Raise Retirement age and cut benefits or not?

Like Jake says....its' easy. They will come up with something to fix it? Whatever that "fix" is will most likely be bad for young and old. Unless those 94mil start working again soon (mention above).

Their separate retirement fund will remain AS-IS. Take a look at GOVT pensions on top left U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (big chunk of budget, how many of them? us? uh-huh).
Like Jake says....its' easy. They will come up with something to fix it? Whatever that "fix" is will most likely be bad for young and old. Unless those 94mil start working again soon (mention above).

Their separate retirement fund will remain AS-IS. Take a look at GOVT pensions on top left U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (big chunk of budget, how many of them? us? uh-huh).

I think one thing we could do is increase the contributions a working person can make tax-free to his or her IRA. Right now there is a limit of what you can save until you get taxed. The second thing we could do is allow people with their IRA's to withdraw tax-free as well, and only give them SS if they exhaust their private account.
"SS payroll reduction" when it was ended was titled by the far right as a tax increase.

So, fuck you, to the far right and libertarians.

Yes, we are going to fix SS; yes, the rich are going to do their part; and, yes, if the far right will be crushed if it gets in the way.

Not hard to understand.
"94mil start working again soon"

Yep, those who retired should start working again.

Yep, those in college and school should start working again.

Yep, the disabled should start working again.

Yep, the stay at home parents should start working again.

This is why the far right and libertarians are never to be trusted: they deceive.
Retirement age has already been raised. It's subtle, but it's been there since 1983:

Retirement Age Calculator
It needs to be further raised in order for projected deficits to not happen. Those projections already take onto account the 1983 law.
Well, you have to pay for the Democrats' "free shit" somehow, right???

This is just another attempt to rob working people to cover the deadbeats..

Want to talk "slavery" now???
No. It's an attempt to address the budget deficits you guys are always whining about.

The way this is done in a republic is for opposing parties to come together and agree to something.

Obama promised he would take in any body's idea and work with everybody, but he lied. If he hadn't been lying, he would have been a great president.

He tried but it is very hard when the other side is spending the whole time trying to make you a one term president. (they admitted to that)

The GOP side has had tea partiers running against any Republican they considered a moderate... Or are you blaming Democrats for coming up with the term RINO.
if one makes over one million per year, they should be given everything. If one makes 40 grand per year(a slave wage, you cannot argue this), then they should never retire. Great place.
Like Jake says....its' easy. They will come up with something to fix it? Whatever that "fix" is will most likely be bad for young and old. Unless those 94mil start working again soon (mention above).

Their separate retirement fund will remain AS-IS. Take a look at GOVT pensions on top left U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (big chunk of budget, how many of them? us? uh-huh).

I think one thing we could do is increase the contributions a working person can make tax-free to his or her IRA. Right now there is a limit of what you can save until you get taxed. The second thing we could do is allow people with their IRA's to withdraw tax-free as well, and only give them SS if they exhaust their private account.

And just how does that motivate people to save ????
Retirement age has already been raised. It's subtle, but it's been there since 1983:

Retirement Age Calculator
It needs to be further raised in order for projected deficits to not happen. Those projections already take onto account the 1983 law.
Well, you have to pay for the Democrats' "free shit" somehow, right???

This is just another attempt to rob working people to cover the deadbeats..

Want to talk "slavery" now???
No. It's an attempt to address the budget deficits you guys are always whining about.

The way this is done in a republic is for opposing parties to come together and agree to something.

Obama promised he would take in any body's idea and work with everybody, but he lied. If he hadn't been lying, he would have been a great president.

He tried but it is very hard when the other side is spending the whole time trying to make you a one term president. (they admitted to that).

Correct. Democrats would never dream of making a President of the opposing party a one-term President. Why they would stand behind him all the way. :blahblah::blahblah:
Keep raising retirement age and no one will be able to collect. First get Congress on same plan....
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"Democrats would never dream of making a President of the opposing party a one-term President. Why they would stand behind him all the way." Opposition vs. obstruction?:blahblah::blahblah:
Like Jake says....its' easy. They will come up with something to fix it? Whatever that "fix" is will most likely be bad for young and old. Unless those 94mil start working again soon (mention above).

Their separate retirement fund will remain AS-IS. Take a look at GOVT pensions on top left U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (big chunk of budget, how many of them? us? uh-huh).

I think one thing we could do is increase the contributions a working person can make tax-free to his or her IRA. Right now there is a limit of what you can save until you get taxed. The second thing we could do is allow people with their IRA's to withdraw tax-free as well, and only give them SS if they exhaust their private account.

And just how does that motivate people to save ????

Contributing tax-free money into your retirement account already inspires people to save. The only problem is that you have a limit as to how much you can contribute to your retirement account before being taxed. Increasing that ceiling would inspire people to sock more money away for retirement.
Funny how libs use the repubs are going to take your SS to get elected and now themselves want to take SS away
"SS payroll reduction" when it was ended was titled by the far right as a tax increase.

So, fuck you, to the far right and libertarians.

Yes, we are going to fix SS; yes, the rich are going to do their part; and, yes, if the far right will be crushed if it gets in the way.

Not hard to understand.

If a Republican robbed SS like DumBama did, we never would have heard the end of it, especially now that they are trying to figure out a fix for this yet another failed government program.
if one makes over one million per year, they should be given everything. If one makes 40 grand per year(a slave wage, you cannot argue this), then they should never retire. Great place.

Come on. SSI is a program with dollars paid in. It seems like accounting nightmare to suddenly say those high-income did not pay in enough. They should pay more.....starting when? how much? does it affect what if any they get back?

you don't just wave a magic wand and start taking money. If you want a special
"adjustable" TAX on high income to offset SSI shortfall then push for it. Start it up! common man won't mind as long as they not lose job.
The second thing we could do is allow people with their IRA's to withdraw tax-free as well, and only give them SS if they exhaust their private account.

That ain't exactly something to ignore. There is a point where ~40K tax free looks a whole lot better than 2K/mo. taxable. I am sure it would become popular. Forgo one......live better as long as you can.

FEDS would now have money that they don't get bite of from start to finish. yeeee--haaa!
Like Jake says....its' easy. They will come up with something to fix it? Whatever that "fix" is will most likely be bad for young and old. Unless those 94mil start working again soon (mention above).

Their separate retirement fund will remain AS-IS. Take a look at GOVT pensions on top left U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (big chunk of budget, how many of them? us? uh-huh).

I think one thing we could do is increase the contributions a working person can make tax-free to his or her IRA. Right now there is a limit of what you can save until you get taxed. The second thing we could do is allow people with their IRA's to withdraw tax-free as well, and only give them SS if they exhaust their private account.

Another idea where the working man pays for everything and likely would received nothing. Not sure how fair that is.
I read where they may cure "aging." If they do what does that mean to SS? We can say people should work to 70 or older but the truth is the body does wear out that is why 65 was chosen in the first place.
Like Jake says....its' easy. They will come up with something to fix it? Whatever that "fix" is will most likely be bad for young and old. Unless those 94mil start working again soon (mention above).

Their separate retirement fund will remain AS-IS. Take a look at GOVT pensions on top left U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (big chunk of budget, how many of them? us? uh-huh).

I think one thing we could do is increase the contributions a working person can make tax-free to his or her IRA. Right now there is a limit of what you can save until you get taxed. The second thing we could do is allow people with their IRA's to withdraw tax-free as well, and only give them SS if they exhaust their private account.

Another idea where the working man pays for everything and likely would received nothing. Not sure how fair that is.

It would be plenty fair if it was an option. Withdraw money tax-free and don't collect SS until needed, or collect both but pay taxes on the IRA money.

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