Racist woman verbally assaults Latina in Kentucky JC Pennies store.

Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.


My ex was on Medicaid and so was her anchor baby.

She got food stamps, supplements for utilities and "tax returns" that gave her back thousands more than she filed for with a fake SS#.

She actually worked for a living though, learned english and had some self respect. Members of her family and their "friends" weren't always as dignified and got the full section 8 housing and subsidies by becoming "domestic violence victims" who can not be deported. Their "husbands" of course technically didn't live in the same house, so these whores leeched off the system and made better money than the two of us working legitamite jobs.

I live in the real world fuckstick.

Get out of the basement sometime. Obozo's America is a fucking disaster.

She gets medicade because she had born a U.S, Citizen. But families or illegals crossing the border do not get handed a Welfare check. They are NOT eligible for Welfare.

This Kentucky woman was accusing these two Latino women of us paying for their food, and their gifts.

She has no idea if that was the case or not. If they were here on Visa's visiting relatives, or even if they had kids. She still went crazy ivan on them anyway, just out of hate and ignorance.

You people.... no matter how many times we beat you over the head with facts, you remain as clueless and ignorant as ever. The entire left-wing is the ideology of the stupid.


Illegal households...... 62%.... SELF REPORT..... using welfare.

She gets medicade because she had born a U.S, Citizen. But families or illegals crossing the border do not get handed a Welfare check. They are NOT eligible for Welfare.

This Kentucky woman was accusing these two Latino women of us paying for their food, and their gifts.

She has no idea if that was the case or not. If they were here on Visa's visiting relatives, or even if they had kids. She still went crazy ivan on them anyway, just out of hate and ignorance.



They get fake SS#, fake ID and establish themselves easily.

No... They don't walk in and get checks handed to them. They have to make an effort for it, but the underground makes it happen. Every year the IRS send out BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in fraudulent returns to illegals, who claim SS#'s for people who aren't even in the country..

Tax-Refund Fraud Soaring, Little IRS Can Do - NBC News

Like I said. I lived among these people, and while I did enjoy the culture and camaraderie, I saw shit that pissed me off. There are so many more millions of people fleecing the system than you're willing to acknowledge because you view any attempt to reduce funding as a threat to your regressive politics.

You don't give a fruit fly's fuck about these people, you only support the regressive agenda.

It's clear that the one single thing Comrade Trump & the Reich wing have been very successful at, is bringing the racists out of their closets.

At a JC Pennies store in Kentucky this white woman goes into a rampage. Apparently there were two Hispanic women in line ahead of her, one leaves to go pick up another shirt, gets back in line with her girlfriend and this racist goes crazy ivan on her. What this woman says is shocking.

First she doesn't know if these women are illegal or not. They could be here on Visa's visiting family members for the Holidays. I live in Colorado and have seen Latino's from Mexico get off American airlines with their snow skiing equipment with them. They have visas, and they visit our tourist districts, just like we do there's. Just because they don't speak English, in no way infer's that they're here illegally.

FURTHERMORE---Illegals do not qualify for WELFARE. I don't know how many times you have to beat that into a Reich winger's thick skull--but apparently is still hasn't sunk in yet.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

Anyway here is certainly one of Trump's biggest fans in action.

At any rate, if this woman is identified, she will not be allowed back into this mall, where the JC Pennies store is located at.
. The left is responsible for every bit of this stuff, because they have played loose and fast with our laws in this country, and they have created chaos and confusion among many people as to what has gone on within their bull shite. I blame the left for every confused reaction that takes place in society now. I hope they never get back in power. Period.

Pass a gd good SS ID CARD, then, brainwashed functional MORON.
. Care to write that again, except this time in English maybe ?

Illegals GET welfare asshole, and I know they do because I've lived among them. I married one.

So don't piss down my back and tell me it's rain you parasite.

Then they're criminals, just like the GOP that refuses a good SS ID that can't be faked. They LOVE the cheap labor, dupes.
She gets medicade because she had born a U.S, Citizen. But families or illegals crossing the border do not get handed a Welfare check. They are NOT eligible for Welfare.

This Kentucky woman was accusing these two Latino women of us paying for their food, and their gifts.

She has no idea if that was the case or not. If they were here on Visa's visiting relatives, or even if they had kids. She still went crazy ivan on them anyway, just out of hate and ignorance.



They get fake SS#, fake ID and establish themselves easily.

No... They don't walk in and get checks handed to them. They have to make an effort for it, but the underground makes it happen. Every year the IRS send out BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in fraudulent returns to illegals, who claim SS#'s for people who aren't even in the country..

Tax-Refund Fraud Soaring, Little IRS Can Do - NBC News

Like I said. I lived among these people, and while I did enjoy the culture and camaraderie, I saw shit that pissed me off. There are so many more millions of people fleecing the system than you're willing to acknowledge because you view any attempt to reduce funding as a threat to your regressive politics.

You don't give a fruit fly's fuck about these people, you only support the regressive agenda.

They need birth certificates, I.D's. means testing, (irs and other financial forms) along with being asked a ton of questions, to qualify for Welfare.

And if I were an illegal in this country worried about getting busted & deported, even with all of this, the last thing I would do is show up in a Welfare office looking for benefits--LOL.
Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.


My ex was on Medicaid and so was her anchor baby.

She got food stamps, supplements for utilities and "tax returns" that gave her back thousands more than she filed for with a fake SS#.

She actually worked for a living though, learned english and had some self respect. Members of her family and their "friends" weren't always as dignified and got the full section 8 housing and subsidies by becoming "domestic violence victims" who can not be deported. Their "husbands" of course technically didn't live in the same house, so these whores leeched off the system and made better money than the two of us working legitamite jobs.

I live in the real world fuckstick.

Get out of the basement sometime. Obozo's America is a fucking disaster.

She gets medicade because she had born a U.S, Citizen. But families or illegals crossing the border do not get handed a Welfare check. They are NOT eligible for Welfare.

This Kentucky woman was accusing these two Latino women of us paying for their food, and their gifts.

She has no idea if that was the case or not. If they were here on Visa's visiting relatives, or even if they had kids. She still went crazy ivan on them anyway, just out of hate and ignorance.

You people.... no matter how many times we beat you over the head with facts, you remain as clueless and ignorant as ever. The entire left-wing is the ideology of the stupid.

View attachment 103409

Illegal households...... 62%.... SELF REPORT..... using welfare.

BS. Pew found in 2007 94% of male illegals work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. PASS a good gd SS ID card, dupes.
She gets medicade because she had born a U.S, Citizen. But families or illegals crossing the border do not get handed a Welfare check. They are NOT eligible for Welfare.

This Kentucky woman was accusing these two Latino women of us paying for their food, and their gifts.

She has no idea if that was the case or not. If they were here on Visa's visiting relatives, or even if they had kids. She still went crazy ivan on them anyway, just out of hate and ignorance.



They get fake SS#, fake ID and establish themselves easily.

No... They don't walk in and get checks handed to them. They have to make an effort for it, but the underground makes it happen. Every year the IRS send out BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in fraudulent returns to illegals, who claim SS#'s for people who aren't even in the country..

Tax-Refund Fraud Soaring, Little IRS Can Do - NBC News

Like I said. I lived among these people, and while I did enjoy the culture and camaraderie, I saw shit that pissed me off. There are so many more millions of people fleecing the system than you're willing to acknowledge because you view any attempt to reduce funding as a threat to your regressive politics.

You don't give a fruit fly's fuck about these people, you only support the regressive agenda.

Then they're criminals, just like the GOP that refuses a good SS ID that can't be faked. They LOVE the cheap labor, dupes.
Who cares if these women were really illegal? Who cares if they cut in line? Can't we all just agree that the old lady was an insufferable c*nt?
You people.... no matter how many times we beat you over the head with facts, you remain as clueless and ignorant as ever. The entire left-wing is the ideology of the stupid.

View attachment 103409

Illegal households...... 62%.... SELF REPORT..... using welfare.


The sad part is, that in spite of efforts to educate these tools, despite the fact that all of their posts have been debunked and ridiculed, they will ignore it. They will come back in another thread regurgitating the same vapid bullshit only to repeat the cycle again the next day.

That's why we have to beat the shit out of these parasites everywhere we find them. When they rear their empty heads for a clash we need to strike hard, and marginalize them.

It's time Liberty became trendy, rather than dependence.
Then they're criminals, just like the GOP that refuses a good SS ID that can't be faked. They LOVE the cheap labor, dupes.

You're really just too fucking stupid to elicit a response.


Who cares if these women were really illegal? Who cares if they cut in line? Can't we all just agree that the old lady was an insufferable c*nt?

Then you have to ignore the insufferable kunts who cut in line, and get free shit from tax payers.

Frankly I'm more inclined to side with the insufferable kunts who are sick of the leftist bullshit that keeps grossly obese "people" riding scooters someone else has to provide while she spends food stamps on more fucking Doritos.
Who cares if these women were really illegal? Who cares if they cut in line? Can't we all just agree that the old lady was an insufferable c*nt?

Then you have to ignore the insufferable kunts who cut in line, and get free shit from tax payers.

Frankly I'm more inclined to side with the insufferable kunts who are sick of the leftist bullshit that keeps grossly obese "people" riding scooters someone else has to provide while she spends food stamps on more fucking Doritos.

The old woman had no idea if they were illegal or on welfare. She went batshit in the middle of a crowded store over a scenario she brewed up in her crazy little brain.
She gets medicade because she had born a U.S, Citizen. But families or illegals crossing the border do not get handed a Welfare check. They are NOT eligible for Welfare.

This Kentucky woman was accusing these two Latino women of us paying for their food, and their gifts.

She has no idea if that was the case or not. If they were here on Visa's visiting relatives, or even if they had kids. She still went crazy ivan on them anyway, just out of hate and ignorance.



They get fake SS#, fake ID and establish themselves easily.

No... They don't walk in and get checks handed to them. They have to make an effort for it, but the underground makes it happen. Every year the IRS send out BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in fraudulent returns to illegals, who claim SS#'s for people who aren't even in the country..

Tax-Refund Fraud Soaring, Little IRS Can Do - NBC News

Like I said. I lived among these people, and while I did enjoy the culture and camaraderie, I saw shit that pissed me off. There are so many more millions of people fleecing the system than you're willing to acknowledge because you view any attempt to reduce funding as a threat to your regressive politics.

You don't give a fruit fly's fuck about these people, you only support the regressive agenda.

They need birth certificates, I.D's. means testing, (irs and other financial forms) along with being asked a ton of questions, to qualify for Welfare.

And if I were an illegal in this country worried about getting busted & deported, even with all of this, the last thing I would do is show up in a Welfare office looking for benefits--LOL.

So the fact that they themselves report getting welfare.... you are still going to just sit there and 'lalalala I can't hear you'... . and pretend you are still correct?


Left-winger version of 'facts'.
Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.


My ex was on Medicaid and so was her anchor baby.

She got food stamps, supplements for utilities and "tax returns" that gave her back thousands more than she filed for with a fake SS#.

She actually worked for a living though, learned english and had some self respect. Members of her family and their "friends" weren't always as dignified and got the full section 8 housing and subsidies by becoming "domestic violence victims" who can not be deported. Their "husbands" of course technically didn't live in the same house, so these whores leeched off the system and made better money than the two of us working legitamite jobs.

I live in the real world fuckstick.

Get out of the basement sometime. Obozo's America is a fucking disaster.
ANCHOR BABY, duh. Then pass a living wage stupid, and training programs and cheap ed. So dumb the dupes....
Who cares if these women were really illegal? Who cares if they cut in line? Can't we all just agree that the old lady was an insufferable c*nt?

Then you have to ignore the insufferable kunts who cut in line, and get free shit from tax payers.

Frankly I'm more inclined to side with the insufferable kunts who are sick of the leftist bullshit that keeps grossly obese "people" riding scooters someone else has to provide while she spends food stamps on more fucking Doritos.

The old woman had no idea if they were illegal or on welfare. She went batshit in the middle of a crowded store over a scenario she brewed up in her crazy little brain.
She gets medicade because she had born a U.S, Citizen. But families or illegals crossing the border do not get handed a Welfare check. They are NOT eligible for Welfare.

This Kentucky woman was accusing these two Latino women of us paying for their food, and their gifts.

She has no idea if that was the case or not. If they were here on Visa's visiting relatives, or even if they had kids. She still went crazy ivan on them anyway, just out of hate and ignorance.



They get fake SS#, fake ID and establish themselves easily.

No... They don't walk in and get checks handed to them. They have to make an effort for it, but the underground makes it happen. Every year the IRS send out BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in fraudulent returns to illegals, who claim SS#'s for people who aren't even in the country..

Tax-Refund Fraud Soaring, Little IRS Can Do - NBC News

Like I said. I lived among these people, and while I did enjoy the culture and camaraderie, I saw shit that pissed me off. There are so many more millions of people fleecing the system than you're willing to acknowledge because you view any attempt to reduce funding as a threat to your regressive politics.

You don't give a fruit fly's fuck about these people, you only support the regressive agenda.

They need birth certificates, I.D's. means testing, (irs and other financial forms) along with being asked a ton of questions, to qualify for Welfare.

And if I were an illegal in this country worried about getting busted & deported, even with all of this, the last thing I would do is show up in a Welfare office looking for benefits--LOL.

So the fact that they themselves report getting welfare.... you are still going to just sit there and 'lalalala I can't hear you'... . and pretend you are still correct?

View attachment 103412

Left-winger version of 'facts'.
So 62% are on welfare? You're NUTS.
The old woman had no idea if they were illegal or on welfare. She went batshit in the middle of a crowded store over a scenario she brewed up in her crazy little brain.

To be honest I didn't even look at the OP, because bed wetters are full of shit.

What I was arguing is the fact illegals come in, and absorb resources. More than they provide in return. They get money from the government that is supposed to be for US Citizens who are negatively affected when meat puppet faggots get in the WH and a state of malaise envelopes the county.

So if some cow loses her shit and berates some beaner in public I don't care. The next president's daughter can't get on a commercial flight during the Christmas holiday with her family without some faggots ruining it.
Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.


My ex was on Medicaid and so was her anchor baby.

She got food stamps, supplements for utilities and "tax returns" that gave her back thousands more than she filed for with a fake SS#.

She actually worked for a living though, learned english and had some self respect. Members of her family and their "friends" weren't always as dignified and got the full section 8 housing and subsidies by becoming "domestic violence victims" who can not be deported. Their "husbands" of course technically didn't live in the same house, so these whores leeched off the system and made better money than the two of us working legitamite jobs.

I live in the real world fuckstick.

Get out of the basement sometime. Obozo's America is a fucking disaster.

She gets medicade because she had born a U.S, Citizen. But families or illegals crossing the border do not get handed a Welfare check. They are NOT eligible for Welfare.

This Kentucky woman was accusing these two Latino women of us paying for their food, and their gifts.

She has no idea if that was the case or not. If they were here on Visa's visiting relatives, or even if they had kids. She still went crazy ivan on them anyway, just out of hate and ignorance.

You people.... no matter how many times we beat you over the head with facts, you remain as clueless and ignorant as ever. The entire left-wing is the ideology of the stupid.

View attachment 103409

Illegal households...... 62%.... SELF REPORT..... using welfare.

Insanity. Link to that crap, dupe?
If the woman cut line she deserved what she got.

Going on a rant about illegals on welfare in the middle of a crowded store because someone cut in front of you isn't the actions of a normal human. She's a batshit old lady.

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