Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

If you had watched the trial you should know the FBI did an investigation on whether or not Z was a racist....the FBI said he was not.

Murder is a legal term and even though the defitnition of it has been posted on here you still do not know what it is.

What a minute, now you LIKE the FBI?

He shot an unarmed kid going home after stalking him. That's murder.

But I was answering a post of saying that Miss Amber's explanation that she entered the apartment in error was "not believable".

And of course it was "believable".

Whether its a valid defense under Texas law is a different question.

It really doesn't matter. Her ineptitude led to his death.
His poor choices led to his death.

Show your damn empty hands when a cop points a gun at you!

That idea is changing. It was illegal for her to go into his home and point a gun at him.

One does not have to obey an illegal order.

Or, what about his right to stand his ground? I wonder how this case would have went had he shot her.

No charges. We have examples of that.
We have examples of black men accidentally walking into the wrong homes and killing the occupant (who happens to be a police officer) -- and not being charged???


But I was answering a post of saying that Miss Amber's explanation that she entered the apartment in error was "not believable".

And of course it was "believable".

Whether its a valid defense under Texas law is a different question.

It really doesn't matter. Her ineptitude led to his death.
His poor choices led to his death.

Show your damn empty hands when a cop points a gun at you!

That idea is changing. It was illegal for her to go into his home and point a gun at him.

One does not have to obey an illegal order.

Or, what about his right to stand his ground? I wonder how this case would have went had he shot her.

If Mr. Jean had gone into her apartment guns blazing, and said "this is for the Gentle Giant Michael Brown" or "This is for Trayvon", he would have been hailed as a hero by the left. Mumia is considered virtually a demigod by the libs for slaughtering a police officer in cold blood and has even delivered commencement speeches for liberal colleges.
But he didn't do that.....he was an innocent man who was murdered in his own home..

Which is why Amber is a hero to racist d1c suckers like yourself....
bwaaaaaaaa what a idiot. It was not uncommon for folks to go to the wrong apt. in that complex which has been pointed ouot many times already...you still seem not to get it....you seem to think going to the wrong apt. is somehow criminal...ridiculous.

If it was an unarmed black person entering your apartment and you shot him you would be put on trial and likely convicted because you are a racist and you shot an unarmed black....that is the way the courts operate now.
You are a dumb fuck ! In my state you come through my door with out invitation you get blasted. It is called breaking and entering. The fact that you enter my residence with out permision gives me reasonable fear for my life. You die, I live free. No one with a brain can not find thier own home. If you can not find your own front door you have no buisness arguing with any one. I have lioved my whole life with out entering the wrong residence.
As pointed out many, many times already that was a common mistake in that problem where all the apartments looked alike.

Also again....you shoot an unarmed black you go to trial. Lots of folks like you though that carry concealed weapons and have no idea how that opens them to being charged with murder if the shoot an unarmed black no matter what he is doing...you best wize up or you might be going to jail like this poor woman.
I will take my chances. That poor women is to stupid to walk free. Common mistake is hillarious, these people must be drooling idiots and natural selection will take care of them eventually.

I have full and complete knowlege of the risks of carrying a fire arm. I pay attention to what the fuck I am doing and do not make these kind of mistakes. I also understand the risks of not carrying. I prefer to carry in many situations. There are times in low risk areas I do not carry. I typically do not have my gun right on me in my home but they are close by and again my dog is vigilent. Who ever you are be it cop or no cop. There is inherant risk in entering the wrong home. It is a mistake, do not be stupid enough to add to the mistake by shooting some one. At some point self responsibilty must apply. You make thes types of mistakes and you pay for them. This is advise to all! Some more good advice is lock your door so some idiot can not make this type of mistake and or have a dog that deals with intruders. This women likely would not have been shot at my residence, my dog would have gotten to her before I would have need to shoot her. Of course I likely would have still shot her so she could not have a chance to testify and have my dog put to sleep for doing his job.

first of all she was according to blacks legal dictionary a innocent trespasser....aka unknowingly entering the residence of another ....then believing she was in her own apartment she was confronted with what she reasonably thought was an intruder or burglar.

Now of course she made a mistake going to the wrong apartment and of course that is a dangerouos thing to do...but she did it innocently.

Then to make matters worse the black refused to obey a uniformed police officer.

Police have to deal with blacks constantly...thus they know how dangerous they can be...her training kicked in and in her mind she eliminated the threat to her life.

Those who do not understand she was in fear of her life are being unreasonable...I think most people in that situation would have been if fear of their life.

Just a screwed up situation all around....yet anyone with any legal knowledge should understand she was definitely not guilty of murder. In order for murder to occur there must be malice.

Juries like this one are constantly whittling away at our right to self defense.....and add to that the big push to confiscate weapons. Bad precedents are being set.

anyhow....tell us why you think this woman did not believe her life was in danger.

In the end it doesn't matter. The how was not the issue, it was what happened that was the issue. She shot him. She didn't need to shoot him. Drunk drivers don't MEAN to kill people when they begin their evening out, but they do. Her sentence was less then what most habitual drunk drivers get when they kill people. Her charges and sentence was just.

The problem with your analysis is that she did not have the benefit of hindsight.

She perceived a threat to her life for 2 reasons and understandably so....she thought there was an intruder in her apartment and he refused to obey her order.

You simply refuse to consider her state of mind....sure she made a honest mistake and went into someone elses apartment. But case law on innocent trespassing dictates that a person who trespasses innocently is not responsible for any harm they do as a result ot that innocent trespass.
You should have watched the trial.

I did watch the trial... it was a fucking travesty. "Klan's Lady Auxillery acquits racist murderer."

Hey, funny thing about this jury. It was diverse. And we got justice for a chance.

If you had watched the trial you should know the FBI did an investigation on whether or not Z was a racist....the FBI said he was not.

Murder is a legal term and even though the defitnition of it has been posted on here you still do not know what it is.
Nah, you're a big mouth coward and your dog is probably a poodle....STFU

bwaaaaaaaaaaa just another phoney internet tough guy....if he had a pistol he would probably let it get taken from him and used against him.
Come find out. I live in Port Clinton Ohio. In this town your normal citizen wil shoot you for entering their house. No tougher than normal citizen here. Our cops are not idiots not one of them would have made this mistake. They know the locals by name and certainly are not stupis enough to walk into the wrong house. This is party central and we have black out drunks here that manage to get to the correct house,condo,hotel room etc. This bitch was a blathering idiot just like you and death angel. Further more in my town we watch out for each other, my gun would not be the only one pointing at you so would several neighbors guns. Come here make threats to locals or at one of the campers at the camp grounds and see how many guns come out.

Where do you live?
reading comprehension issues re-read post dumb fuck
I live in the only place to live during walleye season. Spend a summer here and you will find out there is no where else to live during the summer. The Hamptons can kiss our ass. Spend all day every day on the lake and you will no longer give a shit what happens on land

When I die I want to come here.

Do you know the law on self defense there?
Come here find out what it is like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No better place to live in the world!!!!!!!!!!! Great people,great times, live out doors, fish, party, make freinds put the fucking smart phone away. Get back to nature and be happy. Ultra rich hangs with ultra poor and no one can tell them apart when they are not on thier boats. Endless supply of rich little chicks on vacation looking to have a good time. Experience a better way of life. Happy people, goiing happy places, doing happy things. Freindly, intellegent cops that will know you by first name if you interact with them. Welcoming to all and billions of dollars of tourism money coming in.Heaven!
Why do you hate her?

I do not believe anyone has the right to take the life of another outside of actual direct self defense.

Has nothing to do with hate. It's why I am pro-life and against our stupid wars also.

That is what she thought she was doing....defending her life... in the circumstances it was perfectly reasonable for her to believe that.

The problem being juries like the morons on here do not understand the law on self defense...it is all about the perception of the defendant...did he or she have a reasonable belief that their life was in danger?

Instead the juries focus on what they would have done using hindsight.....newsflash....she did not have the benefit of hindsight.

In her mind she was in her apartment and she was confronted with an intruder....her first thought being he was burglar...thus her order let me see your hands...the black refused to listen to her and instead advanced on her...so she shot to defend her life. that is all there was to it.

But the jury allowed prosecutor to turn the case into one of a evil white racists cop shooting an unarmed black man.

There was a zero threat to her life. None.

She didn't see it that way.

Suppose Mr. Jean would have lunged at her, perhaps with a shiv?

Legally he could have.

The law on self defense applies to everyone...if he had a reasonable belief his life was in danger he would have been entitled to use deadly force. Though her being a police officer in uniform would work against him.

The important question here is why did he disobey a lawful police order....all he had to do was raise his hands but he did not do that...he advanced on her with tragic results.

Just one big screwed up incident....a police officer going to the wrong apartment and the door was open...what are the odds on that?
You are a dumb fuck ! In my state you come through my door with out invitation you get blasted. It is called breaking and entering. The fact that you enter my residence with out permision gives me reasonable fear for my life. You die, I live free. No one with a brain can not find thier own home. If you can not find your own front door you have no buisness arguing with any one. I have lioved my whole life with out entering the wrong residence.
As pointed out many, many times already that was a common mistake in that problem where all the apartments looked alike.

Also again....you shoot an unarmed black you go to trial. Lots of folks like you though that carry concealed weapons and have no idea how that opens them to being charged with murder if the shoot an unarmed black no matter what he is doing...you best wize up or you might be going to jail like this poor woman.
I will take my chances. That poor women is to stupid to walk free. Common mistake is hillarious, these people must be drooling idiots and natural selection will take care of them eventually.

I have full and complete knowlege of the risks of carrying a fire arm. I pay attention to what the fuck I am doing and do not make these kind of mistakes. I also understand the risks of not carrying. I prefer to carry in many situations. There are times in low risk areas I do not carry. I typically do not have my gun right on me in my home but they are close by and again my dog is vigilent. Who ever you are be it cop or no cop. There is inherant risk in entering the wrong home. It is a mistake, do not be stupid enough to add to the mistake by shooting some one. At some point self responsibilty must apply. You make thes types of mistakes and you pay for them. This is advise to all! Some more good advice is lock your door so some idiot can not make this type of mistake and or have a dog that deals with intruders. This women likely would not have been shot at my residence, my dog would have gotten to her before I would have need to shoot her. Of course I likely would have still shot her so she could not have a chance to testify and have my dog put to sleep for doing his job.

first of all she was according to blacks legal dictionary a innocent trespasser....aka unknowingly entering the residence of another ....then believing she was in her own apartment she was confronted with what she reasonably thought was an intruder or burglar.

Now of course she made a mistake going to the wrong apartment and of course that is a dangerouos thing to do...but she did it innocently.

Then to make matters worse the black refused to obey a uniformed police officer.

Police have to deal with blacks constantly...thus they know how dangerous they can be...her training kicked in and in her mind she eliminated the threat to her life.

Those who do not understand she was in fear of her life are being unreasonable...I think most people in that situation would have been if fear of their life.

Just a screwed up situation all around....yet anyone with any legal knowledge should understand she was definitely not guilty of murder. In order for murder to occur there must be malice.

Juries like this one are constantly whittling away at our right to self defense.....and add to that the big push to confiscate weapons. Bad precedents are being set.

anyhow....tell us why you think this woman did not believe her life was in danger.

In the end it doesn't matter. The how was not the issue, it was what happened that was the issue. She shot him. She didn't need to shoot him. Drunk drivers don't MEAN to kill people when they begin their evening out, but they do. Her sentence was less then what most habitual drunk drivers get when they kill people. Her charges and sentence was just.

The problem with your analysis is that she did not have the benefit of hindsight.

She perceived a threat to her life for 2 reasons and understandably so....she thought there was an intruder in her apartment and he refused to obey her order.

You simply refuse to consider her state of mind....sure she made a honest mistake and went into someone elses apartment. But case law on innocent trespassing dictates that a person who trespasses innocently is not responsible for any harm they do as a result ot that innocent trespass.
Did not need hind site just needed to pay fucking attention No excuses, she is a worthless dumb fuck. You carry a fire arm you need to pay attention or should not carry.End of story. She is a dumb fuck!
As pointed out many, many times already that was a common mistake in that problem where all the apartments looked alike.

Also again....you shoot an unarmed black you go to trial. Lots of folks like you though that carry concealed weapons and have no idea how that opens them to being charged with murder if the shoot an unarmed black no matter what he is doing...you best wize up or you might be going to jail like this poor woman.
I will take my chances. That poor women is to stupid to walk free. Common mistake is hillarious, these people must be drooling idiots and natural selection will take care of them eventually.

I have full and complete knowlege of the risks of carrying a fire arm. I pay attention to what the fuck I am doing and do not make these kind of mistakes. I also understand the risks of not carrying. I prefer to carry in many situations. There are times in low risk areas I do not carry. I typically do not have my gun right on me in my home but they are close by and again my dog is vigilent. Who ever you are be it cop or no cop. There is inherant risk in entering the wrong home. It is a mistake, do not be stupid enough to add to the mistake by shooting some one. At some point self responsibilty must apply. You make thes types of mistakes and you pay for them. This is advise to all! Some more good advice is lock your door so some idiot can not make this type of mistake and or have a dog that deals with intruders. This women likely would not have been shot at my residence, my dog would have gotten to her before I would have need to shoot her. Of course I likely would have still shot her so she could not have a chance to testify and have my dog put to sleep for doing his job.

first of all she was according to blacks legal dictionary a innocent trespasser....aka unknowingly entering the residence of another ....then believing she was in her own apartment she was confronted with what she reasonably thought was an intruder or burglar.

Now of course she made a mistake going to the wrong apartment and of course that is a dangerouos thing to do...but she did it innocently.

Then to make matters worse the black refused to obey a uniformed police officer.

Police have to deal with blacks constantly...thus they know how dangerous they can be...her training kicked in and in her mind she eliminated the threat to her life.

Those who do not understand she was in fear of her life are being unreasonable...I think most people in that situation would have been if fear of their life.

Just a screwed up situation all around....yet anyone with any legal knowledge should understand she was definitely not guilty of murder. In order for murder to occur there must be malice.

Juries like this one are constantly whittling away at our right to self defense.....and add to that the big push to confiscate weapons. Bad precedents are being set.

anyhow....tell us why you think this woman did not believe her life was in danger.

In the end it doesn't matter. The how was not the issue, it was what happened that was the issue. She shot him. She didn't need to shoot him. Drunk drivers don't MEAN to kill people when they begin their evening out, but they do. Her sentence was less then what most habitual drunk drivers get when they kill people. Her charges and sentence was just.

The problem with your analysis is that she did not have the benefit of hindsight.

She perceived a threat to her life for 2 reasons and understandably so....she thought there was an intruder in her apartment and he refused to obey her order.

You simply refuse to consider her state of mind....sure she made a honest mistake and went into someone elses apartment. But case law on innocent trespassing dictates that a person who trespasses innocently is not responsible for any harm they do as a result ot that innocent trespass.
Did not need hind site just needed to pay fucking attention No excuses, she is a worthless dumb fuck. You carry a fire arm you need to pay attention or should not carry.End of story. She is a dumb fuck!

Being stupid does not deny anyone the right to self defense.

Any reasonable person should be able to understand her very reasonable belief that her life was in danger and the reason why she believed that.

There were 12 reasonable people on her jury, and they didn't buy it for a second.

Black people have little ability to understand the law on self defense. The question is how so many black people wound up on the jury.

This was a miscarriage of justice plain and simple....she will be vindicated on appeal.
It really doesn't matter. Her ineptitude led to his death.
His poor choices led to his death.

Show your damn empty hands when a cop points a gun at you!

That idea is changing. It was illegal for her to go into his home and point a gun at him.

One does not have to obey an illegal order.

Or, what about his right to stand his ground? I wonder how this case would have went had he shot her.

If Mr. Jean had gone into her apartment guns blazing, and said "this is for the Gentle Giant Michael Brown" or "This is for Trayvon", he would have been hailed as a hero by the left. Mumia is considered virtually a demigod by the libs for slaughtering a police officer in cold blood and has even delivered commencement speeches for liberal colleges.
But he didn't do that.....he was an innocent man who was murdered in his own home..

Which is why Amber is a hero to racist d1c suckers like yourself....

I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?
The problem with your analysis is that she did not have the benefit of hindsight.

She perceived a threat to her life for 2 reasons and understandably so....she thought there was an intruder in her apartment and he refused to obey her order.

You simply refuse to consider her state of mind....sure she made a honest mistake and went into someone elses apartment. But case law on innocent trespassing dictates that a person who trespasses innocently is not responsible for any harm they do as a result ot that innocent trespass.

Again, 12 jurors saw it differently...

The fact her first response to HER "honest" mistake was to double-tap a citizen sitting in his own home eating Ice Cream is the problem here. It tells you how we are training cops to be trigger happy maniacs.

"Shoot First, Ask Questions Later" is not a good policy.
I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

The guy was sitting on his own couch in his own home.
It really doesn't matter. Her ineptitude led to his death.
His poor choices led to his death.

Show your damn empty hands when a cop points a gun at you!

That idea is changing. It was illegal for her to go into his home and point a gun at him.

One does not have to obey an illegal order.

Or, what about his right to stand his ground? I wonder how this case would have went had he shot her.

No charges. We have examples of that.
We have examples of black men accidentally walking into the wrong homes and killing the occupant (who happens to be a police officer) -- and not being charged???


Don't reply when you are unable to comprehend the question replied to.
Black people have little ability to understand the law on self defense. The question is how so many black people wound up on the jury.

This was a miscarriage of justice plain and simple....she will be vindicated on appeal.

Judges are elected officials. No one is going to go out on a limb for this bitch.

Oh, I agree, most black people don't understand how cops and racists can shoot unarmed black people and it can be called "self-defense".

The difference here is that unlike most cases, where they eliminate black folks from juries, the prosecutor here allowed them. GASP. Justice.
If you had watched the trial you should know the FBI did an investigation on whether or not Z was a racist....the FBI said he was not.

Murder is a legal term and even though the defitnition of it has been posted on here you still do not know what it is.

What a minute, now you LIKE the FBI?

He shot an unarmed kid going home after stalking him. That's murder.

I do not like the FBI but they did a thorough investigation(they were no friend of Z" and determined he was not a racist. One of his grandfathers was black, he is not white...he is a hispanic with some- black blood.

You, your ilk and the media always want to harp on someone being un-armed especially if they are black....how many white folks have been beaten to death by blacks using nothing but their hands and or feet....the internet is saturated with videos demonstrating that.

Being unarmed is irrelevant.

You do not know the facts of the case...trayvon stalked no one. Trayvon assaulted George for no good reason....some say because he thought George was a homersexual.

Anyhow if you had watched the trial you would have seen that Trayvon took off running .....got clean away from George....George had no idea where he was. From the point where he took off running he could have beme in approx. 20 seconds....this was proved in court...and in fact Trayvon told his g/f over the phone he had gone home....but he did not stay home....why not? He for whatever reason doubled back and ambushed George....all proven in court.
I do not like the FBI but they did a thorough investigation(they were no friend of Z" and determined he was not a racist. One of his grandfathers was black, he is not white...he is a hispanic with some- black blood.

You, your ilk and the media always want to harp on someone being un-armed especially if they are black....how many white folks have been beaten to death by blacks using nothing but their hands and or feet....the internet is saturated with videos demonstrating that.

of people being beaten to death, or just being beaten?

Come on. ZImmerman was bigger than Trayvon, and he was still getting his ass kicked in a fight he instigated before he shot an unarmed kid.

Anyhow if you had watched the trial you would have seen that Trayvon took off running .....got clean away from George....George had no idea where he was. From the point where he took off running he could have beme in approx. 20 seconds....this was proved in court...and in fact Trayvon told his g/f over the phone he had gone home....but he did not stay home....why not? He for whatever reason doubled back and ambushed George....all proven in court.

The only thing "proven" in court is that if you give a racist an all-white jury in the South, you aren't going to get justice.

Since his acquittal, Zimmerman has been arrested a half-dozen times for beating his girlfriend and wife... and starting fights with strangers.
You do not know the facts of the case...trayvon stalked no one. Trayvon assaulted George for no good reason....some say because he thought George was a homersexual.

That's based upon what the Martin boy's chubby girlfriend said on the stand.

Trayvon said Señor Zimmerman was a creepy "Ass-Cracker", a clear slur which indicated that Martin thought Z took it in the caboose.
I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

The guy was sitting on his own couch in his own home.
And a SWAT team shows up because they got the wrong address.

How do you respond? Like a FOOL, or do you OBEY and work it out TOMORROW when you're still alive?
I do not like the FBI but they did a thorough investigation(they were no friend of Z" and determined he was not a racist. One of his grandfathers was black, he is not white...he is a hispanic with some- black blood.

You, your ilk and the media always want to harp on someone being un-armed especially if they are black....how many white folks have been beaten to death by blacks using nothing but their hands and or feet....the internet is saturated with videos demonstrating that.

of people being beaten to death, or just being beaten?

Come on. ZImmerman was bigger than Trayvon, and he was still getting his ass kicked in a fight he instigated before he shot an unarmed kid.

Anyhow if you had watched the trial you would have seen that Trayvon took off running .....got clean away from George....George had no idea where he was. From the point where he took off running he could have beme in approx. 20 seconds....this was proved in court...and in fact Trayvon told his g/f over the phone he had gone home....but he did not stay home....why not? He for whatever reason doubled back and ambushed George....all proven in court.

The only thing "proven" in court is that if you give a racist an all-white jury in the South, you aren't going to get justice.

Since his acquittal, Zimmerman has been arrested a half-dozen times for beating his girlfriend and wife... and starting fights with strangers.

Actually, the Zimmerman jury wasn't "all white". As far a Zimmerman's sometimes erratic behavior since his trial, remember he has been walking around with a million dollar bounty on his head issued by the Black Panther Party. And he isn't a honky, at all. He's a hot blooded Latino, oozing with machismo.
I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

The guy was sitting on his own couch in his own home.

Nope. That was the claim by the prosecution but the evidence proved otherwise.

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