Racist Elementery school Principle?

You guys would do well to know why Kap went from just sitting to taking a knee..............

Seems that a veteran who plays for the Seahawks saw him sitting during the anthem and asked him what it was about. Kap told him, and the veteran told Kap that it would be better and more respectful if he took a knee during the anthem rather than sitting, because that is how the military honors their fallen.

Here's how Nate Boyer got Colin Kaepernick to go from sitting to kneeling

In the 49ers' final preseason game, backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to kneel for the national anthem instead of taking a seat on the bench.

Turns out it was former Seahawks player and Green Beret Nate Boyer who talked Kap into making the change. Boyer wrote an open letter to Kaepernick earlier this season, and it caused the two to meet up and discuss America and honoring the anthem.

On the upcoming episode of HBO's "Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel" (airing Tuesday night at 10 p.m. ET), Boyer reveals what happened in the discussion between the two men.

"We sorta came to a middle ground where he would take a knee alongside his teammates," Boyer says. "Soldiers take a knee in front of a fallen brother's grave, you know, to show respect. When we're on a patrol, you know, and we go into a security halt, we take a knee, and we pull security."
Why wouldnt it be if there is no law against it?

Because it's done at the work place during work hours. The NFL is in control.
Bullshit. No football player is working during the anthem you moron. The game hasnt started yet.

Don't be stupider than usual. They're under NFL rules and regulations at the time. They have to be at the stadium by a certain time BEFORE the game. They have to be in uniform BEFORE the game. They have be to be present with the team BEFORE the game. They're at work.
You sound like an idiot. No one is working at all times just because they are at work. During the anthem everyone is on break you fool.

The stupid fool assumes that the boss's rules don't apply when he's on a coffee break talking to a female coworker and sexually harasses her. Would you be that stupid fool? It's not looking good.
You are damn fool if you are claiming that taking a knee and sexual harassment is the same thing. The first involves only you. The second involves infringing on another person you idiot.
Because it's done at the work place during work hours. The NFL is in control.
Bullshit. No football player is working during the anthem you moron. The game hasnt started yet.

Don't be stupider than usual. They're under NFL rules and regulations at the time. They have to be at the stadium by a certain time BEFORE the game. They have to be in uniform BEFORE the game. They have be to be present with the team BEFORE the game. They're at work.
You sound like an idiot. No one is working at all times just because they are at work. During the anthem everyone is on break you fool.

The stupid fool assumes that the boss's rules don't apply when he's on a coffee break talking to a female coworker and sexually harasses her. Would you be that stupid fool? It's not looking good.
You are damn fool if you are claiming that taking a knee and sexual harassment is the same thing. The first involves only you. The second involves infringing on another person you idiot.

And now you're weakly trying to move the goalposts after I nailed the field goal. Even when you're not actively working, if you are on the job, your employer's rules apply to you. Thus, it is not a free speech issue for NFL players to not honor the anthem and the NFL can either allow or shut down any protests.

Game, set AND match. You lose.
Bullshit. No football player is working during the anthem you moron. The game hasnt started yet.

Don't be stupider than usual. They're under NFL rules and regulations at the time. They have to be at the stadium by a certain time BEFORE the game. They have to be in uniform BEFORE the game. They have be to be present with the team BEFORE the game. They're at work.
You sound like an idiot. No one is working at all times just because they are at work. During the anthem everyone is on break you fool.

The stupid fool assumes that the boss's rules don't apply when he's on a coffee break talking to a female coworker and sexually harasses her. Would you be that stupid fool? It's not looking good.
You are damn fool if you are claiming that taking a knee and sexual harassment is the same thing. The first involves only you. The second involves infringing on another person you idiot.

And now you're weakly trying to move the goalposts after I nailed the field goal. Even when you're not actively working, if you are on the job, your employer's rules apply to you. Thus, it is not a free speech issue for NFL players to not honor the anthem and the NFL can either allow or shut down any protests.

Game, set AND match. You lose.
The goal post was always that the players were not working when the anthem was being played dumbass.
Well, part of the reason was because of the language the teacher used on their Facebook page, but the real outrage came because the parents feel that teachers should set a higher example because the students look up to them.

From the link...........................

Taking to her personal Facebook page to share her frustration over Nike’s decision to sign Kaepernick, who famously knelt in protest during the national anthem, Roni Burns-Ellis posted a photo of a cut-up Nike T-shirt alongside a strong message.

J.H. McGaugh Elementary School principal wrote. “When Nike signs an anti-American thug to represent their brand, I will not support, wear, purchase, or endorse their product. Bye-bye Nike.”

We may disagree but we hope our Los Alamitos School leaders will always act civilly, treat each other with respect, and not engage in name calling. Our children view the teachers and principals as a beacon of moral character. We hope our school leaders will act responsibly and will walk with kindness as they lead our children with their actions.”" data-reactid="19">Titled “Los Alamitos Unified School Leaders – Please lead by example!” the petition reads, in part: “We may disagree but we hope our Los Alamitos School leaders will always act civilly, treat each other with respect, and not engage in name calling. Our children view the teachers and principals as a beacon of moral character. We hope our school leaders will act responsibly and will walk with kindness as they lead our children with their actions.”

The petition, which launched Tuesday, currently has more than 1,300 signatures, as well as comments from parents who are speaking out against Burns-Ellis.

It is obvious Ms. Burns-Ellis has racist views on Blacks as she refers to Mr. Keapernick as a ‘thug,” one parent wrote. “He is no gangster, criminal or for that matter a thug. Leaders who teach children to stereotype any group, as this principal has done, has no business leading our teachers, community and especially our children. I implore our school board to release Ms. Burns-Ellis of her duties immediately. She is unfit to lead, period.”" data-reactid="32">“It is obvious Ms. Burns-Ellis has racist views on Blacks as she refers to Mr. Keapernick as a ‘thug,” one parent wrote. “He is no gangster, criminal or for that matter a thug. Leaders who teach children to stereotype any group, as this principal has done, has no business leading our teachers, community and especially our children. I implore our school board to release Ms. Burns-Ellis of her duties immediately. She is unfit to lead, period.”

I wonder if they would write the same letter about something critical of the President?
Well, part of the reason was because of the language the teacher used on their Facebook page, but the real outrage came because the parents feel that teachers should set a higher example because the students look up to them.

From the link...........................

Taking to her personal Facebook page to share her frustration over Nike’s decision to sign Kaepernick, who famously knelt in protest during the national anthem, Roni Burns-Ellis posted a photo of a cut-up Nike T-shirt alongside a strong message.

J.H. McGaugh Elementary School principal wrote. “When Nike signs an anti-American thug to represent their brand, I will not support, wear, purchase, or endorse their product. Bye-bye Nike.”

We may disagree but we hope our Los Alamitos School leaders will always act civilly, treat each other with respect, and not engage in name calling. Our children view the teachers and principals as a beacon of moral character. We hope our school leaders will act responsibly and will walk with kindness as they lead our children with their actions.”" data-reactid="19">Titled “Los Alamitos Unified School Leaders – Please lead by example!” the petition reads, in part: “We may disagree but we hope our Los Alamitos School leaders will always act civilly, treat each other with respect, and not engage in name calling. Our children view the teachers and principals as a beacon of moral character. We hope our school leaders will act responsibly and will walk with kindness as they lead our children with their actions.”

The petition, which launched Tuesday, currently has more than 1,300 signatures, as well as comments from parents who are speaking out against Burns-Ellis.

It is obvious Ms. Burns-Ellis has racist views on Blacks as she refers to Mr. Keapernick as a ‘thug,” one parent wrote. “He is no gangster, criminal or for that matter a thug. Leaders who teach children to stereotype any group, as this principal has done, has no business leading our teachers, community and especially our children. I implore our school board to release Ms. Burns-Ellis of her duties immediately. She is unfit to lead, period.”" data-reactid="32">“It is obvious Ms. Burns-Ellis has racist views on Blacks as she refers to Mr. Keapernick as a ‘thug,” one parent wrote. “He is no gangster, criminal or for that matter a thug. Leaders who teach children to stereotype any group, as this principal has done, has no business leading our teachers, community and especially our children. I implore our school board to release Ms. Burns-Ellis of her duties immediately. She is unfit to lead, period.”

I wonder if they would write the same letter about something critical of the President?
Well the buffoon in the white house isnt a Black guy so he wouldnt have used the dog whistle word "thug" to describe the orange shit stain.
Don't be stupider than usual. They're under NFL rules and regulations at the time. They have to be at the stadium by a certain time BEFORE the game. They have to be in uniform BEFORE the game. They have be to be present with the team BEFORE the game. They're at work.
You sound like an idiot. No one is working at all times just because they are at work. During the anthem everyone is on break you fool.

The stupid fool assumes that the boss's rules don't apply when he's on a coffee break talking to a female coworker and sexually harasses her. Would you be that stupid fool? It's not looking good.
You are damn fool if you are claiming that taking a knee and sexual harassment is the same thing. The first involves only you. The second involves infringing on another person you idiot.

And now you're weakly trying to move the goalposts after I nailed the field goal. Even when you're not actively working, if you are on the job, your employer's rules apply to you. Thus, it is not a free speech issue for NFL players to not honor the anthem and the NFL can either allow or shut down any protests.

Game, set AND match. You lose.
The goal post was always that the players were not working when the anthem was being played dumbass.
And your ignorance is exposed. The issue has been that you're pretending the players are not under NFL authority during the anthem. You are wrong in every fashion there is to be wrong. They are at work, they are on the job site, they are in uniform. And you are wrong.

Did I mention that you are wrong?
You sound like an idiot. No one is working at all times just because they are at work. During the anthem everyone is on break you fool.

The stupid fool assumes that the boss's rules don't apply when he's on a coffee break talking to a female coworker and sexually harasses her. Would you be that stupid fool? It's not looking good.
You are damn fool if you are claiming that taking a knee and sexual harassment is the same thing. The first involves only you. The second involves infringing on another person you idiot.

And now you're weakly trying to move the goalposts after I nailed the field goal. Even when you're not actively working, if you are on the job, your employer's rules apply to you. Thus, it is not a free speech issue for NFL players to not honor the anthem and the NFL can either allow or shut down any protests.

Game, set AND match. You lose.
The goal post was always that the players were not working when the anthem was being played dumbass.
And your ignorance is exposed. The issue has been that you're pretending the players are not under NFL authority during the anthem. You are wrong in every fashion there is to be wrong. They are at work, they are on the job site, they are in uniform. And you are wrong.

Did I mention that you are wrong?
No dumbass. I stated he wasnt working at the time. If you doubt me then pull up my post so you dont appear so ignorant.

Racist Elementery school Principle?

"Bullshit. No football player is working during the anthem you moron. The game hasnt started yet."

Yes you mentioned I was wrong but since you cant read I laughed at your attempt to convince me.
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The stupid fool assumes that the boss's rules don't apply when he's on a coffee break talking to a female coworker and sexually harasses her. Would you be that stupid fool? It's not looking good.
You are damn fool if you are claiming that taking a knee and sexual harassment is the same thing. The first involves only you. The second involves infringing on another person you idiot.

And now you're weakly trying to move the goalposts after I nailed the field goal. Even when you're not actively working, if you are on the job, your employer's rules apply to you. Thus, it is not a free speech issue for NFL players to not honor the anthem and the NFL can either allow or shut down any protests.

Game, set AND match. You lose.
The goal post was always that the players were not working when the anthem was being played dumbass.
And your ignorance is exposed. The issue has been that you're pretending the players are not under NFL authority during the anthem. You are wrong in every fashion there is to be wrong. They are at work, they are on the job site, they are in uniform. And you are wrong.

Did I mention that you are wrong?
No dumbass. I stated he wasnt working at the time. If you doubt me then pull up my post so you dont appear so ignorant.

Racist Elementery school Principle?

"Bullshit. No football player is working during the anthem you moron. The game hasnt started yet."

Yes you mentioned I was wrong but since you cant read I laughed at your attempt to convince me.

You said he wasn't working in a lame attempt to claim the protests are a first amendment issue because the NFL couldn't prevent them from doing it. I showed that you were wrong, I don't have to convince you. You can continue believing that you were right by rewording things, pretending you didn't say things, you know, all the lame things people do when they don't want to admit they are wrong. But you're still wrong. The protests are not a first amendment issue.
You are damn fool if you are claiming that taking a knee and sexual harassment is the same thing. The first involves only you. The second involves infringing on another person you idiot.

And now you're weakly trying to move the goalposts after I nailed the field goal. Even when you're not actively working, if you are on the job, your employer's rules apply to you. Thus, it is not a free speech issue for NFL players to not honor the anthem and the NFL can either allow or shut down any protests.

Game, set AND match. You lose.
The goal post was always that the players were not working when the anthem was being played dumbass.
And your ignorance is exposed. The issue has been that you're pretending the players are not under NFL authority during the anthem. You are wrong in every fashion there is to be wrong. They are at work, they are on the job site, they are in uniform. And you are wrong.

Did I mention that you are wrong?
No dumbass. I stated he wasnt working at the time. If you doubt me then pull up my post so you dont appear so ignorant.

Racist Elementery school Principle?

"Bullshit. No football player is working during the anthem you moron. The game hasnt started yet."

Yes you mentioned I was wrong but since you cant read I laughed at your attempt to convince me.

You said he wasn't working in a lame attempt to claim the protests are a first amendment issue because the NFL couldn't prevent them from doing it. I showed that you were wrong, I don't have to convince you. You can continue believing that you were right by rewording things, pretending you didn't say things, you know, all the lame things people do when they don't want to admit they are wrong. But you're still wrong. The protests are not a first amendment issue.
Thats right he wasnt working. What confused you about that to the point you lied and claimed I said they were not under NFL authority during the anthem?

You only showed me you were a stupid jackass that cant read or you are a chronic liar. I never said anything about them being a first amendment issue. If I were you I would get my lies straight or at least try to disguise them better.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!

Come on, man! Your link has the correct word "principal" in the wording, yet you messed it up?

The "principal" is your "pal". Try remembering that principle.
Thug is now a racist term. Dayum....fox smells its own hole and there sure are a lot of fox holes I guess.
Meanwhile, Kap IS a thug. There. I guess I am a racist. I'll live.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!

The answer is easy: she spoke against the Prevailing Religion and now She Must Pay.

Had she come out FOR Black Lives Matter or even Antifa for pity's sake, that would have been fine. But she dared to Speak The Unspeakable. She has conservatives views. She must be exposed and told to Shut Up, Or Else. I mean the local news is there. She called Colin Kapernick an "anti-American thug" on Facebook and this is somehow....NEWS.

I don't know how we got here, but it's bizarre.
And now you're weakly trying to move the goalposts after I nailed the field goal. Even when you're not actively working, if you are on the job, your employer's rules apply to you. Thus, it is not a free speech issue for NFL players to not honor the anthem and the NFL can either allow or shut down any protests.

Game, set AND match. You lose.
The goal post was always that the players were not working when the anthem was being played dumbass.
And your ignorance is exposed. The issue has been that you're pretending the players are not under NFL authority during the anthem. You are wrong in every fashion there is to be wrong. They are at work, they are on the job site, they are in uniform. And you are wrong.

Did I mention that you are wrong?
No dumbass. I stated he wasnt working at the time. If you doubt me then pull up my post so you dont appear so ignorant.

Racist Elementery school Principle?

"Bullshit. No football player is working during the anthem you moron. The game hasnt started yet."

Yes you mentioned I was wrong but since you cant read I laughed at your attempt to convince me.

You said he wasn't working in a lame attempt to claim the protests are a first amendment issue because the NFL couldn't prevent them from doing it. I showed that you were wrong, I don't have to convince you. You can continue believing that you were right by rewording things, pretending you didn't say things, you know, all the lame things people do when they don't want to admit they are wrong. But you're still wrong. The protests are not a first amendment issue.
Thats right he wasnt working. What confused you about that to the point you lied and claimed I said they were not under NFL authority during the anthem?

You only showed me you were a stupid jackass that cant read or you are a chronic liar. I never said anything about them being a first amendment issue. If I were you I would get my lies straight or at least try to disguise them better.

Don't have to because I'm not lying. Pretending an NFL player isn't at work during the national anthem is dumb. And if he's at work, laws allowing or preventing protest don't apply because he's under NFL authority.

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