Racist Judge Illegally Dismisses Tulsa Race Massacre Lawsuit

RUMORS… fed by the presence of 200 armed white men surrounding a jail house where a young black man was accused of raping a 17 year old white girl in a city that had recently lynched a white man… meaning lynching was something they DID

lol go ahead; the scumbag lawyers will get 80% of the settlement, while you and the other tools will dance around like drunken monkeys pretending you really got over on Whitey. You're pathetic little gimps, easily led around by the nose. And of course they lynched white men; they were half of people eve lynched. So what? You think that's a point? lol so how many black people ever turned up to 'rescue' white guys from being lynched? I'll go with zero for a thousand Alex.
hey are likely being used as pawns by activists that see another potential big pay day.

Lawyers will suck up almost all of it if they did win; they listened to some bullshit artist and will end up being swindled. The commies here of course will move on to the Next Big Outrage in the hopes of getting some Bling.
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Are you fucking for real?

Tulsa was one of the worst incidences of deadly white racism since the Civil War
A black man assaulted a White women. He got arrested for it. Then armed blacks showed up to break him out of jail. They fucked around and found out.
lol go ahead; the scumbag lawyers will get 80% of the settlement, while you and the other tools will dance around like drunken monkeys pretending you really got over on Whitey. You're pathetic little gimps, easily led around by the nose. And of course they lynched white men; they were half of people eve lynched. So what? You think that's a point? lol so how many black people ever turned up to 'rescue' white guys from being lynched? I'll go with zero for a thousand Alex.
I’m white… you racist asshole

Racist Judge Illegally Dismisses Tulsa Race Massacre Lawsuit​

TRANSLATION: Race-Baiter Mark is gonna cry now cause one judge stood up to the race terrorists and didn't give them their way.

No pattycake for U.

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