Radical Muslims Against Trump


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
CAIR = Criminal Association of Islamic Radicals...
Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Ted Deutch Stand with Radical Muslims Against Trump
Former CAIR operatives allowed to speak from podium bearing Congressional Seal.
February 6, 2017
Joe Kaufman

On January 30th, United States Representatives Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Ted Deutch held a press conference along with radical Muslims, at the Fort Lauderdale Airport, to speak out against President Donald Trump’s travel ban on seven nations compromised by terrorism, claiming the ban was targeting Muslims. It was done just weeks after another press conference was held at the airport – to announce the ISIS-inspired attack perpetrated by gunman Esteban Santiago. The irony and unseemliness of the two Congressmen’s event cannot be ignored.

Demonstrators, onlookers and media surrounded a podium bearing the Seal of the United States Congress, as a press conference calling for an end to the Trump travel ban was held, on a beautiful Monday afternoon, outside at the Fort Lauderdale Airport. For Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Ted Deutch to speak at that podium is understandable; they are US Representatives. However, for Khurrum Wahid, an individual associated with radical Muslim groups, to speak at such a podium, as he did, is entirely inappropriate and offensive.

Wahid is a South Florida attorney who has built his name on representing high profile terrorists, including operatives from al-Qaeda. One of his clients, Miami imam Hafiz Khan, shipped $50 thousand to the Pakistani Taliban specifically to murder American troops overseas. According to the Miami New Times, Wahid himself was placed on a federal terrorist watch list in 2011. Wahid is the founder and co-chairman of Emerge USA, a Muslim organization that, despite its pleasant sounding name, sponsors political forums at radical mosques. These mosques include:

1. Tampa’s al-Qassam, which was founded by Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Sami al-Arian; 2. Pembroke Pines’ Darul Uloom, which has served a number of al-Qaeda recruits and which is headed by anti-gay imam Shafayat Mohamed; and 3. the Islamic Center of Boca Raton, which was co-founded by Hamas web designer Syed Khawer Ahmad and al-Arian associate Bassem Alhalabi, whose founding imam Ibrahim Dremali was placed on the federal ‘no fly’ list, and which built its current mosque using seed money from the al-Qaeda charity Global Relief Foundation.

Emerge has also held events at the Islamic Foundation of South Florida (IFSF). IFSF’s Youth Director, Abdur Rahman al-Ghani, has a Facebook page littered with anti-American, anti-Jewish and Islamic supremacist language and images. In December 2012, he wrote, “Zionist/Israelis… are demonic and the most evil on earth.” In March 2012, he posted a graphic stating, “ISLAM WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD.” And in February 2012, he posted a bloodied CIA logo with the caption, “Wiping out the CIA.” Khurrum Wahid is the Registered Agent for IFSF’s corporation.

Representative Wasserman Schultz has not always been comfortable with the group Emerge USA. In March 2012, following a scathing article this author and his colleague wrote about Wasserman Schultz’ upcoming keynote address at Emerge’s 2012 annual fundraising banquet, the Congresswoman felt it necessary to cancel her speech and pull out of the event. In fact, another US Congressman, Alcee Hastings, canceled his participation in the banquet, as well.

Prior to creating Emerge, Wahid served as a legal advisor for the national office of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and a director of CAIR’s Florida chapter.


Wasserman Schultz and Deutch are career politicians and crass opportunists. Their love fest with radical Muslims is endangering their constituents and national security. Both politicians should be called to account for misusing their positions and enabling the sinister agendas and stealth jihad being waged by Islamists such as Khurrum Wahid and Ghazala Salam.
Progressives have been all-in with Muslims for quite some time now. The more attacks that happen, the more they will dig their heels in. There is no going back at this point.

Progressives are treasonous c_nts that want to see the destruction of capitalist white Christian America. Muslims help them achieve that goal, even if those Muslims also want to enslave women and kill queers.
Progressives have been all-in with Muslims for quite some time now. The more attacks that happen, the more they will dig their heels in. There is no going back at this point.

Progressives are treasonous c_nts that want to see the destruction of capitalist white Christian America. Muslims help them achieve that goal, even if those Muslims also want to enslave women and kill queers.
They will also kill the progressive left wingers, they (islam) hate people who turn on their own, there just using the left...
Progressives have been all-in with Muslims for quite some time now. The more attacks that happen, the more they will dig their heels in. There is no going back at this point.

Progressives are treasonous c_nts that want to see the destruction of capitalist white Christian America. Muslims help them achieve that goal, even if those Muslims also want to enslave women and kill queers.
They will also kill the progressive left wingers, they (islam) hate people who turn on their own, there just using the left...

The progressives' hatred for America is so great they are willing to sacrifice themselves for its destruction. It's there version of Jihad, cultural suicide via Islamification.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Ted Deutch are both radical zionists. Again it is so ironic that radical zionists support Israel which forbids any non-Jews from immigrating...
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Progressives have been all-in with Muslims for quite some time now. The more attacks that happen, the more they will dig their heels in. There is no going back at this point.

Progressives are treasonous c_nts that want to see the destruction of capitalist white Christian America. Muslims help them achieve that goal, even if those Muslims also want to enslave women and kill queers.
They will also kill the progressive left wingers, they (islam) hate people who turn on their own, there just using the left...

The progressives' hatred for America is so great they are willing to sacrifice themselves for its destruction. It's there version of Jihad, cultural suicide via Islamification.
Nah, they're so stupid, they think they will be spared.
President Trump: "We're Up Against an Enemy That Celebrates Death"
February 7, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

We haven't heard language like this in at least eight years. Instead of lecturing us on how ISIS has perverted a great and noble religion, President Trump had something very different to say in his speech at MacDill Air Force Base.


Islamic terrorists indeed do worship death. They will say things like, we love death, you love life. We love death, you love Coca Cola. They are taught from an early age that death means paradise and 72 virgins while life means existence in a corrupt world. They are taught to actively look forward to death and to gain paradise by killing non-Muslims.

And the truth is more horrible than most people want to recognize or address. Yet it must be discussed.

President Trump: "We're Up Against an Enemy That Celebrates Death"
Fuck the orange clown. Who cares what the asshole says, anyway. 96% chance it is not the truth, by past performance. LOL

He and the GOP were going to annihilate Obamacare by 21Jan17. What happened? Did reality sink through those thick skulls? LOL
Wasserman Schultz and Deutch are career politicians and crass opportunists. Their love fest with radical Muslims is endangering their constituents and national security. Both politicians should be called to account for misusing their positions and enabling the sinister agendas and stealth jihad being waged by Islamists such as Khurrum Wahid and Ghazala Salam.

Wasserman is trash and CAIR should be terminated, with its scumbag leaders like ibrahim cooper arrested and deported. Trump is considering designating the muslim brotherhood, for which CAIR is a front, as a terrorist organization, which would be one of the best things he could do. Removing these pieces of shit from the US is a must.
Fuck the orange clown. Who cares what the asshole says, anyway. 96% chance it is not the truth, by past performance. LOL

He and the GOP were going to annihilate Obamacare by 21Jan17. What happened? Did reality sink through those thick skulls? LOL

You know you've got the progressives in checkmate when the left starts screaming about the color orange, or Cheetos.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Ted Deutch are both radical zionists. Again it is so ironic that radical zionists support Israel which forbids any non-Jews from immigrating...

Wrong idiot - Israel has no such policy, but the mentally ill like yourself spouting such lies is truly helpful for the rest of us living in the factual world.

I looked that up, and turns out you are correct.

"...as many as 50 percent of recent immigrants are not halachically (according to Orthodox Jewish law) Jewish..."
Non-Jewish Immigrants Forcing Israel to Choose Between Being a "Jewish" State and a Democracy

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