Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

I was talking to self proclaimed left wing radical today at work.. he said he can’t vote democrat any more because they have lost there minds, they have no interest in the truth just power. No one believes them..

You did nothing of the sort and your left wing radical exists only in your Imagination. There may be work for you in Trump`s Whitehouse.
If you look at actual states, blacks commit far more violent crimes against whites. This is not to smear blacks, but does refute your smearing of whites.
That has to do with this case........how?

He just explained it to you dummy...are you really that stupid or do you have a problem with your glasses?
Other crimes in other states have nothing to do with this crime. And :71: you call someone else "stupid"? :71:

Again....you demonstrate your ignorance of how the law works..............

The term case law refers to law that comes from decisions made by judges in previous cases. Case law, also known as “common law,” and “case precedent,” provides a common contextual background for certain legal concepts, and how they are applied in certain types of case. How much sway case law holds may vary by jurisdiction, and by the exact circumstances of the current case.

To explore this concept, consider the following case law definition

Case Law - Definition, Examples, Cases, Processes
Case law is not crime. You have gone on about "crime"....nothing up to now about courts and case law. Did you pull something moving that goal post so far?

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa I knew you were ignorant of the law...I just didn't know how ignorant....now you demonstrate it.
Are our sure you are follow the same story? She went to the wrong door by mistake and he ignored her commands.. good bye
The left has already decided she went hunting for a black man to kill that night. Facts be damned.
I’m trying to get one to say that.. they won’t they have no balls.. it’s like asking did you vote for Hillary they won’t admit it lol
I voted for H. Clinton.
Hell yea we have one!! So sorry for your loss.. did you cry? Lol
She won my state......did my part. And besides....Occam's Razor.

You are too ignorant to understand the term 'Occam's Razor'

but for the sake of entertainment for the board try and explain it.....this should be hillarious.
Who do you hate more.....police officers or women?
I suspect that most Americans hate it when women police officers go into someone else's home and shoot them dead. It's the actions, not the person. You seem to not be able to grasp that. It DOES require some higher level thinking.
Are our sure you are follow the same story? She went to the wrong door by mistake and he ignored her commands.. good bye
The left has already decided she went hunting for a black man to kill that night. Facts be damned.
I’m trying to get one to say that.. they won’t they have no balls.. it’s like asking did you vote for Hillary they won’t admit it lol
I voted for H. Clinton.

More proof of this phoneys stupidity.
I suspect that most Americans hate it when women police officers go into someone else's home and shoot them dead. It's the actions, not the person. You seem to not be able to grasp that. It DOES require some higher level thinking.
Are our sure you are follow the same story? She went to the wrong door by mistake and he ignored her commands.. good bye
The left has already decided she went hunting for a black man to kill that night. Facts be damned.
I’m trying to get one to say that.. they won’t they have no balls.. it’s like asking did you vote for Hillary they won’t admit it lol
I voted for H. Clinton.
Hell yea we have one!! So sorry for your loss.. did you cry? Lol

Lol SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER APARTMENT! We have a right to protect our self. This was a fluke accident.. why do you hate so much?

Yet she had the presence of mind to sext with one of her work buddy's just before shooting the guy? Perhaps if the stupid cow was t looking at her phone she would have found her house? She was justly charged, tried and convicted. In the end she gets to go back to setting her pal's. Mr. Jean won't be eating any ice cream in HIS house. She commits murder and was convicted of such. Deal with it.

Who do you hate more.....police officers or women?
I suspect that most Americans hate it when women police officers go into someone else's home and shoot them dead. It's the actions, not the person. You seem to not be able to grasp that. It DOES require some higher level thinking.
Are our sure you are follow the same story? She went to the wrong door by mistake and he ignored her commands.. good bye

Not her house it was his. We live in a he real world, not meth candy land.

It was not a house ......try and get your facts right if you are going to comment on this case.
Classy folks the Jean family is.

Well his brother certainly is...sounds like a True Christian.

A good example to all these liberal haters on here so pumped up by their hatred they are willing to send a innocent woman to jail to promote their political agenda of evil white racists.

She ain't going to jail because she is racist. She is going to jail because she shot a dude.

She is going to jail because she shot a black man. If the victim had been white she would not have been charged with murder....perhaps manslaughter but probably not even that.
Why do you hate her?

I do not believe anyone has the right to take the life of another outside of actual direct self defense.

Has nothing to do with hate. It's why I am pro-life and against our stupid wars also.
Yes that’s why we have manslaughter charges.. so again why is she not equal to others that had no bad intention

She had every legal right to offer a plea bargain before the trial [/].
She didn’t do anything wrong. Why would she
"She didn't do anything wrong." Isn't this just the most precious statement ever? :71:

Everyone has the right to self defense. If the black guy had obeyed the lawful police order he would be alive today.
Aw! Poor stupid idiot walks in to the wrong apartment and kills the guyin his own home. Her dumb ass career shoul;d be over. She is not even smart enough to find her own apartment not alone make decisisons in a real crisis. So she is lugging 40 pounds of shit in one hand and a cell phone in the other, then drops the shit, gets to hjer gun and is not smart enough to noticd it is not her furniture or her stuff. Great observation training here right? Mean while this guy is sitting on his couch eating ice cream and this idiot thinks he is a threat and just shjoots. Were you this bad a cop? To bad it was not my apartment the city would not have spent so much money trying her, she would have ate a bullet coming through the door and saved us all a bunch of time and money, of course my dog likely would have gotten her first. Sorry cop, you do not want to die in prison pay fuckjing attention to what the hell you are doing like the rest of us.

Nah, you're a big mouth coward and your dog is probably a poodle....STFU

bwaaaaaaaaaaa just another phoney internet tough guy....if he had a pistol he would probably let it get taken from him and used against him.
Come find out. I live in Port Clinton Ohio. In this town your normal citizen wil shoot you for entering their house. No tougher than normal citizen here. Our cops are not idiots not one of them would have made this mistake. They know the locals by name and certainly are not stupis enough to walk into the wrong house. This is party central and we have black out drunks here that manage to get to the correct house,condo,hotel room etc. This bitch was a blathering idiot just like you and death angel. Further more in my town we watch out for each other, my gun would not be the only one pointing at you so would several neighbors guns. Come here make threats to locals or at one of the campers at the camp grounds and see how many guns come out.
The mob demanded and got the charge raised from manslaughter to murder. The DA violated a gag order to pander to the mob on camera. The mob's lawyer said this was "justice" for Trayvon. Now the same DA's office that violated the gag order is showing internet memes to prejudice the jury at sentencing, and the judge is allowing it. The mob is going to get their pound of flesh.

So outrageous....a shame on Texas.

There is real Texas and then there are the big city shitholes. Dallas, Houston, El Paso, Austin are just like all the other big city shitholes run by Democrats put into office by idiot minorities that we see all over the US.
Apparently, to you, a city is a shithole when cops can't get away with going into someone else's home, shoot and kill them..........and can't get away with it.

I think these big city shitholes pretty well define themselves with high crime, inner city poverty, homelessness and keeping the filthy ass Democrats in power.

Aw! Poor stupid idiot walks in to the wrong apartment and kills the guyin his own home. Her dumb ass career shoul;d be over. She is not even smart enough to find her own apartment not alone make decisisons in a real crisis. So she is lugging 40 pounds of shit in one hand and a cell phone in the other, then drops the shit, gets to hjer gun and is not smart enough to noticd it is not her furniture or her stuff. Great observation training here right? Mean while this guy is sitting on his couch eating ice cream and this idiot thinks he is a threat and just shjoots. Were you this bad a cop? To bad it was not my apartment the city would not have spent so much money trying her, she would have ate a bullet coming through the door and saved us all a bunch of time and money, of course my dog likely would have gotten her first. Sorry cop, you do not want to die in prison pay fuckjing attention to what the hell you are doing like the rest of us.

Nah, you're a big mouth coward and your dog is probably a poodle....STFU

bwaaaaaaaaaaa just another phoney internet tough guy....if he had a pistol he would probably let it get taken from him and used against him.
Come find out. I live in Port Clinton Ohio. In this town your normal citizen wil shoot you for entering their house. No tougher than normal citizen here. Our cops are not idiots not one of them would have made this mistake. They know the locals by name and certainly are not stupis enough to walk into the wrong house. This is party central and we have black out drunks here that manage to get to the correct house,condo,hotel room etc. This bitch was a blathering idiot just like you and death angel. Further more in my town we watch out for each other, my gun would not be the only one pointing at you so would several neighbors guns. Come here make threats to locals or at one of the campers at the camp grounds and see how many guns come out.

Where do you live?
Why would she try to enter an apartment that was not her own....ridiculouos idea.

She parked on the wrong floor of the parking garage...a very easy thing to do....then off on the wrong floor with all the apartments looking the same she made a mistake that had been made in that complex more than once.

Okay, that's awesome. Let's accept that. So why didn't she ask herself these questions.

"Hey, why is there a big red floor mat in front of my apartment now? I didn't leave that there!"
"Why is my door unlocked before I even try to put this key into it?"
"Hey, who exchanged out all my furniture, including the couch were a black man is watching a TV that isn't mine and eating Ice Cream I didn't buy".

HOLY SHIT, IT'S A BLACK MAN!!! Bang, bang, bang!!!!
Aw! Poor stupid idiot walks in to the wrong apartment and kills the guyin his own home. Her dumb ass career shoul;d be over. She is not even smart enough to find her own apartment not alone make decisisons in a real crisis. So she is lugging 40 pounds of shit in one hand and a cell phone in the other, then drops the shit, gets to hjer gun and is not smart enough to noticd it is not her furniture or her stuff. Great observation training here right? Mean while this guy is sitting on his couch eating ice cream and this idiot thinks he is a threat and just shjoots. Were you this bad a cop? To bad it was not my apartment the city would not have spent so much money trying her, she would have ate a bullet coming through the door and saved us all a bunch of time and money, of course my dog likely would have gotten her first. Sorry cop, you do not want to die in prison pay fuckjing attention to what the hell you are doing like the rest of us.

Nah, you're a big mouth coward and your dog is probably a poodle....STFU

bwaaaaaaaaaaa just another phoney internet tough guy....if he had a pistol he would probably let it get taken from him and used against him.
Come find out. I live in Port Clinton Ohio. In this town your normal citizen wil shoot you for entering their house. No tougher than normal citizen here. Our cops are not idiots not one of them would have made this mistake. They know the locals by name and certainly are not stupis enough to walk into the wrong house. This is party central and we have black out drunks here that manage to get to the correct house,condo,hotel room etc. This bitch was a blathering idiot just like you and death angel. Further more in my town we watch out for each other, my gun would not be the only one pointing at you so would several neighbors guns. Come here make threats to locals or at one of the campers at the camp grounds and see how many guns come out.

Where do you live?
reading comprehension issues re-read post dumb fuck
I live in the only place to live during walleye season. Spend a summer here and you will find out there is no where else to live during the summer. The Hamptons can kiss our ass. Spend all day every day on the lake and you will no longer give a shit what happens on land

When I die I want to come here.
Lol so you think she intentionally broke into the apartment ?? Why do you fabricate falsehoods?

Exactly...and not even to mention that in Texas there is no such thing as second degree murder.

She was charged with murder....outrageous.

If you shoot a dude in the hart in his own home then that's murder. The prosecution asked her a good question on the stand. They asked (and I paraphrase here) "did you mean to kill the guy?) . Go head and Google the answer to that question. The dumb blond commited murder. She was convicted of murder. Justice was served. But, if you really care, feel free to donate to the Amber Gieger defense fund. Also, there is another lesson in all this. WATCH THE SHIT YOU TEXT! Those had allot to do with this woman being found guilty.
Lol SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER APARTMENT! We have a right to protect our self. This was a fluke accident.. why do you hate so much?
That's what she claims, even tho there were all these OBVIOUS clues that she wasn't at her own apartment.

None of that matters. In the end the question was, did she mean to shoot him. She did. She was sent to prison for 10 years. Fin.

Of course she meant to shoot him....she perceived him as a intruder in her apartment...anyone that has a reasonable fear of their life being in danger is entitled by law to use lethal force. Simple self defense.

The fact she was not in her apartment was a honest mistake...she had no malice towards this fellow....you cannot have murder without malice.

Again self defense law is based on the belief of the defendant....but you say....she was not in any danger....but she did not know that...she did not have the benefit of hindsight.

She was operating in real time and in real time she believed she was confronted with a intruder who was in her apartment, refused to obey her lawful order and thus posed a threat to her life.

Any reasonable person should be able to understand her very reasonable belief that her life was in danger and the reason why she believed that.
Aw! Poor stupid idiot walks in to the wrong apartment and kills the guyin his own home. Her dumb ass career shoul;d be over. She is not even smart enough to find her own apartment not alone make decisisons in a real crisis. So she is lugging 40 pounds of shit in one hand and a cell phone in the other, then drops the shit, gets to hjer gun and is not smart enough to noticd it is not her furniture or her stuff. Great observation training here right? Mean while this guy is sitting on his couch eating ice cream and this idiot thinks he is a threat and just shjoots. Were you this bad a cop? To bad it was not my apartment the city would not have spent so much money trying her, she would have ate a bullet coming through the door and saved us all a bunch of time and money, of course my dog likely would have gotten her first. Sorry cop, you do not want to die in prison pay fuckjing attention to what the hell you are doing like the rest of us.

Nah, you're a big mouth coward and your dog is probably a poodle....STFU

bwaaaaaaaaaaa just another phoney internet tough guy....if he had a pistol he would probably let it get taken from him and used against him.
Come find out. I live in Port Clinton Ohio. In this town your normal citizen wil shoot you for entering their house. No tougher than normal citizen here. Our cops are not idiots not one of them would have made this mistake. They know the locals by name and certainly are not stupis enough to walk into the wrong house. This is party central and we have black out drunks here that manage to get to the correct house,condo,hotel room etc. This bitch was a blathering idiot just like you and death angel. Further more in my town we watch out for each other, my gun would not be the only one pointing at you so would several neighbors guns. Come here make threats to locals or at one of the campers at the camp grounds and see how many guns come out.

Where do you live?
reading comprehension issues re-read post dumb fuck
I live in the only place to live during walleye season. Spend a summer here and you will find out there is no where else to live during the summer. The Hamptons can kiss our ass. Spend all day every day on the lake and you will no longer give a shit what happens on land

When I die I want to come here.

Do you know the law on self defense there?
You should have watched the trial.

I did watch the trial... it was a fucking travesty. "Klan's Lady Auxillery acquits racist murderer."

Hey, funny thing about this jury. It was diverse. And we got justice for a chance.

If you had watched the trial you should know the FBI did an investigation on whether or not Z was a racist....the FBI said he was not.

Murder is a legal term and even though the defitnition of it has been posted on here you still do not know what it is.
Nah, you're a big mouth coward and your dog is probably a poodle....STFU

bwaaaaaaaaaaa just another phoney internet tough guy....if he had a pistol he would probably let it get taken from him and used against him.
Come find out. I live in Port Clinton Ohio. In this town your normal citizen wil shoot you for entering their house. No tougher than normal citizen here. Our cops are not idiots not one of them would have made this mistake. They know the locals by name and certainly are not stupis enough to walk into the wrong house. This is party central and we have black out drunks here that manage to get to the correct house,condo,hotel room etc. This bitch was a blathering idiot just like you and death angel. Further more in my town we watch out for each other, my gun would not be the only one pointing at you so would several neighbors guns. Come here make threats to locals or at one of the campers at the camp grounds and see how many guns come out.

Where do you live?
reading comprehension issues re-read post dumb fuck
I live in the only place to live during walleye season. Spend a summer here and you will find out there is no where else to live during the summer. The Hamptons can kiss our ass. Spend all day every day on the lake and you will no longer give a shit what happens on land

When I die I want to come here.

Do you know the law on self defense there?
Sure do! Major protections on your own property. Then the 12 people on the jury are neighbors and freinds. Also fish with the common pleas judge several times a month. Small town America we all know each other this stupid shit does not happen here

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