer kills a black be they innocent or not....that is racism

What is the legal definition of murder?

What is MURDER?
The crime committed where a person of sound mind and discretion (that is, of sufficient age to form and execute a criminal design and not legally “insane”) kills any human creature in being (excluding quick but unborn children) and in the peace of the state or nation (including all persons except the military forces of the public enemy in time of war or battle) without any warrant, justification, or excuse in law. with malice aforethought, express or implied, that is, with a deliberate purpose or a design or determination distinctly formed in the mind before the commission of the act, provided that death results from the injury Inflicted within one year and a day after its infliction. See Kilpatrick v. Com., 31 Pa. 19S; Llotema v. U. S., 186 U. S. 413. 22 Sup. Ct 895, 46 L. Ed. 1225; Guiteau’s Case (D. C.) 10 Fed. 101; Clarke v. State. 117 Ala. 1, 23 South. 071, 67 Am. St. I top. 157; People v. Enoch, 13 Wend. (N. Y.) 167. 27 Am. Dec. 107; Kent v. People, 8 Colo. 5(13. 9 Pac. 852; Com. v. Webster, 5 Cush. (Mass.) 205. 52 Am. Dec. 711; Armstrong v. State. 30 Fla. 170. 11 South. 618. 17 L. R. A. 4S4; U. S. v. Lewis (C. C.) Ill Fed. 632; Nye v. People. 35 Mich. 16. For the distinction between murder and manslaughter and other forms of homicide, see HOMICIDE; MANSLAUGHTER. Common-law definitions. The willful killing of any subject whatever, with malice aforethought, whether the person slain shall be an Englishman or a foreigner. Hawk. P. C. b. 1, c. 13

The police officer had no malice in this case.

All she is gulilty of is of confusing another apartment with her own.
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This is just not something I can really defend. I get it that you can't say this is a clear cut case of murder..... but.... I can't really defend this either.

An officer walked in the wrong house, and shot a law abiding citizen in his own house.

Now accident or not, this office caused the whole thing. This isn't a case where some guy runs at an officer, or tries to attack the officer and steal his gun, or refuses to submit to arrest and is choked to death, or has a realistic replica with the orange tip blacked out.

99 times out of a 100, I'll side with the officer, but this.... the officer just went into someone's home and shot someone. I just can't defend that.

You can say that "Well it was confusing, and not well marked" but again... as a person with responsibility, it's on you to make sure you are going in the right house.

And if what I read was true, that the officer in question had accidentally gone to the wrong house in the past.... then I'd think I would make even more effort to verify which apartment was mine, knowing that is a problem.

And additionally, knowing I had accidentally gone to the wrong home in the past, I would have thought twice when I opened the door and found strangers in that home. I would think... oh I must be at the wrong place. Not default to pulling a gun and shooting people.

So I want to give this officer a chance.... but I don't see it here. I don't see any reason to give the benefit of the doubt.

Obviously is there is more evidence than what I've read thus far, then I reserve the right to change my mind. But from what I see at this point... no, this is all on the officer.

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