Racist woke mixed-race commercials

Race-obsessed cowards like you always seem to want the rest of the world to be just as chickenshit as they (you) are. Guess what? You're wrong. Watch out for those scary TV commercials!
Let’s talk about who in society is really race-obsessed, shall we? In the past week I have seen articles claiming some activity, hobby, industry, and interest as being “Too White,” from birdwatching, to classical and medieval Studites, to people’s personal bookshelves and School English departments, the concept of Nuclear families, Bay windows, Yoga classes, special forces units in the military, pot dispensaries, the MLB and NHL leagues, Classic music and opera, to the film industry, various science fields, etc…I can show you news articles that claim all of these things are, “Too White.” I can’t even say that its Ok to be White because that frightens people like you. So again, who is the coward and who is really race-obsessed?
Race-obsessed cowards like you always seem to want the rest of the world to be just as chickenshit as they (you) are. Guess what? You're wrong. Watch out for those scary TV commercials!
Let’s talk about who in society is really race-obsessed, shall we? In the past week I have seen articles claiming some activity, hobby, industry, and interest as being “Too White,” from birdwatching, to classical and medieval Studies, to people’s personal bookshelves and School English departments, the concept of Nuclear families, Bay windows, Yoga classes, special forces units in the military, the MLB and NHL leagues, Pot dispensaries, Classic music and opera, to the film industry, various science fields, etc…I can show you news articles that claim all of these things are, “Too White.” I can’t even say that its Ok to be White because that frightens people like you. So again, who is the coward and who is really race-obsessed?
Let’s talk about who in society is really race-obsessed, shall we? .....
Sure. It's people like you who lose their shit over TV commercials for cereal, furniture, ice cream, etc. Cowardly, panicky clowns like you are fucking ridiculous.
...In the past week I have seen articles claiming some activity, hobby, industry, and interest as being “Too White,” from birdwatching, to classical and medieval Studies, to people’s personal bookshelves and School English departments, the concept of Nuclear families, Bay windows, Yoga classes, special forces units in the military, the MLB and NHL leagues, Pot dispensaries, Classic music and opera, to the film industry, various science fields, etc…I can show you news articles that claim all of these things are, “Too White.”....
Yeah, pretty much everyone has an opinion, moron. You can find an "article" about any stupid shit, including the above as well as "articles" from very poorly veiled racist idiots like you worried about "racial murder" and "purity" and "white genocide" and all such stupidity. You're a damn fool and a shameless coward.
Yeah, pretty much everyone has an opinion, moron. You can find an "article" about any stupid shit, including the above as well as "articles" from very poorly veiled racist idiots like you worried about "racial murder" and "purity" and "white genocide" and all such stupidity. You're a damn fool and a shameless coward.
I'm pointing out the hypocrisies of a culture who is in a state of hysteria over "Whiteness," and is implementing policy of all sort based on that madness, while simultaneously professing to be against racism. If you don't see that type of hypocrisy as note-worthy, and if you claim that nobody should have any sense of self/group preservation (except the Jews, that is) and you call noticing that, "Clownish and cowardly," then why are you even part of a discussion group then? If none of that matters, than Nothing in society does. And, again, you are either Japanese or admire the Japanese, which is a racial ethno-state who is quite obsessed with "purity." So, why not criticize yourself and your hero for the same thing?
Why would that frighten me, you idiot?
That perfectly innocuous phrase--It's ok to be white- is banned as hate speech. The FBI and toxic leftist will investigate and intimidate anybody who promotes that phrase in public. Do YOU oppose the decision to vilify that phrase or Not? Do you support that phrase and the 14 words as legitimate for those who want to use them?
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Really? Who has been convicted of saying that? Name some names, coward.
You really do not know the subject you are discussing...https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2019/11/05/its-ok-be-white-posters-rile-campuses
You really do not know the subject you are discussing...https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2019/11/05/its-ok-be-white-posters-rile-campuses
Where are the names of those convicted? Are you avoiding the question?
What is it you imagine I am "not well versed in"?
You are a complete dummkopf. You are totally ignorant on the topic you have come here to discuss. This area of this message board is set aside for discussions on race issues and all you do is post silly, meaningless replies. You don't even know what the 14 words are, which has been the subject of a lot of controversy a few years ago and anybody paying attention would know that.

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