Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

I always thought a motive is paramount in a murder conviction....guess not in this case...it should at least give her grounds for appeal....she may be an idiot that should have never got a badge but murder?...i don't know about that...this feels bad...
There are probably very few cases in which Ooops! is an adequate defense.
I agree but murder?...they skipped right over manslaughter...
"According to the Texas Penal Code, if a defendant convicted of first-degree murder can prove in the punishment phase they caused the death under the " immediate influence of sudden passion arising from an adequate cause," the offense would be reduced to a second-degree felony. If the jury accepts that Guyger's actions were taken in the heat of the moment, it could reduce the sentencing range to two to 20 years in prison."

Amber Guyger sentencing: Jurors can weigh "sudden passion" defense that could lessen sentence - CBS News

Passion? Passion implies a willful action based upon emotion.

This was negligent homicide plain and simple based upon her actions, and the circumstances. 10 years is actually a light sentence in this case. she should have received at least 20, and 30 would have been fair, given the fact the victim was given the death sentence as an innocent that did nothing. Sitting in your own house, minding your own business, is about as innocent as t gets. Shooting someone sitting in their own house, minding their own business, because you're stupid and inept demands at least 30 years in prison.
The jury is now in the sentencing part of the trial, and a sudden passion defense says, in essence, that the defendant's judgement was impaired at the time of the shooting, so there was no intent to commit the crime. If the jury accepts this defense, she could be sentenced to as little as two years and be out in a little over one year with good behavior.
"we have to stop blaming an entire race for individual actions."

True. Like repeating violent crime statistics to smear an entire "race." Still,. I wonder,..

How many whites gunned down by blacks in their own living rooms while trying to eat ice cream?

If you look at actual states, blacks commit far more violent crimes against whites. This is not to smear blacks, but does refute your smearing of whites.
That has to do with this case........how?
It's not even a coherent statement. "Actual" states as opposed to? "blacks commit far more violent crime against whites" than what? If against each other that's bullshit. If than whites against blacks per capita? So what? (eta, also "far more" not even true from what I've seen). Innumeracy combined with bullshit => racist smear.
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The mob demanded and got the charge raised from manslaughter to murder. The DA violated a gag order to pander to the mob on camera. The mob's lawyer said this was "justice" for Trayvon. Now the same DA's office that violated the gag order is showing internet memes to prejudice the jury at sentencing, and the judge is allowing it. The mob is going to get their pound of flesh.

So outrageous....a shame on Texas.

There is real Texas and then there are the big city shitholes. Dallas, Houston, El Paso, Austin are just like all the other big city shitholes run by Democrats put into office by idiot minorities that we see all over the US.
Apparently, to you, a city is a shithole when cops can't get away with going into someone else's home, shoot and kill them..........and can't get away with it.

I think these big city shitholes pretty well define themselves with high crime, inner city poverty, homelessness and keeping the filthy ass Democrats in power.
The most she should have been charged with was negligent homicide as in she was negligent by confusing his apartment with hers...though it was her mistake it has been shown the complex contributed to this by not clearly identifying apartments which in that complex all looked the same...and this was a common mistake in that complex...so the negligence was not solely based on the police officer making a mistake ...as in there were contributing factors....thus I hold she should not have been charged with anything....just a terrible mistake. What are the odds? A police officer goes to the wrong apt. and that apt front door is open. I say bad karma....either on the black guy or the police officer or maybe on them both. Bad things happen...even accidentally ...the apt. complex is just as guilty as the police officer for the mistake. As has been pointed out many times...many residents there had also made the mistake of going to the wrong apartment.....and then on here you have some claiming she broke in etc. etc. not knowing the facts of the case.

Yes, living in an apartment complex, we sometimes get off on the wrong floor, but here's the thing. Every apartment has a number on the door. I got off the elevator on the wrong floor in my friend Larry's building. All of the floors look exactly the same. I went to the door, and the number on the door said 518. Larry lives in 618. I went back to the elevator. Every apartment building I have ever been in has the apartment number on the door.

There was testimony at trial that the deceased's apartment had a welcome mat outside his door. The shooter did not. So in spite of the number on the apartment door, the welcome mat she did not own, she still entered the apartment, pulled out her gun, and shot the man who lived there.

This requires a whole lot more than "negligence" and "negligent homicide" is not the appropriate charge. She made overt moves to deliberately shoot the man.


She made a honest mistake...the same mistake a lot of people have made that live in that complex.

Your personal experience is completely irrelevant and you are wasting board space with that.

When the police officer was confronted she followed police procedure in which she was well trained....she issued a lawful order for the victim to show his hands...he must have realized she was a police officer because she was in uniform...he ignored her order and advanced on her...in fear of her life and with good reason she used her weapon to defend her life...case closed. Miscarriage of justice which will certainly be over-turned for more than one reason.
"Honest mistake", eh....oh, makes it all better, doesn't it?

As has been explained how many times already? This was a tragedy anyway you look at it....but convicting a innocent woman does not remedy anything...just further exacerbates the tragedy.
"innocent woman"? She shot him. She killed him in his own home. There is no innocence in that.

There is also no justice in railroading her for stupid hate filled racial reasons.
Murder. I posted a link earlier .
Why do you hate her?

I do not believe anyone has the right to take the life of another outside of actual direct self defense.

Has nothing to do with hate. It's why I am pro-life and against our stupid wars also.
Yes that’s why we have manslaughter charges.. so again why is she not equal to others that had no bad intention

She had every legal right to offer a plea bargain before the trial [/].
She didn’t do anything wrong. Why would she
"She didn't do anything wrong." Isn't this just the most precious statement ever? :71:

But I was answering a post of saying that Miss Amber's explanation that she entered the apartment in error was "not believable".

And of course it was "believable".

Whether its a valid defense under Texas law is a different question.

It really doesn't matter. Her ineptitude led to his death.
His poor choices led to his death.

Show your damn empty hands when a cop points a gun at you!

That idea is changing. It was illegal for her to go into his home and point a gun at him.

One does not have to obey an illegal order.

Or, what about his right to stand his ground? I wonder how this case would have went had he shot her.

If Mr. Jean had gone into her apartment guns blazing, and said "this is for the Gentle Giant Michael Brown" or "This is for Trayvon", he would have been hailed as a hero by the left. Mumia is considered virtually a demigod by the libs for slaughtering a police officer in cold blood and has even delivered commencement speeches for liberal colleges.
He didn't do that. NO ONE has done that. All you can hang your argument on is a fantasy that has never happened. Sad.
Beyond A Reasonable Doubt
Defense attorney Toby Shook spent most of his time reminding the jury that the prosecution had to prove its case "beyond a reasonable doubt" and that he believed the state had not met that threshold.


Slide shown by Amber Guyger's defense attorneys during closing arguments while discussing the burden on prosecutors.

“You’ll never see a case like this. It’s so tragic," he said, urging the jury to reach a decision rationally. “They want you to be angry and upset."

Shook said that Guyger believed she was in danger, which is why she acted the way she did.

“You have to view it from all the facts surrounding the case and under her circumstances from her viewpoint,” he said.

Shook asked jurors to remove the emotion prosecutors are trying to interject and told jurors that Guyger had a right under Texas law to self-defense.

“The state of Texas must prove to you beyond a reasonable doubt the defendant wasn’t acting in self-defense. And if they can’t do that, it’s not guilty,” he said. “Same thing on mistake of fact. If they can’t prove the defendant wasn’t operating in mistake of fact beyond a reasonable doubt, the instructions are clear: it’s a not guilty. That is the law.”

Guyger’s defense also argued she made mistakes that were not intentional. He said there were even some mistakes that others have given sworn testimony that they have also made, like parking on the wrong floor and going to the wrong apartment.

“That's 92 people who said they'd done the same thing Amber Guyger had done,” Shook said. “So when you're considering whether it's a reasonable mistake, consider that.”

Lead defense attorney Robert Rogers told jurors prosecutors did not make their case against Guyger.

“The state has failed to do their duty. We actually, even though we have no duty, we showed you how this was a reasonable mistake,” Rogers said. “The state, what did they bring you? Sexting and speculation. Everything that they have done has been to try to distract you and trick you from looking at the law in this case.”

Shook told the jury it's fine for them to not like Guyger texting her then-partner whom she was in a sexual relationship with while she was on the phone with 911. He said say they could hate her for not doing more CPR, “but you can’t convict her.”

Shook asked the jury to make their decision without worrying about how people might react to a particular verdict.

“There is tremendous public pressure in a case like this," he said.
Nonsense....Zimmerman was just doing his job as a watchman....he had many opportuntities to shoot blacks before yet he never did.

Zimmerman rightfully thought trayvon looked suspicious and called the police to come check him out as was his usual operating procedure.

Okay. The cops told him not to chase the kid down, he did anyway.
He never identified himself as a watchman... nor was he on duty as a watchman.

Of course the black had a right to eat ice cream to his hearts content in complete safety....but shit happens. This world is full of danger...if had understood that he would have locked his front door.

One should not be in danger from a police officer who was too drunk, distracted or tired.

Hope this bitch serves the whole 10 years.

The cops did not tell him not to chase Trayvon....he never chased him...was merely trying to follow him to answer the dispatchers question of where had he run off to....the dispatcher with no legal authority over Z was the one who told him they did not need him to try and follow trayvon.

Zimmerman was on his way to the store when he saw the suspicious fellow now known as trayvon....like any good citizen he reported the suspicious person to the police and then waited for them to arrive as was his usual operating procedure.

When the dispatcher asked Z where had trayvon run off to Z got out of his vehicle in order to try and determine where Trayvon had gone or if he was gone....he could not see that well on a dark and rainy night.

You should have watched the trial.
Zimmerman had EVERY RIGHT to keep eyes on this hooded thug peeping in windows in his neighborhood

Martin had not trespassed or done anything at all even remotely illegal.

Up to the point when he assaulted Z he had only acted suspiciously....that is all Z told the dispather...he wanted to report a suspicious person.
Jonny Cochran, and Matlock still retrying this case in the court of USMB? Lol...
Lol say it chicken shit
Fuck off, control freak!
Tell us what you think she was thinking..

You think she broke in to shoot a black man?

You can’t say it, because you sound INSANE
Most would just say...

OOPS....sorry, wrong apartment
But she had a gun

Why do you come on here and make comments on the case without knowing the facts?

She did not realize she was not in her apartment until she had already shot him.
So she claimed....all the evidence notwithstanding.
What stupidity.....first of all you do not even know the facts of the case and what does it matter what the nigha was eating...why post irrelevant crap. Trayvon was eating skittles...did that make him innocent? But in just about every msm story they talked abougt trayvon eating skittles like that was somehow a factor.

Of course, it was a factor. He went to the store to pick up some candy for his little brother. Zimmerman assumed he was a criminal and murdered him in the street. This guy was eating ice cream in his living room, he should have had a reasonable expectation that he wouldn't be shot while eating ice cream in his own home.

Nonsense....Zimmerman was just doing his job as a watchman....he had many opportuntities to shoot blacks before yet he never did.

Zimmerman rightfully thought trayvon looked suspicious and called the police to come check him out as was his usual operating procedure.

Of course the black had a right to eat ice cream to his hearts content in complete safety....but shit happens. This world is full of danger...if had understood that he would have locked his front door.
What stupidity.....first of all you do not even know the facts of the case and what does it matter what the nigha was eating...why post irrelevant crap. Trayvon was eating skittles...did that make him innocent? But in just about every msm story they talked abougt trayvon eating skittles like that was somehow a factor.

Of course, it was a factor. He went to the store to pick up some candy for his little brother. Zimmerman assumed he was a criminal and murdered him in the street. This guy was eating ice cream in his living room, he should have had a reasonable expectation that he wouldn't be shot while eating ice cream in his own home.
What stupidity.....first of all you do not even know the facts of the case and what does it matter what the nigha was eating...why post irrelevant crap. Trayvon was eating skittles...did that make him innocent? But in just about every msm story they talked abougt trayvon eating skittles like that was somehow a factor.

Of course, it was a factor. He went to the store to pick up some candy for his little brother. Zimmerman assumed he was a criminal and murdered him in the street. This guy was eating ice cream in his living room, he should have had a reasonable expectation that he wouldn't be shot while eating ice cream in his own home.

Zimmerman was not a member of Neighborhood Watch or any organization or in any official capacity.
The dispatcher told him specifically not to follow Martin.
That is because it is a crime to follow someone at night in an intimidating way.
Zimmerman could not claim the Castle Doctrine or Stand Your Ground because he caused the situation to happen.
But he was let off because there was no one to counter his claim that he was being killed by his head being beaten into the sidewalk. I do not believe it, but he only fired one shot, so there is still reasonable doubt.

With Botham Jean, eating ice cream is relevant because that is not something a burglar would do.

Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch coordinator in his gated community; Martin was temporarily staying there and was shot there.

The Twin Lakes Neighborhood Watch program was not registered with the National Neighborhood Watch Program, but was administered by the local police

That is just a lie.

Zimmerman went to one Neighborhood Watch meeting, but was not interested because they explained that Neighborhood Watch is NEVER allowed to be armed or work alone.
Zimmerman also owned nothing in this gated community, and was staying at his father's house.

Twin Lakes Neighborhood Watch program is registered with the National Neighborhood Watch Program and is NOT administered by the police. Police do not and can not administer a volunteer program.
Zimmerman simply refused to join.

Rules for neighborhood watch discussed in George Zimmerman trial

Watching The Neighborhood: George Zimmerman - Lee Lofland
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"we have to stop blaming an entire race for individual actions."

True. Like repeating violent crime statistics to smear an entire "race." Still,. I wonder,..

How many whites gunned down by blacks in their own living rooms while trying to eat ice cream?

If you look at actual states, blacks commit far more violent crimes against whites. This is not to smear blacks, but does refute your smearing of whites.
That has to do with this case........how?

He just explained it to you dummy...are you really that stupid or do you have a problem with your glasses?
Other crimes in other states have nothing to do with this crime. And :71: you call someone else "stupid"? :71:
"we have to stop blaming an entire race for individual actions."

True. Like repeating violent crime statistics to smear an entire "race." Still,. I wonder,..

How many whites gunned down by blacks in their own living rooms while trying to eat ice cream?

If you look at actual states, blacks commit far more violent crimes against whites. This is not to smear blacks, but does refute your smearing of whites.
That has to do with this case........how?

He just explained it to you dummy...are you really that stupid or do you have a problem with your glasses?
Other crimes in other states have nothing to do with this crime. And :71: you call someone else "stupid"? :71:

Again....you demonstrate your ignorance of how the law works..............

The term case law refers to law that comes from decisions made by judges in previous cases. Case law, also known as “common law,” and “case precedent,” provides a common contextual background for certain legal concepts, and how they are applied in certain types of case. How much sway case law holds may vary by jurisdiction, and by the exact circumstances of the current case.

To explore this concept, consider the following case law definition

Case Law - Definition, Examples, Cases, Processes
Lol say it chicken shit
Fuck off, control freak!
Tell us what you think she was thinking..

You think she broke in to shoot a black man?

You can’t say it, because you sound INSANE
Most would just say...

OOPS....sorry, wrong apartment
But she had a gun

Why do you come on here and make comments on the case without knowing the facts?

She did not realize she was not in her apartment until she had already shot him.
So she claimed....all the evidence notwithstanding.
Yep. She wanted to shoot a black guy. Fame is a powerful motivator.

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