Racist Elementery school Principle?


'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
Well Iam getting sick of the word racist being used for any reason.
I love it. "Wolf"! "Wolf"!! "Woooolllff"!!!
Easy pickin's...
And you will cheer if he gets fired over it............Up yours liberals.
The difference is I feel both have an equal right to express that opinion without having to fear consequences.
Actually I don't. Neither does Abikersailor. What does that tell you about your own opinion of Kap?
It tells me we disagree...........and that those that disagree have the right to tell him to take a long walk off a short bridge....

I served.......my whole family served.........and a Clerk's talk doesn't outweigh the Black Gangs opinion..........He knows what I just said.
It tells me exactly the same thing as I suspect it tells sailor. It tells me you might have served, but I rather doubt you truly grasped what you where serving. He has said it 2 times now. The US isn't the flag or the Anthem. It's the ideas in the constitution. The very first of those ideas was the ABSOLUTE right to express your opinion.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?
One is under threat of being fired.......the other isn't.........

Double Standards.............And Faceplant..........which I don't use...........
The other hasn't been able to even GET a job he was qualified for. Indeed double standards.
He was benched before this started............

You are now complaining that it's alright to Frag this teacher for her views AT A JOB.......yet Kap shouldn't be Fragged AT A JOB......

Double Standards.
This retarded principal should lose his job not only for being a racist but being an idiot around children.

You know Asclepias, it wasn't so much the "thug" comment that got him in trouble, but his poor self control in posting hateful stuff on a website that both the parents and students can read. Granted, some people were upset at the word "thug", but by and large, they were upset that the teacher of their kids had such poor self control. I say he deserved to be fired.

By the way................it was the parents taking up a petition that was able to get him removed. Lots of people don't want idiots teaching their kids.
So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?
One is under threat of being fired.......the other isn't.........

Double Standards.............And Faceplant..........which I don't use...........
The other hasn't been able to even GET a job he was qualified for. Indeed double standards.
He was benched before this started............

You are now complaining that it's alright to Frag this teacher for her views AT A JOB.......yet Kap shouldn't be Fragged AT A JOB......

Double Standards.
This retarded principal should lose his job not only for being a racist but being an idiot around children.

You know Asclepias, it wasn't so much the "thug" comment that got him in trouble, but his poor self control in posting hateful stuff on a website that both the parents and students can read. Granted, some people were upset at the word "thug", but by and large, they were upset that the teacher of their kids had such poor self control. I say he deserved to be fired.

By the way................it was the parents taking up a petition that was able to get him removed. Lots of people don't want idiots teaching their kids.
I was trying to imagine what kind of environment such a moron would create and then I remembered some of the racist imbeciles that taught at my high school.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?
One is under threat of being fired.......the other isn't.........

Double Standards.............And Faceplant..........which I don't use...........
The other hasn't been able to even GET a job he was qualified for. Indeed double standards.
Running off paying customers, is hardly a qualification for the job. Besides he was failing at his job prior to his “stunt”. Riding the pine... His new found urge to protest was nothing more than an attempt to cover his own failure.
And expressing the opinion that exercising your freedom of speech makes you a thug might not be the most helpful message as an elementary school principal. Yet the OP's premise is that she shouldn't have consequences for it.
Well Iam getting sick of the word racist being used for any reason.
I love it. "Wolf"! "Wolf"!! "Woooolllff"!!!
Easy pickin's...
And you will cheer if he gets fired over it............Up yours liberals.
The difference is I feel both have an equal right to express that opinion without having to fear consequences.
Actually I don't. Neither does Abikersailor. What does that tell you about your own opinion of Kap?
It tells me we disagree...........and that those that disagree have the right to tell him to take a long walk off a short bridge....

I served.......my whole family served.........and a Clerk's talk doesn't outweigh the Black Gangs opinion..........He knows what I just said.
It tells me exactly the same thing as I suspect it tells sailor. It tells me you might have served, but I rather doubt you truly grasped what you where serving. He has said it 2 times now. The US isn't the flag or the Anthem. It's the ideas in the constitution. The very first of those ideas was the ABSOLUTE right to express your opinion.
Works both ways...............When I find your opinion offensive then I have every right to call you out on it...........It's not a 1 way street.......

Wrong. He is using this to try and get publicity. Plain and simple.
If that was true he would have made an announcement about it. It took the public a couple of games to notice what he was doing and they only found out because some reporter pointed it out.
And he played it up. Are you that naive or simply obtuse? He’s an ass.
Youre an idiot. You just claimed he did it to get publicity. Youre a moron. All he had to do was announce a press conference if he wanted to get publicity.
You’re the idiot.you have no idea how publicity works or how one manipulates the media. Grow up.
No youre the idiot. You actually think avoiding publicity is seeking publicity. Name one thing Kap did that was more successful at drawing publicity from the media than having a press conference you moron.
By getting them to ask and to make a deal out of it. That gets much more attention than a press conference that no one will watch, given his limited celebrity at the time. Anytime you can get the press to come to you and ask questions is always more effective than giving some speech. It has more staying power, the press becomes inquisitive and they make it a bigger story. You really have no clue

The left always have assholes for HERO's..............

Sorry............I call him out for what he is..........deal with it.
I love it. "Wolf"! "Wolf"!! "Woooolllff"!!!
Easy pickin's...
And you will cheer if he gets fired over it............Up yours liberals.
The difference is I feel both have an equal right to express that opinion without having to fear consequences.
Actually I don't. Neither does Abikersailor. What does that tell you about your own opinion of Kap?
It tells me we disagree...........and that those that disagree have the right to tell him to take a long walk off a short bridge....

I served.......my whole family served.........and a Clerk's talk doesn't outweigh the Black Gangs opinion..........He knows what I just said.
It tells me exactly the same thing as I suspect it tells sailor. It tells me you might have served, but I rather doubt you truly grasped what you where serving. He has said it 2 times now. The US isn't the flag or the Anthem. It's the ideas in the constitution. The very first of those ideas was the ABSOLUTE right to express your opinion.
Works both ways...............When I find your opinion offensive then I have every right to call you out on it...........It's not a 1 way street.......

Sure, freedom of speech gives you the right to be an asshole. God knows I've been one on more then one occasion. What this OP is suggesting though is that only one of the two assholes ( providing I believe Kap is being an asshole which I don't), should have consequences.
If that was true he would have made an announcement about it. It took the public a couple of games to notice what he was doing and they only found out because some reporter pointed it out.
And he played it up. Are you that naive or simply obtuse? He’s an ass.
Youre an idiot. You just claimed he did it to get publicity. Youre a moron. All he had to do was announce a press conference if he wanted to get publicity.
You’re the idiot.you have no idea how publicity works or how one manipulates the media. Grow up.
No youre the idiot. You actually think avoiding publicity is seeking publicity. Name one thing Kap did that was more successful at drawing publicity from the media than having a press conference you moron.
By getting them to ask and to make a deal out of it. That gets much more attention than a press conference that no one will watch, given his limited celebrity at the time. Anytime you can get the press to come to you and ask questions is always more effective than giving some speech. It has more staying power, the press becomes inquisitive and they make it a bigger story. You really have no clue
Youre an idiot. No one asked until they noticed he was sitting in the picture. Only a moron like you would think not being noticed for 3 games was seeking publicity when he could have simply called a press conference before the first game. :laugh:
And he played it up. Are you that naive or simply obtuse? He’s an ass.
Youre an idiot. You just claimed he did it to get publicity. Youre a moron. All he had to do was announce a press conference if he wanted to get publicity.
You’re the idiot.you have no idea how publicity works or how one manipulates the media. Grow up.
No youre the idiot. You actually think avoiding publicity is seeking publicity. Name one thing Kap did that was more successful at drawing publicity from the media than having a press conference you moron.
By getting them to ask and to make a deal out of it. That gets much more attention than a press conference that no one will watch, given his limited celebrity at the time. Anytime you can get the press to come to you and ask questions is always more effective than giving some speech. It has more staying power, the press becomes inquisitive and they make it a bigger story. You really have no clue
Youre an idiot. No one asked until they noticed he was sitting in the picture. Only a moron like you would think not being noticed for 3 games was seeking publicity when he could have simply called a press conference before the first game. :laugh:
You really don’t understand public relations and manipulation. You are a fucking moron.
And you will cheer if he gets fired over it............Up yours liberals.
The difference is I feel both have an equal right to express that opinion without having to fear consequences.
Actually I don't. Neither does Abikersailor. What does that tell you about your own opinion of Kap?
It tells me we disagree...........and that those that disagree have the right to tell him to take a long walk off a short bridge....

I served.......my whole family served.........and a Clerk's talk doesn't outweigh the Black Gangs opinion..........He knows what I just said.
It tells me exactly the same thing as I suspect it tells sailor. It tells me you might have served, but I rather doubt you truly grasped what you where serving. He has said it 2 times now. The US isn't the flag or the Anthem. It's the ideas in the constitution. The very first of those ideas was the ABSOLUTE right to express your opinion.
Works both ways...............When I find your opinion offensive then I have every right to call you out on it...........It's not a 1 way street.......

Sure, freedom of speech gives you the right to be an asshole. God knows I've been one on more then one occasion. What this OP is suggesting though is that only one of the two assholes ( providing I believe Kap is being an asshole which I don't), should have consequences.
If you want to say I'm an asshole.........it's a free country......now isn't it.......I don't care what you say.......That's the deal.

Now tell me about the video PIGS IN A BLANKET................which is part of this BS that started all of this...........Just like he wore pigs socks.........

He's an ass..................that is my opinion..........so are those chanting Fry them like Bacon............

I'll support the Police on this one...........and the Flag...............and the Anthem.
Youre an idiot. You just claimed he did it to get publicity. Youre a moron. All he had to do was announce a press conference if he wanted to get publicity.
You’re the idiot.you have no idea how publicity works or how one manipulates the media. Grow up.
No youre the idiot. You actually think avoiding publicity is seeking publicity. Name one thing Kap did that was more successful at drawing publicity from the media than having a press conference you moron.
By getting them to ask and to make a deal out of it. That gets much more attention than a press conference that no one will watch, given his limited celebrity at the time. Anytime you can get the press to come to you and ask questions is always more effective than giving some speech. It has more staying power, the press becomes inquisitive and they make it a bigger story. You really have no clue
Youre an idiot. No one asked until they noticed he was sitting in the picture. Only a moron like you would think not being noticed for 3 games was seeking publicity when he could have simply called a press conference before the first game. :laugh:
You really don’t understand public relations and manipulation. You are a fucking moron.
I understand that flying under the radar is not a great strategy for drawing attention to your cause. Youre a fucking fool.

This crap started this shit.

Nope. What started this crap was racist cops shooting Black kids.

Jesus. Do you morons ever take a break from being victims?

Do you ever take a break from being an idiot?

I’m not the idiot here. You are a self imposed victim. Which in itself shows ignorance and the inability to live in reality.

Youre obviously an idiot. You seriously believe someone that went out of the way not to draw attention to himself was seeking publicity. Only a fucking imbecile would think that was true.
You’re the idiot.you have no idea how publicity works or how one manipulates the media. Grow up.
No youre the idiot. You actually think avoiding publicity is seeking publicity. Name one thing Kap did that was more successful at drawing publicity from the media than having a press conference you moron.
By getting them to ask and to make a deal out of it. That gets much more attention than a press conference that no one will watch, given his limited celebrity at the time. Anytime you can get the press to come to you and ask questions is always more effective than giving some speech. It has more staying power, the press becomes inquisitive and they make it a bigger story. You really have no clue
Youre an idiot. No one asked until they noticed he was sitting in the picture. Only a moron like you would think not being noticed for 3 games was seeking publicity when he could have simply called a press conference before the first game. :laugh:
You really don’t understand public relations and manipulation. You are a fucking moron.
I understand that flying under the radar is not a great strategy for drawing attention to your cause. Youre a fucking fool.
You understand nothing. Your ignorance is on full display. You need to stay in the shallow end of the pool.

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