Racist groups vs Free Speech, i've converted...

How didn't they not?

Deflection. Answer the question.
It's pretty obvious. Insurance companies own the policies and make the decisions about how they handle their plans, customers and operations

You're still running son. Answer the question.
I just did. Not my problem if you don't get it.

Oh I get it kid, it was no answer and you are a coward. HOW did the Insurance Companies take away the policies?
because they run their business. How do you not understand that? They decided what's in their plans, how much they charge and who they cover. They decide how do do all of this in compliance with government regulations. Obamacare put more pressure on them to up the standards, so I'm not saying it played no part. But be honest and at least acknowledge that the insurance companies played a part in being the driver of decisions about their plans and coverage.
It's been a crazy week and i've engaged in many heated discussions about the events of Charlottesville. I have to admit that i've been greatly conflicted about my anti-racist feelings and my support of free speech. I flirted dangerously close in many discussions to promoting the shutdown of speech for white supremacist groups. I saw them as threats, conveyers of hate speech and given their history which has resulted in millions of deaths I was ok with suppressing their speech and shutting down their causes by whatever means necessary. But, I've had a change of heart.

I think we can be smarter than that and not empower these assholes to strip us of our freedoms. It is a slippery slope once you start suppressing speech. We have legal censorship in a variety of areas which i'm fine with, but shutting down groups from holding rallies, having websites and protesting is only going to lead to bad things. Note that I in no way support any provocation of violence or destruction resulting from rallies or protests. If that happens then shut them down immediately and make arrests.

I would promote fighting these douchebags by ignoring them and minimizing them in a SMART way. Don't lower yourself to fight with them and fuel their cause. Take away their statues and flags that empower them in public forums and show them that our communities outright reject their hateful views. Or construct monuments and statues of civil rights leaders next to the confederate statues and tell the story about how we prevailed and fought agains their hate, and WE WON. Ignore their rallies and don't give them the exposure or attention that they crave. Speak louder and stronger for equality.

I still think that the Presidents comments that minimized the ugliness of the Nazi's and White Supremacists were wildly inappropriate. He tried to spread the blame to the left for the anti-protests and it deluded his message of condemnation that should have been crystal clear in opposition of the hate groups. He should have spread the message in a better way to fight against it. I don't want to relitigate Trumps actions in this OP but I did want to share my change of opinion and open up a discussion about productive ways to move forward that combats the hate and preserves our right of free speech.

Your message only demonstrates how you're short-sighted, biased and a hypocrite.
Wow, you make some really interesting points... let me think about that brilliant argument and get back to you with a response in a bit :cuckoo:

What, I'm supposed to explain how you're FUCKED in the head and you'll get it? Here's a clue shithead.

How the FUCK did you conclude white supremacists should be shut down and their rights taken away, but the same doesn't apply to the extreme left, who are FAR more radical & dangerous?

How the FUCK did you associate confederate history with white supremacists today?

How the FUCK did you come to excuse liberals from re-writing destroying history, never mind our Constitution?

How the FUCK did you conclude liberals dictate what monuments exist, what names exist, and what books are available?

How the FUCK are you pathetically blind to critical thought and history, that you can't calculate how the actions you're advocating for impact our world tomorrow?

Liberals WILL NOT dictate our monuments, our Constitution, our thoughts, our words or anything else they're fucked in the head to consider. YOU advocate authoritarian and a destruction of the country herself. This has all been documented beforehand. Read my signature for a great example, and George Orwell documented the same. Turns out he wrote about liberals, quite clearly.
I stopped at your second paragraph when you completely whiffed and mischaracterized what I wrote in my OP. I defended their rights, not advocated to shut them down... you either lie or have shit for brains and obviously lack basic comprehension skills. Learn to read then come back and try again. You're over your head.

It's been a crazy week and i've engaged in many heated discussions about the events of Charlottesville. I have to admit that i've been greatly conflicted about my anti-racist feelings and my support of free speech. I flirted dangerously close in many discussions to promoting the shutdown of speech for white supremacist groups. I saw them as threats, conveyers of hate speech and given their history which has resulted in millions of deaths I was ok with suppressing their speech and shutting down their causes by whatever means necessary. But, I've had a change of heart.

I think we can be smarter than that and not empower these assholes to strip us of our freedoms. It is a slippery slope once you start suppressing speech. We have legal censorship in a variety of areas which i'm fine with, but shutting down groups from holding rallies, having websites and protesting is only going to lead to bad things. Note that I in no way support any provocation of violence or destruction resulting from rallies or protests. If that happens then shut them down immediately and make arrests.

I would promote fighting these douchebags by ignoring them and minimizing them in a SMART way. Don't lower yourself to fight with them and fuel their cause. Take away their statues and flags that empower them in public forums and show them that our communities outright reject their hateful views. Or construct monuments and statues of civil rights leaders next to the confederate statues and tell the story about how we prevailed and fought agains their hate, and WE WON. Ignore their rallies and don't give them the exposure or attention that they crave. Speak louder and stronger for equality.

I still think that the Presidents comments that minimized the ugliness of the Nazi's and White Supremacists were wildly inappropriate. He tried to spread the blame to the left for the anti-protests and it deluded his message of condemnation that should have been crystal clear in opposition of the hate groups. He should have spread the message in a better way to fight against it. I don't want to relitigate Trumps actions in this OP but I did want to share my change of opinion and open up a discussion about productive ways to move forward that combats the hate and preserves our right of free speech.

Your message only demonstrates how you're short-sighted, biased and a hypocrite.
Wow, you make some really interesting points... let me think about that brilliant argument and get back to you with a response in a bit :cuckoo:

What, I'm supposed to explain how you're FUCKED in the head and you'll get it? Here's a clue shithead.

How the FUCK did you conclude white supremacists should be shut down and their rights taken away, but the same doesn't apply to the extreme left, who are FAR more radical & dangerous?

How the FUCK did you associate confederate history with white supremacists today?

How the FUCK did you come to excuse liberals from re-writing destroying history, never mind our Constitution?

How the FUCK did you conclude liberals dictate what monuments exist, what names exist, and what books are available?

How the FUCK are you pathetically blind to critical thought and history, that you can't calculate how the actions you're advocating for impact our world tomorrow?

Liberals WILL NOT dictate our monuments, our Constitution, our thoughts, our words or anything else they're fucked in the head to consider. YOU advocate authoritarian and a destruction of the country herself. This has all been documented beforehand. Read my signature for a great example, and George Orwell documented the same. Turns out he wrote about liberals, quite clearly.
I stopped at your second paragraph when you completely whiffed and mischaracterized what I wrote in my OP. I defended their rights, not advocated to shut them down... you either lie or have shit for brains and obviously lack basic comprehension skills. Learn to read then come back and try again. You're over your head.

Whooooooops, agreed.........I misread your message. As for what you wrote about Trump, I disagree. It's one-sided. Trump said nothing that was wrong.
That's your opinion. But it sure caused a shitstorm and backlash from people from all over the country and from both parties, even his supporters so maybe you should rethink that. It would be great if he did.
Deflection. Answer the question.
It's pretty obvious. Insurance companies own the policies and make the decisions about how they handle their plans, customers and operations

You're still running son. Answer the question.
I just did. Not my problem if you don't get it.

Oh I get it kid, it was no answer and you are a coward. HOW did the Insurance Companies take away the policies?
because they run their business. How do you not understand that? They decided what's in their plans, how much they charge and who they cover. They decide how do do all of this in compliance with government regulations. Obamacare put more pressure on them to up the standards, so I'm not saying it played no part. But be honest and at least acknowledge that the insurance companies played a part in being the driver of decisions about their plans and coverage.

If a Company changes ANYTHING in a plan it has to cancel old plan and file a new one. You are nothing but a disingenuous child kid. The ACA FORCED the changes, in fact other than Temp plans ALL plans had to live up to the ACA standards. This FORCED them to cancel ALL old plans and file new ones. You are dismissed as the liar you are boy.
Ask the average black who the slave owners were before the civil war, I guarantee 99% will say only whites or who were the salves and they will say only blacks. Both of course are inaccurate. Accuracy, not propaganda, is important when it comes to understanding history. Obviously you have no problem pushing the propaganda.

I don't push any of that shit because it is not relevant to the conversation. Who cares what race 99% of black people think owned slaves. It is not relevant. If you want to fund efforts for better education of history in our schools then go for it. I'll support you. But for this conversation it has zero relevance

It's very relevant to your regressive narrative, you folks treat most minorities like mushrooms, you know, keep'em in the dark and feed them shit. If they wise up you lose your base. Also why is it always throw more money at a problem, how about we go back to a curriculum that works.

How do you get curriculum that works?

Throw all the social crap our of the schools and concentrate on academics. Kids have moms and dads and extended family to address the social stuff.
How do you do that? Take me through the process
Privatize them.

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Your message only demonstrates how you're short-sighted, biased and a hypocrite.
Wow, you make some really interesting points... let me think about that brilliant argument and get back to you with a response in a bit :cuckoo:

What, I'm supposed to explain how you're FUCKED in the head and you'll get it? Here's a clue shithead.

How the FUCK did you conclude white supremacists should be shut down and their rights taken away, but the same doesn't apply to the extreme left, who are FAR more radical & dangerous?

How the FUCK did you associate confederate history with white supremacists today?

How the FUCK did you come to excuse liberals from re-writing destroying history, never mind our Constitution?

How the FUCK did you conclude liberals dictate what monuments exist, what names exist, and what books are available?

How the FUCK are you pathetically blind to critical thought and history, that you can't calculate how the actions you're advocating for impact our world tomorrow?

Liberals WILL NOT dictate our monuments, our Constitution, our thoughts, our words or anything else they're fucked in the head to consider. YOU advocate authoritarian and a destruction of the country herself. This has all been documented beforehand. Read my signature for a great example, and George Orwell documented the same. Turns out he wrote about liberals, quite clearly.
I stopped at your second paragraph when you completely whiffed and mischaracterized what I wrote in my OP. I defended their rights, not advocated to shut them down... you either lie or have shit for brains and obviously lack basic comprehension skills. Learn to read then come back and try again. You're over your head.

Your message only demonstrates how you're short-sighted, biased and a hypocrite.
Wow, you make some really interesting points... let me think about that brilliant argument and get back to you with a response in a bit :cuckoo:

What, I'm supposed to explain how you're FUCKED in the head and you'll get it? Here's a clue shithead.

How the FUCK did you conclude white supremacists should be shut down and their rights taken away, but the same doesn't apply to the extreme left, who are FAR more radical & dangerous?

How the FUCK did you associate confederate history with white supremacists today?

How the FUCK did you come to excuse liberals from re-writing destroying history, never mind our Constitution?

How the FUCK did you conclude liberals dictate what monuments exist, what names exist, and what books are available?

How the FUCK are you pathetically blind to critical thought and history, that you can't calculate how the actions you're advocating for impact our world tomorrow?

Liberals WILL NOT dictate our monuments, our Constitution, our thoughts, our words or anything else they're fucked in the head to consider. YOU advocate authoritarian and a destruction of the country herself. This has all been documented beforehand. Read my signature for a great example, and George Orwell documented the same. Turns out he wrote about liberals, quite clearly.
I stopped at your second paragraph when you completely whiffed and mischaracterized what I wrote in my OP. I defended their rights, not advocated to shut them down... you either lie or have shit for brains and obviously lack basic comprehension skills. Learn to read then come back and try again. You're over your head.

Whooooooops, agreed.........I misread your message. As for what you wrote about Trump, I disagree. It's one-sided. Trump said nothing that was wrong.
That's your opinion. But it sure caused a shitstorm and backlash from people from all over the country and from both parties, even his supporters so maybe you should rethink that. It would be great if he did.

That's because Americans are dumbed down snowflakes and don't recognize responsibility unless it belongs to someone else.
It's pretty obvious. Insurance companies own the policies and make the decisions about how they handle their plans, customers and operations

You're still running son. Answer the question.
I just did. Not my problem if you don't get it.

Oh I get it kid, it was no answer and you are a coward. HOW did the Insurance Companies take away the policies?
because they run their business. How do you not understand that? They decided what's in their plans, how much they charge and who they cover. They decide how do do all of this in compliance with government regulations. Obamacare put more pressure on them to up the standards, so I'm not saying it played no part. But be honest and at least acknowledge that the insurance companies played a part in being the driver of decisions about their plans and coverage.

If a Company changes ANYTHING in a plan it has to cancel old plan and file a new one. You are nothing but a disingenuous child kid. The ACA FORCED the changes, in fact other than Temp plans ALL plans had to live up to the ACA standards. This FORCED them to cancel ALL old plans and file new ones. You are dismissed as the liar you are boy.
Look up the definition of liar you dupe. You misuse it. While you are at it why don't you get your facts straight? Insurance companies only need to send you a renewal notice with updates on any policy changes that have been added to your plan.
You're still running son. Answer the question.
I just did. Not my problem if you don't get it.

Oh I get it kid, it was no answer and you are a coward. HOW did the Insurance Companies take away the policies?
because they run their business. How do you not understand that? They decided what's in their plans, how much they charge and who they cover. They decide how do do all of this in compliance with government regulations. Obamacare put more pressure on them to up the standards, so I'm not saying it played no part. But be honest and at least acknowledge that the insurance companies played a part in being the driver of decisions about their plans and coverage.

If a Company changes ANYTHING in a plan it has to cancel old plan and file a new one. You are nothing but a disingenuous child kid. The ACA FORCED the changes, in fact other than Temp plans ALL plans had to live up to the ACA standards. This FORCED them to cancel ALL old plans and file new ones. You are dismissed as the liar you are boy.
Look up the definition of liar you dupe. You misuse it. While you are at it why don't you get your facts straight? Insurance companies only need to send you a renewal notice with updates on any policy changes that have been added to your plan.

You're a liar just as I said. Fact, when the ACA went into effect the Companies had to CANCEL their old plans and file the new ones. Quit lying kid. I can go on kicking your ass all day kid.
In which case you would have no problem with how he addressed the issue.
In any case where he didn't come off like a total douchebag. Where he came out with the same anger and pointed retribution about blantant racists groups as he does about the media or his political opponents.
He addressed them at the same time, to he addressed them the exact same way. There's no issue with that, because they're all thugs. At least your post confirms you only disliked his speech because Donald Trump is the one making it.
You may have no issue with how Trump addressed the issue, many other people do take issue with how he handled it as i've explained in previous posts. If you can't understand why then that is your issue, you should try opening up your ears. My post confirmed nothing of what you claimed it does, another example of your lack of comprehension regarding what is being communicated.
If the 'issue' was so obvious, you would have been able to explain it. YOU claim that he minimized the role of the white supremacists, because he addressed the fact that the counter protesters were ALSO a problem, when in fact, it minimizes nothing to include all guilty parties. In complaining about that, it shows you wanted said counter protestors to have a free pass, because you didn't want them mentioned. Really, the problem the left is facing is coming up with an actual legitimate reason to complain.
I have explained it, you seem so determined to argue and defend Trump that you don't objectively listen. This makes you out of touch with the reality of how his actions resonate with the nation. I understand and acknowledge the point that you and Trump are trying to make. Groups like ANTIFA are violent and a problem and they shouldn't be given a free pass. I get it. I agree. But I also don't think that Trump responded appropriately given what happened in Charlottesville. I'm not alone in those feelings, conservatives and republicans from all over who are Trump supporters are coming out against the way he handled this. Turn on Fox News and watch the coverage. Staunch Trump supporters have been at a loss of words for the past week.

Dozens of people who were protesting racism were plowed down by a White supremacist in a car and an innocent girl was killed. Nazis marched the streets with loaded guns and torches calling for the eradication of Jews. It was a sick display that warranted legitimate outrage and condemnation from our president. He did not respond that way. He condemned hatred and bigotry from ALL SIDES. That minimizes the murder and moral condemnation of these hate groups. He was quicker to make the all sides point and passively point to the "Leftist" groups than he was to call out the hate groups. Just watch his tone and demeanor when he calls out the Nazi's and KKK, he does so like it is a kid whose parents make him go apologize for taking a toy from his sibling. He has more energy and anger and condemnation for his political opponents and for the news media than he does for the KKK and Nazi groups. It's pathetic as is your inability to recognize and/or acknowledge what we all know is going on.
You have yet to SHOW me how his actions resonate with the Nation. You can't prove that the Nation agrees with you, and you haven't bothered to try. If it was so obvious, you'd have already shown me objective evidence that the Nation agrees that he blundered. You, of course, can't do that, because there aren't all that many people WAITING to be upset over something.

And HOW exactly did he handle it poorly? WHAT EXACTLY did he say or do that is there to disagree with. Tell me his EXACT words that you disagree with in the speech.

Pretty sure the number was 18 or 19, which is not dozens, it's a dozen and a half, roughly. Beyond that, they weren't protesting racism, they were protesting the fact that people they disagree with are allowed to protest.

They didn't hurt anyone, they were protesting taking down a historical monument, and it was actually a relatively small number of people, not even 1% of the population of the US. They had a permit, and they weren't vandalizing anything or hurting anyone. The issue was when ANTIFA and BLM showed up to try to shut down an authorized protest, because they disagreed with it. Roughly 1000 people showed up to shut down that protest, and they showed up ARMED.

It doesn't minimize murder, he said it was terrible. He also said that there were bad people all "All Sides", which is a correct statement. He said nothing that was incorrect, except possibly that ANTIFA and BLM had no permit to protest, a statement I can neither confirm nor deny the validity of. He DID condemn the hate groups, ANTIFA included, as they had everyone they disagree with, even remotely.

What's pathetic is that you can't bring yourself to disagree with your leftist establishment overlords.
That's the funny thing, I'd deport, or create nationhood for minorities to try, and separate ethnic groups.
So you want the government to decide who our citizens can and can't mate with... You don't see that as a gross violation of liberty and freedom?

You still have not answered the question, this is the 7th time i've asked you. What is it that is so important to preserve by separating ethnic groups, why is it so important to you? You keep giving weak round about answers that do not directly answer the question. Grow a pair and speak up for your cause. You are doing a piss poor job representing your positions.

I don't think if we aim towards a more homogenous society that anti-Miscegenation laws would be needed.

What reasons have you given to why should give up our heritage?

Our heritage is part of our legacy, and the legacy of our forefathers.

It's completely disrespectful to allow our heritage to erode.

You don't get this, because you're a cold blooded Psychopath.
All that importance you put on heritage and legacy of a single race is complete BS, it is in your head, its not real. What's important is how we live our lives in the here and now. If you commit your time to pushing divisive rhetoric and fueling hate then you are wasting your life for no reason. Don't get me wrong my family heritage is extremely important to me. I'm writing a book about my family. My Italian side gets together every Christmas and cooks meals with recipes that have been passed down through generations, every meal we cheers to tradition. The other side of my family traces back to the Columbus crew and includes government officials, hall of fame athletes, and industry leaders that helped build this country. I find it fascinating and I love to research it, celebrate it, and pass OUR heritage, history, and traditions on to future generation of OUR family members. But none of that is dependent on all my ancestors coming from the same country or being the same race. That is a ridiculous statement. My heritage is enriched by the diversity of my ancestors. You hide your racism behind a very weak foundation of justification with this erasing heritage argument. You know your intelligence argument is complete BS because you've ditched it, I was waiting to shut you down if you brought it up again. You were smart not to. The point is, you are not fooling anybody by trying to rationalize your hate. Sounds to me like you have some personal issues you need to work out. I suggest you focus on yourself and stop being so concerned about who others mate with.

You say I hate, yet it's not I who want destroy people's heritages.

You obviously hate racial diversity, and want to destroy it.

That's the only thing I can think of for you supporting the erasing of people's heritages.

You talk about passing down traditions, but seem to forget that eventually they will be watered down in a mixed society to the point of being erased.

The intelligence argument certainly holds a lot of weight.

There is no evidence of equality between race in IQ, or PISA scores.
Your inteligence aregument is comeplete bullshit. If that was the standard then you would simply match people based on IQ and intellect. Surely you recognize that there are brilliant individuals from every race, so if it is intellect you are trying to preserve then mate all the brightest people together and race is a non-factor.

I know the little backhanded insult you are trying to sneak in there with your argument but it only makes you look like a transparent idiot as your point makes no sense.

It's bad enough that within races, the idiots tend to have more kids, it's even worse that the more idiotic races have even more kids than that.

The intelligence dynamics matter a great deal, obviously the Third-World condition can't be explained away only by Colonialism, and Socialism.

If that were true, then obviously Eastern Europe should generally be behind Africa, that's not the case, though.
That's the funny thing, I'd deport, or create nationhood for minorities to try, and separate ethnic groups.
So you want the government to decide who our citizens can and can't mate with... You don't see that as a gross violation of liberty and freedom?

You still have not answered the question, this is the 7th time i've asked you. What is it that is so important to preserve by separating ethnic groups, why is it so important to you? You keep giving weak round about answers that do not directly answer the question. Grow a pair and speak up for your cause. You are doing a piss poor job representing your positions.

I don't think if we aim towards a more homogenous society that anti-Miscegenation laws would be needed.

What reasons have you given to why should give up our heritage?

Our heritage is part of our legacy, and the legacy of our forefathers.

It's completely disrespectful to allow our heritage to erode.

You don't get this, because you're a cold blooded Psychopath.
All that importance you put on heritage and legacy of a single race is complete BS, it is in your head, its not real. What's important is how we live our lives in the here and now. If you commit your time to pushing divisive rhetoric and fueling hate then you are wasting your life for no reason. Don't get me wrong my family heritage is extremely important to me. I'm writing a book about my family. My Italian side gets together every Christmas and cooks meals with recipes that have been passed down through generations, every meal we cheers to tradition. The other side of my family traces back to the Columbus crew and includes government officials, hall of fame athletes, and industry leaders that helped build this country. I find it fascinating and I love to research it, celebrate it, and pass OUR heritage, history, and traditions on to future generation of OUR family members. But none of that is dependent on all my ancestors coming from the same country or being the same race. That is a ridiculous statement. My heritage is enriched by the diversity of my ancestors. You hide your racism behind a very weak foundation of justification with this erasing heritage argument. You know your intelligence argument is complete BS because you've ditched it, I was waiting to shut you down if you brought it up again. You were smart not to. The point is, you are not fooling anybody by trying to rationalize your hate. Sounds to me like you have some personal issues you need to work out. I suggest you focus on yourself and stop being so concerned about who others mate with.

You say I hate, yet it's not I who want destroy people's heritages.

You obviously hate racial diversity, and want to destroy it.

That's the only thing I can think of for you supporting the erasing of people's heritages.

You talk about passing down traditions, but seem to forget that eventually they will be watered down in a mixed society to the point of being erased.

The intelligence argument certainly holds a lot of weight.

There is no evidence of equality between race in IQ, or PISA scores.
My heritage is enriched and unique because of the diversity within it. The strongest elements of tradition and culture from our heritage is what transcends and that is different for every family and person. In the end we all have our own story and history and most importantly we have our own life to lead in whichever way we choose. Stop trying to justify your bias by acting like it is for some fictitious greater good. Your need for legacy and heritage preservation is all ego driven. History is preserved and traditions transcend through generations as each person sees fit. We live in a free society, if you don't like it then go live somewhere else where they have arranged marriages and racial division. Grow a backbone and stop making these weak excuses and meaningless arguments which are obviously a distraction from your core reasons for promoting division.

If you really cared about heritage, you would be alarmed with the Islamification of Italy, or Britain, or the Hispanification of the U.S.A.

Many of them don't respect Western heritage, anyways.

When they start to become the dominant force, eventually our heritage will become a memory.

I don't think you get this, I think anti-Racists are a little slow on the uptake to say the very least.
Well, when did we vote for all these immigrants to be here?
How do you think YOU got here? We all came from immigrants from a diversity of different countries.

Immigration law has been developed by our elected leaders and rulings have been made by the supreme court. People vote for our leadership who run campaigns based on policy issues. Our leaders write laws and make decisions as representatives of the people. Its called a democratic republic.

So, sorry, but I don't agree with America, it's a killer of cultures.

Multiculturalism, and Integration both are horrendous in this country.
This country is a melting pot of cultures that was founded by "immigrants" you're living in the wrong place to have that warped point of view that you fail miserably at explaining

The Naturalization Act of 1790, the Founding Father's immigration act, specifically said that only freed Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.
The Native American Homestead Act of 1569 said that any freed White immigrant that invades their land and kills their people are not of good character.

In any case where he didn't come off like a total douchebag. Where he came out with the same anger and pointed retribution about blantant racists groups as he does about the media or his political opponents.
He addressed them at the same time, to he addressed them the exact same way. There's no issue with that, because they're all thugs. At least your post confirms you only disliked his speech because Donald Trump is the one making it.
You may have no issue with how Trump addressed the issue, many other people do take issue with how he handled it as i've explained in previous posts. If you can't understand why then that is your issue, you should try opening up your ears. My post confirmed nothing of what you claimed it does, another example of your lack of comprehension regarding what is being communicated.
If the 'issue' was so obvious, you would have been able to explain it. YOU claim that he minimized the role of the white supremacists, because he addressed the fact that the counter protesters were ALSO a problem, when in fact, it minimizes nothing to include all guilty parties. In complaining about that, it shows you wanted said counter protestors to have a free pass, because you didn't want them mentioned. Really, the problem the left is facing is coming up with an actual legitimate reason to complain.
I have explained it, you seem so determined to argue and defend Trump that you don't objectively listen. This makes you out of touch with the reality of how his actions resonate with the nation. I understand and acknowledge the point that you and Trump are trying to make. Groups like ANTIFA are violent and a problem and they shouldn't be given a free pass. I get it. I agree. But I also don't think that Trump responded appropriately given what happened in Charlottesville. I'm not alone in those feelings, conservatives and republicans from all over who are Trump supporters are coming out against the way he handled this. Turn on Fox News and watch the coverage. Staunch Trump supporters have been at a loss of words for the past week.

Dozens of people who were protesting racism were plowed down by a White supremacist in a car and an innocent girl was killed. Nazis marched the streets with loaded guns and torches calling for the eradication of Jews. It was a sick display that warranted legitimate outrage and condemnation from our president. He did not respond that way. He condemned hatred and bigotry from ALL SIDES. That minimizes the murder and moral condemnation of these hate groups. He was quicker to make the all sides point and passively point to the "Leftist" groups than he was to call out the hate groups. Just watch his tone and demeanor when he calls out the Nazi's and KKK, he does so like it is a kid whose parents make him go apologize for taking a toy from his sibling. He has more energy and anger and condemnation for his political opponents and for the news media than he does for the KKK and Nazi groups. It's pathetic as is your inability to recognize and/or acknowledge what we all know is going on.
You have yet to SHOW me how his actions resonate with the Nation. You can't prove that the Nation agrees with you, and you haven't bothered to try. If it was so obvious, you'd have already shown me objective evidence that the Nation agrees that he blundered. You, of course, can't do that, because there aren't all that many people WAITING to be upset over something.

And HOW exactly did he handle it poorly? WHAT EXACTLY did he say or do that is there to disagree with. Tell me his EXACT words that you disagree with in the speech.

Pretty sure the number was 18 or 19, which is not dozens, it's a dozen and a half, roughly. Beyond that, they weren't protesting racism, they were protesting the fact that people they disagree with are allowed to protest.

They didn't hurt anyone, they were protesting taking down a historical monument, and it was actually a relatively small number of people, not even 1% of the population of the US. They had a permit, and they weren't vandalizing anything or hurting anyone. The issue was when ANTIFA and BLM showed up to try to shut down an authorized protest, because they disagreed with it. Roughly 1000 people showed up to shut down that protest, and they showed up ARMED.

It doesn't minimize murder, he said it was terrible. He also said that there were bad people all "All Sides", which is a correct statement. He said nothing that was incorrect, except possibly that ANTIFA and BLM had no permit to protest, a statement I can neither confirm nor deny the validity of. He DID condemn the hate groups, ANTIFA included, as they had everyone they disagree with, even remotely.

What's pathetic is that you can't bring yourself to disagree with your leftist establishment overlords.
I can point to polls but you think they are all fake, I've pointed to republicans and business leaders who have spoken out against trump but you think they are leftists. I'm not playing your little word games or your prove how the nation feels game. I know what I saw and what I heard from Trump. It was weak and pathetic.

If you don't believe me, then maybe you'll listen to Trumps advisor Gary Cohen
Trump confronts unprecedented public rebuke by Gary Cohn after Charlottesville
Last edited:
He addressed them at the same time, to he addressed them the exact same way. There's no issue with that, because they're all thugs. At least your post confirms you only disliked his speech because Donald Trump is the one making it.
You may have no issue with how Trump addressed the issue, many other people do take issue with how he handled it as i've explained in previous posts. If you can't understand why then that is your issue, you should try opening up your ears. My post confirmed nothing of what you claimed it does, another example of your lack of comprehension regarding what is being communicated.
If the 'issue' was so obvious, you would have been able to explain it. YOU claim that he minimized the role of the white supremacists, because he addressed the fact that the counter protesters were ALSO a problem, when in fact, it minimizes nothing to include all guilty parties. In complaining about that, it shows you wanted said counter protestors to have a free pass, because you didn't want them mentioned. Really, the problem the left is facing is coming up with an actual legitimate reason to complain.
I have explained it, you seem so determined to argue and defend Trump that you don't objectively listen. This makes you out of touch with the reality of how his actions resonate with the nation. I understand and acknowledge the point that you and Trump are trying to make. Groups like ANTIFA are violent and a problem and they shouldn't be given a free pass. I get it. I agree. But I also don't think that Trump responded appropriately given what happened in Charlottesville. I'm not alone in those feelings, conservatives and republicans from all over who are Trump supporters are coming out against the way he handled this. Turn on Fox News and watch the coverage. Staunch Trump supporters have been at a loss of words for the past week.

Dozens of people who were protesting racism were plowed down by a White supremacist in a car and an innocent girl was killed. Nazis marched the streets with loaded guns and torches calling for the eradication of Jews. It was a sick display that warranted legitimate outrage and condemnation from our president. He did not respond that way. He condemned hatred and bigotry from ALL SIDES. That minimizes the murder and moral condemnation of these hate groups. He was quicker to make the all sides point and passively point to the "Leftist" groups than he was to call out the hate groups. Just watch his tone and demeanor when he calls out the Nazi's and KKK, he does so like it is a kid whose parents make him go apologize for taking a toy from his sibling. He has more energy and anger and condemnation for his political opponents and for the news media than he does for the KKK and Nazi groups. It's pathetic as is your inability to recognize and/or acknowledge what we all know is going on.
You have yet to SHOW me how his actions resonate with the Nation. You can't prove that the Nation agrees with you, and you haven't bothered to try. If it was so obvious, you'd have already shown me objective evidence that the Nation agrees that he blundered. You, of course, can't do that, because there aren't all that many people WAITING to be upset over something.

And HOW exactly did he handle it poorly? WHAT EXACTLY did he say or do that is there to disagree with. Tell me his EXACT words that you disagree with in the speech.

Pretty sure the number was 18 or 19, which is not dozens, it's a dozen and a half, roughly. Beyond that, they weren't protesting racism, they were protesting the fact that people they disagree with are allowed to protest.

They didn't hurt anyone, they were protesting taking down a historical monument, and it was actually a relatively small number of people, not even 1% of the population of the US. They had a permit, and they weren't vandalizing anything or hurting anyone. The issue was when ANTIFA and BLM showed up to try to shut down an authorized protest, because they disagreed with it. Roughly 1000 people showed up to shut down that protest, and they showed up ARMED.

It doesn't minimize murder, he said it was terrible. He also said that there were bad people all "All Sides", which is a correct statement. He said nothing that was incorrect, except possibly that ANTIFA and BLM had no permit to protest, a statement I can neither confirm nor deny the validity of. He DID condemn the hate groups, ANTIFA included, as they had everyone they disagree with, even remotely.

What's pathetic is that you can't bring yourself to disagree with your leftist establishment overlords.
I can point to polls but you think they are all fake, I've pointed to republicans and business leaders who have spoken out against trump but you think they are leftists. I'm not playing your little word games or your prove how the nation feels game. I know what I saw and what I heard from Trump. It was weak and pathetic.

If you don't believe me, then maybe you'll listen to Trumps advisor Gary Cohen:

I have come under enormous pressure both to resign and to remain in my current position. As a patriotic American, I am reluctant to leave my post as director of the National Economic Council because I feel a duty to fulfil my commitment to work on behalf of the American people. But I also feel compelled to voice my distress over the events of the last two weeks.

Citizens standing up for equality and freedom can never be equated with white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and the KKK. I believe this administration can and must do better in consistently and unequivocally condemning these groups and do everything we can to heal the deep divisions that exist in our communities. As a Jewish American, I will not allow neo-Nazis ranting “Jews will not replace us” to cause this Jew to leave his job. I feel deep empathy for all who have been targeted by these hate groups. We must all unite together against them.
Trump confronts unprecedented public rebuke by Gary Cohn after Charlottesville
So you want the government to decide who our citizens can and can't mate with... You don't see that as a gross violation of liberty and freedom?

You still have not answered the question, this is the 7th time i've asked you. What is it that is so important to preserve by separating ethnic groups, why is it so important to you? You keep giving weak round about answers that do not directly answer the question. Grow a pair and speak up for your cause. You are doing a piss poor job representing your positions.

I don't think if we aim towards a more homogenous society that anti-Miscegenation laws would be needed.

What reasons have you given to why should give up our heritage?

Our heritage is part of our legacy, and the legacy of our forefathers.

It's completely disrespectful to allow our heritage to erode.

You don't get this, because you're a cold blooded Psychopath.
All that importance you put on heritage and legacy of a single race is complete BS, it is in your head, its not real. What's important is how we live our lives in the here and now. If you commit your time to pushing divisive rhetoric and fueling hate then you are wasting your life for no reason. Don't get me wrong my family heritage is extremely important to me. I'm writing a book about my family. My Italian side gets together every Christmas and cooks meals with recipes that have been passed down through generations, every meal we cheers to tradition. The other side of my family traces back to the Columbus crew and includes government officials, hall of fame athletes, and industry leaders that helped build this country. I find it fascinating and I love to research it, celebrate it, and pass OUR heritage, history, and traditions on to future generation of OUR family members. But none of that is dependent on all my ancestors coming from the same country or being the same race. That is a ridiculous statement. My heritage is enriched by the diversity of my ancestors. You hide your racism behind a very weak foundation of justification with this erasing heritage argument. You know your intelligence argument is complete BS because you've ditched it, I was waiting to shut you down if you brought it up again. You were smart not to. The point is, you are not fooling anybody by trying to rationalize your hate. Sounds to me like you have some personal issues you need to work out. I suggest you focus on yourself and stop being so concerned about who others mate with.

You say I hate, yet it's not I who want destroy people's heritages.

You obviously hate racial diversity, and want to destroy it.

That's the only thing I can think of for you supporting the erasing of people's heritages.

You talk about passing down traditions, but seem to forget that eventually they will be watered down in a mixed society to the point of being erased.

The intelligence argument certainly holds a lot of weight.

There is no evidence of equality between race in IQ, or PISA scores.
Your inteligence aregument is comeplete bullshit. If that was the standard then you would simply match people based on IQ and intellect. Surely you recognize that there are brilliant individuals from every race, so if it is intellect you are trying to preserve then mate all the brightest people together and race is a non-factor.

I know the little backhanded insult you are trying to sneak in there with your argument but it only makes you look like a transparent idiot as your point makes no sense.

It's bad enough that within races, the idiots tend to have more kids, it's even worse that the more idiotic races have even more kids than that.

The intelligence dynamics matter a great deal, obviously the Third-World condition can't be explained away only by Colonialism, and Socialism.

If that were true, then obviously Eastern Europe should generally be behind Africa, that's not the case, though.
Nice dodge, but you didn't address my statement. You can't really because you have no arguement
So you want the government to decide who our citizens can and can't mate with... You don't see that as a gross violation of liberty and freedom?

You still have not answered the question, this is the 7th time i've asked you. What is it that is so important to preserve by separating ethnic groups, why is it so important to you? You keep giving weak round about answers that do not directly answer the question. Grow a pair and speak up for your cause. You are doing a piss poor job representing your positions.

I don't think if we aim towards a more homogenous society that anti-Miscegenation laws would be needed.

What reasons have you given to why should give up our heritage?

Our heritage is part of our legacy, and the legacy of our forefathers.

It's completely disrespectful to allow our heritage to erode.

You don't get this, because you're a cold blooded Psychopath.
All that importance you put on heritage and legacy of a single race is complete BS, it is in your head, its not real. What's important is how we live our lives in the here and now. If you commit your time to pushing divisive rhetoric and fueling hate then you are wasting your life for no reason. Don't get me wrong my family heritage is extremely important to me. I'm writing a book about my family. My Italian side gets together every Christmas and cooks meals with recipes that have been passed down through generations, every meal we cheers to tradition. The other side of my family traces back to the Columbus crew and includes government officials, hall of fame athletes, and industry leaders that helped build this country. I find it fascinating and I love to research it, celebrate it, and pass OUR heritage, history, and traditions on to future generation of OUR family members. But none of that is dependent on all my ancestors coming from the same country or being the same race. That is a ridiculous statement. My heritage is enriched by the diversity of my ancestors. You hide your racism behind a very weak foundation of justification with this erasing heritage argument. You know your intelligence argument is complete BS because you've ditched it, I was waiting to shut you down if you brought it up again. You were smart not to. The point is, you are not fooling anybody by trying to rationalize your hate. Sounds to me like you have some personal issues you need to work out. I suggest you focus on yourself and stop being so concerned about who others mate with.

You say I hate, yet it's not I who want destroy people's heritages.

You obviously hate racial diversity, and want to destroy it.

That's the only thing I can think of for you supporting the erasing of people's heritages.

You talk about passing down traditions, but seem to forget that eventually they will be watered down in a mixed society to the point of being erased.

The intelligence argument certainly holds a lot of weight.

There is no evidence of equality between race in IQ, or PISA scores.
My heritage is enriched and unique because of the diversity within it. The strongest elements of tradition and culture from our heritage is what transcends and that is different for every family and person. In the end we all have our own story and history and most importantly we have our own life to lead in whichever way we choose. Stop trying to justify your bias by acting like it is for some fictitious greater good. Your need for legacy and heritage preservation is all ego driven. History is preserved and traditions transcend through generations as each person sees fit. We live in a free society, if you don't like it then go live somewhere else where they have arranged marriages and racial division. Grow a backbone and stop making these weak excuses and meaningless arguments which are obviously a distraction from your core reasons for promoting division.

If you really cared about heritage, you would be alarmed with the Islamification of Italy, or Britain, or the Hispanification of the U.S.A.

Many of them don't respect Western heritage, anyways.

When they start to become the dominant force, eventually our heritage will become a memory.

I don't think you get this, I think anti-Racists are a little slow on the uptake to say the very least.
Another dodge. You're done man
You may have no issue with how Trump addressed the issue, many other people do take issue with how he handled it as i've explained in previous posts. If you can't understand why then that is your issue, you should try opening up your ears. My post confirmed nothing of what you claimed it does, another example of your lack of comprehension regarding what is being communicated.
If the 'issue' was so obvious, you would have been able to explain it. YOU claim that he minimized the role of the white supremacists, because he addressed the fact that the counter protesters were ALSO a problem, when in fact, it minimizes nothing to include all guilty parties. In complaining about that, it shows you wanted said counter protestors to have a free pass, because you didn't want them mentioned. Really, the problem the left is facing is coming up with an actual legitimate reason to complain.
I have explained it, you seem so determined to argue and defend Trump that you don't objectively listen. This makes you out of touch with the reality of how his actions resonate with the nation. I understand and acknowledge the point that you and Trump are trying to make. Groups like ANTIFA are violent and a problem and they shouldn't be given a free pass. I get it. I agree. But I also don't think that Trump responded appropriately given what happened in Charlottesville. I'm not alone in those feelings, conservatives and republicans from all over who are Trump supporters are coming out against the way he handled this. Turn on Fox News and watch the coverage. Staunch Trump supporters have been at a loss of words for the past week.

Dozens of people who were protesting racism were plowed down by a White supremacist in a car and an innocent girl was killed. Nazis marched the streets with loaded guns and torches calling for the eradication of Jews. It was a sick display that warranted legitimate outrage and condemnation from our president. He did not respond that way. He condemned hatred and bigotry from ALL SIDES. That minimizes the murder and moral condemnation of these hate groups. He was quicker to make the all sides point and passively point to the "Leftist" groups than he was to call out the hate groups. Just watch his tone and demeanor when he calls out the Nazi's and KKK, he does so like it is a kid whose parents make him go apologize for taking a toy from his sibling. He has more energy and anger and condemnation for his political opponents and for the news media than he does for the KKK and Nazi groups. It's pathetic as is your inability to recognize and/or acknowledge what we all know is going on.
You have yet to SHOW me how his actions resonate with the Nation. You can't prove that the Nation agrees with you, and you haven't bothered to try. If it was so obvious, you'd have already shown me objective evidence that the Nation agrees that he blundered. You, of course, can't do that, because there aren't all that many people WAITING to be upset over something.

And HOW exactly did he handle it poorly? WHAT EXACTLY did he say or do that is there to disagree with. Tell me his EXACT words that you disagree with in the speech.

Pretty sure the number was 18 or 19, which is not dozens, it's a dozen and a half, roughly. Beyond that, they weren't protesting racism, they were protesting the fact that people they disagree with are allowed to protest.

They didn't hurt anyone, they were protesting taking down a historical monument, and it was actually a relatively small number of people, not even 1% of the population of the US. They had a permit, and they weren't vandalizing anything or hurting anyone. The issue was when ANTIFA and BLM showed up to try to shut down an authorized protest, because they disagreed with it. Roughly 1000 people showed up to shut down that protest, and they showed up ARMED.

It doesn't minimize murder, he said it was terrible. He also said that there were bad people all "All Sides", which is a correct statement. He said nothing that was incorrect, except possibly that ANTIFA and BLM had no permit to protest, a statement I can neither confirm nor deny the validity of. He DID condemn the hate groups, ANTIFA included, as they had everyone they disagree with, even remotely.

What's pathetic is that you can't bring yourself to disagree with your leftist establishment overlords.
I can point to polls but you think they are all fake, I've pointed to republicans and business leaders who have spoken out against trump but you think they are leftists. I'm not playing your little word games or your prove how the nation feels game. I know what I saw and what I heard from Trump. It was weak and pathetic.

If you don't believe me, then maybe you'll listen to Trumps advisor Gary Cohen:

I have come under enormous pressure both to resign and to remain in my current position. As a patriotic American, I am reluctant to leave my post as director of the National Economic Council because I feel a duty to fulfil my commitment to work on behalf of the American people. But I also feel compelled to voice my distress over the events of the last two weeks.

Citizens standing up for equality and freedom can never be equated with white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and the KKK. I believe this administration can and must do better in consistently and unequivocally condemning these groups and do everything we can to heal the deep divisions that exist in our communities. As a Jewish American, I will not allow neo-Nazis ranting “Jews will not replace us” to cause this Jew to leave his job. I feel deep empathy for all who have been targeted by these hate groups. We must all unite together against them.
Trump confronts unprecedented public rebuke by Gary Cohn after Charlottesville
Polls say what the pollsters want them to say. Like when the polls said Hillary would win the election.

The quote there means nothing. He condemned the White Supremacists, making the man's statement utterly superfluous. He just also condemned the terrorists that showed up to counter protest the White Supremacists.
If the 'issue' was so obvious, you would have been able to explain it. YOU claim that he minimized the role of the white supremacists, because he addressed the fact that the counter protesters were ALSO a problem, when in fact, it minimizes nothing to include all guilty parties. In complaining about that, it shows you wanted said counter protestors to have a free pass, because you didn't want them mentioned. Really, the problem the left is facing is coming up with an actual legitimate reason to complain.
I have explained it, you seem so determined to argue and defend Trump that you don't objectively listen. This makes you out of touch with the reality of how his actions resonate with the nation. I understand and acknowledge the point that you and Trump are trying to make. Groups like ANTIFA are violent and a problem and they shouldn't be given a free pass. I get it. I agree. But I also don't think that Trump responded appropriately given what happened in Charlottesville. I'm not alone in those feelings, conservatives and republicans from all over who are Trump supporters are coming out against the way he handled this. Turn on Fox News and watch the coverage. Staunch Trump supporters have been at a loss of words for the past week.

Dozens of people who were protesting racism were plowed down by a White supremacist in a car and an innocent girl was killed. Nazis marched the streets with loaded guns and torches calling for the eradication of Jews. It was a sick display that warranted legitimate outrage and condemnation from our president. He did not respond that way. He condemned hatred and bigotry from ALL SIDES. That minimizes the murder and moral condemnation of these hate groups. He was quicker to make the all sides point and passively point to the "Leftist" groups than he was to call out the hate groups. Just watch his tone and demeanor when he calls out the Nazi's and KKK, he does so like it is a kid whose parents make him go apologize for taking a toy from his sibling. He has more energy and anger and condemnation for his political opponents and for the news media than he does for the KKK and Nazi groups. It's pathetic as is your inability to recognize and/or acknowledge what we all know is going on.
You have yet to SHOW me how his actions resonate with the Nation. You can't prove that the Nation agrees with you, and you haven't bothered to try. If it was so obvious, you'd have already shown me objective evidence that the Nation agrees that he blundered. You, of course, can't do that, because there aren't all that many people WAITING to be upset over something.

And HOW exactly did he handle it poorly? WHAT EXACTLY did he say or do that is there to disagree with. Tell me his EXACT words that you disagree with in the speech.

Pretty sure the number was 18 or 19, which is not dozens, it's a dozen and a half, roughly. Beyond that, they weren't protesting racism, they were protesting the fact that people they disagree with are allowed to protest.

They didn't hurt anyone, they were protesting taking down a historical monument, and it was actually a relatively small number of people, not even 1% of the population of the US. They had a permit, and they weren't vandalizing anything or hurting anyone. The issue was when ANTIFA and BLM showed up to try to shut down an authorized protest, because they disagreed with it. Roughly 1000 people showed up to shut down that protest, and they showed up ARMED.

It doesn't minimize murder, he said it was terrible. He also said that there were bad people all "All Sides", which is a correct statement. He said nothing that was incorrect, except possibly that ANTIFA and BLM had no permit to protest, a statement I can neither confirm nor deny the validity of. He DID condemn the hate groups, ANTIFA included, as they had everyone they disagree with, even remotely.

What's pathetic is that you can't bring yourself to disagree with your leftist establishment overlords.
I can point to polls but you think they are all fake, I've pointed to republicans and business leaders who have spoken out against trump but you think they are leftists. I'm not playing your little word games or your prove how the nation feels game. I know what I saw and what I heard from Trump. It was weak and pathetic.

If you don't believe me, then maybe you'll listen to Trumps advisor Gary Cohen:

I have come under enormous pressure both to resign and to remain in my current position. As a patriotic American, I am reluctant to leave my post as director of the National Economic Council because I feel a duty to fulfil my commitment to work on behalf of the American people. But I also feel compelled to voice my distress over the events of the last two weeks.

Citizens standing up for equality and freedom can never be equated with white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and the KKK. I believe this administration can and must do better in consistently and unequivocally condemning these groups and do everything we can to heal the deep divisions that exist in our communities. As a Jewish American, I will not allow neo-Nazis ranting “Jews will not replace us” to cause this Jew to leave his job. I feel deep empathy for all who have been targeted by these hate groups. We must all unite together against them.
Trump confronts unprecedented public rebuke by Gary Cohn after Charlottesville
Polls say what the pollsters want them to say. Like when the polls said Hillary would win the election.

The quote there means nothing. He condemned the White Supremacists, making the man's statement utterly superfluous. He just also condemned the terrorists that showed up to counter protest the White Supremacists.
Haha, ok. If that's what you need to think then go right ahead.
"We don't put people who attack us up in a memorial"... what do you think Stonewall Jackson, Robert E Lee and crew did during the civil war?

They fought for what they believed was right, state sovereignty and their way of life and understanding of the United States. Slavery was still practiced in many parts of the world.
"We don't put people who attack us up in a memorial"... what do you think Stonewall Jackson, Robert E Lee and crew did during the civil war?

They fought for what they believed was right, state sovereignty and their way of life and understanding of the United States. Slavery was still practiced in many parts of the world.
The German Nazis fought with the same belief. So do IsIs and other radical groups. Does that mean they should be celebrated with monuments?

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