Racist woke mixed-race commercials

No--we are NOT all the same. We have vastly different histories, biology, points of view, likes and dislikes, etc....We are Not the same; why claim otherwise?
We all pretty much want the same things in life. As far as all being the same, no 2 people are the same, regardless of race.
Why did commercials that featured Whites as the vast majority bother anybody? Clearly a decision was made to flip that on its head. Why does Hollywood claim each year that, #Oscarstoo white? Why have I read countless articles in the past year or 2 that claimed everything from Opera and classical orchestras, to birdwatching, Yoga, and national park visitors, and classical education are Too White? And Interracial couples are a tiny minority; yet are the majority of couples in Tv commercials in teh US and Europe. Why is that being pushed?

This in no way, shape or form should cause any harm or discomfort to anyone. Why complain about something so petty?
This in no way, shape or form should cause any harm or discomfort to anyone. Why complain about something so petty?
If that is true, then why are there countless articles and arguments about any interest, organization, industry, and activity being "Too White." There have been articles claiming that everything from Bird Watching, yoga, orchestras opera, Hockey, medical schools, fire departments, national park visitors, classical studies, and more as being "Too White." Why did the commercials, in this case, transform from majority white to majority non-White?
If that is true, then why are there countless articles and arguments about any interest, organization, industry, and activity being "Too White." There have been articles claiming that everything from Bird Watching, yoga, orchestras opera, Hockey, medical schools, fire departments, national park visitors, classical studies, and more as being "Too White." Why did the commercials, in this case, transform from majority white to majority non-White?
Do you feel persecuted, precious?
Nope-what you've written is just the typical and graceless way somebody like you admits to having no argument, with pathetic attempts at insults and childish name-calling. WORTHELSS.
What exactly is it that you don't understand? You've got your panties in a bunch over some fucking TV commercials, and I am telling you that is the response of a race-obsessed coward. What part of that is confusing you?
What exactly is it that you don't understand? You've got your panties in a bunch over some fucking TV commercials, and I am telling you that is the response of a race-obsessed coward. What part of that is confusing you?

If it doesn't matter, then why was there a conscious effort to change them all? Wouldn't the same line of nonsense work against anybody who claims any industry is "TooWhite? I can show you countless articles published in the last few years who make that claim. Are they all cowards with their "panties in a bunch," too? Should that be the response to every Diversity and Inclusion director?

If it doesn't matter, then why was there a conscious effort to change them all from majority white to majority non-white? Wouldn't the same line of nonsense work against anybody who claims any industry is "TooWhite? I can show you countless articles published in the last few years in which each makes that claim. Are they all cowards with their "panties in a bunch," too? Should that be the response to every Diversity and Inclusion director in the country?

If it doesn't matter, then why was there a conscious effort to change them all? ....
First of all, "change them all"? A little hyperbole there, precious?

Second, if a private company has a marketing approach that they think will improve sales for their product, it is not a dire threat to race-obsessed pussies like you. Where is the threat that has you so terrified? Do you think it's some deep conspiracy to eliminate 'all dem white folks'? Do you feel like an endangered species, coward? A couple of TV commercials have you pissing down your leg. Imagine how actual minority groups must have felt for most of US history being ACTUALLY marginalized and discriminated against FOR REAL? You're a pathetic clown. The TV commercials aren't going to hurt you, pussy, really.
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LMAO ...

Every comment you post shows us ALL just how homosexuality is a Mental Disorder ....

Just saying ....

I asked my wife and she said thats a bullshit hate filled ignorant statement.
Check with all those poofter priests and pastor. They might know.
If that were true...the mixed South and central americas wouldn't be shit holes.
You're quite right! People think that if everybody is one big mix, then everything will be so much better off. We already know what that looks like by the examples of South America, Puerto Rico, and central America. Anybody who wants to commit racial suicide is just a brainwashed, browbeaten, coward, who is nothing but a tax cow consumer without any spirit and sense of self.
I make no attempts to hide my point of view, silly child. I believe I have been quite explicit. I hold the same views for my people as the Zionist Jews (like you) do for their people, or as the Japanese believe (like your avatar hero), the Mohammadians, and any other healthy, intelligent, and self-respecting person in the world does. A healthy and honest man will hold no other position on the topic. Only a racist with murder in his soul would claim I am wrong and unethical for this stance.
Go ahead and say what you really want to say, chickenshit. Let's hear about "purity" and "race traitors," you cl
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I make no attempts to hide my point of view, silly child. I believe I have been quite explicit. I hold the same views for my people as the Zionist Jews (like you) do for their people, or as the Japanese believe (like your avatar hero), the Mohammadians, and any other ......
Race-obsessed cowards like you always seem to want the rest of the world to be just as chickenshit as they (you) are. Guess what? You're wrong. Watch out for those scary TV commercials!

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