Raise Retirement age and cut benefits or not?

Sure, if you sit behind a desk or have a non-labor job, working until 70 might be a good idea. But when you've been torturing your body your entire life doing manual labor, you're lucky if you can make it to 65.

Exactly right. And even the easier jobs tear you up getting back and forth in two hour commutes. Bad hips, legs. You end up sitting 14 hour days. No way they going up two story ladder with shingles.

If they ever were able to get the 70 year old retirement law passed, I hope every representative that votes for it needs an ambulance in the future, and when the come, two 68 year old guys jump out. Good luck getting to the hospital. LOL!
Stop the nonsense. Raise the retirement age to 70 and cap the tax at $1 million.

Yeah, raise the retirement age.

It's funny how the people that always make that suggestion are on television or radio with nothing heavier to lift than a microphone or a book.

Do you want to see a 70 year old climb up ladders two or three stories with a bundle of roof shingles on his shoulders? Do you want to see the 70 year old laborer carrying clamps of bricks to the bricklayer? How about those guys that dump your garbage cans into the garbage truck? Think a person can do that until they are 70 years old? What about the appliance delivery guys that have to go up and down steps with refrigerators, washers and dryers?

Sure, if you sit behind a desk or have a non-labor job, working until 70 might be a good idea. But when you've been torturing your body your entire life doing manual labor, you're lucky if you can make it to 65.
I'm in Construction and what you are saying is exactly right...........been busting ass since 1984 and I'm starting to feel it already.........I'll be lucky to see a dime..................No way I can do it till 70............

65 being a stretch of it as well.................
Stop the nonsense. Raise the retirement age to 70 and cap the tax at $1 million.

Yeah, raise the retirement age.

It's funny how the people that always make that suggestion are on television or radio with nothing heavier to lift than a microphone or a book.

Do you want to see a 70 year old climb up ladders two or three stories with a bundle of roof shingles on his shoulders? Do you want to see the 70 year old laborer carrying clamps of bricks to the bricklayer? How about those guys that dump your garbage cans into the garbage truck? Think a person can do that until they are 70 years old? What about the appliance delivery guys that have to go up and down steps with refrigerators, washers and dryers?

Sure, if you sit behind a desk or have a non-labor job, working until 70 might be a good idea. But when you've been torturing your body your entire life doing manual labor, you're lucky if you can make it to 65.
I'm in Construction and what you are saying is exactly right...........been busting ass since 1984 and I'm starting to feel it already.........I'll be lucky to see a dime..................No way I can do it till 70............

65 being a stretch of it as well.................

Well I know this because most of my family on my fathers side was or is in construction. I used to labor for my now retried bricklayer father, so I know where you're coming from.

In construction, people live a life of surgeries just to remain working. My father had three back operations, and the last one they told him if he continued construction, he would probably end up in a wheelchair. My father fought the odds because he loved his work.

Now I have two cousins who are remodelers and both need surgeries just to make it to retirement. Without those surgeries, neither might work until then.
Means testing

ah ha! So what level? Somebody smart and frugal and works hard pays into it forever. Guy next door gets Boats Cars re-finance no-savings........fun fun fun. then at 62 he gets paid but smart guy = ZERO?

I'll let you sell that one. I know I know......."they" screwed it up and it needs fix.
Stop the nonsense. Raise the retirement age to 70 and cap the tax at $1 million.

Yeah, raise the retirement age.

It's funny how the people that always make that suggestion are on television or radio with nothing heavier to lift than a microphone or a book.

Do you want to see a 70 year old climb up ladders two or three stories with a bundle of roof shingles on his shoulders? Do you want to see the 70 year old laborer carrying clamps of bricks to the bricklayer? How about those guys that dump your garbage cans into the garbage truck? Think a person can do that until they are 70 years old? What about the appliance delivery guys that have to go up and down steps with refrigerators, washers and dryers?

Sure, if you sit behind a desk or have a non-labor job, working until 70 might be a good idea. But when you've been torturing your body your entire life doing manual labor, you're lucky if you can make it to 65.
I'm in Construction and what you are saying is exactly right...........been busting ass since 1984 and I'm starting to feel it already.........I'll be lucky to see a dime..................No way I can do it till 70............

65 being a stretch of it as well.................
There will be none of them socialist programs left by the time you get there, the fiscal gap is too great.

Better watch out for yourself, the government certainly will not.
CDZ - Serious Proposal for Budgetary Reform | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

another thread.........on it I've shown potential cuts to save a lot of money.........of course it will not happen...............but we have a bloated Gov't.................and there is plenty of fat to cut to get ourselves back on track.

"They" won't even work on the lowest hanging fruit! "They" do nothing and say "that won't help" or "austerity did not work elsewhere" or "this problem is bigger" or "you can't cut your way out of it"
Stop the nonsense. Raise the retirement age to 70 and cap the tax at $1 million.

Yeah, raise the retirement age.

It's funny how the people that always make that suggestion are on television or radio with nothing heavier to lift than a microphone or a book.

Do you want to see a 70 year old climb up ladders two or three stories with a bundle of roof shingles on his shoulders? Do you want to see the 70 year old laborer carrying clamps of bricks to the bricklayer? How about those guys that dump your garbage cans into the garbage truck? Think a person can do that until they are 70 years old? What about the appliance delivery guys that have to go up and down steps with refrigerators, washers and dryers?

Sure, if you sit behind a desk or have a non-labor job, working until 70 might be a good idea. But when you've been torturing your body your entire life doing manual labor, you're lucky if you can make it to 65.
I'm in Construction and what you are saying is exactly right...........been busting ass since 1984 and I'm starting to feel it already.........I'll be lucky to see a dime..................No way I can do it till 70............

65 being a stretch of it as well.................

Well I know this because most of my family on my fathers side was or is in construction. I used to labor for my now retried bricklayer father, so I know where you're coming from.

In construction, people live a life of surgeries just to remain working. My father had three back operations, and the last one they told him if he continued construction, he would probably end up in a wheelchair. My father fought the odds because he loved his work.

Now I have two cousins who are remodelers and both need surgeries just to make it to retirement. Without those surgeries, neither might work until then.
We just lost a guy at 58..................his back went out and is permanently disabled............Great Guy..........worked his ass off forever...............Wife fighting Lukemia................Working massive overtime to help pay for that................until the last few years.........mild stroke at work................extreme dehydration and hospital..............lost blood as well.............finally his back went out and it was over..............................

Haven't heard from him in a while...........don't know the end.................without the extra money for the Lukemia............don't know..........she has managed to keep a job in between trying to stay alive............passing out at work trying to keep the money flowing........

Horrible situation to good people.
Means testing

ah ha! So what level? Somebody smart and frugal and works hard pays into it forever. Guy next door gets Boats Cars re-finance no-savings........fun fun fun. then at 62 he gets paid but smart guy = ZERO?

I'll let you sell that one. I know I know......."they" screwed it up and it needs fix.
Yes, it can be fixed very easily, if both parties will sit down and be reasonable.
Stop the nonsense. Raise the retirement age to 70 and cap the tax at $1 million.

Yeah, raise the retirement age.

It's funny how the people that always make that suggestion are on television or radio with nothing heavier to lift than a microphone or a book.

Do you want to see a 70 year old climb up ladders two or three stories with a bundle of roof shingles on his shoulders? Do you want to see the 70 year old laborer carrying clamps of bricks to the bricklayer? How about those guys that dump your garbage cans into the garbage truck? Think a person can do that until they are 70 years old? What about the appliance delivery guys that have to go up and down steps with refrigerators, washers and dryers?

Sure, if you sit behind a desk or have a non-labor job, working until 70 might be a good idea. But when you've been torturing your body your entire life doing manual labor, you're lucky if you can make it to 65.
I'm in Construction and what you are saying is exactly right...........been busting ass since 1984 and I'm starting to feel it already.........I'll be lucky to see a dime..................No way I can do it till 70............

65 being a stretch of it as well.................
There will be none of them socialist programs left by the time you get there, the fiscal gap is too great.

Better watch out for yourself, the government certainly will not.
I understand that...................most that we work with just joke about it................we actually laugh about dying running conduit up a 200 foot column................knowing we aren't going to get it..................
Thank goodness Republicans are in office and working on the problem to some degree:

New Social Security Rules to End Key Filing Strategies
Changes to claiming benefits could mean tens of thousands of dollars in lost retirement income
Oct. 31, 2015 11:12 a.m. ET

Congress is putting an end to two Social Security filing strategies that many couples have used to add tens of thousands of dollars to their retirement incomes. But there’s a six-month window in which couples who are at least 66 years old can take advantage of them, as well as a partial reprieve for some others.

The strategies under fire—known as file-and-suspend and a restricted application for spousal benefits—have made it possible for both members of a couple who are 66 or older to delay claiming benefits based on their own earnings records while one pockets a so-called spousal benefit based on the other’s earnings.

To do this, one individual files for benefits and suspends them, while the other files a restricted application to collect only a spousal benefit—not his or her own earned benefit even if it would be higher. That way, both individuals can take advantage of delayed retirement credits, which increase their earned benefits by 6% to 8% for each year in which they defer claiming between the ages of 66 and 70—and one gets some income from Social Security in the meantime.

New Social Security Rules to End Key Filing Strategies
CDZ - Serious Proposal for Budgetary Reform | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

another thread.........on it I've shown potential cuts to save a lot of money.........of course it will not happen...............but we have a bloated Gov't.................and there is plenty of fat to cut to get ourselves back on track.

"They" won't even work on the lowest hanging fruit! "They" do nothing and say "that won't help" or "austerity did not work elsewhere" or "this problem is bigger" or "you can't cut your way out of it"
I could cut 500 Billion out by myself....................let me get the chainsaw out and show them where the cuts go..............No Obama scalpel................I'd clear the forest.....................

They don't want to do it..................they want the perpetual debt until we go bust................It's a racket...........
You people are sick. How the fuck could anyone that doesn't make 1,000,000/year vote loserterian republican???

You're whining about how evil it is for old people to get what they worked for??? WTF?
:anj_stfu: We are discussing ways to save the damned thing..............:ahole-1:
Means testing

ah ha! So what level? Somebody smart and frugal and works hard pays into it forever. Guy next door gets Boats Cars re-finance no-savings........fun fun fun. then at 62 he gets paid but smart guy = ZERO?

I'll let you sell that one. I know I know......."they" screwed it up and it needs fix.
Yes, it can be fixed very easily, if both parties will sit down and be reasonable.

1. Get out of the wars
2. Raise taxes to 25% for all people within the top 5%. No loop holes.
3. Make it far harder for abled bodied younger people to get ssd.

Put the resources into ssi and wise investment.
Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.

Doing as you say would make SS the ponzi scheme it always was. Why not raise it to the age that someone dies. Then all the money going into SS can be spent on illegals coming across the border?
Retirement age has already been raised. It's subtle, but it's been there since 1983:

Retirement Age Calculator
It needs to be further raised in order for projected deficits to not happen. Those projections already take onto account the 1983 law.

How about we cut taxes and get the economy growing again, that should take care of everything. Strange, more people in the country but less paying into SS, not how it was suppose to work.
1. Get out of the wars
2. Raise taxes to 25% for all people within the top 5%. No loop holes.
3. Make it far harder for abled bodied younger people to get ssd.

Put the resources into ssi and wise investment.

1.) Military cost $700B to do nothing as it is? Wars? could you tell Muslims to stop killing?
2.) 25% flat tax with no loopholes may not be too bad.
3.) Who you going to pay to check them out? you got some 62 yr old who wants SSI but FED says you must keep working? When eligible they can take it. If you mean scamming SSDI system, then yes.

investment SSI? They took all the funds from AlGore Lockbox way way back and spent it. They should have bought HOG futures or IBM.
Retirement age has already been raised. It's subtle, but it's been there since 1983:

Retirement Age Calculator
It needs to be further raised in order for projected deficits to not happen. Those projections already take onto account the 1983 law.

How about we cut taxes and get the economy growing again, that should take care of everything. Strange, more people in the country but less paying into SS, not how it was suppose to work.

Plus many on the left forget their hero's SS payroll reduction as part of his economic strategy. Less money going into the pot that was already broken.

Let's see, we have 94 million Americans of working age not looking for work. Imagine if half of those people were back in the labor force contributing to the SS fund. That would help greatly.

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