Racist woman verbally assaults Latina in Kentucky JC Pennies store.

It's clear that the one single thing Comrade Trump & the Reich wing have been very successful at, is bringing the racists out of their closets.

Yes, because if Trump had lost this woman would have ceased to exist :uhh:
Illegals GET welfare asshole, and I know they do because I've lived among them. I married one.

So don't piss down my back and tell me it's rain you parasite.

Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.
. Ok so it's an indirect subsidizing that goes on or went on then, where as the Americans worked them dirt cheap, and then the government subsidized the layed off Americans who lost their jobs with 1st unemployment benefits, then disability benefits for a more long term out of work program or thinking that was used, and therefore this kept them (the Americans) out of the work place while the illegals worked their jobs in huge numbers... The government indirectly subsidized the situation by allowing this action to take place under the radar where it had gotten so bad that Hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their jobs in many industries all because of. The illegals were so resourceful that they would live several families or workers to a house, send alot of their money home, ride in a van to work etc. The American worker could no longer compete fairly against the bull crap, and this as they (the migrants or illegals) were taking over in industry after industry. It finally came to a head, and the push back is here now. Yes there was also many other tactics used, and they have been documented as fact.
Illegals GET welfare asshole, and I know they do because I've lived among them. I married one.

So don't piss down my back and tell me it's rain you parasite.

Then they're criminals, just like the GOP that refuses a good SS ID that can't be faked. They LOVE the cheap labor, dupes.
It's clear that the one single thing Comrade Trump & the Reich wing have been very successful at, is bringing the racists out of their closets.

At a JC Pennies store in Kentucky this white woman goes into a rampage. Apparently there were two Hispanic women in line ahead of her, one leaves to go pick up another shirt, gets back in line with her girlfriend and this racist goes crazy ivan on her. What this woman says is shocking.

First she doesn't know if these women are illegal or not. They could be here on Visa's visiting family members for the Holidays. I live in Colorado and have seen Latino's from Mexico get off American airlines with their snow skiing equipment with them. They have visas, and they visit our tourist districts, just like we do there's. Just because they don't speak English, in no way infer's that they're here illegally.

FURTHERMORE---Illegals do not qualify for WELFARE. I don't know how many times you have to beat that into a Reich winger's thick skull--but apparently is still hasn't sunk in yet.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

Anyway here is certainly one of Trump's biggest fans in action.

At any rate, if this woman is identified, she will not be allowed back into this mall, where the JC Pennies store is located at.
. The left is responsible for every bit of this stuff, because they have played loose and fast with our laws in this country, and they have created chaos and confusion among many people as to what has gone on within their bull shite. I blame the left for every confused reaction that takes place in society now. I hope they never get back in power. Period.

Pass a gd good SS ID CARD, then, brainwashed functional MORON.
It's clear that the one single thing Comrade Trump & the Reich wing have been very successful at, is bringing the racists out of their closets.

At a JC Pennies store in Kentucky this white woman goes into a rampage. Apparently there were two Hispanic women in line ahead of her, one leaves to go pick up another shirt, gets back in line with her girlfriend and this racist goes crazy ivan on her. What this woman says is shocking.

First she doesn't know if these women are illegal or not. They could be here on Visa's visiting family members for the Holidays. I live in Colorado and have seen Latino's from Mexico get off American airlines with their snow skiing equipment with them. They have visas, and they visit our tourist districts, just like we do there's. Just because they don't speak English, in no way infer's that they're here illegally.

FURTHERMORE---Illegals do not qualify for WELFARE. I don't know how many times you have to beat that into a Reich winger's thick skull--but apparently is still hasn't sunk in yet.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

Anyway here is certainly one of Trump's biggest fans in action.

At any rate, if this woman is identified, she will not be allowed back into this mall, where the JC Pennies store is located at.
. The left is responsible for every bit of this stuff, because they have played loose and fast with out laws in this country, and the have created chaos and confusion among many people as to what has gone on in their bull shite. I blame the left for every confused reaction that takes place in society now. I hope they never get back in power. Period.

So then, I assume if you see or hear anyone speaking a foreign language you're just going to presume that they're here illegally?

. Nope, and where did you get that idea from ??
Illegals GET welfare asshole, and I know they do because I've lived among them. I married one.

So don't piss down my back and tell me it's rain you parasite.

Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.

Wrong again. It appears there is a very long list of "things you don't know"!

Pursuant to a legislative mandate, GAO provided information on the extent to which means-tested public benefits are provided to illegal aliens for the use of eligible individuals, focusing on: (1) the extent and the locations that selected federal means-tested benefits are being provided to illegal aliens for use by their U.S. citizen children; and (2) the nature and extent of fraud or misrepresentation detected in connection with these benefits.

GAO noted that: (1) in fiscal year (FY) 1995, about $1.1 billion in Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Food Stamp benefits were provided to households with an illegal alien parent for the use of his or her citizen child; (2) this amount accounted for about 3 percent of AFDC and 2 percent of Food Stamp benefit costs; (3) a vast majority of households receiving these benefits resided in a few states--85 percent of the AFDC households were in California, New York, Texas, and Arizona; (4) 81 percent of Food Stamp households were in California, Texas, and Arizona; (5) California households alone accounted for $720 million of the combined AFDC and Food Stamp caseloads; (6) although illegal aliens also received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Department of Housing and Urban Development housing assistance for their citizen children, data to develop estimates for these two programs were not available; (7) comprehensive national statistics on any misrepresentation or fraud perpetrated by illegal aliens receiving benefits on behalf of their citizen children are not available; (8) a few California counties' studies of AFDC households indicate that the rates and types of potential misrepresentation or fraud are similar both for households headed by illegal aliens and for the general welfare population; (9) in these studies, one of the most commonly cited types of misrepresentation or fraud was the underreporting of income; (10) income is a key factor in determining program eligibility and benefit amounts and, when underreported, can result in overpayment of benefits; and (11) the states visited by GAO had procedures in place to verify income, but officials said that verifying individuals' income from earnings obtained through the underground economy was very difficult--for both illegal aliens and for citizens--in part because these earnings are not documented or reported to state or federal databases used to verify employment or earnings.

Illegal Aliens: Extent of Welfare Benefits Received on Behalf of U.S. Citizen Children
It's clear that the one single thing Comrade Trump & the Reich wing have been very successful at, is bringing the racists out of their closets.

At a JC Pennies store in Kentucky this white woman goes into a rampage. Apparently there were two Hispanic women in line ahead of her, one leaves to go pick up another shirt, gets back in line with her girlfriend and this racist goes crazy ivan on her. What this woman says is shocking.

First she doesn't know if these women are illegal or not. They could be here on Visa's visiting family members for the Holidays. I live in Colorado and have seen Latino's from Mexico get off American airlines with their snow skiing equipment with them. They have visas, and they visit our tourist districts, just like we do there's. Just because they don't speak English, in no way infer's that they're here illegally.

FURTHERMORE---Illegals do not qualify for WELFARE. I don't know how many times you have to beat that into a Reich winger's thick skull--but apparently is still hasn't sunk in yet.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

Anyway here is certainly one of Trump's biggest fans in action.

At any rate, if this woman is identified, she will not be allowed back into this mall, where the JC Pennies store is located at.
. The left is responsible for every bit of this stuff, because they have played loose and fast with our laws in this country, and they have created chaos and confusion among many people as to what has gone on within their bull shite. I blame the left for every confused reaction that takes place in society now. I hope they never get back in power. Period.

Pass a gd good SS ID CARD, then, brainwashed functional MORON.
. Care to write that again, except this time in English maybe ?
Illegals GET welfare asshole, and I know they do because I've lived among them. I married one.

So don't piss down my back and tell me it's rain you parasite.

Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.
Even if it is true, so what? this has nothing to do with it. your basically having an argument over whether black people have any souls because some racist asshole brought it up. you think these klansmen give a shit about welfare programs?.most of them are on welfare themselves
. Is that why their klansmen now ?? Is the left revitalizing the klan ?? Hmmm.
Illegals GET welfare asshole, and I know they do because I've lived among them. I married one.

So don't piss down my back and tell me it's rain you parasite.

Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.
Even if it is true, so what? this has nothing to do with it. your basically having an argument over whether black people have any souls because some racist asshole brought it up. you think these klansmen give a shit about welfare programs?.most of them are on welfare themselves

White Americans are the biggest recipients of welfare today.
. So your agenda was working ??
Illegals GET welfare asshole, and I know they do because I've lived among them. I married one.

So don't piss down my back and tell me it's rain you parasite.

Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.

Wrong again. It appears there is a very long list of "things you don't know"!

Pursuant to a legislative mandate, GAO provided information on the extent to which means-tested public benefits are provided to illegal aliens for the use of eligible individuals, focusing on: (1) the extent and the locations that selected federal means-tested benefits are being provided to illegal aliens for use by their U.S. citizen children; and (2) the nature and extent of fraud or misrepresentation detected in connection with these benefits.

GAO noted that: (1) in fiscal year (FY) 1995, about $1.1 billion in Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Food Stamp benefits were provided to households with an illegal alien parent for the use of his or her citizen child; (2) this amount accounted for about 3 percent of AFDC and 2 percent of Food Stamp benefit costs; (3) a vast majority of households receiving these benefits resided in a few states--85 percent of the AFDC households were in California, New York, Texas, and Arizona; (4) 81 percent of Food Stamp households were in California, Texas, and Arizona; (5) California households alone accounted for $720 million of the combined AFDC and Food Stamp caseloads; (6) although illegal aliens also received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Department of Housing and Urban Development housing assistance for their citizen children, data to develop estimates for these two programs were not available; (7) comprehensive national statistics on any misrepresentation or fraud perpetrated by illegal aliens receiving benefits on behalf of their citizen children are not available; (8) a few California counties' studies of AFDC households indicate that the rates and types of potential misrepresentation or fraud are similar both for households headed by illegal aliens and for the general welfare population; (9) in these studies, one of the most commonly cited types of misrepresentation or fraud was the underreporting of income; (10) income is a key factor in determining program eligibility and benefit amounts and, when underreported, can result in overpayment of benefits; and (11) the states visited by GAO had procedures in place to verify income, but officials said that verifying individuals' income from earnings obtained through the underground economy was very difficult--for both illegal aliens and for citizens--in part because these earnings are not documented or reported to state or federal databases used to verify employment or earnings.

Illegal Aliens: Extent of Welfare Benefits Received on Behalf of U.S. Citizen Children

You did read the part where it says this: (1) the extent and the locations that selected federal means-tested benefits are being provided to illegal aliens for use by their U.S. citizen children; and (2) the nature and extent of fraud or misrepresentation detected in connection with these benefits.

MEANING--that an illegal that cross's the border is NOT going to get WELFARE benefits, unless they have children born in this country, and then those benefits are extended to the U.S. born children.

Which proves that only U.S. citizens are eligible for Welfare Benefits.
It's clear that the one single thing Comrade Trump & the Reich wing have been very successful at, is bringing the racists out of their closets.

At a JC Pennies store in Kentucky this white woman goes into a rampage. Apparently there were two Hispanic women in line ahead of her, one leaves to go pick up another shirt, gets back in line with her girlfriend and this racist goes crazy ivan on her. What this woman says is shocking.

First of all, she doesn't know if these women are illegal or not. They could be here on Visa's visiting family members for the Holidays. I live in Colorado and have seen Latino's from Mexico get off American airlines with their snow skiing equipment with them. They have visas, and they visit our tourist districts, just like we do there's. Just because they don't speak English, in no way infer's that they're here illegally.

FURTHERMORE---Illegals do not qualify for WELFARE. I don't know how many times you have to beat that into a Reich winger's thick skull--but apparently it still hasn't sunk in yet.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

Anyway here is certainly one of Trump's biggest fans in action.

At any rate, if this woman is identified, she will not be allowed back into this mall, where the JC Pennies store is located at.

I think it's pretty low in embarassing people like that woman did, but she was probably that way before Trump's arrival on the scene. Trump does speak certain truths. We can't afford to take care of everybody who wants to come here, illegally or otherwise.
We're having trouble helping Americans in need, as well as veterans, the way it is. Anyway, keep twisting the truth Trump speaks and call it racism if it makes you feel all noble and compassionate.
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Illegals GET welfare asshole, and I know they do because I've lived among them. I married one.

So don't piss down my back and tell me it's rain you parasite.

Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.

Wrong again. It appears there is a very long list of "things you don't know"!

Pursuant to a legislative mandate, GAO provided information on the extent to which means-tested public benefits are provided to illegal aliens for the use of eligible individuals, focusing on: (1) the extent and the locations that selected federal means-tested benefits are being provided to illegal aliens for use by their U.S. citizen children; and (2) the nature and extent of fraud or misrepresentation detected in connection with these benefits.

GAO noted that: (1) in fiscal year (FY) 1995, about $1.1 billion in Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Food Stamp benefits were provided to households with an illegal alien parent for the use of his or her citizen child; (2) this amount accounted for about 3 percent of AFDC and 2 percent of Food Stamp benefit costs; (3) a vast majority of households receiving these benefits resided in a few states--85 percent of the AFDC households were in California, New York, Texas, and Arizona; (4) 81 percent of Food Stamp households were in California, Texas, and Arizona; (5) California households alone accounted for $720 million of the combined AFDC and Food Stamp caseloads; (6) although illegal aliens also received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Department of Housing and Urban Development housing assistance for their citizen children, data to develop estimates for these two programs were not available; (7) comprehensive national statistics on any misrepresentation or fraud perpetrated by illegal aliens receiving benefits on behalf of their citizen children are not available; (8) a few California counties' studies of AFDC households indicate that the rates and types of potential misrepresentation or fraud are similar both for households headed by illegal aliens and for the general welfare population; (9) in these studies, one of the most commonly cited types of misrepresentation or fraud was the underreporting of income; (10) income is a key factor in determining program eligibility and benefit amounts and, when underreported, can result in overpayment of benefits; and (11) the states visited by GAO had procedures in place to verify income, but officials said that verifying individuals' income from earnings obtained through the underground economy was very difficult--for both illegal aliens and for citizens--in part because these earnings are not documented or reported to state or federal databases used to verify employment or earnings.

Illegal Aliens: Extent of Welfare Benefits Received on Behalf of U.S. Citizen Children

You did read the part where it says this: (1) the extent and the locations that selected federal means-tested benefits are being provided to illegal aliens for use by their U.S. citizen children; and (2) the nature and extent of fraud or misrepresentation detected in connection with these benefits.

MEANING--that an illegal that cross's the border is NOT going to get WELFARE benefits, unless they have children born in this country, and then those benefits are extended to the U.S. born children.

Wow you must believe in unicorns and pots of gold.
Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.


My ex was on Medicaid and so was her anchor baby.

She got food stamps, supplements for utilities and "tax returns" that gave her back thousands more than she filed for with a fake SS#.

She actually worked for a living though, learned english and had some self respect. Members of her family and their "friends" weren't always as dignified and got the full section 8 housing and subsidies by becoming "domestic violence victims" who can not be deported. Their "husbands" of course technically didn't live in the same house, so these whores leeched off the system and made better money than the two of us working legitamite jobs.

I live in the real world fuckstick.

Get out of the basement sometime. Obozo's America is a fucking disaster.
Illegals GET welfare asshole, and I know they do because I've lived among them. I married one.

So don't piss down my back and tell me it's rain you parasite.

Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.

Wrong again. It appears there is a very long list of "things you don't know"!

Pursuant to a legislative mandate, GAO provided information on the extent to which means-tested public benefits are provided to illegal aliens for the use of eligible individuals, focusing on: (1) the extent and the locations that selected federal means-tested benefits are being provided to illegal aliens for use by their U.S. citizen children; and (2) the nature and extent of fraud or misrepresentation detected in connection with these benefits.

GAO noted that: (1) in fiscal year (FY) 1995, about $1.1 billion in Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Food Stamp benefits were provided to households with an illegal alien parent for the use of his or her citizen child; (2) this amount accounted for about 3 percent of AFDC and 2 percent of Food Stamp benefit costs; (3) a vast majority of households receiving these benefits resided in a few states--85 percent of the AFDC households were in California, New York, Texas, and Arizona; (4) 81 percent of Food Stamp households were in California, Texas, and Arizona; (5) California households alone accounted for $720 million of the combined AFDC and Food Stamp caseloads; (6) although illegal aliens also received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Department of Housing and Urban Development housing assistance for their citizen children, data to develop estimates for these two programs were not available; (7) comprehensive national statistics on any misrepresentation or fraud perpetrated by illegal aliens receiving benefits on behalf of their citizen children are not available; (8) a few California counties' studies of AFDC households indicate that the rates and types of potential misrepresentation or fraud are similar both for households headed by illegal aliens and for the general welfare population; (9) in these studies, one of the most commonly cited types of misrepresentation or fraud was the underreporting of income; (10) income is a key factor in determining program eligibility and benefit amounts and, when underreported, can result in overpayment of benefits; and (11) the states visited by GAO had procedures in place to verify income, but officials said that verifying individuals' income from earnings obtained through the underground economy was very difficult--for both illegal aliens and for citizens--in part because these earnings are not documented or reported to state or federal databases used to verify employment or earnings.

Illegal Aliens: Extent of Welfare Benefits Received on Behalf of U.S. Citizen Children

You did read the part where it says this: (1) the extent and the locations that selected federal means-tested benefits are being provided to illegal aliens for use by their U.S. citizen children; and (2) the nature and extent of fraud or misrepresentation detected in connection with these benefits.

MEANING--that an illegal that cross's the border is NOT going to get WELFARE benefits, unless they have children born in this country, and then those benefits are extended to the U.S. born children.

Which proves that only U.S. citizens are eligible for Welfare Benefits.

Care to point out how an adult is going to prevent themselves from using the money and have it only go to their child? Thanks!
Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.


My ex was on Medicaid and so was her anchor baby.

She got food stamps, supplements for utilities and "tax returns" that gave her back thousands more than she filed for with a fake SS#.

She actually worked for a living though, learned english and had some self respect. Members of her family and their "friends" weren't always as dignified and got the full section 8 housing and subsidies by becoming "domestic violence victims" who can not be deported. Their "husbands" of course technically didn't live in the same house, so these whores leeched off the system and made better money than the two of us working legitamite jobs.

I live in the real world fuckstick.

Get out of the basement sometime. Obozo's America is a fucking disaster.

She gets medicade because she had born a U.S. Citizen. But families or illegals crossing the border do not get handed a Welfare check. They are NOT eligible for Welfare.

This Kentucky woman was accusing these two Latino women of us paying for their food, and their gifts.

She has no idea if that was the case or not. If they were here on Visa's visiting relatives, or even if they had kids. She still went crazy ivan on them anyway, just out of hate and ignorance.

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