Racist groups vs Free Speech, i've converted...

I'm so sick of hearing the Keep your plan BS... Save that for the dupes please, that proves no point. Obama was constantly attacked by FOX and conservative talk radio and that entire wing of the media. The liberal media did like him and was friendly, but they were also critical. I'm not arguing that Obama didn't have a friendlier media... But Obama knew how to put fires out and talk with dignity and respect. Trump lights everything on fire and picks fights. You can't solely blame the media for engaging in fights with Trump that Trump constantly provokes. Trump has drawn the line and throws two rocks back for every one that the media throws. You can't be allies when both sides are throwing rocks at each other.

It is all part of Trumps game, he has made the media into the enemy. His supporters respond to negative press now by ignoring it and calling it fake news without even listening with an open mind anymore. This all works in Trumps favor. Do you really not see whats going on? Are you that much of a puppet?

Truly, some of the most foolish, inane posts you have made. And that's saying a lot.

I could take the time to show you video examples of critical reports about many many many of Obamas actions from ALL outlets, but I'm not going to waste my time. Don't think there is anything getting through to people like you.

No, you couldn't. It would take you hours to find a few so you could say SEE, I TOLD YOU SO. But, reading further in the article, they would actually blame someone else. You know, like former President George Bush.
I'm so sick of hearing the Keep your plan BS... Save that for the dupes please, that proves no point. Obama was constantly attacked by FOX and conservative talk radio and that entire wing of the media. The liberal media did like him and was friendly, but they were also critical. I'm not arguing that Obama didn't have a friendlier media... But Obama knew how to put fires out and talk with dignity and respect. Trump lights everything on fire and picks fights. You can't solely blame the media for engaging in fights with Trump that Trump constantly provokes. Trump has drawn the line and throws two rocks back for every one that the media throws. You can't be allies when both sides are throwing rocks at each other.

It is all part of Trumps game, he has made the media into the enemy. His supporters respond to negative press now by ignoring it and calling it fake news without even listening with an open mind anymore. This all works in Trumps favor. Do you really not see whats going on? Are you that much of a puppet?

Truly, some of the most foolish, inane posts you have made. And that's saying a lot.

Are you slow or just that dishonest? Next time highlight the entire sentence....

I'm not arguing that Obama didn't have a friendlier media... But Obama knew how to put fires out
"We don't put people who attack us up in a memorial"... what do you think Stonewall Jackson, Robert E Lee and crew did during the civil war?

They fought for what they believed was right, state sovereignty and their way of life and understanding of the United States. Slavery was still practiced in many parts of the world.
The German Nazis fought with the same belief. So do IsIs and other radical groups. Does that mean they should be celebrated with monuments?
You make a good point.
However, how far are you going to take it?
Are you going to try to get rid of any monument to any person who had slaves? You going to stop Spending your Benjamins?
Let those without sin cast the first stone.
Judge not least ye be judged.
If we discounted people for everything they have ever done wrong and ignored the things they did right because of it where would we be. Moses was a murderer. Muhammed was a mass murderer. The father of our country begetted kids with his slaves.
No great man was sinless.
We celebrate their triumphs despite their faults.
When I get bored I start threads should the guy who cures cancer be discredited if he was also a rapist, or a pedophile.
Good people do bad things.
Bad people do good things.
Nobody is pure.
because they run their business. How do you not understand that? They decided what's in their plans, how much they charge and who they cover. They decide how do do all of this in compliance with government regulations. Obamacare put more pressure on them to up the standards, so I'm not saying it played no part. But be honest and at least acknowledge that the insurance companies played a part in being the driver of decisions about their plans and coverage.

You are most amusing. First, you say they (health insurance companies) decide what's in their plans. Then you say they are regulated as to what has to be in their plans. Please, make up your mind.

Obamacare forces everyone to carry coverage for things they don't need or want. The savings would be astronomical if the individual states had no mandates or if they're allowed to have mandates, policies from other states, with fewer mandates had to be accepted in other states.

Imagine the cost of auto insurance if the government forced us to have such extravagance.
The German Nazis fought with the same belief. So do IsIs and other radical groups. Does that mean they should be celebrated with monuments?

ISIS, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and others have torn down statues and monuments of their predecessors. Just as Antifa and Progressives are doing today. Who gets to decide what statue should remain and which should be torn down? Shouldn't the citizens in the various communities get to decide?
"We don't put people who attack us up in a memorial"... what do you think Stonewall Jackson, Robert E Lee and crew did during the civil war?

They fought for what they believed was right, state sovereignty and their way of life and understanding of the United States. Slavery was still practiced in many parts of the world.
The German Nazis fought with the same belief. So do IsIs and other radical groups. Does that mean they should be celebrated with monuments?
You make a good point.
However, how far are you going to take it?
Are you going to try to get rid of any monument to any person who had slaves? You going to stop Spending your Benjamins?
Let those without sin cast the first stone.
Judge not least ye be judged.
If we discounted people for everything they have ever done wrong and ignored the things they did right because of it where would we be. Moses was a murderer. Muhammed was a mass murderer. The father of our country begetted kids with his slaves.
No great man was sinless.
We celebrate their triumphs despite their faults.
When I get bored I start threads should the guy who cures cancer be discredited if he was also a rapist, or a pedophile.
Good people do bad things.
Bad people do good things.
Nobody is pure.
Agreed. And I don't agree at all with the Jefferson and Washington critiques. A statue and a monument is significant towards what it symbolized. It's not a testiment to every aspect of a persons life. Jefferson and Washington represent our founding fathers. A guy that was only known as a general in he confederacy and whose statue was erected during the Jim Crow era as a symbol of superiority over blacks, should probably come down.

If it was a confederate soldier who started a school and build a community after the war then I'd have no problem of a statue of that guy, just don't put him in a confederate uniform mounting a horse.

It's about symbolism, history, and the message behind the erection of the monument and how it is celebrated by the public.
The German Nazis fought with the same belief. So do IsIs and other radical groups. Does that mean they should be celebrated with monuments?

ISIS, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and others have torn down statues and monuments of their predecessors. Just as Antifa and Progressives are doing today. Who gets to decide what statue should remain and which should be torn down? Shouldn't the citizens in the various communities get to decide?
Yes, citizens should decide. Many cities are deciding to take these statues down through a process. Anybody that vandalized or destroys a statue is wrong and should be arrested
I'm not arguing that Obama didn't have a friendlier media... But Obama knew how to put fires out


You mean like Iraq? Where he was warned not to remove all our troops, he did, and he gave ISIS a huge area in which to train and grow and now we're back in Iraq.

Then there was his pink, I mean RED LINE.

North Korea

He didn't put out fires, he simply ignored them and now they're eight years worse.

because they run their business. How do you not understand that? They decided what's in their plans, how much they charge and who they cover. They decide how do do all of this in compliance with government regulations. Obamacare put more pressure on them to up the standards, so I'm not saying it played no part. But be honest and at least acknowledge that the insurance companies played a part in being the driver of decisions about their plans and coverage.

You are most amusing. First, you say they (health insurance companies) decide what's in their plans. Then you say they are regulated as to what has to be in their plans. Please, make up your mind.

Obamacare forces everyone to carry coverage for things they don't need or want. The savings would be astronomical if the individual states had no mandates or if they're allowed to have mandates, policies from other states, with fewer mandates had to be accepted in other states.

Imagine the cost of auto insurance if the government forced us to have such extravagance.
Both can exist at the same time you dupe. Like a business decides what it pays its employees while knowing it can't pay $1 per hour, and knowing it will have to pay employment taxes and benefits... regulation and choice can both coexists
Yes, citizens should decide. Many cities are deciding to take these statues down through a process. Anybody that vandalized or destroys a statue is wrong and should be arrested

No, the citizens are not deciding. The few Progressive "leaders" are doing the deciding.
I'm not arguing that Obama didn't have a friendlier media... But Obama knew how to put fires out


You mean like Iraq? Where he was warned not to remove all our troops, he did, and he gave ISIS a huge area in which to train and grow and now we're back in Iraq.

Then there was his pink, I mean RED LINE.

North Korea

He didn't put out fires, he simply ignored them and now they're eight years worse.

Yeah he put out a ton of fires and did so with integrity and a steady hand. Unlike emo Trump. Obama also messed up. I never said he was perfect, my point was simple that he carried himself in a much more dignified and presidential way.
Yes, citizens should decide. Many cities are deciding to take these statues down through a process. Anybody that vandalized or destroys a statue is wrong and should be arrested

No, the citizens are not deciding. The few Progressive "leaders" are doing the deciding.
Not true, they have petitions, city counsel meetings, then it's votes upon. Why do you even care so much? It's a dumb fight and is making many on your side look like racist... it's a bad fight
I don't think if we aim towards a more homogenous society that anti-Miscegenation laws would be needed.

What reasons have you given to why should give up our heritage?

Our heritage is part of our legacy, and the legacy of our forefathers.

It's completely disrespectful to allow our heritage to erode.

You don't get this, because you're a cold blooded Psychopath.
All that importance you put on heritage and legacy of a single race is complete BS, it is in your head, its not real. What's important is how we live our lives in the here and now. If you commit your time to pushing divisive rhetoric and fueling hate then you are wasting your life for no reason. Don't get me wrong my family heritage is extremely important to me. I'm writing a book about my family. My Italian side gets together every Christmas and cooks meals with recipes that have been passed down through generations, every meal we cheers to tradition. The other side of my family traces back to the Columbus crew and includes government officials, hall of fame athletes, and industry leaders that helped build this country. I find it fascinating and I love to research it, celebrate it, and pass OUR heritage, history, and traditions on to future generation of OUR family members. But none of that is dependent on all my ancestors coming from the same country or being the same race. That is a ridiculous statement. My heritage is enriched by the diversity of my ancestors. You hide your racism behind a very weak foundation of justification with this erasing heritage argument. You know your intelligence argument is complete BS because you've ditched it, I was waiting to shut you down if you brought it up again. You were smart not to. The point is, you are not fooling anybody by trying to rationalize your hate. Sounds to me like you have some personal issues you need to work out. I suggest you focus on yourself and stop being so concerned about who others mate with.

You say I hate, yet it's not I who want destroy people's heritages.

You obviously hate racial diversity, and want to destroy it.

That's the only thing I can think of for you supporting the erasing of people's heritages.

You talk about passing down traditions, but seem to forget that eventually they will be watered down in a mixed society to the point of being erased.

The intelligence argument certainly holds a lot of weight.

There is no evidence of equality between race in IQ, or PISA scores.
Your inteligence aregument is comeplete bullshit. If that was the standard then you would simply match people based on IQ and intellect. Surely you recognize that there are brilliant individuals from every race, so if it is intellect you are trying to preserve then mate all the brightest people together and race is a non-factor.

I know the little backhanded insult you are trying to sneak in there with your argument but it only makes you look like a transparent idiot as your point makes no sense.

It's bad enough that within races, the idiots tend to have more kids, it's even worse that the more idiotic races have even more kids than that.

The intelligence dynamics matter a great deal, obviously the Third-World condition can't be explained away only by Colonialism, and Socialism.

If that were true, then obviously Eastern Europe should generally be behind Africa, that's not the case, though.
Nice dodge, but you didn't address my statement. You can't really because you have no arguement

What's the purpose of multiculturalism?

You have yet to address that a single time, just kicking, and screaming that I must explain myself., when I have explained myself over, and over again.
All that importance you put on heritage and legacy of a single race is complete BS, it is in your head, its not real. What's important is how we live our lives in the here and now. If you commit your time to pushing divisive rhetoric and fueling hate then you are wasting your life for no reason. Don't get me wrong my family heritage is extremely important to me. I'm writing a book about my family. My Italian side gets together every Christmas and cooks meals with recipes that have been passed down through generations, every meal we cheers to tradition. The other side of my family traces back to the Columbus crew and includes government officials, hall of fame athletes, and industry leaders that helped build this country. I find it fascinating and I love to research it, celebrate it, and pass OUR heritage, history, and traditions on to future generation of OUR family members. But none of that is dependent on all my ancestors coming from the same country or being the same race. That is a ridiculous statement. My heritage is enriched by the diversity of my ancestors. You hide your racism behind a very weak foundation of justification with this erasing heritage argument. You know your intelligence argument is complete BS because you've ditched it, I was waiting to shut you down if you brought it up again. You were smart not to. The point is, you are not fooling anybody by trying to rationalize your hate. Sounds to me like you have some personal issues you need to work out. I suggest you focus on yourself and stop being so concerned about who others mate with.

You say I hate, yet it's not I who want destroy people's heritages.

You obviously hate racial diversity, and want to destroy it.

That's the only thing I can think of for you supporting the erasing of people's heritages.

You talk about passing down traditions, but seem to forget that eventually they will be watered down in a mixed society to the point of being erased.

The intelligence argument certainly holds a lot of weight.

There is no evidence of equality between race in IQ, or PISA scores.
Your inteligence aregument is comeplete bullshit. If that was the standard then you would simply match people based on IQ and intellect. Surely you recognize that there are brilliant individuals from every race, so if it is intellect you are trying to preserve then mate all the brightest people together and race is a non-factor.

I know the little backhanded insult you are trying to sneak in there with your argument but it only makes you look like a transparent idiot as your point makes no sense.

It's bad enough that within races, the idiots tend to have more kids, it's even worse that the more idiotic races have even more kids than that.

The intelligence dynamics matter a great deal, obviously the Third-World condition can't be explained away only by Colonialism, and Socialism.

If that were true, then obviously Eastern Europe should generally be behind Africa, that's not the case, though.
Nice dodge, but you didn't address my statement. You can't really because you have no arguement

What's the purpose of multiculturalism?

You have yet to address that a single time, just kicking, and screaming that I must explain myself., when I have explained myself over, and over again.
We should establish a breeding program so only the finest breed leaving the crap behind. Which would help Evolution. Allowing poor people, or genetic freaks of natures (like those with Down syndrome or the gay gene) screws Evolution up. You do want to evolve don't you?

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