Raise the draft age to 21 unless you are in the military.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1970. This was done because people were complaining about being eligible for the draft at 18, yet ineligible to vote after serving a tour.

You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.
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You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.

How about we make all "adult" things happen at the same age?

Drinking, signing contracts, joining the military, being drafted, being tried as an adult, paying for a hooker, voting....

They should all be the same age, you are either an adult or you are not, this stupid piecemeal is for the birds.

Oh, and that age should be 18

It'll allow the snowflakes a chance to grow up.

Voting rights and the ability to purchase or own property (land) should be revoked for draft dodgers... retroactively.

With rights comes responsibility.



There shouldn't be any college exemptions for the draft.

Your number comes up you go..... Especially if your a silver spoon snowflake. Plenty of time for college after you fix the mess the leaders, like your parents, got us all into..... That's if you live through the experience.


You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.

You do know why they want draftees and voluntary draftees to be as young as possible right?

They get you in there before you're old enough to know better.
Simple as that.
There's really no way to come up with a formula that determines a person 18 years 0 days old is "qualified" to vote while another person 17 years 364 days old, is not. It ain't like the Vote Fairy descends with a magic wand of flooby dust on one's 18th birthday.

In truth some people are knowledgeable and qualified at 18 or much younger while others expend their entire life never attaining that state at all. Which is why the Duopoly party dumbs everything down to catchphrased pandering.

What should really happen is we develop a civics test that determines whether you know enough about how things work in order to vote. Regardless of age. I'll wager we'd lose a hell of a lot more voters than we'd gain.
Seems unconstitutional.

The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1970. This was done because people were complaining about being eligible for the draft at 18, yet ineligible to vote after serving a tour.
The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1970. This was done because people were complaining about being eligible for the draft at 18, yet ineligible to vote after serving a tour.

You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.

Ummm... we don't actually have a military draft.
I would suggest a voting age of 35 myself, except
The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1970. This was done because people were complaining about being eligible for the draft at 18, yet ineligible to vote after serving a tour.

You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.

Ummm... we don't actually have a military draft.
It can be re-implemented and I am advocating that the minimum age should be 21 if it is re-implemented.

There shouldn't be any college exemptions for the draft.

Your number comes up you go..... Especially if your a silver spoon snowflake. Plenty of time for college after you fix the mess the leaders, like your parents, got us all into..... That's if you live through the experience.



There shouldn’t be state slavery and that is what conscription is.
The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1970. This was done because people were complaining about being eligible for the draft at 18, yet ineligible to vote after serving a tour.

You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.

Ummm... we don't actually have a military draft.
We do, but it just isn't active. That's why there is mandatory registration.

There shouldn't be any college exemptions for the draft.

Your number comes up you go..... Especially if your a silver spoon snowflake. Plenty of time for college after you fix the mess the leaders, like your parents, got us all into..... That's if you live through the experience.



There shouldn’t be state slavery and that is what conscription is.


In times of dire need what should the government do?

However if they're going to do it then their own sons and daughters should be at the head of the line.


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There is no draft

There is not a draft active at this particular time. That is to say, people are not currently being drafted into the military in the USA.

Conscription in the United States - Wikipedia

"However, the Selective Service System remains in place as a contingency plan; all male citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register so that a draft can be readily resumed if needed."

I am suggesting that the minimum age of such a draft, if it were ever resumed, should be 21 instead of 18.
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