Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

You do not know the facts of the case...trayvon stalked no one. Trayvon assaulted George for no good reason....some say because he thought George was a homersexual.

That's based upon what the Martin boy's chubby girlfriend said on the stand.

Trayvon said Señor Zimmerman was a creepy "Ass-Cracker", a clear slur which indicated that Martin thought Z took it in the caboose.

"Cracker" is a racial slur that Negroes use against Whites.
You do not know the facts of the case...trayvon stalked no one. Trayvon assaulted George for no good reason....some say because he thought George was a homersexual.

That's based upon what the Martin boy's chubby girlfriend said on the stand.

Trayvon said Señor Zimmerman was a creepy "Ass-Cracker", a clear slur which indicated that Martin thought Z took it in the caboose.

"Cracker" is a racial slur that Negroes use against Whites.

Sure, except for the fact that Trayvon called George an "Ass Cracker" which is a homophobic slur. Mr. Zimmerman wasn't white, so it wouldn't have been appropriate for Trayvon to use an anti-white slur.
You do not know the facts of the case...trayvon stalked no one. Trayvon assaulted George for no good reason....some say because he thought George was a homersexual.

That's based upon what the Martin boy's chubby girlfriend said on the stand.

Trayvon said Señor Zimmerman was a creepy "Ass-Cracker", a clear slur which indicated that Martin thought Z took it in the caboose.

You sure that wasn’t “Creepy Assed” Cracker?
Classy folks the Jean family is.

Well his brother certainly is...sounds like a True Christian.

A good example to all these liberal haters on here so pumped up by their hatred they are willing to send a innocent woman to jail to promote their political agenda of evil white racists.

She ain't going to jail because she is racist. She is going to jail because she shot a dude.

She is going to jail because she shot a black man. If the victim had been white she would not have been charged with murder....perhaps manslaughter but probably not even that.

Then why was the black police officer who shot and killed a white woman who came to his squad car in Minneapolis convicted of murder?
His poor choices led to his death.

Show your damn empty hands when a cop points a gun at you!

That idea is changing. It was illegal for her to go into his home and point a gun at him.

One does not have to obey an illegal order.

Or, what about his right to stand his ground? I wonder how this case would have went had he shot her.

If Mr. Jean had gone into her apartment guns blazing, and said "this is for the Gentle Giant Michael Brown" or "This is for Trayvon", he would have been hailed as a hero by the left. Mumia is considered virtually a demigod by the libs for slaughtering a police officer in cold blood and has even delivered commencement speeches for liberal colleges.
But he didn't do that.....he was an innocent man who was murdered in his own home..

Which is why Amber is a hero to racist d1c suckers like yourself....

I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

So the claim is that someone not following a police order deserves to be shot?

No gun, no weapon, no threat.......just failure to put your hands up
You do not know the facts of the case...trayvon stalked no one. Trayvon assaulted George for no good reason....some say because he thought George was a homersexual.

That's based upon what the Martin boy's chubby girlfriend said on the stand.

Trayvon said Señor Zimmerman was a creepy "Ass-Cracker", a clear slur which indicated that Martin thought Z took it in the caboose.

You sure that wasn’t “Creepy Assed” Cracker?

I heard "creepy ass", not "creepy assed" when the testimony was given. What did the court reporter write down?
You do not know the facts of the case...trayvon stalked no one. Trayvon assaulted George for no good reason....some say because he thought George was a homersexual.

That's based upon what the Martin boy's chubby girlfriend said on the stand.

Trayvon said Señor Zimmerman was a creepy "Ass-Cracker", a clear slur which indicated that Martin thought Z took it in the caboose.

You sure that wasn’t “Creepy Assed” Cracker?

The media reported that Jeantel testified that Trayvon said "creepy Ass cracker", not "creepy assed cracker". Creepy clearly modifies "Ass cracker" according to the rules of English grammar I'm familiar with.

Teen who spoke to Trayvon Martin moments before his death testifies in Zimmerman trial
Question for you stupid Moon Bats.

The asshole Obama Administration let Crooked Hillary skate on her crimes and not be charged because they said she had "no intent".

Amber didn't have an intent to murder anybody so why was she charged?

Is there one set of laws for the Democrat Presidential Nominee and another set for the rest of us?
Question for you stupid Moon Bats.

The asshole Obama Administration let Crooked Hillary skate on her crimes and not be charged because they said she had "no intent".

Amber didn't have an intent to murder anybody so why was she charged?

Is there one set of laws for the Democrat Presidential Nominee and another set for the rest of us?

Moonbats believe that as a Honky police office, Amber was an irredeemable racist. In fact they are pissed that she wasn't charged with a hate crime.

Police officers would be well advised to avoid young blacks, America's Official Sacred Cows.

The liberal mobs are no more interested in reading your good reason for offending them than Hindus in Calcutta are interested on why people offended the Cow, the official Sacred Cow over there.
That idea is changing. It was illegal for her to go into his home and point a gun at him.

One does not have to obey an illegal order.

Or, what about his right to stand his ground? I wonder how this case would have went had he shot her.

If Mr. Jean had gone into her apartment guns blazing, and said "this is for the Gentle Giant Michael Brown" or "This is for Trayvon", he would have been hailed as a hero by the left. Mumia is considered virtually a demigod by the libs for slaughtering a police officer in cold blood and has even delivered commencement speeches for liberal colleges.
But he didn't do that.....he was an innocent man who was murdered in his own home..

Which is why Amber is a hero to racist d1c suckers like yourself....

I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

So the claim is that someone not following a police order deserves to be shot?

No gun, no weapon, no threat.......just failure to put your hands up

YES! show your damn hands when a cop tells you to.
Or, what about his right to stand his ground? I wonder how this case would have went had he shot her.

If Mr. Jean had gone into her apartment guns blazing, and said "this is for the Gentle Giant Michael Brown" or "This is for Trayvon", he would have been hailed as a hero by the left. Mumia is considered virtually a demigod by the libs for slaughtering a police officer in cold blood and has even delivered commencement speeches for liberal colleges.
But he didn't do that.....he was an innocent man who was murdered in his own home..

Which is why Amber is a hero to racist d1c suckers like yourself....

I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

So the claim is that someone not following a police order deserves to be shot?

No gun, no weapon, no threat.......just failure to put your hands up

YES! show your damn hands when a cop tells you to.

Cops are actually reasonable people if you talk to them reasonably. A friend of mine was holding up traffic when his 22 year old Lincoln broke down on a crowded street.

He talked to the police civilly, and they helped him push his car out of traffic in an understanding way- even though he was going home after 14 beers in a local watering hole and was concerned about a possible breathalyzer.

But he didn't mouth off, and was able to resolve the situation.
Botham Jean's brother forgives and hugs ex-cop as she's sentenced to 10 years for his killing

"A jury sentenced a former Dallas police officer to 10 years in prison Wednesday for the shooting death of her unarmed neighbor in his home last year.

"Amber Guyger was convicted of murder the day before by the same jury in the death of Botham Jean.

"The sentence was met with boos and jeers by a crowd gathered outside the courtroom.

"But Jean's younger brother, Brandt Jean, in a victim impact statement after the sentence, told Guyger he forgave her and loved her as he would any other person.

"He asked the judge if he could hug Guyger, and the two embraced as Guyger sobbed."
Botham Jean's brother forgives and hugs ex-cop as she's sentenced to 10 years for his killing

"A jury sentenced a former Dallas police officer to 10 years in prison Wednesday for the shooting death of her unarmed neighbor in his home last year.

"Amber Guyger was convicted of murder the day before by the same jury in the death of Botham Jean.

"The sentence was met with boos and jeers by a crowd gathered outside the courtroom.

"But Jean's younger brother, Brandt Jean, in a victim impact statement after the sentence, told Guyger he forgave her and loved her as he would any other person.

"He asked the judge if he could hug Guyger, and the two embraced as Guyger sobbed."

The lesson of this case was well learned by America's law enforcement professionals. Avoid confrontations with America's Sacred Cows, if you value your liberty and your life.
Botham Jean's brother forgives and hugs ex-cop as she's sentenced to 10 years for his killing

"A jury sentenced a former Dallas police officer to 10 years in prison Wednesday for the shooting death of her unarmed neighbor in his home last year.

"Amber Guyger was convicted of murder the day before by the same jury in the death of Botham Jean.

"The sentence was met with boos and jeers by a crowd gathered outside the courtroom.

"But Jean's younger brother, Brandt Jean, in a victim impact statement after the sentence, told Guyger he forgave her and loved her as he would any other person.

"He asked the judge if he could hug Guyger, and the two embraced as Guyger sobbed."

The lesson of this case was well learned by America's law enforcement professionals. Avoid confrontations with America's Sacred Cows, if you value your liberty and your life.

Guilty, shooting a white woman.

Botham Jean's brother forgives and hugs ex-cop as she's sentenced to 10 years for his killing

"A jury sentenced a former Dallas police officer to 10 years in prison Wednesday for the shooting death of her unarmed neighbor in his home last year.

"Amber Guyger was convicted of murder the day before by the same jury in the death of Botham Jean.

"The sentence was met with boos and jeers by a crowd gathered outside the courtroom.

"But Jean's younger brother, Brandt Jean, in a victim impact statement after the sentence, told Guyger he forgave her and loved her as he would any other person.

"He asked the judge if he could hug Guyger, and the two embraced as Guyger sobbed."

The lesson of this case was well learned by America's law enforcement professionals. Avoid confrontations with America's Sacred Cows, if you value your liberty and your life.
Next generation of cops will be recruited from the ghetto because no one else will take the job. The future cop will blur the lines between cop and gang thug
Botham Jean's brother forgives and hugs ex-cop as she's sentenced to 10 years for his killing

"A jury sentenced a former Dallas police officer to 10 years in prison Wednesday for the shooting death of her unarmed neighbor in his home last year.

"Amber Guyger was convicted of murder the day before by the same jury in the death of Botham Jean.

"The sentence was met with boos and jeers by a crowd gathered outside the courtroom.

"But Jean's younger brother, Brandt Jean, in a victim impact statement after the sentence, told Guyger he forgave her and loved her as he would any other person.

"He asked the judge if he could hug Guyger, and the two embraced as Guyger sobbed."

The lesson of this case was well learned by America's law enforcement professionals. Avoid confrontations with America's Sacred Cows, if you value your liberty and your life.
The lesson of this case was well learned by America's law enforcement professionals. Avoid confrontations with America's Sacred Cows, if you value your liberty and your life.
You're missing the point.
Guyger made the biggest mistake of her life, and she will spend at least her next five years in prison before becoming eligible for parole.
White police officers have a long track record of shooting unarmed black civilians at a higher rate than white civilians, and for centuries they did so with impunity.

Shooting bias - Wikipedia

"In 2016, The Guardian counted 1093 people[5] who were killed by the police in the United States. Out of these 574 were white and 266 were black. 95 of the white victims were unarmed, 42 of the black victims were unarmed.

"More white than black people are shot. It is important to distinguish to differentiate between the number of deaths of an ethnic group and the likelihood of being shot by police.

"The likelihood of being shot as a black rather than a white person is higher, whether the victim is armed or not.[1]

"Prominent examples of unarmed black civilians being fatally shot by the police include:

  • "November 22, 2014: Tamir Rice (Cleveland) was killed by police officers at the age of 12. Police claimed that it was because they mistook his toy gun, which lacked the orange safety feature marking it as a replica and not a true firearm, for a real weapon. Video showed that the gun was tucked into Tamir's pants and the barrel was not visible when he was approached by police. The entire gun was also under his shirt when he was shot."
Classy folks the Jean family is.

Well his brother certainly is...sounds like a True Christian.

A good example to all these liberal haters on here so pumped up by their hatred they are willing to send a innocent woman to jail to promote their political agenda of evil white racists.

She ain't going to jail because she is racist. She is going to jail because she shot a dude.

She is going to jail because she shot a black man. If the victim had been white she would not have been charged with murder....perhaps manslaughter but probably not even that.

His brother sounds like a True Christian.
Only a slimy shameless pissant like you would use such an opportunity to prove so conclusively:
You ain't no True Christian.
Botham Jean's brother forgives and hugs ex-cop as she's sentenced to 10 years for his killing

"A jury sentenced a former Dallas police officer to 10 years in prison Wednesday for the shooting death of her unarmed neighbor in his home last year.

"Amber Guyger was convicted of murder the day before by the same jury in the death of Botham Jean.

"The sentence was met with boos and jeers by a crowd gathered outside the courtroom.

"But Jean's younger brother, Brandt Jean, in a victim impact statement after the sentence, told Guyger he forgave her and loved her as he would any other person.

"He asked the judge if he could hug Guyger, and the two embraced as Guyger sobbed."

The lesson of this case was well learned by America's law enforcement professionals. Avoid confrontations with America's Sacred Cows, if you value your liberty and your life.
Next generation of cops will be recruited from the ghetto because no one else will take the job. The future cop will blur the lines between cop and gang thug
Next generation of cops will be recruited from the ghetto because no one else will take the job. The future cop will blur the lines between cop and gang thug
The most effective death squads in Central America (and elsewhere) are composed of local gang members and off-duty police officers. If something isn't done to stem one core threat to US democracy, it could happen here.

One chart that shows how much worse income inequality is in America than Europe
Question for you stupid Moon Bats.

The asshole Obama Administration let Crooked Hillary skate on her crimes and not be charged because they said she had "no intent".

Amber didn't have an intent to murder anybody so why was she charged?

Is there one set of laws for the Democrat Presidential Nominee and another set for the rest of us?
She shot to kill

She did
Botham Jean's brother forgives and hugs ex-cop as she's sentenced to 10 years for his killing

"A jury sentenced a former Dallas police officer to 10 years in prison Wednesday for the shooting death of her unarmed neighbor in his home last year.

"Amber Guyger was convicted of murder the day before by the same jury in the death of Botham Jean.

"The sentence was met with boos and jeers by a crowd gathered outside the courtroom.

"But Jean's younger brother, Brandt Jean, in a victim impact statement after the sentence, told Guyger he forgave her and loved her as he would any other person.

"He asked the judge if he could hug Guyger, and the two embraced as Guyger sobbed."

The lesson of this case was well learned by America's law enforcement professionals. Avoid confrontations with America's Sacred Cows, if you value your liberty and your life.

Guilty, shooting a white woman.

Police have a tough job and face tough life or death decisions

But there is a certain threshold of responsibility when you decide to pull the trigger. Some policemen don’t belong on the job. Amber Guyger and Noor are good examples.

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