Racist groups vs Free Speech, i've converted...

All that importance you put on heritage and legacy of a single race is complete BS, it is in your head, its not real. What's important is how we live our lives in the here and now. If you commit your time to pushing divisive rhetoric and fueling hate then you are wasting your life for no reason. Don't get me wrong my family heritage is extremely important to me. I'm writing a book about my family. My Italian side gets together every Christmas and cooks meals with recipes that have been passed down through generations, every meal we cheers to tradition. The other side of my family traces back to the Columbus crew and includes government officials, hall of fame athletes, and industry leaders that helped build this country. I find it fascinating and I love to research it, celebrate it, and pass OUR heritage, history, and traditions on to future generation of OUR family members. But none of that is dependent on all my ancestors coming from the same country or being the same race. That is a ridiculous statement. My heritage is enriched by the diversity of my ancestors. You hide your racism behind a very weak foundation of justification with this erasing heritage argument. You know your intelligence argument is complete BS because you've ditched it, I was waiting to shut you down if you brought it up again. You were smart not to. The point is, you are not fooling anybody by trying to rationalize your hate. Sounds to me like you have some personal issues you need to work out. I suggest you focus on yourself and stop being so concerned about who others mate with.

You say I hate, yet it's not I who want destroy people's heritages.

You obviously hate racial diversity, and want to destroy it.

That's the only thing I can think of for you supporting the erasing of people's heritages.

You talk about passing down traditions, but seem to forget that eventually they will be watered down in a mixed society to the point of being erased.

The intelligence argument certainly holds a lot of weight.

There is no evidence of equality between race in IQ, or PISA scores.
Your inteligence aregument is comeplete bullshit. If that was the standard then you would simply match people based on IQ and intellect. Surely you recognize that there are brilliant individuals from every race, so if it is intellect you are trying to preserve then mate all the brightest people together and race is a non-factor.

I know the little backhanded insult you are trying to sneak in there with your argument but it only makes you look like a transparent idiot as your point makes no sense.

It's bad enough that within races, the idiots tend to have more kids, it's even worse that the more idiotic races have even more kids than that.

The intelligence dynamics matter a great deal, obviously the Third-World condition can't be explained away only by Colonialism, and Socialism.

If that were true, then obviously Eastern Europe should generally be behind Africa, that's not the case, though.
Nice dodge, but you didn't address my statement. You can't really because you have no arguement

What's the purpose of multiculturalism?

You have yet to address that a single time, just kicking, and screaming that I must explain myself., when I have explained myself over, and over again.
I don't really need to explain the purpose of multiculturalism, I don't care if everybody mixes races or doesn't. I'm promoting freedom. You are promoting restriction and division. I say love who you want to love and be happy. You say only stick to your own race and in the processes alienate and degrade mixed race couples because of some piss poor excuses you come up with to preserve intellect, and tradition. I've already explained the flaws in your intellect argument and shown how traditions still transcend through diversity, while also pointing out that the importance you put on the heritage aspect is all in your head. It's not a real or relevant concern in the grand scheme
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You say I hate, yet it's not I who want destroy people's heritages.

You obviously hate racial diversity, and want to destroy it.

That's the only thing I can think of for you supporting the erasing of people's heritages.

You talk about passing down traditions, but seem to forget that eventually they will be watered down in a mixed society to the point of being erased.

The intelligence argument certainly holds a lot of weight.

There is no evidence of equality between race in IQ, or PISA scores.
Your inteligence aregument is comeplete bullshit. If that was the standard then you would simply match people based on IQ and intellect. Surely you recognize that there are brilliant individuals from every race, so if it is intellect you are trying to preserve then mate all the brightest people together and race is a non-factor.

I know the little backhanded insult you are trying to sneak in there with your argument but it only makes you look like a transparent idiot as your point makes no sense.

It's bad enough that within races, the idiots tend to have more kids, it's even worse that the more idiotic races have even more kids than that.

The intelligence dynamics matter a great deal, obviously the Third-World condition can't be explained away only by Colonialism, and Socialism.

If that were true, then obviously Eastern Europe should generally be behind Africa, that's not the case, though.
Nice dodge, but you didn't address my statement. You can't really because you have no arguement

What's the purpose of multiculturalism?

You have yet to address that a single time, just kicking, and screaming that I must explain myself., when I have explained myself over, and over again.
I don't really need to explain the purpose of multiculturalism, I don't care if everybody mixes races or doesn't. I'm promoting freedom. You are promoting restriction and division. I say love who you want to love and be happy. You say only stick to your own race and in the processes alienate and degrade mixed race couples because of some piss poor excuses you come up with to preserve intellect, and tradition. I've already explained the flaws in your intellect argument and shown how traditions still transcend through diversity, while also pointing out that the importance you put on the heritage aspect is all in your head. It's not a real or relevant concern in the grand scheme

Multiculturalism causes tensions, and racism, even in it's worse case scenario war, and genocide.

No ones a victim of racism in a homogeneous environment.

Maybe that's something you should think of.

Rather than protecting people from racism, multiculturalism truly seems to foster racism.

That doesn't even begin to speak of damages done to intellect when a stupid people, mix with smart people.

Or how it's unfair for past generations who fought, and died for their countries to see their heritage disappear, and how it's even more unfair for future generations to see their dwindling heritage.

No, there's no reason to support multiculturalism, it's basically a feel good ideal for retards.
Your inteligence aregument is comeplete bullshit. If that was the standard then you would simply match people based on IQ and intellect. Surely you recognize that there are brilliant individuals from every race, so if it is intellect you are trying to preserve then mate all the brightest people together and race is a non-factor.

I know the little backhanded insult you are trying to sneak in there with your argument but it only makes you look like a transparent idiot as your point makes no sense.

It's bad enough that within races, the idiots tend to have more kids, it's even worse that the more idiotic races have even more kids than that.

The intelligence dynamics matter a great deal, obviously the Third-World condition can't be explained away only by Colonialism, and Socialism.

If that were true, then obviously Eastern Europe should generally be behind Africa, that's not the case, though.
Nice dodge, but you didn't address my statement. You can't really because you have no arguement

What's the purpose of multiculturalism?

You have yet to address that a single time, just kicking, and screaming that I must explain myself., when I have explained myself over, and over again.
I don't really need to explain the purpose of multiculturalism, I don't care if everybody mixes races or doesn't. I'm promoting freedom. You are promoting restriction and division. I say love who you want to love and be happy. You say only stick to your own race and in the processes alienate and degrade mixed race couples because of some piss poor excuses you come up with to preserve intellect, and tradition. I've already explained the flaws in your intellect argument and shown how traditions still transcend through diversity, while also pointing out that the importance you put on the heritage aspect is all in your head. It's not a real or relevant concern in the grand scheme

Multiculturalism causes tensions, and racism, even in it's worse case scenario war, and genocide.

No ones a victim of racism in a homogeneous environment.

Maybe that's something you should think of.

Rather than protecting people from racism, multiculturalism truly seems to foster racism.

That doesn't even begin to speak of damages done to intellect when a stupid people, mix with smart people.

Or how it's unfair for past generations who fought, and died for their countries to see their heritage disappear, and how it's even more unfair for future generations to see their dwindling heritage.

No, there's no reason to support multiculturalism, it's basically a feel good ideal for retards.
People like you foster racism. You are trying to eliminate racism by instituting oppression, that makes no sense, especially for people who want to live in a free society. Your logic makes just about as much sense as saying we can eliminate poverty if we deported all of our poor. There is a dettachment from reality that you suffer from. You are fighting a fight that you will never win, it will only produce friction and contribute to problems that we franckly don't need in our society. How about you think about helping our society with productive and realistic solutions instead of trying to drag it down.
It's bad enough that within races, the idiots tend to have more kids, it's even worse that the more idiotic races have even more kids than that.

The intelligence dynamics matter a great deal, obviously the Third-World condition can't be explained away only by Colonialism, and Socialism.

If that were true, then obviously Eastern Europe should generally be behind Africa, that's not the case, though.
Nice dodge, but you didn't address my statement. You can't really because you have no arguement

What's the purpose of multiculturalism?

You have yet to address that a single time, just kicking, and screaming that I must explain myself., when I have explained myself over, and over again.
I don't really need to explain the purpose of multiculturalism, I don't care if everybody mixes races or doesn't. I'm promoting freedom. You are promoting restriction and division. I say love who you want to love and be happy. You say only stick to your own race and in the processes alienate and degrade mixed race couples because of some piss poor excuses you come up with to preserve intellect, and tradition. I've already explained the flaws in your intellect argument and shown how traditions still transcend through diversity, while also pointing out that the importance you put on the heritage aspect is all in your head. It's not a real or relevant concern in the grand scheme

Multiculturalism causes tensions, and racism, even in it's worse case scenario war, and genocide.

No ones a victim of racism in a homogeneous environment.

Maybe that's something you should think of.

Rather than protecting people from racism, multiculturalism truly seems to foster racism.

That doesn't even begin to speak of damages done to intellect when a stupid people, mix with smart people.

Or how it's unfair for past generations who fought, and died for their countries to see their heritage disappear, and how it's even more unfair for future generations to see their dwindling heritage.

No, there's no reason to support multiculturalism, it's basically a feel good ideal for retards.
People like you foster racism. You are trying to eliminate racism by instituting oppression, that makes no sense, especially for people who want to live in a free society. Your logic makes just about as much sense as saying we can eliminate poverty if we deported all of our poor. There is a dettachment from reality that you suffer from. You are fighting a fight that you will never win, it will only produce friction and contribute to problems that we franckly don't need in our society. How about you think about helping our society with productive and realistic solutions instead of trying to drag it down.

How do you plan on getting rid of people like me, exactly?
Rather than eliminating racism, multiculturalism gives racists fuel their fire.

As if it's our faults that we properly react to the negative stimuli of many multicultural groups.
Evolution needs you to mix the races for it to work. The creme will settle to the top and the poor can be exported or left to their own devices after they are sterilized.
You say I hate, yet it's not I who want destroy people's heritages.

You obviously hate racial diversity, and want to destroy it.

That's the only thing I can think of for you supporting the erasing of people's heritages.

You talk about passing down traditions, but seem to forget that eventually they will be watered down in a mixed society to the point of being erased.

The intelligence argument certainly holds a lot of weight.

There is no evidence of equality between race in IQ, or PISA scores.
Your inteligence aregument is comeplete bullshit. If that was the standard then you would simply match people based on IQ and intellect. Surely you recognize that there are brilliant individuals from every race, so if it is intellect you are trying to preserve then mate all the brightest people together and race is a non-factor.

I know the little backhanded insult you are trying to sneak in there with your argument but it only makes you look like a transparent idiot as your point makes no sense.

It's bad enough that within races, the idiots tend to have more kids, it's even worse that the more idiotic races have even more kids than that.

The intelligence dynamics matter a great deal, obviously the Third-World condition can't be explained away only by Colonialism, and Socialism.

If that were true, then obviously Eastern Europe should generally be behind Africa, that's not the case, though.
Nice dodge, but you didn't address my statement. You can't really because you have no arguement

What's the purpose of multiculturalism?

You have yet to address that a single time, just kicking, and screaming that I must explain myself., when I have explained myself over, and over again.
I don't really need to explain the purpose of multiculturalism, I don't care if everybody mixes races or doesn't. I'm promoting freedom. You are promoting restriction and division. I say love who you want to love and be happy. You say only stick to your own race and in the processes alienate and degrade mixed race couples because of some piss poor excuses you come up with to preserve intellect, and tradition. I've already explained the flaws in your intellect argument and shown how traditions still transcend through diversity, while also pointing out that the importance you put on the heritage aspect is all in your head. It's not a real or relevant concern in the grand scheme

Well, if it really is his choice, then why do you say his argument is flawed? Is he not entitled to make his own decisions and to have his own opinions based on his own experiences, research, etc? This is what I really find hypocritical about leftists. You want to tell other people it is none of their business, but yet you are more than willing to involve yourself in another's life decisions if you don't agree with them?
Your inteligence aregument is comeplete bullshit. If that was the standard then you would simply match people based on IQ and intellect. Surely you recognize that there are brilliant individuals from every race, so if it is intellect you are trying to preserve then mate all the brightest people together and race is a non-factor.

I know the little backhanded insult you are trying to sneak in there with your argument but it only makes you look like a transparent idiot as your point makes no sense.

It's bad enough that within races, the idiots tend to have more kids, it's even worse that the more idiotic races have even more kids than that.

The intelligence dynamics matter a great deal, obviously the Third-World condition can't be explained away only by Colonialism, and Socialism.

If that were true, then obviously Eastern Europe should generally be behind Africa, that's not the case, though.
Nice dodge, but you didn't address my statement. You can't really because you have no arguement

What's the purpose of multiculturalism?

You have yet to address that a single time, just kicking, and screaming that I must explain myself., when I have explained myself over, and over again.
I don't really need to explain the purpose of multiculturalism, I don't care if everybody mixes races or doesn't. I'm promoting freedom. You are promoting restriction and division. I say love who you want to love and be happy. You say only stick to your own race and in the processes alienate and degrade mixed race couples because of some piss poor excuses you come up with to preserve intellect, and tradition. I've already explained the flaws in your intellect argument and shown how traditions still transcend through diversity, while also pointing out that the importance you put on the heritage aspect is all in your head. It's not a real or relevant concern in the grand scheme

Well, if it really is his choice, then why do you say his argument is flawed? Is he not entitled to make his own decisions and to have his own opinions based on his own experiences, research, etc? This is what I really find hypocritical about leftists. You want to tell other people it is none of their business, but yet you are more than willing to involve yourself in another's life decisions if you don't agree with them?
That's not at all what I've been saying, he can think whatever he wants. His philosophy and goals are to control who other people love and procreate with. It's oppression over freedom. I'm obviously questioning his reasoning and challenging his "rationale" but I find it interesting that you decided to call me out as a leftist hypocrite when he is doing the same thing you accuse me of... telling other people how to live. So how come you see that in my words and not for his? Do you sympathize with his point of view?
It's bad enough that within races, the idiots tend to have more kids, it's even worse that the more idiotic races have even more kids than that.

The intelligence dynamics matter a great deal, obviously the Third-World condition can't be explained away only by Colonialism, and Socialism.

If that were true, then obviously Eastern Europe should generally be behind Africa, that's not the case, though.
Nice dodge, but you didn't address my statement. You can't really because you have no arguement

What's the purpose of multiculturalism?

You have yet to address that a single time, just kicking, and screaming that I must explain myself., when I have explained myself over, and over again.
I don't really need to explain the purpose of multiculturalism, I don't care if everybody mixes races or doesn't. I'm promoting freedom. You are promoting restriction and division. I say love who you want to love and be happy. You say only stick to your own race and in the processes alienate and degrade mixed race couples because of some piss poor excuses you come up with to preserve intellect, and tradition. I've already explained the flaws in your intellect argument and shown how traditions still transcend through diversity, while also pointing out that the importance you put on the heritage aspect is all in your head. It's not a real or relevant concern in the grand scheme

Well, if it really is his choice, then why do you say his argument is flawed? Is he not entitled to make his own decisions and to have his own opinions based on his own experiences, research, etc? This is what I really find hypocritical about leftists. You want to tell other people it is none of their business, but yet you are more than willing to involve yourself in another's life decisions if you don't agree with them?
That's not at all what I've been saying, he can think whatever he wants. His philosophy and goals are to control who other people love and procreate with. It's oppression over freedom. I'm obviously questioning his reasoning and challenging his "rationale" but I find it interesting that you decided to call me out as a leftist hypocrite when he is doing the same thing you accuse me of... telling other people how to live. So how come you see that in my words and not for his?

How is he controlling what anyone else does? By stating his opinions on an internet forum?
Nice dodge, but you didn't address my statement. You can't really because you have no arguement

What's the purpose of multiculturalism?

You have yet to address that a single time, just kicking, and screaming that I must explain myself., when I have explained myself over, and over again.
I don't really need to explain the purpose of multiculturalism, I don't care if everybody mixes races or doesn't. I'm promoting freedom. You are promoting restriction and division. I say love who you want to love and be happy. You say only stick to your own race and in the processes alienate and degrade mixed race couples because of some piss poor excuses you come up with to preserve intellect, and tradition. I've already explained the flaws in your intellect argument and shown how traditions still transcend through diversity, while also pointing out that the importance you put on the heritage aspect is all in your head. It's not a real or relevant concern in the grand scheme

Well, if it really is his choice, then why do you say his argument is flawed? Is he not entitled to make his own decisions and to have his own opinions based on his own experiences, research, etc? This is what I really find hypocritical about leftists. You want to tell other people it is none of their business, but yet you are more than willing to involve yourself in another's life decisions if you don't agree with them?
That's not at all what I've been saying, he can think whatever he wants. His philosophy and goals are to control who other people love and procreate with. It's oppression over freedom. I'm obviously questioning his reasoning and challenging his "rationale" but I find it interesting that you decided to call me out as a leftist hypocrite when he is doing the same thing you accuse me of... telling other people how to live. So how come you see that in my words and not for his?

How is he controlling what anyone else does? By stating his opinions on an internet forum?
I didn't say he was controlling, I said his Philosophy and goals that he is promotion represent control over what others do.

How are my opinions and challenges to his arguements controlling anything that anyone does?
Anyone who has ever read my posts would know that I am all for personal choices and personal responsibility. I have no problem with mixed race couples or gay couples. I don't feel threatened by them at all, and I would date someone of another race if it was someone that I liked and was attracted to. I just wonder how liberals can demand "tolerance" for other viewpoints when they show very little in return?
Anyone who has ever read my posts would know that I am all for personal choices and personal responsibility. I have no problem with mixed race couples or gay couples. I don't feel threatened by them at all, and I would date someone of another race if it was someone that I liked and was attracted to. I just wonder how liberals can demand "tolerance" for other viewpoints when they show very little in return?
The short answer is, these people aren't liberals.

Real liberals are tolerant, curious and demand freedom of expression for all.
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Anyone who has ever read my posts would know that I am all for personal choices and personal responsibility. I have no problem with mixed race couples or gay couples. I don't feel threatened by them at all, and I would date someone of another race if it was someone that I liked and was attracted to. I just wonder how liberals can demand "tolerance" for other viewpoints when they show very little in return?
It sounds like you are being intolerant of liberal intolerance. Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?
Anyone who has ever read my posts would know that I am all for personal choices and personal responsibility. I have no problem with mixed race couples or gay couples. I don't feel threatened by them at all, and I would date someone of another race if it was someone that I liked and was attracted to. I just wonder how liberals can demand "tolerance" for other viewpoints when they show very little in return?
It sounds like you are being intolerant of liberal intolerance. Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

And you are being intolerant of my intolerance! :mad:
Anyone who has ever read my posts would know that I am all for personal choices and personal responsibility. I have no problem with mixed race couples or gay couples. I don't feel threatened by them at all, and I would date someone of another race if it was someone that I liked and was attracted to. I just wonder how liberals can demand "tolerance" for other viewpoints when they show very little in return?
The short answer is, these people aren't liberals.

The short answer is you're defending this, because 'liberals', or whatever your excuse is:

That doesn't even begin to speak of damages done to intellect when a stupid people, mix with smart people.

Why is it you expect liberals to be wishy-washy anyway?
Anyone who has ever read my posts would know that I am all for personal choices and personal responsibility. I have no problem with mixed race couples or gay couples. I don't feel threatened by them at all, and I would date someone of another race if it was someone that I liked and was attracted to. I just wonder how liberals can demand "tolerance" for other viewpoints when they show very little in return?
The short answer is, these people aren't liberals.

Real liberals are tolerant, curious and demand freedom of expression for all.

Well, they are become rare beasts! :D A real liberal should be on the endangered species list! ;)
Anyone who has ever read my posts would know that I am all for personal choices and personal responsibility. I have no problem with mixed race couples or gay couples. I don't feel threatened by them at all, and I would date someone of another race if it was someone that I liked and was attracted to. I just wonder how liberals can demand "tolerance" for other viewpoints when they show very little in return?
The short answer is, these people aren't liberals.

The short answer is you're defending this, because 'liberals', or whatever your excuse is:

That doesn't even begin to speak of damages done to intellect when a stupid people, mix with smart people.

Why is it you expect liberals to be wishy-washy anyway?
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect?

And allowing people to speak their mind is a sign of strength and confidence, not a sign of being "wishy washy".

Now, what did I say that was incorrect?
Anyone who has ever read my posts would know that I am all for personal choices and personal responsibility. I have no problem with mixed race couples or gay couples. I don't feel threatened by them at all, and I would date someone of another race if it was someone that I liked and was attracted to. I just wonder how liberals can demand "tolerance" for other viewpoints when they show very little in return?
The short answer is, these people aren't liberals.

The short answer is you're defending this, because 'liberals', or whatever your excuse is:

That doesn't even begin to speak of damages done to intellect when a stupid people, mix with smart people.

Why is it you expect liberals to be wishy-washy anyway?
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect?

And allowing people to speak their mind is a sign of strength and confidence, not a sign of being "wishy washy".

Now, what did I say that was incorrect?

What liberal in this thread said you couldn't speak your mind? Where in your post were you defending free speech anyway?
Anyone who has ever read my posts would know that I am all for personal choices and personal responsibility. I have no problem with mixed race couples or gay couples. I don't feel threatened by them at all, and I would date someone of another race if it was someone that I liked and was attracted to. I just wonder how liberals can demand "tolerance" for other viewpoints when they show very little in return?
The short answer is, these people aren't liberals.

The short answer is you're defending this, because 'liberals', or whatever your excuse is:

That doesn't even begin to speak of damages done to intellect when a stupid people, mix with smart people.

Why is it you expect liberals to be wishy-washy anyway?
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect?

And allowing people to speak their mind is a sign of strength and confidence, not a sign of being "wishy washy".

Now, what did I say that was incorrect?

Don't mind the intolerance of the liberal collective mind. ;)
Anyone who has ever read my posts would know that I am all for personal choices and personal responsibility. I have no problem with mixed race couples or gay couples. I don't feel threatened by them at all, and I would date someone of another race if it was someone that I liked and was attracted to. I just wonder how liberals can demand "tolerance" for other viewpoints when they show very little in return?
The short answer is, these people aren't liberals.

The short answer is you're defending this, because 'liberals', or whatever your excuse is:

That doesn't even begin to speak of damages done to intellect when a stupid people, mix with smart people.

Why is it you expect liberals to be wishy-washy anyway?
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect?

And allowing people to speak their mind is a sign of strength and confidence, not a sign of being "wishy washy".

Now, what did I say that was incorrect?

Don't mind the intolerance of the liberal collective mind. ;)

Intolerance to what exactly?

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