Raise Retirement age and cut benefits or not?

those who make less get a higher percentage of their SS contributions in monthly payments and those at the top of SS payers get a lower percentage of their SS contributions in monthly payments.

this is how it has always worked....

so raising the cap DOES HELP shore up the program.

Also, for construction workers or hard labor workers, they can withdraw money from their 401k's / IRA's etc, earlier than the rest of us, without penalty for early withdraw....if due to physical job stress...

This can get them by until SS is avail or...

A similar program can be developed for SS where heavy lifting job workers can retire earlier...

Well then you're creating different categories for different people.

To put it another way, I don't do much in the way of heavy lifting. I'm a truck driver. So the question I have is, do you want to be the person in the car in front of me when I'm 68 years old piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle when highway traffic comes to a sudden stop?
Lets raise the retirement age to 70 because 70 year old people can still stand and work a full 8 hour shift without dropping dead...right? /SARCASM x10

Actually, they can

70 year olds are on better shape than 60 year olds 30 years ago


Why would they be in better shape today? True, we have more medical advancements, but that just makes you live longer. It doesn't make you in better shape. The body still wears out after so many abuses.

Not only are they in better shape, but medical advances let workers continue much, much longer

Used to be a heart attack forced your retirement...same with cancer

Also.....joints, hips are, easily replaced.
How about no??? How about we raise taxes on the top 5% and get the fuck out of the middle east????

Amazing how we fuck over people that worked and earned these benefits.
"Earned"? How so?....
BTW genius, the top marginal rate could be increased to 10% and it would not so much as a scratch in the deficit.
You are entitled to your simplistic politically motivated solutions. Doesn't mean they are realistic
Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.
No you do not raise the retirement age! Nobody wants to work till 70.
Yes, we raise the retirement age.

We don't cut benefits at the bottom.

We means test people off the top.

We then add some additional taxes for people who make over 1 million.

And we prosecute the hell out of anyone scamming the system.

The last has to happen. It's not fun to watch Granny and Grandpa go off to jail, but they must be accountable.
Mention means testing to anyone over the age of 65 and they will have you hanged from a yard arm....Even wealthy retirees, especially those that worked for their money as opposed to inheriting it or through investments jealously guard their SS check.....To them, its has another meaning. They call it "old age pension".....
Single payer with government negotiating the costs with the suppliers.
Medicare already is single payer. How would expanding single payer to everybody cut healthcare costs? It would allow the government to dictate what it will pay, but that would cause all kinds of healthcare availability problems. Now, it's available but expensive. Under single payer, there are long wait lists for critical care.
I have had government medical care since I was military dependent, on military active duty, and as a VA disability recipient. I have never had an unreasonable waiting period. If the government negotiates reasonable prices, there will be no such problem. Now before you ask me to prove it, you made the statement that there will be long waits for critical care. Prove it.
Single payer works without waitlists when it applies to limited segments of the population. When the entire population is on it (Canada, UK, etc) there is over - demand for a limited supply. When prices are fixed by the government, prices cannot adjust for the over - demand and the result is waitlists due to supply shortage.

Plenty of proof of that from Canada and the UK. Single payer was rejected when Democrats had near super majority.
One, UK and Canada and Australia are satisfied with national health care. So was Winston Churchill and Maggie Thatcher. No reason exists, except for greed, that such health care will not work here.
You going to deny that waitlists are a problem in the UK?

A&E waiting times are worst in a decade

It's Fakey here...he cares not at all for anything as insignificant as facts.
Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.
No you do not raise the retirement age! Nobody wants to work till 70.

70 is not that old

Offer early retirement for those who can't make 70 at reduced benefit.
Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.
No you do not raise the retirement age! Nobody wants to work till 70.
Wanting is irrelevant. The current system is not sustainable. Changes have to be made. And that means there will be pain and unpleasantness.
Lets raise the retirement age to 70 because 70 year old people can still stand and work a full 8 hour shift without dropping dead...right? /SARCASM x10

Actually, they can

70 year olds are on better shape than 60 year olds 30 years ago


Why would they be in better shape today? True, we have more medical advancements, but that just makes you live longer. It doesn't make you in better shape. The body still wears out after so many abuses.

Not only are they in better shape, but medical advances let workers continue much, much longer

Used to be a heart attack forced your retirement...same with cancer

Also.....joints, hips are, easily replaced.

Hmmm. According to Democrats, we are in worse shape today than we've ever been. We have a serious weight problem in this country not to mention bad diets. You know, DumBama forced all those restaurants to post calorie content in every item on the menu which cost restaurants plenty of money.

Well I'll be sure to tell Michelle what you said if I happen to meet her; we are in better shape than ever.
Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.
No you do not raise the retirement age! Nobody wants to work till 70.
Wanting is irrelevant. The current system is not sustainable. Changes have to be made. And that means there will be pain and unpleasantness.
Bullshit. Less war spending and raise taxes on the rich and corporations.

You cut them you can raise them back. Hillary will show you.
Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.
No you do not raise the retirement age! Nobody wants to work till 70.
Wanting is irrelevant. The current system is not sustainable. Changes have to be made. And that means there will be pain and unpleasantness.

The bottom line here is if we are going to have (or depend) on these social programs, we simply have to fund them. We have to increase the employee and employer contributions to these systems if we want to keep them.

Of course, that will take a huge chunk out of our paychecks and likely have an impact on our economy. But maybe then people will realize how our government programs are nothing more than a Ponzi scheme that can't be reasonably supported.
Means testing

ah ha! So what level? Somebody smart and frugal and works hard pays into it forever. Guy next door gets Boats Cars re-finance no-savings........fun fun fun. then at 62 he gets paid but smart guy = ZERO?

I'll let you sell that one. I know I know......."they" screwed it up and it needs fix.

What level? I suspect one dollar more than Fakey has.
Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.
No you do not raise the retirement age! Nobody wants to work till 70.
Wanting is irrelevant. The current system is not sustainable. Changes have to be made. And that means there will be pain and unpleasantness.

The bottom line here is if we are going to have (or depend) on these social programs, we simply have to fund them. We have to increase the employee and employer contributions to these systems if we want to keep them.

Of course, that will take a huge chunk out of our paychecks and likely have an impact on our economy. But maybe then people will realize how our government programs are nothing more than a Ponzi scheme that can't be reasonably supported.
The GOP have bankrupted the country and now instead of 1 billion guys like trump now have $10 billion. And you're telling us you got to fuck us more?

First Greece now us.
Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.

Doing as you say would make SS the ponzi scheme it always was. Why not raise it to the age that someone dies. Then all the money going into SS can be spent on illegals coming across the border?

That's what it was, originally. The average life expectancy in the US did not hit 65 until 1950!
How about no??? How about we raise taxes on the top 5% and get the fuck out of the middle east????

Amazing how we fuck over people that worked and earned these benefits.
They got away with it in Greece. That was a test. They'll do it here next. Austerity!

And we might elect a socialist too but can Bernie stop them? No because the American people are really stupid.
Lets raise the retirement age to 70 because 70 year old people can still stand and work a full 8 hour shift without dropping dead...right? /SARCASM x10

Actually, they can

70 year olds are on better shape than 60 year olds 30 years ago


Why would they be in better shape today? True, we have more medical advancements, but that just makes you live longer. It doesn't make you in better shape. The body still wears out after so many abuses.

Not only are they in better shape, but medical advances let workers continue much, much longer

Used to be a heart attack forced your retirement...same with cancer

Also.....joints, hips are, easily replaced.

Hmmm. According to Democrats, we are in worse shape today than we've ever been. We have a serious weight problem in this country not to mention bad diets. You know, DumBama forced all those restaurants to post calorie content in every item on the menu which cost restaurants plenty of money.

Well I'll be sure to tell Michelle what you said if I happen to meet her; we are in better shape than ever.
Work till you are 70 fatty
How about no??? How about we raise taxes on the top 5% and get the fuck out of the middle east????

Amazing how we fuck over people that worked and earned these benefits.
They got away with it in Greece. That was a test. They'll do it here next. Austerity!

And we might elect a socialist too but can Bernie stop them? No because the American people are really stupid.

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