Racist Elementery school Principle?

What has Kaepernick ever done to earn the label “thug?” I think we all know why this teacher chose that word for him.

Many feel that he is unpatriotic because he chose the National Anthem to get attention.

Make no mistake, he knew perfectly well what the reaction would be, which is why he did it during the National anthem.

A thug is defined as someone who is a criminal and treats other roughly.

Perhaps he has not broken any laws, but he has treated patriotic Americans roughly.
Kaepernick has spent the last few years working for and donating to charities, and trying to rejoin the NFL. But he did dare to say that a black person’s life matters, and he happens to be black. Which is more than enough reason among the white Trump crowd to earn the title “thug.”
he is protesting FOR criminals
it's the same as protesting for Al Capone/Bonnie and Clyde/jackasses
I'm going to take a knee for John Hinckley/Son of Sam/Jesse James/etc

No need to well . . . kneel yourself down to Kaepernick's level to express your outrage.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

As I have shown, the term racist was manufactured.

However, Kap knew that kneeling during the National Anthem would piss people off, which it did.

Usually people who condemn others unfairly are rightly condemned.

At least, they should receive the same penalty for those that they unfairly condemned.
Isn't the judgement of what is fairly condemned and unfairly condemned in the eye of the beholder? For instance Kap's stated purpose for kneeling is not disrespecting the flag or the anthem but bringing attention to police brutality. Something that is a fair point in my opinion. The fact that it is made into something else that pisses people of does NOT make it any less an expression of freedom of speech. On the other hand calling somebody a "thug" without having any more information on that person that he kneels during a national anthem is pretty judgy. You thing it is a correct judgement and it is an expression of free speech but I find it in bad taste. The difference is I feel both have an equal right to express that opinion without having to fear consequences. While, judging by this post you feel Kap should have consequences while the principle shouldn't.
I've been over this before with links/stats/etc
there is NO major problem of police shooting whites or blacks
What has Kaepernick ever done to earn the label “thug?” I think we all know why this teacher chose that word for him.

Many feel that he is unpatriotic because he chose the National Anthem to get attention.

Make no mistake, he knew perfectly well what the reaction would be, which is why he did it during the National anthem.

A thug is defined as someone who is a criminal and treats other roughly.

Perhaps he has not broken any laws, but he has treated patriotic Americans roughly.
Kaepernick has spent the last few years working for and donating to charities, and trying to rejoin the NFL. But he did dare to say that a black person’s life matters, and he happens to be black. Which is more than enough reason among the white Trump crowd to earn the title “thug.”
he is protesting FOR criminals
it's the same as protesting for Al Capone/Bonnie and Clyde/jackasses
I'm going to take a knee for John Hinckley/Son of Sam/Jesse James/etc
Who told you he was protesting for criminals? Do you have a link of him saying that?

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

As I have shown, the term racist was manufactured.

However, Kap knew that kneeling during the National Anthem would piss people off, which it did.

Usually people who condemn others unfairly are rightly condemned.

At least, they should receive the same penalty for those that they unfairly condemned.
Isn't the judgement of what is fairly condemned and unfairly condemned in the eye of the beholder? For instance Kap's stated purpose for kneeling is not disrespecting the flag or the anthem but bringing attention to police brutality. Something that is a fair point in my opinion. The fact that it is made into something else that pisses people of does NOT make it any less an expression of freedom of speech. On the other hand calling somebody a "thug" without having any more information on that person that he kneels during a national anthem is pretty judgy. You thing it is a correct judgement and it is an expression of free speech but I find it in bad taste. The difference is I feel both have an equal right to express that opinion without having to fear consequences. While, judging by this post you feel Kap should have consequences while the principle shouldn't.
I've been over this before with links/stats/etc
there is NO major problem of police shooting whites or blacks
Kind of sucks your opinion of what a problem is doesnt prompt acceptance from everyone else.
What has Kaepernick ever done to earn the label “thug?” I think we all know why this teacher chose that word for him.

Yeah, because of his disrespectful, self-centered attitude. He grew up with every trapping and advantage of 'white privilege' if anyone did, and started playing the thoughtless punk masquerading as social justice warrior just about when his talent for professional football hit the wall. He is an affront to any and every sincere effort at perfecting our Union for all Americans.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!

You and I both. During the French Revolution, the average citizen could be arrested for a crime he or she might commit. Of course, only two options were available for the Revolutionary courts of the time to "deal" with the accused: acquittal or death by guillotine. The de facto double standard for politically correct speech Americans have come to accept and practice is insane. The State should just go ahead issue cats-o'-nine-tails so politically correct cultists can self-flagellate on the spot for speaking out of turn.

So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
Is there a law against kneeling during the anthem?

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!

You and I both. During the French Revolution, the average citizen could be arrested for a crime he or she might commit. Of course, only two options were available for the Revolutionary courts of the time to "deal" with the accused: acquittal or death by guillotine. The de facto double standard for politically correct speech Americans have come to accept and practice is insane. The State should just go ahead issue cats-o'-nine-tails so politically correct cultists can self-flagellate on the spot for speaking out of turn.

So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
Is there a law against kneeling during the anthem?

I can't say. Is kneeling during the anthem protected, symbolic free speech?

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!

You and I both. During the French Revolution, the average citizen could be arrested for a crime he or she might commit. Of course, only two options were available for the Revolutionary courts of the time to "deal" with the accused: acquittal or death by guillotine. The de facto double standard for politically correct speech Americans have come to accept and practice is insane. The State should just go ahead issue cats-o'-nine-tails so politically correct cultists can self-flagellate on the spot for speaking out of turn.

So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
Symbolic speech - Wikipedia
The courts have ruled on many of occasions and on stuff arguably more offensive, like for instance burning of the flag, ruling that such actions are protected by the first amendment.
Last edited:

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!

You and I both. During the French Revolution, the average citizen could be arrested for a crime he or she might commit. Of course, only two options were available for the Revolutionary courts of the time to "deal" with the accused: acquittal or death by guillotine. The de facto double standard for politically correct speech Americans have come to accept and practice is insane. The State should just go ahead issue cats-o'-nine-tails so politically correct cultists can self-flagellate on the spot for speaking out of turn.

So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
Is there a law against kneeling during the anthem?

I can't say. Is kneeling during the anthem protected, symbolic free speech?
Why wouldnt it be if there is no law against it?

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!

You and I both. During the French Revolution, the average citizen could be arrested for a crime he or she might commit. Of course, only two options were available for the Revolutionary courts of the time to "deal" with the accused: acquittal or death by guillotine. The de facto double standard for politically correct speech Americans have come to accept and practice is insane. The State should just go ahead issue cats-o'-nine-tails so politically correct cultists can self-flagellate on the spot for speaking out of turn.

So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
The courts have ruled on many of occasions and on stuff arguably more offensive behavior like for instance burning of the flag that such actions are protected by the first amendment.

That is along the lines of what I have read as well. However, will or should the courts rule specifically on kneeling for our Anthem? In my opinion: yes, they should--all the way to the Supreme Court. Should kneeling for the Anthem be socially acceptable? In my opinion: no.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!
Thug was the wrong word. It is in no way racist, the proper words should have been asshole, douchebag, moron or piece of shit. But not thug.
What has Kaepernick ever done to earn the label “thug?” I think we all know why this teacher chose that word for him.

Many feel that he is unpatriotic because he chose the National Anthem to get attention.

Make no mistake, he knew perfectly well what the reaction would be, which is why he did it during the National anthem.

A thug is defined as someone who is a criminal and treats other roughly.

Perhaps he has not broken any laws, but he has treated patriotic Americans roughly.
Kaepernick has spent the last few years working for and donating to charities, and trying to rejoin the NFL. But he did dare to say that a black person’s life matters, and he happens to be black. Which is more than enough reason among the white Trump crowd to earn the title “thug.”
Wrong. He is using this to try and get publicity. Plain and simple.

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!

You and I both. During the French Revolution, the average citizen could be arrested for a crime he or she might commit. Of course, only two options were available for the Revolutionary courts of the time to "deal" with the accused: acquittal or death by guillotine. The de facto double standard for politically correct speech Americans have come to accept and practice is insane. The State should just go ahead issue cats-o'-nine-tails so politically correct cultists can self-flagellate on the spot for speaking out of turn.

So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
The courts have ruled on many of occasions and on stuff arguably more offensive behavior like for instance burning of the flag that such actions are protected by the first amendment.

That is along the lines of what I have read as well. However, will or should the courts rule specifically on kneeling for our Anthem? In my opinion: yes, they should--all the way to the Supreme Court. Should kneeling for the Anthem be socially acceptable? In my opinion: no.
This should put the topic to rest. No ones opinion matters except the person doing the kneeling. Its only a suggestion that people should stand. Even the military. No where does it state "shall" or "will". Also there is no provision for punishment should these suggestions be ignored.

36 U.S. Code § 301 - National anthem

The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.
(b)Conduct During Playing.—During a rendition of the national anthem—
(1)when the flag is displayed—
individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note;
members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and
all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.
Well, part of the reason was because of the language the teacher used on their Facebook page, but the real outrage came because the parents feel that teachers should set a higher example because the students look up to them.

From the link...........................

Taking to her personal Facebook page to share her frustration over Nike’s decision to sign Kaepernick, who famously knelt in protest during the national anthem, Roni Burns-Ellis posted a photo of a cut-up Nike T-shirt alongside a strong message.

J.H. McGaugh Elementary School principal wrote. “When Nike signs an anti-American thug to represent their brand, I will not support, wear, purchase, or endorse their product. Bye-bye Nike.”

We may disagree but we hope our Los Alamitos School leaders will always act civilly, treat each other with respect, and not engage in name calling. Our children view the teachers and principals as a beacon of moral character. We hope our school leaders will act responsibly and will walk with kindness as they lead our children with their actions.”" data-reactid="19">Titled “Los Alamitos Unified School Leaders – Please lead by example!” the petition reads, in part: “We may disagree but we hope our Los Alamitos School leaders will always act civilly, treat each other with respect, and not engage in name calling. Our children view the teachers and principals as a beacon of moral character. We hope our school leaders will act responsibly and will walk with kindness as they lead our children with their actions.”

The petition, which launched Tuesday, currently has more than 1,300 signatures, as well as comments from parents who are speaking out against Burns-Ellis.

It is obvious Ms. Burns-Ellis has racist views on Blacks as she refers to Mr. Keapernick as a ‘thug,” one parent wrote. “He is no gangster, criminal or for that matter a thug. Leaders who teach children to stereotype any group, as this principal has done, has no business leading our teachers, community and especially our children. I implore our school board to release Ms. Burns-Ellis of her duties immediately. She is unfit to lead, period.”" data-reactid="32">“It is obvious Ms. Burns-Ellis has racist views on Blacks as she refers to Mr. Keapernick as a ‘thug,” one parent wrote. “He is no gangster, criminal or for that matter a thug. Leaders who teach children to stereotype any group, as this principal has done, has no business leading our teachers, community and especially our children. I implore our school board to release Ms. Burns-Ellis of her duties immediately. She is unfit to lead, period.”

'Racist' elementary school principal under fire for calling Colin Kaepernick an 'anti-American thug'

So this elementary school principle calls Kaeparnick an “anti-American thug.” and gets labeled a racist.

Why is it that this is not OK, but Kaeparnick and company can label Trump and his supporters as racist?

Dims are the only ones throwing the race card around in both examples, but not one racist comment from either of them.

I am sick of this crap!

You and I both. During the French Revolution, the average citizen could be arrested for a crime he or she might commit. Of course, only two options were available for the Revolutionary courts of the time to "deal" with the accused: acquittal or death by guillotine. The de facto double standard for politically correct speech Americans have come to accept and practice is insane. The State should just go ahead issue cats-o'-nine-tails so politically correct cultists can self-flagellate on the spot for speaking out of turn.

So you are sick of a principal being condemned for exercising her first amendment right, by condemning someone exercising his first amendment right? That's pretty ironic isn't it? Why feel compelled to lament the unfairness of the one but not the other?

Has kneeling for the Anthem been found or proven to be protected symbolic speech?
The courts have ruled on many of occasions and on stuff arguably more offensive behavior like for instance burning of the flag that such actions are protected by the first amendment.

That is along the lines of what I have read as well. However, will or should the courts rule specifically on kneeling for our Anthem? In my opinion: yes, they should--all the way to the Supreme Court. Should kneeling for the Anthem be socially acceptable? In my opinion: no.
What would be the reasoning to get a specific ruling, if the precedent of acceptable expressions of free speech are already set at more offensive behavior as kneeling for the anthem? How would that not be a waste of the supreme courts time? As to what is socially acceptable. I find video after video of cops shooting black people MORALLY unacceptable. I find 10000 deaths a year caused by gun violence MORALLY unacceptable, I fail to see why someone kneeling for the national anthem should be such an issue in light of those facts.
What has Kaepernick ever done to earn the label “thug?” I think we all know why this teacher chose that word for him.

Yeah, because of his disrespectful, self-centered attitude. He grew up with every trapping and advantage of 'white privilege' if anyone did, and started playing the thoughtless punk masquerading as social justice warrior just about when his talent for professional football hit the wall. He is an affront to any and every sincere effort at perfecting our Union for all Americans.
Not sure how growing up with white privilege has anything to do with protesting. What kind of retard are you Unk?
What has Kaepernick ever done to earn the label “thug?” I think we all know why this teacher chose that word for him.

Many feel that he is unpatriotic because he chose the National Anthem to get attention.

Make no mistake, he knew perfectly well what the reaction would be, which is why he did it during the National anthem.

A thug is defined as someone who is a criminal and treats other roughly.

Perhaps he has not broken any laws, but he has treated patriotic Americans roughly.
Kaepernick has spent the last few years working for and donating to charities, and trying to rejoin the NFL. But he did dare to say that a black person’s life matters, and he happens to be black. Which is more than enough reason among the white Trump crowd to earn the title “thug.”
Wrong. He is using this to try and get publicity. Plain and simple.
If that was true he would have made an announcement about it. It took the public a couple of games to notice what he was doing and they only found out because some reporter pointed it out.

All the athletes who joined Kaepernick’s national anthem protest

"There was no grand unveiling of Kaepernick’s sitting protest. Instead, Jennifer Lee Chan of Niners Nation tweeted out a photo of the anthem, unrelated to Kaepernick sitting. The story gained national attention later that night and the 49ers released a statement confirming Kaepernick sat for the anthem.

Kaepernick told the media after the game he sat because of the oppression of people of color and ongoing issues with police brutality."
let's put it into perspective
there is not a major problem of police brutality
they usually shoot in self defense
in 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

yet blacks MURDER over 3000 blacks every year
As a parent I don't think how the teacher expressed her opinion was correct (given it's an elementary class) but with that said her using thug isn't a racist comment. Thugs come in all colors and Kaeperdick hasn't done anything "thuggish" so to speak.

The teacher should have used it as an exercise to explain rights to freedom of expression and protest...and the right to not to agree with one's form of protest. Also how the free market system works

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