Racist woman verbally assaults Latina in Kentucky JC Pennies store.

It's amazing that none of the onlookers said anything.
Sometimes there are no words for the stupidity. I had a white lady turn to me the other day in line and say she wished they would hire people that spoke english clearly. I was so shocked I didnt know what to say.
Going on a rant about illegals on welfare in the middle of a crowded store because someone cut in front of you isn't the actions of a normal human. She's a batshit old lady.

Don't fuck with batshit old ladies then.

Last I looked people with self respect and dignity let old ladies get in front of them.
That fat ass hillbilly deserved zero respect.
Going on a rant about illegals on welfare in the middle of a crowded store because someone cut in front of you isn't the actions of a normal human. She's a batshit old lady.

Don't fuck with batshit old ladies then.

Last I looked people with self respect and dignity let old ladies get in front of them.
That fat ass hillbilly deserved zero respect.
She did not get any respect. She got video'd. JC Penny needs cattle guard walls where you can't get out and re-shop. Was she really in line previously? Or was it "another" one o'dem? All look alike.... where was the stroller? Full of kids? JC takes EBT for clothes? Interesting.
Going on a rant about illegals on welfare in the middle of a crowded store because someone cut in front of you isn't the actions of a normal human. She's a batshit old lady.

Don't fuck with batshit old ladies then.

Last I looked people with self respect and dignity let old ladies get in front of them.
That fat ass hillbilly deserved zero respect.
She did not get any respect. She got video'd. JC Penny needs cattle guard walls where you can't get out and re-shop. Was she really in line previously? Or was it "another" one o'dem? All look alike.... where was the stroller? Full of kids? JC takes EBT for clothes? Interesting.
From my understanding the two women were already ahead of the fat hillbilly. One got out of line to get some more items and got back in line with her friend.
The old woman had no idea if they were illegal or on welfare. She went batshit in the middle of a crowded store over a scenario she brewed up in her crazy little brain.

To be honest I didn't even look at the OP, because bed wetters are full of shit.

What I was arguing is the fact illegals come in, and absorb resources. More than they provide in return. They get money from the government that is supposed to be for US Citizens who are negatively affected when meat puppet faggots get in the WH and a state of malaise envelopes the county.

So if some cow loses her shit and berates some beaner in public I don't care. The next president's daughter can't get on a commercial flight during the Christmas holiday with her family without some faggots ruining it.
You feqqing hater dupes are so dumb it's hilarious. We'll have the illegal problem until the GOP allows a good ID card. Idiots. And 62% is idiocy. LINK? 94% of illegal men work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes. PASS THE GODDAMN COMPREHENSIVE BILL OF 2011 WITH A GOOD ID CARD. Morons!!

We do its called drivers license, you lefty dupes bitch if we try to make peoe have one to vote let alone just have one

Again you walk into a Welfare office, you're going to be showing much more than a drivers license to get benefits. A birth certificate would be required, bank statements showing you don't make any money--that computer would get turned on to match the birth certificate to a social security number, address's and everything else.

So if YOU were an illegal worried about getting caught & deported, would you walk into a Welfare office to apply for benefits? You would have to be pretty dam STUPID to do that.

While we're on this topic you would also have to be pretty dam stupid to try and cast a vote in an election. They are not going to do anything that would risk them getting caught and deported.

. Depends on the government in charge doesn't it ?? If you have a government that is lax on enforcement of the laws, and even creating rules or conditions that allow for sanctuary cities, driver's license and etc. then won't that create alot of the things or conditions that spur on illegals to flood a country, and take advantage of it in every way they can ??
It's clear that the one single thing Comrade Trump & the Reich wing have been very successful at, is bringing the racists out of their closets.

At a JC Pennies store in Kentucky this white woman goes into a rampage. Apparently there were two Hispanic women in line ahead of her, one leaves to go pick up another shirt, gets back in line with her girlfriend and this racist goes crazy ivan on her. What this woman says is shocking.

First of all, she doesn't know if these women are illegal or not. They could be here on Visa's visiting family members for the Holidays. I live in Colorado and have seen Latino's from Mexico get off American airlines with their snow skiing equipment with them. They have visas, and they visit our tourist districts, just like we do there's. Just because they don't speak English, in no way infer's that they're here illegally.

FURTHERMORE---Illegals do not qualify for WELFARE. I don't know how many times you have to beat that into a Reich winger's thick skull--but apparently it still hasn't sunk in yet.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

Anyway here is certainly one of Trump's biggest fans in action.

At any rate, if this woman is identified, she will not be allowed back into this mall, where the JC Pennies store is located at.

What if those people were able to cut to the front of the line?
Usually when the left goes after someone you're only getting about 1/3 of the story.

No shit can you imagine if whitey cut in front of a black, they would be called white supremacists

How many times have you been to a store, were in line, then a friend with you runs to grab something, then steps back in to join you? Have you ever been in a ski lift line- or even a grocery store?

Yes it's annoying to the people behind you--but this horrible woman (just assumed) that they were in this country illegally, when they may not have been. This she is accusing them of us paying for their gifts, when clearly ILLEGALS are NOT eligible for WELFARE benefits, (unless) they have given birth to a U.S. baby in this country.

I'll bet you if they could speak English, she wouldn't have said a word to them, out of fear she would get bitch slapped.

Not too many Welfare recipients do their shopping at J.C. Pennies--LOL They're at Walmart.

You people do not seem to understand that Mexico actually does have a middle and upper class in that country, that do frequent the United States via tourist visa's--to visit our tourist districts and their relatives and friends.
. The misguided opinions of the I'll informed in this nation, have been caused by the lawless left, and then when it raises it's ugly head the left spring into action trying to accuse those who it has created as vile, stupid or haters. The left destroy's, and then when the reaction comes around, it runs to hide it's hand about what it has done to cause such things in society. I feel sorry for both the people involved, because both shouldn't have been placed into the situation they have been placed in today, and this by the ignorant do gooder leftist that had gained way to much influence in this nation over time to begin with.
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It's clear that the one single thing Comrade Trump & the Reich wing have been very successful at, is bringing the racists out of their closets.

At a JC Pennies store in Kentucky this white woman goes into a rampage. Apparently there were two Hispanic women in line ahead of her, one leaves to go pick up another shirt, gets back in line with her girlfriend and this racist goes crazy ivan on her. What this woman says is shocking.

First of all, she doesn't know if these women are illegal or not. They could be here on Visa's visiting family members for the Holidays. I live in Colorado and have seen Latino's from Mexico get off American airlines with their snow skiing equipment with them. They have visas, and they visit our tourist districts, just like we do there's. Just because they don't speak English, in no way infer's that they're here illegally.

FURTHERMORE---Illegals do not qualify for WELFARE. I don't know how many times you have to beat that into a Reich winger's thick skull--but apparently it still hasn't sunk in yet.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

Anyway here is certainly one of Trump's biggest fans in action.

At any rate, if this woman is identified, she will not be allowed back into this mall, where the JC Pennies store is located at.

What if those people were able to cut to the front of the line?
Usually when the left goes after someone you're only getting about 1/3 of the story.

No shit can you imagine if whitey cut in front of a black, they would be called white supremacists

How many times have you been to a store, were in line, then a friend with you runs to grab something, then steps back in to join you? Have you ever been in a ski lift line- or even a grocery store?

Yes it's annoying to the people behind you--but this horrible woman (just assumed) that they were in this country illegally, when they may not have been. This she is accusing them of us paying for their gifts, when clearly ILLEGALS are NOT eligible for WELFARE benefits, (unless) they have given birth to a U.S. baby in this country.

I'll bet you if they could speak English, she wouldn't have said a word to them, out of fear she would get bitch slapped.

Not too many Welfare recipients do their shopping at J.C. Pennies--LOL They're at Walmart.

You people do not seem to understand that Mexico actually does have a middle and upper class in that country, that do frequent the United States via tourist visa's--to visit our tourist districts and their relatives and friends.
. The misguided opinions of the I'll informed in this nation, have been caused by the lawless left, and then when it raises it's ugly head the left spring into action trying to accuse those who it has created as vile, stupid or haters. The left destroy's, and then when the reaction comes around, it runs to hide it's hand about what it has done to cause such things in society. I feel sorry for both the people involved, because both shouldn't have been placed into the situation they have been placed in today by the ignorant do gooder leftist that had gained way to much influence in this nation over time to begin with.

This woman is vile, hateful and dumber than shit. They should have made her the poster Bitch for the Trump campaign.
It's amazing that none of the onlookers said anything.
Sometimes there are no words for the stupidity. I had a white lady turn to me the other day in line and say she wished they would hire people that spoke english clearly. I was so shocked I didnt know what to say.
. Must have been talking about the Indians from India that run so many businesses now. It's worse in the hospital's, where they send in the people that barely speak good English, and them attempting to console or help a patient that only recognizes good plain spoken English. I have witnessed this myself, and it was sad seeing a patient struggling to understand language at such a crucial time in their life.
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It's clear that the one single thing Comrade Trump & the Reich wing have been very successful at, is bringing the racists out of their closets.

At a JC Pennies store in Kentucky this white woman goes into a rampage. Apparently there were two Hispanic women in line ahead of her, one leaves to go pick up another shirt, gets back in line with her girlfriend and this racist goes crazy ivan on her. What this woman says is shocking.

First of all, she doesn't know if these women are illegal or not. They could be here on Visa's visiting family members for the Holidays. I live in Colorado and have seen Latino's from Mexico get off American airlines with their snow skiing equipment with them. They have visas, and they visit our tourist districts, just like we do there's. Just because they don't speak English, in no way infer's that they're here illegally.

FURTHERMORE---Illegals do not qualify for WELFARE. I don't know how many times you have to beat that into a Reich winger's thick skull--but apparently it still hasn't sunk in yet.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

Anyway here is certainly one of Trump's biggest fans in action.

At any rate, if this woman is identified, she will not be allowed back into this mall, where the JC Pennies store is located at.

What if those people were able to cut to the front of the line?
Usually when the left goes after someone you're only getting about 1/3 of the story.

No shit can you imagine if whitey cut in front of a black, they would be called white supremacists

How many times have you been to a store, were in line, then a friend with you runs to grab something, then steps back in to join you? Have you ever been in a ski lift line- or even a grocery store?

Yes it's annoying to the people behind you--but this horrible woman (just assumed) that they were in this country illegally, when they may not have been. This she is accusing them of us paying for their gifts, when clearly ILLEGALS are NOT eligible for WELFARE benefits, (unless) they have given birth to a U.S. baby in this country.

I'll bet you if they could speak English, she wouldn't have said a word to them, out of fear she would get bitch slapped.

Not too many Welfare recipients do their shopping at J.C. Pennies--LOL They're at Walmart.

You people do not seem to understand that Mexico actually does have a middle and upper class in that country, that do frequent the United States via tourist visa's--to visit our tourist districts and their relatives and friends.
. The misguided opinions of the I'll informed in this nation, have been caused by the lawless left, and then when it raises it's ugly head the left spring into action trying to accuse those who it has created as vile, stupid or haters. The left destroy's, and then when the reaction comes around, it runs to hide it's hand about what it has done to cause such things in society. I feel sorry for both the people involved, because both shouldn't have been placed into the situation they have been placed in today by the ignorant do gooder leftist that had gained way to much influence in this nation over time to begin with.

This woman is vile, hateful and dumber than shit. They should have made her the poster Bitch for the Trump campaign.
. That all you got ??? Not a very good open minded debater or explainer about what your side has done are you ?? You see it all has to go back to the beginning of the crisis in this country concerning the illegals being confused with the legals, and who manufactured the crisis. I will say she is a confused individual that may have a more deeper condition that had been brought on by the policies and events that have taken place over time. Yes it looks bad now, but they are both victims in the bigger scheme of things.
It's amazing that none of the onlookers said anything.
Sometimes there are no words for the stupidity. I had a white lady turn to me the other day in line and say she wished they would hire people that spoke english clearly. I was so shocked I didnt know what to say.
. Must have been talking about the Indians from India that run so many businesses now. It's worse in the hospital's, where they send in the people that barely speak good English, and them attempting to console or help a patient that only recognizes good plain English spoken. I have witnessed this myself, and it was sad seeing a patient struggling to understand language at such a crucial time in their life.

There's not a hospital in this country today, that doesn't have interpreters, especially Spanish speaking ones located within the hospital. I frequent Mexico a lot--and most of their doctors speak English. In fact, a lot of our doctors, came out of medical school in Guadalajara, Mexico.

As far as people from India--they will have to call in for an interpreter or bring in a family member that speaks English to interpret for them.
What if those people were able to cut to the front of the line?
Usually when the left goes after someone you're only getting about 1/3 of the story.
No shit can you imagine if whitey cut in front of a black, they would be called white supremacists

How many times have you been to a store, were in line, then a friend with you runs to grab something, then steps back in to join you? Have you ever been in a ski lift line- or even a grocery store?

Yes it's annoying to the people behind you--but this horrible woman (just assumed) that they were in this country illegally, when they may not have been. This she is accusing them of us paying for their gifts, when clearly ILLEGALS are NOT eligible for WELFARE benefits, (unless) they have given birth to a U.S. baby in this country.

I'll bet you if they could speak English, she wouldn't have said a word to them, out of fear she would get bitch slapped.

Not too many Welfare recipients do their shopping at J.C. Pennies--LOL They're at Walmart.

You people do not seem to understand that Mexico actually does have a middle and upper class in that country, that do frequent the United States via tourist visa's--to visit our tourist districts and their relatives and friends.
. The misguided opinions of the I'll informed in this nation, have been caused by the lawless left, and then when it raises it's ugly head the left spring into action trying to accuse those who it has created as vile, stupid or haters. The left destroy's, and then when the reaction comes around, it runs to hide it's hand about what it has done to cause such things in society. I feel sorry for both the people involved, because both shouldn't have been placed into the situation they have been placed in today by the ignorant do gooder leftist that had gained way to much influence in this nation over time to begin with.

This woman is vile, hateful and dumber than shit. They should have made her the poster Bitch for the Trump campaign.
. That all you got ??? Not a very good open minded debater or explainer about what your side has done are you ?? You see it all has to go back to the beginning of the crisis in this country concerning the illegals being confused with the legals, and who manufactured the crisis. I will say she is a confused individual that may have a more deeper condition that had been brought on by the policies and events that have taken place over time. Yes it looks bad now, but they are both victims in the bigger scheme of things.

Look Obama is the President that has deported more illegals than any other President in the history of this nation.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Ronald Reagan legalized all illegals in the 1980's that were here.

What you want to do is go out on a Gestapo raid. You don't want any immigration reform, you want to penalize children who through no fault of their own ended up here, because their parents crossed the line.

And that's what is infuriating. As if you could even find 11 million illegals anyway.
No shit can you imagine if whitey cut in front of a black, they would be called white supremacists

How many times have you been to a store, were in line, then a friend with you runs to grab something, then steps back in to join you? Have you ever been in a ski lift line- or even a grocery store?

Yes it's annoying to the people behind you--but this horrible woman (just assumed) that they were in this country illegally, when they may not have been. This she is accusing them of us paying for their gifts, when clearly ILLEGALS are NOT eligible for WELFARE benefits, (unless) they have given birth to a U.S. baby in this country.

I'll bet you if they could speak English, she wouldn't have said a word to them, out of fear she would get bitch slapped.

Not too many Welfare recipients do their shopping at J.C. Pennies--LOL They're at Walmart.

You people do not seem to understand that Mexico actually does have a middle and upper class in that country, that do frequent the United States via tourist visa's--to visit our tourist districts and their relatives and friends.
. The misguided opinions of the I'll informed in this nation, have been caused by the lawless left, and then when it raises it's ugly head the left spring into action trying to accuse those who it has created as vile, stupid or haters. The left destroy's, and then when the reaction comes around, it runs to hide it's hand about what it has done to cause such things in society. I feel sorry for both the people involved, because both shouldn't have been placed into the situation they have been placed in today by the ignorant do gooder leftist that had gained way to much influence in this nation over time to begin with.

This woman is vile, hateful and dumber than shit. They should have made her the poster Bitch for the Trump campaign.
. That all you got ??? Not a very good open minded debater or explainer about what your side has done are you ?? You see it all has to go back to the beginning of the crisis in this country concerning the illegals being confused with the legals, and who manufactured the crisis. I will say she is a confused individual that may have a more deeper condition that had been brought on by the policies and events that have taken place over time. Yes it looks bad now, but they are both victims in the bigger scheme of things.

Look Obama is the President that has deported more illegals than any other President in the history of this nation.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Ronald Reagan legalized all illegals in the 1980's that were here.

What you want to do is go out on a Gestapo raid. You don't want any immigration reform, you want to penalize children who through no fault of their own ended up here, because their parents crossed the line.

And that's what is infuriating. As if you could even find 11 million illegals anyway.
I want eh ? Now where on earth do you get your misinformation from ?? Good grief.
Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.


My ex was on Medicaid and so was her anchor baby.

She got food stamps, supplements for utilities and "tax returns" that gave her back thousands more than she filed for with a fake SS#.

She actually worked for a living though, learned english and had some self respect. Members of her family and their "friends" weren't always as dignified and got the full section 8 housing and subsidies by becoming "domestic violence victims" who can not be deported. Their "husbands" of course technically didn't live in the same house, so these whores leeched off the system and made better money than the two of us working legitamite jobs.

I live in the real world fuckstick.

Get out of the basement sometime. Obozo's America is a fucking disaster.
ANCHOR BABY, duh. Then pass a living wage stupid, and training programs and cheap ed. So dumb the dupes....

Yeah and that will help discourage anchor babies how??
Brainwashed RWers...You're obsessed with bs while your heroes wreck your life and everyone you know...Think ID card.
Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.


My ex was on Medicaid and so was her anchor baby.

She got food stamps, supplements for utilities and "tax returns" that gave her back thousands more than she filed for with a fake SS#.

She actually worked for a living though, learned english and had some self respect. Members of her family and their "friends" weren't always as dignified and got the full section 8 housing and subsidies by becoming "domestic violence victims" who can not be deported. Their "husbands" of course technically didn't live in the same house, so these whores leeched off the system and made better money than the two of us working legitamite jobs.

I live in the real world fuckstick.

Get out of the basement sometime. Obozo's America is a fucking disaster.
ANCHOR BABY, duh. Then pass a living wage stupid, and training programs and cheap ed. So dumb the dupes....

Yeah and that will help discourage anchor babies how??
Brainwashed RWers...You're obsessed with bs while your heroes wreck your life and everyone you know...Think ID card.
. Speaking from a very weak position now aren't you ?? Your party was the Masters of brainwashing.. You want Americans to be strapped with some kind of ID card because of the actions of the left over the years ? Isn't that the further erosions of our liberties in this nation ?? How much defending does the citizens of this nation need to do against the leftist ideology in this nation ??
Bullshit they do. The major cost of illegal immigration in this country comes in education, our schools. The government is NOT handing them a welfare check.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?

The only people that are completely subsidized by our government are REFUGEES. Housing, food, etc. etc.


My ex was on Medicaid and so was her anchor baby.

She got food stamps, supplements for utilities and "tax returns" that gave her back thousands more than she filed for with a fake SS#.

She actually worked for a living though, learned english and had some self respect. Members of her family and their "friends" weren't always as dignified and got the full section 8 housing and subsidies by becoming "domestic violence victims" who can not be deported. Their "husbands" of course technically didn't live in the same house, so these whores leeched off the system and made better money than the two of us working legitamite jobs.

I live in the real world fuckstick.

Get out of the basement sometime. Obozo's America is a fucking disaster.
ANCHOR BABY, duh. Then pass a living wage stupid, and training programs and cheap ed. So dumb the dupes....

Yeah and that will help discourage anchor babies how??
Brainwashed RWers...You're obsessed with bs while your heroes wreck your life and everyone you know...Think ID card.
. Speaking from a very weak position now aren't you ?? Your party was the Masters of brainwashing.. You want Americans to be strapped with some kind of ID card because of the actions of the left over the years ? Isn't that the further erosions of our liberties in this nation ?? How much defending does the citizens of this nation need to do against the leftist ideology in this nation ??
The one in the 2010 Dem bill - it would have been illegal to ask for it for anything but employment. There's your STUPID BRAINWASHED RW IDIOCY, another commie plot. Christ you people are nuts. You'll have illegals FOREVER. Just the way your greedy idiot masters actually like it, dupe. Cheap, easily bullied labor. Stupidest voters in the world...
How many times have you been to a store, were in line, then a friend with you runs to grab something, then steps back in to join you? Have you ever been in a ski lift line- or even a grocery store?

Yes it's annoying to the people behind you--but this horrible woman (just assumed) that they were in this country illegally, when they may not have been. This she is accusing them of us paying for their gifts, when clearly ILLEGALS are NOT eligible for WELFARE benefits, (unless) they have given birth to a U.S. baby in this country.

I'll bet you if they could speak English, she wouldn't have said a word to them, out of fear she would get bitch slapped.

Not too many Welfare recipients do their shopping at J.C. Pennies--LOL They're at Walmart.

You people do not seem to understand that Mexico actually does have a middle and upper class in that country, that do frequent the United States via tourist visa's--to visit our tourist districts and their relatives and friends.
. The misguided opinions of the I'll informed in this nation, have been caused by the lawless left, and then when it raises it's ugly head the left spring into action trying to accuse those who it has created as vile, stupid or haters. The left destroy's, and then when the reaction comes around, it runs to hide it's hand about what it has done to cause such things in society. I feel sorry for both the people involved, because both shouldn't have been placed into the situation they have been placed in today by the ignorant do gooder leftist that had gained way to much influence in this nation over time to begin with.

This woman is vile, hateful and dumber than shit. They should have made her the poster Bitch for the Trump campaign.
. That all you got ??? Not a very good open minded debater or explainer about what your side has done are you ?? You see it all has to go back to the beginning of the crisis in this country concerning the illegals being confused with the legals, and who manufactured the crisis. I will say she is a confused individual that may have a more deeper condition that had been brought on by the policies and events that have taken place over time. Yes it looks bad now, but they are both victims in the bigger scheme of things.

Look Obama is the President that has deported more illegals than any other President in the history of this nation.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Ronald Reagan legalized all illegals in the 1980's that were here.

What you want to do is go out on a Gestapo raid. You don't want any immigration reform, you want to penalize children who through no fault of their own ended up here, because their parents crossed the line.

And that's what is infuriating. As if you could even find 11 million illegals anyway.
I want eh ? Now where on earth do you get your misinformation from ?? Good grief.
Listening to you and the other ignorant dupes, jackass...
. The misguided opinions of the I'll informed in this nation, have been caused by the lawless left, and then when it raises it's ugly head the left spring into action trying to accuse those who it has created as vile, stupid or haters. The left destroy's, and then when the reaction comes around, it runs to hide it's hand about what it has done to cause such things in society. I feel sorry for both the people involved, because both shouldn't have been placed into the situation they have been placed in today by the ignorant do gooder leftist that had gained way to much influence in this nation over time to begin with.

This woman is vile, hateful and dumber than shit. They should have made her the poster Bitch for the Trump campaign.
. That all you got ??? Not a very good open minded debater or explainer about what your side has done are you ?? You see it all has to go back to the beginning of the crisis in this country concerning the illegals being confused with the legals, and who manufactured the crisis. I will say she is a confused individual that may have a more deeper condition that had been brought on by the policies and events that have taken place over time. Yes it looks bad now, but they are both victims in the bigger scheme of things.

Look Obama is the President that has deported more illegals than any other President in the history of this nation.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Ronald Reagan legalized all illegals in the 1980's that were here.

What you want to do is go out on a Gestapo raid. You don't want any immigration reform, you want to penalize children who through no fault of their own ended up here, because their parents crossed the line.

And that's what is infuriating. As if you could even find 11 million illegals anyway.
I want eh ? Now where on earth do you get your misinformation from ?? Good grief.
Listening to you and the other ignorant dupes, jackass...

Pub crap
The old woman had no idea if they were illegal or on welfare. She went batshit in the middle of a crowded store over a scenario she brewed up in her crazy little brain.

To be honest I didn't even look at the OP, because bed wetters are full of shit.

What I was arguing is the fact illegals come in, and absorb resources. More than they provide in return. They get money from the government that is supposed to be for US Citizens who are negatively affected when meat puppet faggots get in the WH and a state of malaise envelopes the county.

So if some cow loses her shit and berates some beaner in public I don't care. The next president's daughter can't get on a commercial flight during the Christmas holiday with her family without some faggots ruining it.
You feqqing hater dupes are so dumb it's hilarious. We'll have the illegal problem until the GOP allows a good ID card. Idiots. And 62% is idiocy. LINK? 94% of illegal men work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes. PASS THE GODDAMN COMPREHENSIVE BILL OF 2011 WITH A GOOD ID CARD. Morons!!

We do its called drivers license, you lefty dupes bitch if we try to make peoe have one to vote let alone just have one

Again you walk into a Welfare office, you're going to be showing much more than a drivers license to get benefits. A birth certificate would be required, bank statements showing you don't make any money--that computer would get turned on to match the birth certificate to a social security number, address's and everything else.

So if YOU were an illegal worried about getting caught & deported, would you walk into a Welfare office to apply for benefits? You would have to be pretty dam STUPID to do that.

While we're on this topic you would also have to be pretty dam stupid to try and cast a vote in an election. They are not going to do anything that would risk them getting caught and deported.

Again.thank you for disproving the lie on the need for voter.id ,the excuse that people can't get it because the y are poor is negated by your post, but some states do give welfare through the state, kinda like sanctuary cities........
But no doubt you're against a good SS ID card to stop illegal immigration. Because that's a commie plot. Moron dupes...
This woman is vile, hateful and dumber than shit. They should have made her the poster Bitch for the Trump campaign.
. That all you got ??? Not a very good open minded debater or explainer about what your side has done are you ?? You see it all has to go back to the beginning of the crisis in this country concerning the illegals being confused with the legals, and who manufactured the crisis. I will say she is a confused individual that may have a more deeper condition that had been brought on by the policies and events that have taken place over time. Yes it looks bad now, but they are both victims in the bigger scheme of things.

Look Obama is the President that has deported more illegals than any other President in the history of this nation.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Ronald Reagan legalized all illegals in the 1980's that were here.

What you want to do is go out on a Gestapo raid. You don't want any immigration reform, you want to penalize children who through no fault of their own ended up here, because their parents crossed the line.

And that's what is infuriating. As if you could even find 11 million illegals anyway.
I want eh ? Now where on earth do you get your misinformation from ?? Good grief.
Listening to you and the other ignorant dupes, jackass...

Pub crap
You got nothing fool. Try and remember that and learn something for once.
It's amazing that none of the onlookers said anything.
Sometimes there are no words for the stupidity. I had a white lady turn to me the other day in line and say she wished they would hire people that spoke english clearly. I was so shocked I didnt know what to say.
. Must have been talking about the Indians from India that run so many businesses now. It's worse in the hospital's, where they send in the people that barely speak good English, and them attempting to console or help a patient that only recognizes good plain spoken English. I have witnessed this myself, and it was sad seeing a patient struggling to understand language at such a crucial time in their life.
Its only sad to me if the only people that went to the hospital only spoke english.

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