Racist Elementery school Principle?


'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
Well Iam getting sick of the word racist being used for any reason.
I love it. "Wolf"! "Wolf"!! "Woooolllff"!!!
Easy pickin's...
And you will cheer if he gets fired over it............Up yours liberals.
What has Kaepernick ever done to earn the label “thug?” I think we all know why this teacher chose that word for him.

Many feel that he is unpatriotic because he chose the National Anthem to get attention.

Make no mistake, he knew perfectly well what the reaction would be, which is why he did it during the National anthem.

A thug is defined as someone who is a criminal and treats other roughly.

Perhaps he has not broken any laws, but he has treated patriotic Americans roughly.
Kaepernick has spent the last few years working for and donating to charities, and trying to rejoin the NFL. But he did dare to say that a black person’s life matters, and he happens to be black. Which is more than enough reason among the white Trump crowd to earn the title “thug.”
Wrong. He is using this to try and get publicity. Plain and simple.
If that was true he would have made an announcement about it. It took the public a couple of games to notice what he was doing and they only found out because some reporter pointed it out.
And he played it up. Are you that naive or simply obtuse? He’s an ass.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!

You and I both. During the French Revolution, the average citizen could be arrested for a crime he or she might commit. Of course, only two options were available for the Revolutionary courts of the time to "deal" with the accused: acquittal or death by guillotine. The de facto double standard for politically correct speech Americans have come to accept and practice is insane. The State should just go ahead issue cats-o'-nine-tails so politically correct cultists can self-flagellate on the spot for speaking out of turn.

So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
The courts have ruled on many of occasions and on stuff arguably more offensive behavior like for instance burning of the flag that such actions are protected by the first amendment.

That is along the lines of what I have read as well. However, will or should the courts rule specifically on kneeling for our Anthem? In my opinion: yes, they should--all the way to the Supreme Court. Should kneeling for the Anthem be socially acceptable? In my opinion: no.

You know, taking a knee during the anthem doesn't really bother me much at all. And, I'm retired Navy with over 20 years of service. When I swore my oath of enlistment to join, and each time after that when I reenlisted, I pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Supporting and defending the Constitution means that I also support and defend what it contains, and peaceful protest and free speech are there, which means even if I don't agree with what you have to say, I will defend to the death your right to say it. And, most military people that I know feel the same way. Granted, they may respond to your free speech with a bit of their own, but they will defend your right to free speech. Nothing in that oath was mentioned about the flag or the anthem, just the Constitution.

So, no, don't come up with the bullshit reasoning that kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful to the troops. What is more disrespectful to the military is taking away the rights in that document that a lot of them served to protect is more disrespectful than taking a knee. I'm kinda glad that Kaepernick and Nike both feel secure enough in the rights that I spent all my adult life defending to use them.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?
One is under threat of being fired.......the other isn't.........

Double Standards.............And Faceplant..........which I don't use...........

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
Well Iam getting sick of the word racist being used for any reason.
I love it. "Wolf"! "Wolf"!! "Woooolllff"!!!
Easy pickin's...
And you will cheer if he gets fired over it............Up yours liberals.
The ability to distinguish... Friend from foe... It’s a useful skill. I heartily recommend everyone pursue it...
What has Kaepernick ever done to earn the label “thug?” I think we all know why this teacher chose that word for him.

Many feel that he is unpatriotic because he chose the National Anthem to get attention.

Make no mistake, he knew perfectly well what the reaction would be, which is why he did it during the National anthem.

A thug is defined as someone who is a criminal and treats other roughly.

Perhaps he has not broken any laws, but he has treated patriotic Americans roughly.
Kaepernick has spent the last few years working for and donating to charities, and trying to rejoin the NFL. But he did dare to say that a black person’s life matters, and he happens to be black. Which is more than enough reason among the white Trump crowd to earn the title “thug.”
Wrong. He is using this to try and get publicity. Plain and simple.
If that was true he would have made an announcement about it. It took the public a couple of games to notice what he was doing and they only found out because some reporter pointed it out.
And he played it up. Are you that naive or simply obtuse? He’s an ass.
Youre an idiot. You just claimed he did it to get publicity. Youre a moron. All he had to do was announce a press conference if he wanted to get publicity.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
Well Iam getting sick of the word racist being used for any reason.
I love it. "Wolf"! "Wolf"!! "Woooolllff"!!!
Easy pickin's...
And you will cheer if he gets fired over it............Up yours liberals.
The difference is I feel both have an equal right to express that opinion without having to fear consequences.
Actually I don't. Neither does Abikersailor. What does that tell you about your own opinion of Kap?
You and I both. During the French Revolution, the average citizen could be arrested for a crime he or she might commit. Of course, only two options were available for the Revolutionary courts of the time to "deal" with the accused: acquittal or death by guillotine. The de facto double standard for politically correct speech Americans have come to accept and practice is insane. The State should just go ahead issue cats-o'-nine-tails so politically correct cultists can self-flagellate on the spot for speaking out of turn.

So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
The courts have ruled on many of occasions and on stuff arguably more offensive behavior like for instance burning of the flag that such actions are protected by the first amendment.

That is along the lines of what I have read as well. However, will or should the courts rule specifically on kneeling for our Anthem? In my opinion: yes, they should--all the way to the Supreme Court. Should kneeling for the Anthem be socially acceptable? In my opinion: no.

You know, taking a knee during the anthem doesn't really bother me much at all. And, I'm retired Navy with over 20 years of service. When I swore my oath of enlistment to join, and each time after that when I reenlisted, I pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Supporting and defending the Constitution means that I also support and defend what it contains, and peaceful protest and free speech are there, which means even if I don't agree with what you have to say, I will defend to the death your right to say it. And, most military people that I know feel the same way. Granted, they may respond to your free speech with a bit of their own, but they will defend your right to free speech. Nothing in that oath was mentioned about the flag or the anthem, just the Constitution.

So, no, don't come up with the bullshit reasoning that kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful to the troops. What is more disrespectful to the military is taking away the rights in that document that a lot of them served to protect is more disrespectful than taking a knee. I'm kinda glad that Kaepernick and Nike both feel secure enough in the rights that I spent all my adult life defending to use them.
Just as he has the right to be an asshole...........we have the right to call him out for being a asshole..........

It works both ways............He didn't have to protest this by disrespecting the flag.......Which is how I see it...............

So.......to each his own..........and the NFL is losing viewers and Nike will lose customers........ENJOY.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?
One is under threat of being fired.......the other isn't.........

Double Standards.............And Faceplant..........which I don't use...........
The other hasn't been able to even GET a job he was qualified for. Indeed double standards.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
Well Iam getting sick of the word racist being used for any reason.
I love it. "Wolf"! "Wolf"!! "Woooolllff"!!!
Easy pickin's...
And you will cheer if he gets fired over it............Up yours liberals.
The ability to distinguish... Friend from foe... It’s a useful skill. I heartily recommend everyone pursue it...
Tell that to Nike and the thug................Who started this shit with pigs on his socks............

And the chants of Fry a pig............

Yeah........I have no problem figuring out Friend from Foe.

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
The courts have ruled on many of occasions and on stuff arguably more offensive behavior like for instance burning of the flag that such actions are protected by the first amendment.

That is along the lines of what I have read as well. However, will or should the courts rule specifically on kneeling for our Anthem? In my opinion: yes, they should--all the way to the Supreme Court. Should kneeling for the Anthem be socially acceptable? In my opinion: no.

You know, taking a knee during the anthem doesn't really bother me much at all. And, I'm retired Navy with over 20 years of service. When I swore my oath of enlistment to join, and each time after that when I reenlisted, I pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Supporting and defending the Constitution means that I also support and defend what it contains, and peaceful protest and free speech are there, which means even if I don't agree with what you have to say, I will defend to the death your right to say it. And, most military people that I know feel the same way. Granted, they may respond to your free speech with a bit of their own, but they will defend your right to free speech. Nothing in that oath was mentioned about the flag or the anthem, just the Constitution.

So, no, don't come up with the bullshit reasoning that kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful to the troops. What is more disrespectful to the military is taking away the rights in that document that a lot of them served to protect is more disrespectful than taking a knee. I'm kinda glad that Kaepernick and Nike both feel secure enough in the rights that I spent all my adult life defending to use them.
Just as he has the right to be an asshole...........we have the right to call him out for being a asshole..........

It works both ways............He didn't have to protest this by disrespecting the flag.......Which is how I see it...............

So.......to each his own..........and the NFL is losing viewers and Nike will lose customers........ENJOY.

Every year, for 2 - 3 days, over the 20 years I served in the Navy, we had training that was called Navy Rights and Responsibilities. And, one of the things that was covered is what the oath of enlistment is all about. Hint..............it's not the flag or the anthem.............it's the Constitution.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
Well Iam getting sick of the word racist being used for any reason.
I love it. "Wolf"! "Wolf"!! "Woooolllff"!!!
Easy pickin's...
And you will cheer if he gets fired over it............Up yours liberals.
The difference is I feel both have an equal right to express that opinion without having to fear consequences.
Actually I don't. Neither does Abikersailor. What does that tell you about your own opinion of Kap?
It tells me we disagree...........and that those that disagree have the right to tell him to take a long walk off a short bridge....

I served.......my whole family served.........and a Clerk's talk doesn't outweigh the Black Gangs opinion..........He knows what I just said.
Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
The courts have ruled on many of occasions and on stuff arguably more offensive behavior like for instance burning of the flag that such actions are protected by the first amendment.

That is along the lines of what I have read as well. However, will or should the courts rule specifically on kneeling for our Anthem? In my opinion: yes, they should--all the way to the Supreme Court. Should kneeling for the Anthem be socially acceptable? In my opinion: no.

You know, taking a knee during the anthem doesn't really bother me much at all. And, I'm retired Navy with over 20 years of service. When I swore my oath of enlistment to join, and each time after that when I reenlisted, I pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Supporting and defending the Constitution means that I also support and defend what it contains, and peaceful protest and free speech are there, which means even if I don't agree with what you have to say, I will defend to the death your right to say it. And, most military people that I know feel the same way. Granted, they may respond to your free speech with a bit of their own, but they will defend your right to free speech. Nothing in that oath was mentioned about the flag or the anthem, just the Constitution.

So, no, don't come up with the bullshit reasoning that kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful to the troops. What is more disrespectful to the military is taking away the rights in that document that a lot of them served to protect is more disrespectful than taking a knee. I'm kinda glad that Kaepernick and Nike both feel secure enough in the rights that I spent all my adult life defending to use them.
Just as he has the right to be an asshole...........we have the right to call him out for being a asshole..........

It works both ways............He didn't have to protest this by disrespecting the flag.......Which is how I see it...............

So.......to each his own..........and the NFL is losing viewers and Nike will lose customers........ENJOY.

Every year, for 2 - 3 days, over the 20 years I served in the Navy, we had training that was called Navy Rights and Responsibilities. And, one of the things that was covered is what the oath of enlistment is all about. Hint..............it's not the flag or the anthem.............it's the Constitution.

You may want to think about what drapes a fallen soldier or veteran's coffin though

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?
One is under threat of being fired.......the other isn't.........

Double Standards.............And Faceplant..........which I don't use...........
The other hasn't been able to even GET a job he was qualified for. Indeed double standards.
Running off paying customers, is hardly a qualification for the job. Besides he was failing at his job prior to his “stunt”. Riding the pine... His new found urge to protest was nothing more than an attempt to cover his own failure.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?
One is under threat of being fired.......the other isn't.........

Double Standards.............And Faceplant..........which I don't use...........
The other hasn't been able to even GET a job he was qualified for. Indeed double standards.
He was benched before this started............

You are now complaining that it's alright to Frag this teacher for her views AT A JOB.......yet Kap shouldn't be Fragged AT A JOB......

Double Standards.
Many feel that he is unpatriotic because he chose the National Anthem to get attention.

Make no mistake, he knew perfectly well what the reaction would be, which is why he did it during the National anthem.

A thug is defined as someone who is a criminal and treats other roughly.

Perhaps he has not broken any laws, but he has treated patriotic Americans roughly.
Kaepernick has spent the last few years working for and donating to charities, and trying to rejoin the NFL. But he did dare to say that a black person’s life matters, and he happens to be black. Which is more than enough reason among the white Trump crowd to earn the title “thug.”
Wrong. He is using this to try and get publicity. Plain and simple.
If that was true he would have made an announcement about it. It took the public a couple of games to notice what he was doing and they only found out because some reporter pointed it out.
And he played it up. Are you that naive or simply obtuse? He’s an ass.
Youre an idiot. You just claimed he did it to get publicity. Youre a moron. All he had to do was announce a press conference if he wanted to get publicity.
You’re the idiot.you have no idea how publicity works or how one manipulates the media. Grow up.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?
One is under threat of being fired.......the other isn't.........

Double Standards.............And Faceplant..........which I don't use...........
The other hasn't been able to even GET a job he was qualified for. Indeed double standards.
He was benched before this started............

You are now complaining that it's alright to Frag this teacher for her views AT A JOB.......yet Kap shouldn't be Fragged AT A JOB......

Double Standards.
This retarded principal should lose his job not only for being a racist but being an idiot around children.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
Well Iam getting sick of the word racist being used for any reason.
I love it. "Wolf"! "Wolf"!! "Woooolllff"!!!
Easy pickin's...
And you will cheer if he gets fired over it............Up yours liberals.
The ability to distinguish... Friend from foe... It’s a useful skill. I heartily recommend everyone pursue it...
Tell that to Nike and the thug................Who started this shit with pigs on his socks............

And the chants of Fry a pig............

Yeah........I have no problem figuring out Friend from Foe.
I have nothing to tell Nike. I’ve never been a customer... As such I can’t “boycott” a product I don’t purchase. Same with the NFL...
Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
The courts have ruled on many of occasions and on stuff arguably more offensive behavior like for instance burning of the flag that such actions are protected by the first amendment.

That is along the lines of what I have read as well. However, will or should the courts rule specifically on kneeling for our Anthem? In my opinion: yes, they should--all the way to the Supreme Court. Should kneeling for the Anthem be socially acceptable? In my opinion: no.

You know, taking a knee during the anthem doesn't really bother me much at all. And, I'm retired Navy with over 20 years of service. When I swore my oath of enlistment to join, and each time after that when I reenlisted, I pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Supporting and defending the Constitution means that I also support and defend what it contains, and peaceful protest and free speech are there, which means even if I don't agree with what you have to say, I will defend to the death your right to say it. And, most military people that I know feel the same way. Granted, they may respond to your free speech with a bit of their own, but they will defend your right to free speech. Nothing in that oath was mentioned about the flag or the anthem, just the Constitution.

So, no, don't come up with the bullshit reasoning that kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful to the troops. What is more disrespectful to the military is taking away the rights in that document that a lot of them served to protect is more disrespectful than taking a knee. I'm kinda glad that Kaepernick and Nike both feel secure enough in the rights that I spent all my adult life defending to use them.
Just as he has the right to be an asshole...........we have the right to call him out for being a asshole..........

It works both ways............He didn't have to protest this by disrespecting the flag.......Which is how I see it...............

So.......to each his own..........and the NFL is losing viewers and Nike will lose customers........ENJOY.

Every year, for 2 - 3 days, over the 20 years I served in the Navy, we had training that was called Navy Rights and Responsibilities. And, one of the things that was covered is what the oath of enlistment is all about. Hint..............it's not the flag or the anthem.............it's the Constitution.
I did 10 years.........don't preach to me ..............

Stop trying to sound righteous...............Kap is an asshole.........PERIOD...........and we have every right to say what we think about it.......If you are offended..............Well that isn't protected under the 1st.
Kaepernick has spent the last few years working for and donating to charities, and trying to rejoin the NFL. But he did dare to say that a black person’s life matters, and he happens to be black. Which is more than enough reason among the white Trump crowd to earn the title “thug.”
Wrong. He is using this to try and get publicity. Plain and simple.
If that was true he would have made an announcement about it. It took the public a couple of games to notice what he was doing and they only found out because some reporter pointed it out.
And he played it up. Are you that naive or simply obtuse? He’s an ass.
Youre an idiot. You just claimed he did it to get publicity. Youre a moron. All he had to do was announce a press conference if he wanted to get publicity.
You’re the idiot.you have no idea how publicity works or how one manipulates the media. Grow up.
No youre the idiot. You actually think avoiding publicity is seeking publicity. Name one thing Kap did that was more successful at drawing publicity from the media than having a press conference you moron.

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