Radical left are losing their minds over being called “groomers”.

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Radical left, radical right, who cares about them? I remember how radical rightists‘ heads exploded over being called insurrectionists. What’s the point of constantly pointing out what the fringe elements of either side think?
I wish someone can point out to me what legislation is being influenced by the "RADICAL LEFT" that attempts to legalize pedophilia.....
Thread closed, the topic has lost its way in the discussion
Uncensored2008 brought up anal sex in post 201 which is what I was responding to.

im sure some schools are doing too much and others not enough when it comes to sex Ed for children. It’s a case by case thing that should be handled by parents and school boards

Kids 5 to at least 8 or 9 do not more than which bathroom to use and GENERAL HEALTH notes. You start with 50 hours of sex/gender orientation and get them focused on that -- it'll be hard to get minds BACK on ABCs and counting to 100. They'll be comparing genitals in the bathroom.
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