Radical Right Wing Extremists Amnesia.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Radical Right Wing Extremists Amnesia.
Re-mem-ber Bush? Eight years of Bush caused the recession.

One well-known economist says that former President George W. Bush is to blame for the current economic crisis.

1. We cut taxes.

2. We spent $2 trillion on two unwinnable wars.

3. We doubled discretionary spending. Some conservatives originally aimed to "starve the beast" by cutting taxes in order to force future cuts in spending. But spending grew so out of control in Bush's term that no beast was starved, Roubini said. In fact, the beast was fed.

4. We added entitlement benefits like the Medicare drug benefit.

5. We entered the largest economic and financial crisis ever, which caused a huge increase in the deficit through the "recession deficit" and the cost of bailing out the banks and financial institutions.

Did George W. Bush cause this crisis?- MSN Money

Eight years of Bush that Rush Limbaugh must have been real “proud” of. And the Radical Right Wing Extremists selectively forgot. Now they want to blame Obama because he has not cleaned up the mess Bush made fast enough and economically. Bills that Bush racked up has to be paid and the Right want to take from the poor to pay them.

Obama‘s $814 billion stimulus bill and other remedies got us out of the worst economic slump since the Great Depression, keeping unemployment lower than it would have been.
And now the extremist leftist communist have added an additional 6 trillion dollars in debt and proclaim everything all better. ROFLMAO Bush has nothing on your dear leader when it comes to spending dollar for dollar.
And now the extremist leftist communist have added an additional 6 trillion dollars in debt and proclaim everything all better. ROFLMAO Bush has nothing on your dear leader when it comes to spending dollar for dollar.

The deficit got worse as time passed they tried to get everything under control.

Do you seriously think Obama caused this to happen since day 1 of his first term?
Although I do agree that this problem should have been turned around and progress should have started on reducing the deficit, but Congress is to blame.

Both Democrats and Republicans share the blame on that, honestly.

Democrats for not cutting enough, Republicans for fillbusting, keeping tax cuts, etc.

Either you cut spending to avoid a deficit, or you increase your income to match your spending. It's simple logic.
The freaking left won the election and they still want to blame Bush. Tell us how great your system works lefties. Otherwise you look like whining A-holes.
Did she really say, "got us out of the worst economic slump since the great depression"?

haha now that is good stuff right there. Aren't we basically the EXACT same place we were? ...well except nearly doubling the debt and higher taxes....
A former member of the Clinton administration wants to blame everything on the Bush administration not shocked by that.
Radical Right Wing Extremists Amnesia.
Re-mem-ber Bush? Eight years of Bush caused the recession.

One well-known economist says that former President George W. Bush is to blame for the current economic crisis.

1. We cut taxes.

2. We spent $2 trillion on two unwinnable wars.

3. We doubled discretionary spending. Some conservatives originally aimed to "starve the beast" by cutting taxes in order to force future cuts in spending. But spending grew so out of control in Bush's term that no beast was starved, Roubini said. In fact, the beast was fed.

4. We added entitlement benefits like the Medicare drug benefit.

5. We entered the largest economic and financial crisis ever, which caused a huge increase in the deficit through the "recession deficit" and the cost of bailing out the banks and financial institutions.

Did George W. Bush cause this crisis?- MSN Money

Eight years of Bush that Rush Limbaugh must have been real “proud” of. And the Radical Right Wing Extremists selectively forgot. Now they want to blame Obama because he has not cleaned up the mess Bush made fast enough and economically. Bills that Bush racked up has to be paid and the Right want to take from the poor to pay them.

Obama‘s $814 billion stimulus bill and other remedies got us out of the worst economic slump since the Great Depression, keeping unemployment lower than it would have been.

and yet obama followed pretty much the same track. aca will never fund itself.
Radical Right Wing Extremists Amnesia.
Re-mem-ber Bush? Eight years of Bush caused the recession.

One well-known economist says that former President George W. Bush is to blame for the current economic crisis.

1. We cut taxes.

2. We spent $2 trillion on two unwinnable wars.

3. We doubled discretionary spending. Some conservatives originally aimed to "starve the beast" by cutting taxes in order to force future cuts in spending. But spending grew so out of control in Bush's term that no beast was starved, Roubini said. In fact, the beast was fed.

4. We added entitlement benefits like the Medicare drug benefit.

5. We entered the largest economic and financial crisis ever, which caused a huge increase in the deficit through the "recession deficit" and the cost of bailing out the banks and financial institutions.

Did George W. Bush cause this crisis?- MSN Money

Eight years of Bush that Rush Limbaugh must have been real “proud” of. And the Radical Right Wing Extremists selectively forgot. Now they want to blame Obama because he has not cleaned up the mess Bush made fast enough and economically. Bills that Bush racked up has to be paid and the Right want to take from the poor to pay them.

If you are against the policies listed above, then how can you support Obama? He has quadrupled all the things you listed.

Obama‘s $814 billion stimulus bill and other remedies got us out of the worst economic slump since the Great Depression, keeping unemployment lower than it would have been.

The liberal capacity for self delusion has no natural limit.

Republicans were certain they had left Austerity for the Obama Administration as the only option.
Radical Right Wing Extremists Amnesia.
Re-mem-ber Bush? Eight years of Bush caused the recession.

One well-known economist says that former President George W. Bush is to blame for the current economic crisis.

1. We cut taxes.

2. We spent $2 trillion on two unwinnable wars.

3. We doubled discretionary spending. Some conservatives originally aimed to "starve the beast" by cutting taxes in order to force future cuts in spending. But spending grew so out of control in Bush's term that no beast was starved, Roubini said. In fact, the beast was fed.

4. We added entitlement benefits like the Medicare drug benefit.

5. We entered the largest economic and financial crisis ever, which caused a huge increase in the deficit through the "recession deficit" and the cost of bailing out the banks and financial institutions.

Did George W. Bush cause this crisis?- MSN Money
Eight years of Bush that Rush Limbaugh must have been real “proud” of. And the Radical Right Wing Extremists selectively forgot. Now they want to blame Obama because he has not cleaned up the mess Bush made fast enough and economically. Bills that Bush racked up has to be paid and the Right want to take from the poor to pay them.

Obama‘s $814 billion stimulus bill and other remedies got us out of the worst economic slump since the Great Depression, keeping unemployment lower than it would have been.

Krugman blames Bush for everything, how does that prove Republicans have amnesia?
But we though Obama swept in and saved us all?

just forget that 8% unemployment, 5 trillion more in dept, gas prices doubled, more poverty, exploding welfare, etc etc and this is all under Obama after FOUR YEARS...and they are STILL blaming Bush..

can they get any more pathetic
The Republicans love poor people. That's why they made so many of them while Bush was on watch.

The Democrats love poor people. That's they they keep them poor while Obama is on watch.

The UnConservatives crack me up when it comes to the causes of the crash. They run as fast as they can and take a running leap over Bush (who was all light and goodness, dontcha know) and land way the fuck back in the Carter Administration and blame him. :lol:

If gas goes up 50 cents, it's Obama's fault. But 8 million people get thrown out of work on Bush's watch and its CARTER's fault! BWA-HA-HA-HA! I've even seem them attempt to blame Obama for the crash. Amazing.
The Republicans love poor people. That's why they made so many of them while Bush was on watch.

The Democrats love poor people. That's they they keep them poor while Obama is on watch.

The UnConservatives crack me up when it comes to the causes of the crash. They run as fast as they can and take a running leap over Bush (who was all light and goodness, dontcha know) and land way the fuck back in the Carter Administration and blame him. :lol:

If gas goes up 50 cents, it's Obama's fault. But 8 million people get thrown out of work on Bush's watch and its CARTER's fault! BWA-HA-HA-HA! I've even seem them attempt to blame Obama for the crash. Amazing.

oh boy:doubt:
Gosh....with Obama being so terrible, you say, why didn't you vote him out? Golly!

Regards from Rosie
And now the extremist leftist communist have added an additional 6 trillion dollars in debt and proclaim everything all better. ROFLMAO Bush has nothing on your dear leader when it comes to spending dollar for dollar.

The deficit got worse as time passed they tried to get everything under control.

Do you seriously think Obama caused this to happen since day 1 of his first term?
Although I do agree that this problem should have been turned around and progress should have started on reducing the deficit, but Congress is to blame.

Both Democrats and Republicans share the blame on that, honestly.

Democrats for not cutting enough, Republicans for fillbusting, keeping tax cuts, etc.

Either you cut spending to avoid a deficit, or you increase your income to match your spending. It's simple logic.

Yep, then you have the lying dear leader who promised to cut deficits in half and proceeded to increase baseline spending 30% in his first year. My point was the communist left has absolutely no room to bitch about anything, they elected an ass hole that has done everything in his power to bankrupt this country from day one. Van Jones best laid out their strategy, bottom up, top down, they plan to collapse the system under it own weight and so far they're doing a damn good job of it.
Republicans were certain they had left Austerity for the Obama Administration as the only option.

Obama told us many times we need a balanced approach to dealing with our economic problems a combination of tax increases and spending cuts. Well he got two tax increases the increase on the rich and the Social Security increase from 4.2% to 6.2% on all of us who earn a check so when do we get the balancing spending cuts from Obama? He has put nothing forward and is now vilifying Republicans and the sequester cuts which was his idea to start with I'm failing to see the balance in his approach.
So how did Obama ever get 4 more years? Goodness gracious!

Regards from Rosie

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