Racist woman verbally assaults Latina in Kentucky JC Pennies store.

If the woman was simply adding to the transaction that was still being wrung up, and not starting a new transaction... she wasn't cutting line. That woman deserves to be banned from that mall. If she can't act like an adult she shouldn't be there.
The old woman had no idea if they were illegal or on welfare. She went batshit in the middle of a crowded store over a scenario she brewed up in her crazy little brain.

To be honest I didn't even look at the OP, because bed wetters are full of shit.

What I was arguing is the fact illegals come in, and absorb resources. More than they provide in return. They get money from the government that is supposed to be for US Citizens who are negatively affected when meat puppet faggots get in the WH and a state of malaise envelopes the county.

So if some cow loses her shit and berates some beaner in public I don't care. The next president's daughter can't get on a commercial flight during the Christmas holiday with her family without some faggots ruining it.
You feqqing hater dupes are so dumb it's hilarious. We'll have the illegal problem until the GOP allows a good ID card. Idiots. And 62% is idiocy. LINK? 94% of illegal men work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes. PASS THE GODDAMN COMPREHENSIVE BILL OF 2011 WITH A GOOD ID CARD. Morons!!
Going on a rant about illegals on welfare in the middle of a crowded store because someone cut in front of you isn't the actions of a normal human. She's a batshit old lady.

Don't fuck with batshit old ladies then.

Last I looked people with self respect and dignity let old ladies get in front of them.
"Illegals" is just the republicans racist codeword for mexicans, might as well go back to calling them wetbacks
If they came here without going through the process they are doing so illegally, breaking the law. The truth is never racist.
"Illegals" is just the republicans racist codeword for mexicans, might as well go back to calling them wetbacks
If they came here without going through the process they are doing so illegally, breaking the law. The truth is never racist.

The lady didn't know if they were illegals... she just started saying it.
Did you not read the post I was commenting on it's just another lame liberal attempt to broad brush the entire republican party and the assumption that all racist are republicans.
"Illegals" is just the republicans racist codeword for mexicans, might as well go back to calling them wetbacks
If they came here without going through the process they are doing so illegally, breaking the law. The truth is never racist.

The lady didn't know if they were illegals... she just started saying it.
Did you not read the post I was commenting on it's just another lame liberal attempt to broad brush the entire republican party and the assumption that all racist are republicans.

Yes, and like that woman in the video, just because someone speaks Spanish doesn't mean they are illegals. So I ask, please show me how you, or the woman in the video, can tell they are for sure illegals. Did you see them crossing the border? Thanks in advance for the information!
It's amazing that none of the onlookers said anything.

In situations like that most people will keep their mouths shut so as not to add flames to the fire. The same reason most people won't say anything when somebody cuts in front of them. Accept that they're an asshole and move on. This crazy bitch went the extra mile and added a few.
It's amazing that none of the onlookers said anything.

In situations like that most people will keep their mouths shut so as not to add flames to the fire. The same reason most people won't say anything when somebody cuts in front of them. Accept that they're an asshole and move on. This crazy bitch went the extra mile and added a few.

True, and maybe because she's old no one said anything. But did you see the video of the Trump voter going apeshit in Starbucks? Another patron stepped in and said something to the guy.
"Illegals" is just the republicans racist codeword for mexicans, might as well go back to calling them wetbacks

Illegals is the code word for people who overstay their visas or just came over the border. but I guess its typical of you guys to consider everyone else racist. Ive lived with Mexicans legal, and around ones who were illegal as well. I lived in Los angeles and Reno Nevada, and seen the attitudes of SOME of the illegal gangbangers and I can tell you they have zero respect for you. This is not talking about the nice ones you meet who work hard but the fact is if they come here illegaly, you dont know what your getting. Give me a legal immigrant every time.
It's not my fault that they're lazy with their stupid canes, and walkers... and prosthetic legs.

Well at least you haven't yet complained about funding the same SS programs that sustain some of them. The programs they funded all their lives.


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