Radical left are losing their minds over being called “groomers”.

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What exactly do you think the schools are teaching about homosexuality and transsexuality? Point to something specific and how you think it’s damaging to children

How is this damaging to kids? The same way it would be if you convinced kids that if they jumped off a cliff they could fly.
Are you saying if a female wants to be a transmale she can’t and vise versa?
Definitely. Btw, I thought “male” and “female” were biological terms. I heard sex is different from gender and that was how gender could be changed. But now sex can be changed?
Then you should engage in debate and address the topic. Stop dodging. Should be easy for you to beat be with facts and actual debate if I’m dumber than shit. So do it
I did and your ass is red as a baboon. Have a good night.
Definitely. Btw, I thought “male” and “female” were biological terms. I heard sex is different from gender and that was how gender could be changed. But now sex can be changed?
If you’re really that confused by it the you should do a little more research.

Transgender people do exist in real life. They are actually here. Deny it all you want but all the letters LBGTQ etc are real people. You can play dumb and ignorant but I dont know why you think that would be doing you any favors
If you’re really that confused by it the you should do a little more research.

Transgender people do exist in real life. They are actually here. Deny it all you want but all the letters LBGTQ etc are real people. You can play dumb and ignorant but I dont know why you think that would be doing you any favors
Unfortunately, they are also the ones who are confused! G-d never created anything outside of one man-one woman design for marriage and sexuality. It is man's evil, unregenerate heart that causes this.
Yes, they are. That’s why lefties are writing articles about it and people get posts deleted and banned when they use the word.
Poor thing. Thinks everyone is out to get him.

You have a whole thread about groomers and no one has yet to shut you down. What does that tell you?

You may want to get treated for all those psychoses. Just saying. Good luck. :itsok:
Unfortunately, they are also the ones who are confused! G-d never created anything outside of one man-one woman design for marriage and sexuality. It is man's evil, unregenerate heart that causes this.
God made much more. He made men who love and are attracted to other men, females that identify as males. Humans with both male and female chromosomes, people with handicaps, Down’s syndrome, savants, etc etc etc. the world ain’t black and white.
God made much more. He made men who love and are attracted to other men, females that identify as males. Humans with both male and female chromosomes, people with handicaps, Down’s syndrome, savants, etc etc etc. the world ain’t black and white.
Nope. Scripture after scripture makes it crystal clear that homosexuality is just as much sin as anything else. the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and is the de-facto moral standard that everyone should live by. No questions asked!
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