Racist Judge Illegally Dismisses Tulsa Race Massacre Lawsuit

Nobody wants the truth about the Tulsa riots, since it was black people who showed up at a courthouse with guns and started shooting. They started the riot, and as usual now whine endlessly about the results of their dumbassery. They should have waited until the trial to decide; if they had, they would have seen that the kid acquitted and no riot would have happened. And no, he wasn't acquitted because of the riot, obviously. There is a fantasy by assorted race baiters that every black was ever arrested was innocent and railroaded into prison just for being black. That is just a load of bullshit. These vermin have nothing else to do but snivel and make up crap.
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Nobody wants the truth about the Tulsa riots, since it was black people who showed up at a courthouse with guns and started shooting. They strte the riot, and as usual now whine endlessly about the results of their dumbassery. They should have waited until the trial to decide; if they had, they would have seen that the kid acquitted and no riot would have happened. And no, he wasn't acquitted because of the riot, obviously. There is a fantasy by assorted race baiters that every black was ever arrested was innocent and railroaded into prison just for being black. That is just a load of bullshit. These vermin have nothing else to do but snivel and make up crap.
Are you fucking for real?

Tulsa was one of the worst incidences of deadly white racism since the Civil War
Are you fucking for real?

Tulsa was one of the worst incidences of deadly white racism since the Civil War

Read a real history, dumbass. It's not like it's a secret from anybody but tards like yourself. Shit happens when you start an armed mob up and go looking for trouble.
In this video essay the Professor not only informs the public of this blatantly racist, and illegal, act by this activist judge, but explains how she totally ignores the law to do it.


LOL! You Negroes are butt hurt about everything, aren't you?

Your Democrat Masters have taught you to be world class butt hurt professionals and you never disappoint, do you?
LOL! You Negroes are butt hurt about everything, aren't you?

Your Democrat Masters have taught you to be world class butt hurt professionals and you never disappoint, do you?
Wait... I thought burning down homes and businesses was a bad thing. At least that's what you guys have been saying. Am I wrong here?
Read a real history, dumbass. It's not like it's a secret from anybody but tards like yourself. Shit happens when you start an armed mob up and go looking for trouble.
I’ve read extensively about it. The court house was initially surrounded by a mob of WHITE ARMED MEN. Rumors were that they were there to lynch the kid. Lunching was a thing in Tulsa so that doesn’t sound far fetched. In any even a group of blacks showed up intent on preventing that and things were cooling off.

The initial shot occurred when a black man tried to disarm another black man and a shot was fired.

The whole thing blew up and THIRTY blocks of black Tulsa town was burned to the ground and dozens killed.

At one point PLANES were fire bombing Black Wall Street
Rumors were that they were there to lynch the kid.

Oh my, 'rumors'!!!! Well then that makes it okay! Hey I forgot black people are neve guilty of anything and everything they do is perfectly legal as far as you commies are concerned.
Oh my, 'rumors'!!!! Well then that makes it okay! Hey I forgot black people are neve guilty of anything and everything they do is perfectly legal as far as you commies are concerned.
RUMORS… fed by the presence of 200 armed white men surrounding a jail house where a young black man was accused of raping a 17 year old white girl in a city that had recently lynched a white man… meaning lynching was something they DID
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I'm going to file a lawsuit to claim damages from my Norman and Viking ancestors who raped and pillaged my Anglo-Saxon ancestors. And then I'll form a class action suit against the Romans who oppressed all of us in the first century AD.
I'm going to file a lawsuit to claim damages from my Norman and Viking ancestors who raped and pillaged my Anglo-Saxon ancestors. And then I'll form a class action suit against the Romans who oppressed all of us in the first century AD.
So because those things happened what… 1500 years ago …. Nothing matters?
So because those things happened what… 1500 years ago …. Nothing matters?

What matters is one's own life - one's values, knowlege, behavior and how one handles the ups and downs of life. Whinging and obsessing about the past is a waste of one's precious time on earth.
You are a human without empathy, which means you are mightily flawed.

And you are not very bright. Here's the problem with wanting revenge on the past: one has no idea where one would be in life if only such and such terrible thing never happened. It's no guarantee that one would be living the easy life now. There is a huge misconception that all white people inherit lots of money from their ancestors or even their parents. This.Is.False.False.False. Encouraging anyone to think he is owed compensation from the past pins the bogometer.

I have empathy for the people are being encourage by grifters on the left to have unreasonable expectations and to view themselves as victims. They are being used.
The three survivors are all over a hundred years old, and likely don't even know which day it is.
They are likely being used as pawns by activists that see another potential big pay day.
It's sad that once again shit like this from the past is being dragged out in to the open in order to keep the victimhood narative going.

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