Racist Rats Got A TIGER By The Tail


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Rats....ain't it appropriate the cities democRATS control are overrun by vermin....all of them. Thanks to the HOAX and refusal to stop the invasion across our southern border, Trump is in no mood to play word games with these filthy communists. Elijah came to believe nobody was looking at HIS background when he screamed lies at folks he brought in to testify against his handiwork. He thought getting his brains beat in on the bridge at Selma gave him carte blanch to act like a warlord in Congress....a lifetime pass to be a crook and a scoundrel. Guess what? Trump hit him amidships with a truth torpedo and in a day or two after the scum in the Fake News crowd settles down, America will start taking a long look at Baltimore, and San Francisco, and Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia and ask: "who did this to these people"? And everybody knows the answer to that. The Rats have lost the Jews and they're about to lose their indentured-blacks. Who the hell is left to vote for these criminals? :dunno:

Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and a large assortment of other fictional characters (like in 2008).

And dead folks...they got that crowd right where they want them....dead except on election day.
Cry Havoc, fling open the doors to the animal shelters, and let slip the cats of war.

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