Racist Elementery school Principle?

No youre the idiot. You actually think avoiding publicity is seeking publicity. Name one thing Kap did that was more successful at drawing publicity from the media than having a press conference you moron.
By getting them to ask and to make a deal out of it. That gets much more attention than a press conference that no one will watch, given his limited celebrity at the time. Anytime you can get the press to come to you and ask questions is always more effective than giving some speech. It has more staying power, the press becomes inquisitive and they make it a bigger story. You really have no clue
Youre an idiot. No one asked until they noticed he was sitting in the picture. Only a moron like you would think not being noticed for 3 games was seeking publicity when he could have simply called a press conference before the first game. :laugh:
You really don’t understand public relations and manipulation. You are a fucking moron.
I understand that flying under the radar is not a great strategy for drawing attention to your cause. Youre a fucking fool.
You understand nothing. Your ignorance is on full display. You need to stay in the shallow end of the pool.
Yeah clown. Tell us all again how not drawing attention to yourself for 3 games is seeking publicity. Are you retarded or is someone paying to pretend to be an idiot?
Actually I don't. Neither does Abikersailor. What does that tell you about your own opinion of Kap?
It tells me we disagree...........and that those that disagree have the right to tell him to take a long walk off a short bridge....

I served.......my whole family served.........and a Clerk's talk doesn't outweigh the Black Gangs opinion..........He knows what I just said.
It tells me exactly the same thing as I suspect it tells sailor. It tells me you might have served, but I rather doubt you truly grasped what you where serving. He has said it 2 times now. The US isn't the flag or the Anthem. It's the ideas in the constitution. The very first of those ideas was the ABSOLUTE right to express your opinion.
Works both ways...............When I find your opinion offensive then I have every right to call you out on it...........It's not a 1 way street.......

Sure, freedom of speech gives you the right to be an asshole. God knows I've been one on more then one occasion. What this OP is suggesting though is that only one of the two assholes ( providing I believe Kap is being an asshole which I don't), should have consequences.
If you want to say I'm an asshole.........it's a free country......now isn't it.......I don't care what you say.......That's the deal.

Now tell me about the video PIGS IN A BLANKET................which is part of this BS that started all of this...........Just like he wore pigs socks.........

He's an ass..................that is my opinion..........so are those chanting Fry them like Bacon............

I'll support the Police on this one...........and the Flag...............and the Anthem.
I reserve my judgement on you being an asshole until I get to know you, which I very much suspect will be never. I was referring to both Kap and the principal. Something you have to understand about me. I'm perfectly capable of distinguishing between the person on this forum and the person in the real world. You could be a perfectly OK human, with simply political beliefs I don't agree with. What prompted me to engage in this OP was the irony of lamenting the consequences for a person expressing their opinion on somebody who got himself in trouble for expressing his opinion. As you said the double standard.
By getting them to ask and to make a deal out of it. That gets much more attention than a press conference that no one will watch, given his limited celebrity at the time. Anytime you can get the press to come to you and ask questions is always more effective than giving some speech. It has more staying power, the press becomes inquisitive and they make it a bigger story. You really have no clue
Youre an idiot. No one asked until they noticed he was sitting in the picture. Only a moron like you would think not being noticed for 3 games was seeking publicity when he could have simply called a press conference before the first game. :laugh:
You really don’t understand public relations and manipulation. You are a fucking moron.
I understand that flying under the radar is not a great strategy for drawing attention to your cause. Youre a fucking fool.
You understand nothing. Your ignorance is on full display. You need to stay in the shallow end of the pool.
Yeah clown. Tell us all again how not drawing attention to yourself for 3 games is seeking publicity. Are you retarded or is someone paying to pretend to be an idiot?
Try going to public relations classes. It is classic 101manipiulation. I’m done with you.
Bc he’s black (or half black?) and everyone knows it’s racist to be critical of POC and that the only reason to be critical of them is bc you’re a dirty racist.

Please note my sarcasm.
Youre an idiot. No one asked until they noticed he was sitting in the picture. Only a moron like you would think not being noticed for 3 games was seeking publicity when he could have simply called a press conference before the first game. :laugh:
You really don’t understand public relations and manipulation. You are a fucking moron.
I understand that flying under the radar is not a great strategy for drawing attention to your cause. Youre a fucking fool.
You understand nothing. Your ignorance is on full display. You need to stay in the shallow end of the pool.
Yeah clown. Tell us all again how not drawing attention to yourself for 3 games is seeking publicity. Are you retarded or is someone paying to pretend to be an idiot?
Try going to public relations classes. It is classic 101manipiulation. I’m done with you.
I dont need to go to a public relations class to know wasting 3 games worth of time to put your cause in the limelight is a retards idea of seeking publicity. Youre a fucking fool and its best you be done. I know its getting embarrassing for you to try and keep up your charade.
If no one has pointed it out yet, the word you meant is 'Principal'.

Examples of and 'Elementary School Principles' are;

Always listen to the teacher.
Play nice with the other kids.
Don't eat the crayons.
It tells me we disagree...........and that those that disagree have the right to tell him to take a long walk off a short bridge....

I served.......my whole family served.........and a Clerk's talk doesn't outweigh the Black Gangs opinion..........He knows what I just said.
It tells me exactly the same thing as I suspect it tells sailor. It tells me you might have served, but I rather doubt you truly grasped what you where serving. He has said it 2 times now. The US isn't the flag or the Anthem. It's the ideas in the constitution. The very first of those ideas was the ABSOLUTE right to express your opinion.
Works both ways...............When I find your opinion offensive then I have every right to call you out on it...........It's not a 1 way street.......

Sure, freedom of speech gives you the right to be an asshole. God knows I've been one on more then one occasion. What this OP is suggesting though is that only one of the two assholes ( providing I believe Kap is being an asshole which I don't), should have consequences.
If you want to say I'm an asshole.........it's a free country......now isn't it.......I don't care what you say.......That's the deal.

Now tell me about the video PIGS IN A BLANKET................which is part of this BS that started all of this...........Just like he wore pigs socks.........

He's an ass..................that is my opinion..........so are those chanting Fry them like Bacon............

I'll support the Police on this one...........and the Flag...............and the Anthem.
I reserve my judgement on you being an asshole until I get to know you, which I very much suspect will be never. I was referring to both Kap and the principal. Something you have to understand about me. I'm perfectly capable of distinguishing between the person on this forum and the person in the real world. You could be a perfectly OK human, with simply political beliefs I don't agree with. What prompted me to engage in this OP was the irony of lamenting the consequences for a person expressing their opinion on somebody who got himself in trouble for expressing his opinion. As you said the double standard.
It’s not a double standard though... The NFL is a private organization. The department of education is a federal entity. You’re comparing polar bears to kumquats.
Actually I don't. Neither does Abikersailor. What does that tell you about your own opinion of Kap?
It tells me we disagree...........and that those that disagree have the right to tell him to take a long walk off a short bridge....

I served.......my whole family served.........and a Clerk's talk doesn't outweigh the Black Gangs opinion..........He knows what I just said.
It tells me exactly the same thing as I suspect it tells sailor. It tells me you might have served, but I rather doubt you truly grasped what you where serving. He has said it 2 times now. The US isn't the flag or the Anthem. It's the ideas in the constitution. The very first of those ideas was the ABSOLUTE right to express your opinion.
Works both ways...............When I find your opinion offensive then I have every right to call you out on it...........It's not a 1 way street.......

Sure, freedom of speech gives you the right to be an asshole. God knows I've been one on more then one occasion. What this OP is suggesting though is that only one of the two assholes ( providing I believe Kap is being an asshole which I don't), should have consequences.
If you want to say I'm an asshole.........it's a free country......now isn't it.......I don't care what you say.......That's the deal.

Now tell me about the video PIGS IN A BLANKET................which is part of this BS that started all of this...........Just like he wore pigs socks.........

He's an ass..................that is my opinion..........so are those chanting Fry them like Bacon............

I'll support the Police on this one...........and the Flag...............and the Anthem.
Here is exactly what Kap said when asked about his protest.

"I'm going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. To me, this is something that has to change. When there's significant change and I feel that flag represents what it's supposed to represent, and this country is representing people the way that it's supposed to, I'll stand."

"This stand wasn’t for me. This is because I’m seeing things happen to people that don’t have a voice, people that don’t have a platform to talk and have their voices heard, and effect change. So I’m in the position where I can do that and I’m going to do that for people that can’t."

"It's something that can unify this team. It's something that can unify this country. If we have these real conversations that are uncomfortable for a lot of people. If we have these conversations, there's a better understanding of where both sides are coming from."

"I have great respect for the men and women that have fought for this country. I have family, I have friends that have gone and fought for this country. And they fight for freedom, they fight for the people, they fight for liberty and justice, for everyone. That’s not happening. People are dying in vain because this country isn’t holding their end of the bargain up, as far as giving freedom and justice, liberty to everybody. That’s something that’s not happening. I’ve seen videos, I’ve seen circumstances where men and women that have been in the military have come back and been treated unjustly by the country they fought have for, and have been murdered by the country they fought for, on our land. That’s not right."
Bc he’s black (or half black?) and everyone knows it’s racist to be critical of POC and that the only reason to be critical of them is bc you’re a dirty racist.

Please note my sarcasm.
The entire POC confederation is racist. It boils down most simply to, “ everyone but whites”. Fact.
Bc he’s black (or half black?) and everyone knows it’s racist to be critical of POC and that the only reason to be critical of them is bc you’re a dirty racist.

Please note my sarcasm.
The entire POC confederation is racist. It boils down most simply to, “ everyone but whites”. Fact.
Youre doing the white boy whine again. Sniffle, sniffle.

Kap is protesting people being killed over their race.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!

You and I both. During the French Revolution, the average citizen could be arrested for a crime he or she might commit. Of course, only two options were available for the Revolutionary courts of the time to "deal" with the accused: acquittal or death by guillotine. The de facto double standard for politically correct speech Americans have come to accept and practice is insane. The State should just go ahead issue cats-o'-nine-tails so politically correct cultists can self-flagellate on the spot for speaking out of turn.

So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
Is there a law against kneeling during the anthem?

I can't say. Is kneeling during the anthem protected, symbolic free speech?

No, it is not. The NFL can allow or prevent it.
You and I both. During the French Revolution, the average citizen could be arrested for a crime he or she might commit. Of course, only two options were available for the Revolutionary courts of the time to "deal" with the accused: acquittal or death by guillotine. The de facto double standard for politically correct speech Americans have come to accept and practice is insane. The State should just go ahead issue cats-o'-nine-tails so politically correct cultists can self-flagellate on the spot for speaking out of turn.

So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
Is there a law against kneeling during the anthem?

I can't say. Is kneeling during the anthem protected, symbolic free speech?
Why wouldnt it be if there is no law against it?

Because it's done at the work place during work hours. The NFL is in control.

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
Is there a law against kneeling during the anthem?

I can't say. Is kneeling during the anthem protected, symbolic free speech?
Why wouldnt it be if there is no law against it?

Because it's done at the work place during work hours. The NFL is in control.
Bullshit. No football player is working during the anthem you moron. The game hasnt started yet.
Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
Is there a law against kneeling during the anthem?

I can't say. Is kneeling during the anthem protected, symbolic free speech?
Why wouldnt it be if there is no law against it?

Because it's done at the work place during work hours. The NFL is in control.
Bullshit. No football player is working during the anthem you moron. The game hasnt started yet.

Don't be stupider than usual. They're under NFL rules and regulations at the time. They have to be at the stadium by a certain time BEFORE the game. They have to be in uniform BEFORE the game. They have be to be present with the team BEFORE the game. They're at work.
Is there a law against kneeling during the anthem?

I can't say. Is kneeling during the anthem protected, symbolic free speech?
Why wouldnt it be if there is no law against it?

Because it's done at the work place during work hours. The NFL is in control.
Bullshit. No football player is working during the anthem you moron. The game hasnt started yet.

Don't be stupider than usual. They're under NFL rules and regulations at the time. They have to be at the stadium by a certain time BEFORE the game. They have to be in uniform BEFORE the game. They have be to be present with the team BEFORE the game. They're at work.
You sound like an idiot. No one is working at all times just because they are at work. During the anthem everyone is on break you fool.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
What has Kaepernick done to be called a thug or unamerican ?

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
What has Kaepernick done to be called a thug or unamerican ?
Be Black.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
Excellent point. The term "thug" was probably unfortunate, but I agree with you that Kaepernik is ungrateful, anti American and an overall jerk. I saw the word "Nike" in the shoe of a footbal player last night and wanted to burn those shoes.

I hope all football teams rethink their contracts with Nike. A good portion of Nike goods are bought by parents and grandparents for their family members. Just hop this hits Nike smack in the face.
I can't say. Is kneeling during the anthem protected, symbolic free speech?
Why wouldnt it be if there is no law against it?

Because it's done at the work place during work hours. The NFL is in control.
Bullshit. No football player is working during the anthem you moron. The game hasnt started yet.

Don't be stupider than usual. They're under NFL rules and regulations at the time. They have to be at the stadium by a certain time BEFORE the game. They have to be in uniform BEFORE the game. They have be to be present with the team BEFORE the game. They're at work.
You sound like an idiot. No one is working at all times just because they are at work. During the anthem everyone is on break you fool.

The stupid fool assumes that the boss's rules don't apply when he's on a coffee break talking to a female coworker and sexually harasses her. Would you be that stupid fool? It's not looking good.

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